We Meet Again [18+] | BxB

By KaviXander

602 68 23

In the heart of the city's underbelly thrives Damian, a young man who dances with danger, living off the thri... More



8 2 0
By KaviXander

Recap for the people who skipped the gore in the previous chapter:

In the oppressive atmosphere of a dimly lit room, Asher mercilessly interrogated the stalker sent by the mysterious figure known as Pierce. The man's silence only fueled Asher's determination, as he relentlessly sought answers to Pierce's intentions. As the stalker's resistance crumbled, he revealed Pierce's identity and was about to reveal the sinister plan that had been set in motion.

However, just as the truth seemed within reach, the stalker passed out, leaving Asher with an unconscious prisoner and unanswered questions. His trusted aide was ordered to tend to the man and prepare him for further interrogation once he regained consciousness.

As Asher retreated to his room, the weight of the unraveling mystery lingered in the air, casting a shadow over the unfolding events. Little did he know, the next 24 hours would bring the revelation of Pierce's plan and send shockwaves through the carefully constructed world of power and deception.

Recap ends here.


(So many warnings lately ;))

Asher ascended the grand staircase, his steps echoing faintly against the marble flooring as he made his way back to his bedroom, yearning for some respite amidst the turmoil of the night's events. However, before retiring for the night, he veered towards the guards stationed near Damian's bedroom, a faint crease of concern marring his brow as he approached them.

"Is Damian asleep?" Asher inquired, his tone tinged with a hint of weary apprehension. The guards nodded in unison, reassuring Asher that they had checked on Damian just thirty minutes ago, their vigilant eyes scanning the hall for any signs of trouble.

"That's good," Asher responded, a note of relief evident in his voice. "But we can't afford to let our guard down, especially now." He leaned in closer to the guards, his voice low and serious as he imparted his instructions.

"The man we caught earlier is one of Pierce's men. We need to stay extra cautious, make sure Damian is safe at all times," Asher emphasized, his gaze unwavering as he spoke. The guards exchanged a knowing look, a silent understanding passing between them as they affirmed their commitment to their duty.

As Asher turned to leave, the creak of the door behind him caught his attention, and he turned to see Damian standing there, a mixture of concern and curiosity in his expression. "What are you doing up at 4 a.m.?" Damian inquired, his voice raspy and tinged with a hint of sleepiness.

Asher offered a faint smile, a glint of affection and protectiveness in his eyes as he replied, "Just checking up on you, making sure everything's alright." Damian's appreciation was palpable, but he voiced his worries about Asher's lack of rest due to his constant vigilance over Damian's safety.

Damian's next words took him by surprise. "I know you have extra space in your room. I want to sleep there so you can get some rest and stop worrying about me," Damian proposed, a determined look in his eyes. Without waiting for an answer, Damian darted back into his room, gathering his essentials and the large monster truck plushie Asher had gifted him earlier.

As Damian reappeared at the doorway, a radiant smile lighting up his features, Asher couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth in his chest at Damian's thoughtful gesture, though he maintained his cool demeanor. "Looks like we're having a sleepover," Damian exclaimed excitedly, a sense of nostalgia coloring his words as he fondly recalled his past experiences with Leo and Jace, his former roommates.

"Let's go now," Damian exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement as he led the way to Asher's room. The familiarity of the path to Asher's room was evident in Damian's confident strides, a routine developed over the two months they had been living together.

Upon reaching Asher's room, Damian wasted no time in making himself at home, heading straight to the closet to retrieve a thick blanket to lay on the floor. Just as Damian's hand reached out to grab the blanket, a gentle touch halted his movement.

"Let's go now," Damian exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement as he led the way to Asher's room. The familiarity of the path to Asher's room was evident in Damian's confident strides, a routine developed over the two months they had been living together.

Upon reaching Asher's room, Damian wasted no time in making himself at home, heading straight to the closet to retrieve a thick blanket to lay on the floor. Just as Damian's hand reached out to grab the blanket, a gentle touch halted his movement. Asher's hand gently gripped Damian's, halting him in his tracks with a mischievous smile.

"You know, I think this bed can fit us just fine," Asher suggested with a playful glint in his eyes.

Damian's eyebrows arched in surprise, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. "Well, well, aren't you feeling adventurous today, Ash? I like it. Let's make ourselves comfortable then."

As they settled into Asher's inviting bed, Damian couldn't contain his excitement, as he sprawled out comfortably. 

