Tangled Fates

By ChaosIncarnate3

776 56 5

Created to be a powerful weapon at the hands of a notorious organization, forced to follow orders , Emerson f... More

Tangled Fates
Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5


137 8 0
By ChaosIncarnate3

*trigger warning*
(throughout this story there may be some mature content from time to time so please be mindful. I will try and remember to give a warning if necessary ahead of time, but i do have a shitty memory so that may not happen lol.)

A newborn baby peacefully slept in a brightly lit room with flashing lights hanging from the ceiling. A group of determined men gathered around the crib of a sleeping child, meticulously examining their latest creation. The baby girl, born with incredible abilities resulting from the combination of two of their most potent weapons' DNA, was to be their ultimate weapon, surpassing all their previous achievements. The door slams open, startling the men and waking the now wailing baby. As the boss entered the room, he couldn't help but notice the fragile yet intricate equipment used for creating something seemingly harmless but with the potential to be lethal. He scanned the room, his gaze fixed on his workers, and expressed his dissatisfaction with their incompetence for taking so long to deliver what he had requested. However, as his eyes fell upon the crying baby, a wicked smile slowly crept onto his face. He confidently strides towards her, analyzing her every move. His mind races with new and exciting ideas for all that he has in store for her.

He turns to his men, who are now focused on him, awaiting his command. "Take her to the other room. I want her to start on the new batch of serums immediately." he ordered. The men exchange nervous glances, and one of them speaks up hesitantly, "Excuse me, sir, with all due respect, do you really think it's a good idea? The subject is only a few days old, and those tests - they're known to have elicit strong reactions. Do you believe she will be able to survive them?" The man was forcefully pushed against the wall and held in place. His aggressor demanded, "Who the hell do you think you are? I'm the boss here, not you. Do you really want to question me?" The man's eyes widened in fear as he shook his head frantically, "No, no, no, Mr. Schmidt, sir, I would never. I just had a thought..."

"If the kid dies, so what? If she cannot handle some simple tests, then she's not what I'm looking for. It'll save me the trouble of disposing her myself." As the leader of the group, Johann Schmidt did not tolerate any foolishness. However, instead of punishing the man who had acted recklessly, he simply let him go. He gave him a shove towards the center of the room before turning his attention towards the rest of the group. His eyes gleaming coldly, he dared anyone to speak up against him or question his authority. The room fell silent as everyone held their breath, not daring to cross him. It was clear that Schmidt was not one to be trifled with, and his steely demeanor left a lasting impression on everyone present.

"Send the brat in now. I won't ask again, and if I ever have to repeat myself...." He chuckles darkly and says, "I hope you have all your affairs in order because I don't appreciate being questioned. Do you understand?" The group of men quickly nodded, too scared to make eye contact with their boss. "Good." he turned around, ready to walk out of the room, not sparing another glance at the group of complete imbeciles who couldn't do anything right.

*Eight years later*

The sound of fists hitting a punching bag echoed throughout the room. A young girl stood in the middle of the training room hitting away, exhaustion settling in. She was becoming tired and physically drained, she had been in that room for hours, not allowed to do anything else beside work on her fighting techniques. She remained focused, pushing through any pain that she was feeling.

The door to the room slams open, in walks none other than Johann Schmidt, he stood there, observing her as she threw punch after punch. He analyzed her, her technique was sharp and precise, quick and efficient, she was quickly shaping up to be a skilled soldier, and with her powers growing more and more each day, he saw the potential she had to become his most formidable weapon in his arsenal. Stepping forward towards the girl, he interrupts her before she has the chance to strike once more.

"Katia, my prized creation, I have a task for you." he motions for Katia to come forward. She steps in front of him, her shoulders squared, and her head held high. Every muscle in her body was taut with nervous energy, ready for whatever might come next. He proceeds to hand her a folder, "I'm sending you to out to the field, you've shown promise in your skills, I want to see you complete this mission quickly and effective, no mistakes, is that clear?" Katia stands, folder in hands, a part of her was weary about the situation, she has never step foot outside the walls in this building, Hydra is all shes ever known. Another part of her was also aware, aware of the consequences that she would have to face if she failed to do as asked, the mere thought sent shivers down her spine, she never wants to experience that again.

