Overboard, a Reylo Omegaverse...

By Michellechill66

205 0 3

Omega Rey Kanata just needed to keep the leaky roof over her children's head and enough cash to pay the elec... More

Just another day in the trenches
An unstoppable force
A disturbing dream
Go to him
Confused but comfortable
Cinder Solo
Surrender to your Alpha
Butterflies and Moonbeams
Forged by Fate
Tenderness and Tragedy
The truth comes out
Cut to the bone
Puppet on a string
Renaissance Man
One single golden thread tied me to you
Surfs up

A feeling Impossible to ignore

6 0 0
By Michellechill66

      ' You'll  be the sky, I'll be the stars. Wrap your darkness around me and I'll light your way.'   Raven black Poetry

     He paced back and forth, like a caged animal.
  Kylo growled like a irritated tiger at another inmate of the psychic ward, just because  the man burped . The  poor guy had enough sense to scurry away before anything worse could be inflicted on him.

    The tall dark brooding  Alpha walked around the large common room where the other inmates congregated for their leisure time.  But there was nothing relaxed about how he was feeling at the moment.

      No, he felt like a feral animal on the prowl. He could sense something was about to change. A shift in the air as he sniffed. It was coming closer. He just had to wait a little longer. He'd have to endure this hell hole and the dregs of society just a little bit longer.

The older nurses were scared to death of him while the younger ones couldn't help thinking how invitingly attractive he was.

   If he wasn't so explosive they wouldn't mind continuing his 'therapy' at home.

What was left for him now?  The doctors said his memory might come back in time. It was hard to say.  But Mr. John Doe was fine medically speaking and needed to find someplace else to live. He couldn't stay indefinitely at the hospital.

What was left of his life looked bleak indeed.


     It was easier than she expected.

Rey raced into the psychiatric ward, breathless and wind blown. She needed to act the part of a frantic wife who's missing husband had just been found.

    " I'm here to collect my husband." She said impatiently. Her hands shook ever so slightly and she had to hide them in her coat pockets.
The security guard looked her up and down. She looked normal enough.   Nothing too strange about her, except that she was here to claim the resident trouble maker.
He was in awe that there was someone in existence that would claim that monster. After he came back to his senses he asked,

    "Could you please tell us his name so we can fill out the necessary paperwork to get him out of here?"

  "Ben Solo."   Rey had just enough time on her way to the hospital to come up with a good  name.  "I'm his wife Rey Solo. I've been so worried about him. He usually goes off by himself , you know, to go fishing or a long walk , but this time he was gone for way too long.   I thought he'd found another woman or something."  She chuckled humorously at that. Trying to sound convincing.

    The guard just nodded , easily  buying into her story.  " Just a minute. Hopefully he'll recognize you . Here's what was on him when he was fished out of the water."  He handed her a envelope containing a very expensive looking watch.  "Wait over there while go round him up." 

     Rey sat down on a metal chair that felt like sitting on pins and needles.  Suddenly  she began second guessing this charade.

     Was this going to work?  Would he expect more than just a platonic relationship when she says he's her husband then refuse him entry to her bedroom.?

Was this going to go sideways  when his memory returns? She hoped to God it didn't.

     But really,she could've cared less what happens to him. He could rot in here forever as far as she was concerned.
She just wanted to use him for whatever she could get out of him then toss him to the curb. 
She wanted revenge for what he  did to her.

    Rey looked down the sterile hallway where the guard had disappeared and tapped her foot impatiently. What was taking so long? She was ready to say 'forget it'  and run back home when something unexpected happened.

His scent reached her nose before she saw the rest of him. 

     Damn, it smelled mouthwateringly divine. Bacon and maple syrup. All buttery and delicious. Like  nothing she'd ever smelled before on any Alpha. She would happily roll around in it,  bathe in it and bottle it up for  later.   Her glands throbbed in anticipation for something to happen.

   And then, there he was. Something sizzled in the air as their eyes met. Undetectable to anyone else but them.

She noticed in his darkly handsome face something that made her insides twist with pity. And oddly enough...longing .

    To her he looked so sad and lost. Like a abandoned puppy that no one wanted.  But that mournful look was gone in a heart beat. Replaced by something else. Something vaguely familiar.

   Recognition of a mate, or a pull of something between a Alpha and his Omega. Something nearly impossible to ignore.

   But she must ignore it.  For the sake of her healed heart . She couldn't fall again. It would be the ruin of her.

So she smiled and said the first thing that came to her mind,

  "Hello Ben, I'm so glad your okay."  Oh gosh that sounded pathetically weak. But she was failing miserably at keeping her composure.

  Why did she just want to jump on him and devour him whole?  The erotic dream she had last night came flooding back to her in a embarrassing tidal wave .
The memory of it caused her body to shake for an entirely different reason.  Not from nerves but from .......

  Nope , no way.

   Ben Solo felt something shift and quiver inside of him when he looked at this little Omega woman claiming to be his wife.  Her scent was a comforting balm that his Alpha craved . Suddenly the frustrated anger that always was there was now gone.  Like a cleansing baptism , he felt renewed. Given another chance at life.

  Something had awakened in his soul and cried out for her. He had found his home. At last.

The surreal moment was broken when the guard asked Rey a question.  Bringing her  crashing back to earth.

   " We'd gladly let you take him off our hands, but since he came in without  a wallet or I.D.  We need some other proof . Is there anything that you can tell us  that you know him as your husband?"

   Rey gulped . It was now or never.  " Um, he has a tattoo on his left hip. It's a sun with rays. It looks like it was put there to cover up a scar. I just don't know how he got  it. The scar I mean."

   Ben guffawed at that.  Only one way to find out. She would know if he had a scar there if they had seen each other with out clothing.

Had they?

  He walked away and went behind a couch, then pulled down the sweat pants he was wearing.  Rey, of course, was ready to swoon at the sound of his 'Huh, well I'll be damned. She's right."

      Now here's where the fun begins.

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