With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he turned to Asher with a sly grin.

"You know what, Asher?" Damian began, his tone playful yet full of determination. "I've decided that I'm going to be sleeping here from now on. This bed is just too cozy to resist."

Asher raised an eyebrow in surprise at Damian's bold declaration, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Oh, really? And what makes you think I'll agree to that arrangement?"

Damian simply shrugged, a confident smirk playing on his lips. "Oh, come on, Ash. You know you love having me around. I'll keep you entertained. Plus, I make a great cuddler."

Asher couldn't help but smirk at Damian's audacity, realizing that resisting Damian's charm and determination would be futile. Asher relented, "Fine, only if you promise to cuddle every day."

Damian's eyes lit up, "Deal. Now, let's go get some snacks. Also, go change." 

Asher raised an eyebrow at Damian's sudden change in tone but couldn't help but be intrigued by the mischief brewing in his eyes. "Alright, but what's with the sudden urge to change my outfit?" he questioned, slightly wary of Damian's plans.

With a cheeky grin, Damian revealed his master plan. "I have a great idea."

Damian grabbed a bunch of snacks and brought them upstairs to the room, eager to see Asher's new outfit. His eyes twinkled at the display before him.

"Well, well, well, don't you look ravishing in my clothes," Damian teased, a playful glint in his eyes as he set the snacks down. "I must say, they suit you quite nicely."

Asher furrowed his brows. "I feel like I'm about to burst out of these clothes at any moment," he remarked, adjusting the snug attire as he looked into the mirror.

"Now you wear mine," Asher suggested with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Intrigued by the idea, Damian agreed, genuinely curious as he had never seen what Asher wore to bed before. "Sure, why not. What do you sleep in?" Damian asked, eagerly awaiting to see Asher's choice of sleeping attire.

As Asher rummaged through his closet, he emerged with a pair of sweatpants, handing them to Damian. Damian took the sweatpants, assuming there was more to come, but he soon realized that Asher was done when he saw Asher standing there, only in his sweatpants.

"Well, I guess less is more for you when it comes to sleepwear, huh?" Damian chuckled nervously, finding the situation unexpectedly amusing.

Damian excused himself to change into the other pair of sweatpants that Asher had brought out. Emerging from the closet, he sees Asher wearing a pair of sweatpants. 

It was the first time Damian had seen Asher like this, his built body on full display, and he couldn't help but be taken aback by the sight.

Damian tried to speak, but nothing came out, his cheeks growing even warmer as he tried to play it off with a nervous chuckle. 

He felt his heartbeat quicken at the sight of Asher's toned body, a rush of excitement coursing through him.

Unable to form a coherent sentence, Damian's gaze lingered on Asher's muscular frame, a warmth spreading through him as he met Asher's playful gaze. "You look... nice," Damian finally managed to say, the flirty tone in his voice unmistakable.

Asher's lips curved into a smirk, a spark of recognition in his eyes as he sensed Damian's interest. "I must say, you're quite the sight yourself," Asher replied, his voice laced with a hint of flirtation.

Damian couldn't suppress the heat rising in his cheeks, the flirty banter with Asher sending shivers of excitement down his spine. "Shut up and eat some snacks with me," Damian blurted out, his words taking on an unintentionally flirty tone that made Asher raise an eyebrow in amusement.

Asher grinned mischievously, a playful glint in his eyes as he leaned in closer to Damian. "Can't I just eat you instead," Asher replied, his voice laced with a hint of flirtation that made Damian's heart skip a beat.

Damian's breath caught in his throat as Asher's flirty remark sent a rush of heat through him, his pulse quickening at the suggestive undertone in Asher's words. A coy smile tugged at Damian's lips as he met Asher's gaze, feeling a flutter in his stomach at the intensity of their shared moment.

"You're tempting, but I think I'll stick with the snacks for now," Damian teased, his voice tinged with a playful flirtation that mirrored Asher's own. The air between them crackled with charged energy, a shared desire simmering just beneath the surface as they continued their banter.

Asher chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down Damian's spine as he leaned in even closer. "Oh, don't worry, there's plenty of time for snacks later. Right now, I've got my eyes set on something much sweeter," Asher murmured, his gaze locking with Damian's in a moment of unspoken understanding.

Their playful exchange had shifted into something more sensual, a dance of flirtation and desire that pulled them closer together. Damian felt a rush of excitement course through him, his heart racing as he allowed himself to lean into the magnetic pull of Asher's presence.