"What would I have to do?" she asked. "In the folder there is everything you need to know, you are expected to infiltrate the subject's place and recover every piece of information that is related to what is on here" he gestures to the folder in her hands, "there should be no trace whatsoever that you even stepped foot in that place, do you understand?" Katia nods, paying close attention to his instructions. "After you complete that, I want you to track him down, apparently no one has seen or heard from him in the last couple days, I believe he may be in hiding ,though I'm not surprised as he should know by now, that what he has is of great value." Katia looks through the contents of the folder , taking in each and every detail. Katia wasn't stupid, she knew this was a test, Schmidt was testing her to see if she was capable of doing this on her own, if she could handle the responsibilities, she knew, and she was determined to show him, to show everyone that she has what it takes to be a good soldier, that no matter her age she was just as good, or better, than the other men. Katia was gonna do this mission, and she was gonna come through with flying colors, she will make sure of it.

With a determined look Katia glances up at Schmidt from her folder, "don't worry sir, you will have what you need , and I will find and bring the subject back to you." Johann chuckles darkly shaking his head amused, "oh no my dear Katia, you won't be bringing anybody to me." Katia turns to look at him, confused, "see, you wont be bringing him anywhere, because when you find him" he crouches down so that hes eyed level to her, he smirks, "you, my dear are gonna get rid of him; permanently." Katia's eyes slightly widen, she knew what he was insinuating, the thought alone made her feel sick to her stomach, she didn't know if she was capable, taking a life , that's not a small task, she will be the one responsible for the loss of someones loved one, not to mention the toll it will take on her, shes only eight for gods sake. But Katia knew, she knew that in order to prove herself, killing was the price she had to pay. This was what she was preparing for since the day she was born, and know she has the opportunity to become someone in the organization, Katia's shoulders lifted as she now stood determined, she was ready to show what she was made off.

*time skip to mission*

Katia stood silently and still, watching her target, she had managed to track him down quite easily, the subject had a habit of getting a smoothie everyday very early in the morning, in a small family owned business. For a man that was supposedly in hiding, he wasn't very good at it. She stood in the corner of his motel room, her mind focused on the task, she was like a predator stalking its prey, waiting, watching. She moved slowly, stealthily, as she made her way the darkness of the closed off room. As she moved closer to her target, she slowly drew her weapon and took aim, making sure not to make a sound or miss a step. As she prepared to make her move, she noticed a picture from the corner of her eye, making sure her position wasn't compromised, Katia turned her head to get a clear shot of the picture. The picture was of the subject, he appeared to be holding a newborn baby, he was smiling brightly as the picture was taken. Katia could see the faint presence of the hospital bracelet on the man's wrist. The baby was his, he was a father, and Katia was going to be the one to leave the baby fatherless. The thought made Katia freeze, she knew what it was like, not growing up without a parent, she grew up without either of them. She hated the feeling, of feeling alone, no one to stick up for her, guide her, love her, but Katia was used to it. She took a deep breath , clearing her head of the new found information, she was getting sidetracked, she had to focus.

Katia considered, for a faint moment, just walking out, the man had no idea she was even there, awaiting to take his life. She wanted to so badly, but something was keeping her from doing so. Johann wanted no mistakes, and failing to come through on the subjects death would be a big one. The consequences she would face for not following through were too big for her to ignore, she still had the scars from the last time she didn't do as told. Katia forced herself to snap out of it, any hesitation she had was gone, she had a task to do and she was gonna follow through. With one last look at the picture Katia prepared herself, taking a deep breath, and turning once again to where the man stood. She aimed the weapon at him once more, taking one last breath to compose herself, Katia pulled the trigger, releasing a single ,precise bullet. She watched as the bullet flew through the air in an arc, making no noise, and quickly hitting the target right between his eyes. The target fell limp and lifeless, Katia was stuck, her actions becoming clear, she had taken her first life, she was now a killer. A tear fell from her eyes, as a shaky breath escaped her lips. She shut her eyes tight, shaking away at the feeling that was creeping up on her, she did what she was asked, she followed through, that is all that mattered.

She made her way to him, avoiding staring at his face for to long, she searched his body looking for the information he was hiding. She had found nothing when she previously went to search at his place, she figured he must have taken it with him. She also knew that what she was looking for wasn't in any part of this room, as she had already gone through every nook and cranny of the room when she broke in. She searched every pocket until she found, a small flash drive hidden in a barely noticeable pocket, she quickly examined it making sure this was what she was searching for. After confirming that it was, she tucked it away in her on pocket, making sure it was secured, she stood sparring a small glance at the now dead man, and then a glance at the picture, " I'm sorry" , the only words spoken by her that entire time, and she wasn't even speaking to the man, but more to the baby who now had to grow up without their dad. Katia spared no more glances as she made her way out of the room without being spotted or drawing attention to herself. She made her way to a car that was parked in an alley way by the motel, waiting for her. Katia got in the passenger seat, the driver turning to look at her, awaiting confirmation, she sat not glancing at him, her gaze stuck watching through the windshield, without saying a word Katia nodded at the man, confirming her success. The man grinned, she had passed the test, he turned back around and set way for their destination

Once she arrived Katia made sure to deliver the drive to Johann herself. He was ecstatic, the mission had gone by without a hitch. This was the beginning for her as he had a lot more in store for her.

*seven years later*

Katia stood in front of a bathroom mirror, an old piece of rag in her hands. She stared at herself in the mirror, her stone cold glaze starring back at her. She held the rag up to her face, wiping away at her blood stained face. She turned the sink on, cleaning the rag before repeating the process, until her face was cleaned. She discarded the rag in the nearby trash, turning and making her way out of the bathroom. She walked out having to step over the occasional dead body, making her way to the living room. There were bodies scattered all across the house, blood spatter all over the walls and floors, it was quite a sight. Katia made her way to the man, slowly she observed as he tried to drag himself away from her; being heavily injured, a trail of blood following behind him. She rolled her eyes, getting bored, with a heavy sigh she flicked her hand, stopping the man on his attempt to get away. His chest was heavy, stuttering with each breath he took, he couldn't breath, couldn't move.

"Where is she?" she asked, her words held a hint of venom behind them. The man still struggling to breath, tried to reach out for something, anything that would be able to help him, but he couldn't move, the wound in his stomach was still bleeding, and his lungs felt like they were on fire. Katia stopped the hold she had over him, allowing him a moment to breath, she crossed her arms still observing him, awaiting an answer. The man coughed out being able to properly breath now, he laid in the floor trying to muster the strength to say, "you won't find her, so you might as well just kill me and get it over with.'' "So dramatic" she muttered, having had enough, her hands reached out displaying a dark blue shadow that wrapped around them, the lights in the room began to flicker, the only thing visible was the dark blue glow that was making its way to the man on the floor.

He panicked, he had no idea what was happening but he knew it wasn't good, he tried to stand, reaching up to grab a hold on the sofa, but he didn't have the sufficient strength to succeed. The dark glow was getting closer, begging to wrap around him,engulfing his body in a dark and menacing glow. With a graceful movement, Katia flicked her wrist, the mans body beginning to rise from the ground , until he was being held up , above the ground. Katia stepped forward, the glow of her powers surrounding her, making her be visible in a now dark room.

"I have no trouble on taking up your offer, however I can promise you right now, your death won't be as quick as those of your friends," Katia made sure to have her hold on him tighten, the shadows around him pressing against his as he felt his ribs crack from the pressure. "so I'll ask again, where is she?'' He tries, miserably, one last time, to break free, but her hold on him was too strong, and he was weak, so as he glanced down at her, blood spilling from his mouth, he said, "Go.To.Hell.Bitch" as he spat at her, his teeth stained red. Katia stared at him, no emotion behind her eyes, as she stared at him, he saw her eyes go from her normally blue/grey eyes, to a dark and electric blue, kinda like her powers.