As the heat of the moment intensified, Asher took the lead and led Damian towards the bed, their eyes locked in a silent exchange of desire and anticipation. The air around them crackled with tension, their hearts beating in unison as they moved closer together.

However, their passionate embrace was abruptly interrupted when Damian plopped down onto a bag of chips that was haphazardly placed on the bed, the loud crinkling noise breaking the spell of the moment. Damian's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he quickly jumped up, a nervous laugh bubbling out of him as he glanced sheepishly at Asher.

Asher couldn't help but chuckle at Damian's playful clumsiness, a slight smirk playing on his lips as he watched Damian's flustered reaction. The unexpected interruption had brought a lightheartedness to their intense moment, easing the tension and allowing them to share a moment of laughter together.

Damian shook his head in disbelief, internally cursing himself for ruining the mood with his snack mishap. But Asher's playful expression and the way he looked at Damian with warmth and understanding reassured him that it was all part of the shared experience, a humorous moment to be remembered fondly.

Damian suggested that they lay down and get some rest, a smile playing on his lips as he looked at Asher. Asher nodded in agreement, a soft look of affection in his eyes as they settled onto the bed together.

As they lay side by side, Damian couldn't resist the urge to cuddle closer to Asher. He scooted closer, feeling Asher's warmth seeping into his bones as he wrapped his arms around him in a gentle embrace. Asher responded in kind, his arm wrapping around Damian's waist as they nestled into each other's arms.

Damian let out a contented sigh as he rested his head on Asher's arm, he could hear the rhythm of Asher's racing heartbeat. The room was bathed in a soft, comforting glow, the sound of their breathing as they lay entwined in each other's arms.

In that moment, with Asher's comforting presence enveloping him, Damian felt a deep sense of peace and contentment wash over him. Their bodies fit together perfectly, the closeness between them a tangible reminder of the bond they shared as they drifted off to sleep,


As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Asher stirred from his slumber, his eyes fluttering open. He felt the weight of Damian lying on top of his chest and couldn't help but smile at the sight of the sleeping man in his arms. The peaceful expression on Damian's face made something warm and tender bloom in Asher's heart.

Gently, Asher shifted his arm from Damian's mid-back to his lower-back area, reveling in the feel of Damian's curves and contours beneath his touch. A surge of warmth and desire coursed through him, but he quickly reined himself in, mentally facepalming for losing control in that vulnerable moment. Instead, he allowed his touch to be comforting and protective, wrapping his arm around Damian in a gentle embrace.

Just then, Damian stirred, his eyes slowly fluttering open as he became aware of his surroundings. He lifted his head and as he realized he was lying on top of Asher, a blush crept onto his cheeks, but Asher's warm gaze greeted him, dispelling any embarrassment he may have felt.

"Good morning," Asher murmured softly, his voice rough with sleep as he pressed a gentle kiss to Damian's forehead. The intimacy of the moment made Damian's heart swell with emotion, a soft smile gracing his lips as he snuggled closer to Asher. He dropped his head back down, moving deeper into Asher's neck.

As Damian's neck snapped up in realization of the time, he made a move to push himself back up, intending to start the day and head to work. But before he could fully disentangle himself from Asher's embrace, Asher's strong arm wrapped around his waist, pulling him back down against his chest.

Damian looked up at Asher in confusion, his brows furrowed in question. Asher's expression was soft and determined, a hint of mischief glinting in his eyes as he spoke, "I've decided to take the day off, and you're coming with me."

Damian's eyes widened in surprise at Asher's announcement. As the CEO and boss of the company, Asher rarely took time off, and it was even rarer for him to insist that someone else do the same. But the look in Asher's eyes told Damian that there was no room for argument.

Reluctantly, Damian settled back against Asher's chest, a soft smile tugging at his lips at the unexpected turn of events. He knew that Asher had a tendency to be fiercely protective and caring, and this gesture was a clear reminder of how much Asher valued their time together.

As they lay entwined in each other's arms, the weight of their impending responsibilities lifted from their shoulders. In that moment, they both knew that the day ahead would be spent in each other's company, a day of relaxation, laughter, and love.

As the morning sun continued to filter through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room, Asher remained awake, cherishing the sight of Damian nestled in his arms. He gently played with Damian's soft blonde hair, reveling in the silkiness beneath his fingertips. Lost in his thoughts and overwhelmed by the love he felt for the man in his arms, Asher inadvertently tugged on Damian's hair slightly, causing Damian to stir.