She suddenly snapped out of the trance she seemed to be in, a knowing smirk played at her lips, her eyes going back to normal. A dark shadow crept up to the mans neck, applying pressure , keeping his head in a tight embrace, he was struggling to breathe once more. "See, I gave you the chance to give her up, for you to maybe walk out of here with a scratch, but you chose to play the hero, but at the end it won't matter, because I already know where she is." she taunted mischievously. "You're lying," he managed to choke out, "you don't know, you cant know." Katia chuckled before saying, "out of all the places to hide, she chose Hawaii, I mean is she really in hiding or working on her sun tan?'' she teased with a chuckle. She watched as the last bit of color drained from the guys face, any hope in keeping her location hidden had slipped away. He knew what was coming for him, he no longer held any information she wanted, he was disposable.

"No, please, please don't," he began to beg, ''I'll do anything, I'll take you to her, please.'' Katia hummed, pretending to think about it, the grip on the man began to lessen, he choked out a sigh of relief, he was gonna be okay, or so he thought. Suddenly, the grip on him tightened, even more than before, he was sure he was paralyzed by this point, Katia stood there, hands extended. "I gave you a chance for you to be helpful and you chose not to participate, you wanted to be a hero, so you're gonna die like a hero." She spat out, she retracted her hands, the glowing shadows retracting back into her body, dropping the guy harshly to the ground, the lights going back to their normal shine, the room no longer dark. Katia stepped right next to him until she was hovering over him. He was truly defenseless right now, and he knew that.

Katia smirked down at him, her hand now closing by her side into a fist, suddenly the guy felt like screaming, his whole body felt like it was on fire, except he wasn't , and the feeling wasn't on him, but in him. He began to violently scream, his skin beginning to melt off him, from the inside out, blisters were forming on his face, his mouth gargling with his own blood. Katia stood there as she made his blood burn from the inside, she watched as he screamed and struggled until his body gave out. Katia observed him, not a spec of guilt in her eyes, she walked away from his now unrecognizable body, her new destination, Hawaii.


Katia found herself standing in the middle of a beach, sunglasses resting upon her face, the rays of the sun shining brightly overhead. She hated every second of it. She scanned the beach looking for her target, stopping once she found her, Maeve Fisher, she wasn't an easy woman to find , but Katia managed, she always did. Maeve looked to be anxious, she was constantly looking at her phone and looking around nervously. Katia knew why she was freaking out, the guy she killed was in charge of keeping Maeve safe, and he hadn't been replying to her messages. Katia looked around the beach, it was a nice day, yet it was fairly empty, secluded, the perfect place to execute her plan, she needed to find a way to drive Maeve into a more private area. She grinned as an idea popped into her head.

She began to approach Maeve, an innocent yet nervous look was now plastered on her face. "Excuse me, ma'am?'' she asked timidly. The woman jumped, startled, she gave Katia an surprised yet questioning glance. "yes?'' she asked unsure.
Katia began to look around, nervously playing with her fingers, "I'm sorry to bother you, but I went to the bathroom and when I came back I couldn't find my mom, have you seen her?'' The woman looked at Katia with a sympathetic look in her eyes, feeling sorry for the clearly scared girl. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, I mean does she have a phone, we can try calling her?" Katia nodded but sheepishly sighed, "she does but I don't remember her number, we just moved here trying to get away from my dad, we changed everything.'' Katia bit her lip to prevent herself from laughing, Maeve was falling for her story, the woman clearly concerned for the young teenager.

Maeve looked at her phone, no response whatsoever, to say she was getting scared was an understatement, but right now this girl needed her, and she was going to help her. "Oh, that's okay sweetheart, I will help you find your mom, okay?" Katia nodded at her. Maeve hurried and packed her stuff, gesturing for Katia to follow after she was done. "Okay honey, whats your mom's name, maybe we can call for her." ''Olivia, her name is Olivia,'' Katia told her quietly. They kept walking for some time, asking around anyone they came across if they seen or heard of Olivia, but no one had, for obvious reasons. " You know what, I just realized that I never asked for your name." She turned, glancing at Katia. ''Oh, my name is Emerson'' she replied sheepishly, she hesitated before she asked, "what's yours?'' " Its Maeve" she offered Katia, or Emerson, as she now knew her, a kind and friendly smile before turning back around. Katia's innocent expression fell, she was getting bored of the non-existing goose chase.