Feeling the tug on his hair, Damian shifted in his sleep, his movements unintentionally rubbing against Asher in a particularly sensitive area. Asher's breath hitched at the unexpected sensation, a rush of desire coursing through him at the unintentional contact. His heart raced, his body responding to Damian's touch in a way that left him breathless and wanting more.

Asher couldn't help but let out a soft groan, the pleasure of the moment overwhelming his senses. His grip on Damian tightened, pulling him closer, unable to resist the intoxicating allure of their shared intimacy.

But as the moment stretched on, Asher's rational mind kicked in, reminding him of the need for restraint and control.

As Damian stirred, he was met with the sound of Asher's groan echoing in the room, pulling him out of his slumber. The sensation of something pressing against him made his eyes snap open, and a jolt of realization shot through him as he felt Asher's arousal against him.

As Damian stirred, he was met with the sound of Asher's groan echoing in the room, pulling him out of his slumber. The sensation of something pressing against him made his eyes snap open, and a jolt of realization shot through him as he felt Asher's arousal against him.

Damian froze, uncertainty and surprise flashing across his features as he registered the current situation. He turned to look at Asher, who was watching him with a sly smirk playing on his lips. The tension in the air was palpable, a silent question hanging between them.

"You gonna take care of it?" Asher's teasing remark broke the silence, causing Damian's cheeks to flush with embarrassment. He gave Asher an apologetic smile, feeling a mix of awkwardness and desire swirling inside him. But Asher's playful expression and suggestive words sparked something within Damian, a flicker of daring that he couldn't ignore.

Meeting Asher's gaze, Damian's hesitation melted away, replaced by a newfound boldness. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he leaned in close to Asher, his breath ghosting over his lips. "Maybe I will," Damian whispered, his voice laced with promise and desire.

The tension between them crackled in the air, the shared moment charged with anticipation and longing. Their lips finally met in a heated kiss.

As Damian pulled away from their passionate kiss, his eyes met Asher's, filled with a mixture of vulnerability and desire. Breathless and flushed.

Slowly, Damian sat up, his body still pressed against Asher's as he straddled him. The warmth of their bodies melded together, creating a sense of unity that was both comforting and arousing. 

Damian started to rub against Asher, their movements were slow and sensual. The room was filled with the soft sounds of their breathing, a testament to the passion that burned brightly within them.

Their lips met once more, a soft and lingering kiss. As their bodies moved in sync, the world around them seemed to fade away.

With a tender touch, Asher began to remove the barriers that separated them, each piece of clothing falling away to reveal the raw, unfiltered passion that existed between them. The air around them seemed to shimmer with anticipation, a testament to the vulnerability and trust they shared.

As each article of clothing was removed, their bodies became more exposed, the curves and contours of their forms revealed in all their glory. The sight was breathtaking, a visual representation of the desire that had been building between them.

As the intensity of their passion reached new heights, Asher slowly broke their kiss, his eyes never leaving Damian's. He began to shift their positions, his strong arms wrapping around Damian's back.

As Asher settled on top of Damian, their cocks now fully erect and pressing against each other, the room seemed to grow hotter, the air thick with the scent of their desire. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, their breaths becoming more ragged as they explored the new sensations that came with this change in position.

With a soft, husky whisper, Asher took Damian's hand in his own, their fingers entwining as if they were two halves of a single whole. Asher then wrapped his other hand around both their arousal, his touch sending waves of pleasure crashing through them.

Their eyes locked once more, filled with passion and desire, as they began to rub their cocks together, their movements slow and deliberate at first. As they found their rhythm, their pace increased, their breaths becoming heavier with each passing second.

The sounds of their moans and the soft slapping of their bodies against each other filled the room, a testament to the raw, unbridled passion that now consumed them. Asher's hips moved in a steady rhythm, their cocks sliding against each other with a slick, wet sound that only served to fuel their desire.

Damian's eyes fluttered shut, his body arching up to meet Asher's every thrust, their cocks now slick with the mixture of their fluids.

Damian's moans grew louder, more urgent, as they neared the brink of release. Their eyes locked, filled with a raw intensity that mirrored the emotions coursing through their bodies. As they moved together, their breaths became shallow, their hearts pounding in sync.

With a final, powerful thrust, their bodies trembling as they released their passion onto Damian's stomach. The warm cum mingled together, creating a beautiful, lewd pattern that was a testament to the depth of their love and desire.

As they lay there, their bodies still connected, their breaths slowly returning to normal. Their desire for one another had brought them to this point, and they would cherish the memory of this moment forever.

Their hands resting on Damian's stomach, where their love had been unleashed. 

Damian shut his eyes, he was so tired.

Damian's eyes widened in surprise at Asher's unexpected move, he couldn't help but feel a thrill of anticipation course through him. The room seemed to grow even hotter, the air thick with the scent of their desire, as Asher pushed Damian's legs higher, their arousal still damp with the evidence of their recent encounters.

Asher's eyes locked with Damian's, filled with a raw intensity that mirrored the emotions coursing through their bodies. With a low groan, Asher thrust forward, his impressive size slowly penetrating Damian's tight hole. The sensation was both overwhelming and exhilarating, as Damian felt himself being stretched and filled by Asher's immense girth.

"Oh, fuck," Damian gasped, his voice trembling with a mix of pleasure and pain. His fingers dug into the sheets beneath him, his knuckles turning white as he tried to process the intensity of the feeling.

Asher paused halfway, his body still partially buried within Damian. Their eyes met once more, their gazes locked in a silent communication of raw desire and passion. With a soft, breathy moan, Asher began to pull back slightly, only to thrust forward again, slowly but steadily working his way deeper into Damian's welcoming body.

"You're so tight," Asher whispered, his voice thick with desire. "I can't believe how good you feel."

Damian could only respond with a low, guttural groan, his body still adjusting to the sensation of Asher's size filling him completely. As Asher's hips began to move in a slow, rhythmic motion, Damian felt himself loosening up, allowing Asher to slide in and out of him with increasing ease.

Their bodies moved in perfect sync, their breaths becoming shallow, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of their lovemaking. Asher's hands gripped Damian's hips, guiding their movements as he began to pick up the pace, his thrusts becoming more forceful and urgent.

"Fuck, yes," Damian cried out, his body arching to meet each powerful stroke. The pleasure was building within him, an intense, all-consuming wave that threatened to overwhelm him.

Asher's eyes locked onto Damian's once more, his gaze filled with a raw, primal hunger. With a low seductive whisper, he asked if it hurt. Asher began to thrust faster, harder, his body moving in perfect harmony with Damian's. Their moans filled the room, a symphony of passion and desire that seemed to fuel their lovemaking even further.

Their bodies trembled, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of their passion, as they reached the brink of release. With one final, powerful thrust, Asher threw his head back, his body shuddering as he filled Damian with his warmth.

With a soft, appreciative sigh, Damian pulled Asher even closer, their bodies still connected in the most intimate of ways. He could feel the remnants of Asher's release within him.

Asher's eyes met Damian's. He gently brushed a lock of hair away from Damian's forehead, his fingers lingering on his skin.

Asher's lips and teeth continued their sensual dance on Damian's neck, each kiss and nibble more tender than the last. His tongue traced the delicate curves of Damian's collarbone, sending shivers of pleasure coursing through his body.

As Damian lay there, basking in the intensity of Asher's attention, he couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the way his lover could turn even the simplest of gestures into something deeply intimate and passionate.

Asher's lips found their way back to Damian's neck, where he placed a series of gentle kisses, each one more intense than the last. His teeth grazed the sensitive skin, leaving a trail of hickeys that would serve as a visual testament to his love and devotion.

Damian's breath hitched as Asher's tongue flicked out, soothing the slight sting from his lover's teeth. The sensation was both exhilarating and comforting, a perfect blend of pain and pleasure that only served to deepen their connection.


-Few hours before attack-

It was time to make his move, time to claim Damian as his own and crush anyone who dared to stand in his way.

With a cold, calculating gleam in his eyes, Pierce issued his final command to his men, setting the wheels of his diabolical plan into motion. The time for mercy was over – now, only bloodshed and chaos awaited Asher. It was time to bring Damian back to where he belonged, once and for all.



Why did I even write this story?😭😭

Can I just delete all the stuff about Pierce? 😏

Also, lmk how the steamy sex scenes (SSS) are? BHAHAHAH

Honestly speaking, I didn't even know I could write like that. My other drafted stories don't have this much smut. 

Do y'all want Aiden's story to have more smut or less? Lmkkk :)

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