As they turn a corner, Katia glances around, there was nobody around, perfect. Katia pushes Maeve onto the wall, taken by surprise at the sudden strength of the young girl, she falls to the ground, she turns to Katia mouth agape, before she could even say anything, the barrel of a gun was already pointed at her. "What-what are you doing?'' "I have orders to get rid of you'' Katia reponded in a stoic yet threateningly manner. ''Orders?, what are you talking about-'' her words are cut short, realization creeping up on Maeve's face. "They sent you, didn't they?'' she asked coldly. Katia stood, not saying a word. Maeve began to shake her head, ''can't you see? Can't you see they're using you.'' Maeve exclaimed. "They're controlling you, you are a puppet and they're playing with your strings.'' Katia glanced at her, eyebrow raised in slight questioning. "I am in charge of me, nobody controls me.'' Katia defied.

''That's what they want you to think, I mean do you even know why they had you chasing after me? Trying to kill me?'' Katia stayed silent, of course she didn't know, asking questions wasn't part of her job description, she followed orders, whatever they may be. "I know things okay, things they don't want anyone to find out, that's why they sent you.'' To say Katia wasn't a bit curious would be a lie, but she also knew the woman just wanted to stall her, not wanting to meet her end. ''Just put the gun down okay, I can show you, I can show you everything, every little, rotten secret that they are hiding from you, from everyone.'' Katia won't admit it, but she hesitated, she knew Johann had secrets, lots of them, she also knew that he would stop at nothing to destroy the ones who wronged him. Maeve seeing the hesitation behind Katia's eyes, took that as her chance to kick the gun out of her hands, Katia was caught off-guard, too lost in the moment, though she regained her composure, fast enough to avoid the kick sent her way.

Katia quickly and efficiently sent a punch towards Maeve, hitting her in the face, not being fast enough to avoid the attack; Maeve tried and failed to dodge Katia's attacks, she was strong, fast, and had the fighting skills of a highly trained combat soldier. Maeve knew she was fighting a losing battle, she had to make a move, she had to snap Katia out of it. Katia sent Maeve a final blow that kicked the air out of her lungs, leaving her gasping for air. Katia took the opportunity to grab Maeve and throw her against the wall, the wall shattering slightly from the strong impact. Katia reaches forward, her arm extended towards Maeve, as her powers extend wrapping around Maeve's body, lifting her up. With one last look Katia prepares herself to end Maeve's life. She tightens her hold on her, the shadows around her glowing darker, she begins to extend her grasp on Maeve aiming to put more pressure around her neck. Maeve's fighting for her breath, tries to choke out, to bargain with Katia, but she knows that wont work, Katia wont listen to her.

"Wait, wait" she managed to choke out, Katia ignoring her calls, her eyes now a dark and electrifying color, the pressure around Maeve's neck only kept increasing, she managed to choke out one last thing that made Katia stop in her tracks.

"I know who your parents are."

Katia stopped, not believing what she heard, her grip on Maeve faltering, Maeve took a big intake of the air, one she desperately needed. She saw Katia's expression, she was taken aback. Managing to get her arm free Maeve reached into the pocket of her jacket, Katia's snapping out of her trance was gonna go for the final strike, not having believed her but before Katia had a chance to do anything, Maeve struck a needle into Katia's arm, a burning sensation overtaking Katia's body but only for a moment. Katia, losing her hold on Maeve, drops her to the ground. Maeve's exhausted and injured, breathes heavily trying to catch her breath. Katia's hands shoot up to her head an overwhelming headache consuming her, everything was wrong, her whole life, this was not who Katia was. Everything she's done comes crashing down on her, the people she killed, everything. The guilt eating away at her. She wasn't in control, she didn't want to do any of those things. Tears fall down Katia's face, she couldn't stop them, Maeve turns to look at her, her expression softened.

"Look kid," she sighed her voice cracking as she was struggling with the effects of being without air for some time, " don't blame yourself okay, they were using you, you were just a pawn to their game."  Katia shook her head "what they did to me, what HE did to me, what he made me do.." Katia trailed off not being able to finish but Maeve understood. They had robbed this young girl of everything, made her do horrendous things, Maeve couldn't even begin to imagine. "Look, this doesn't have to be like this okay? You're free now, so go far away, live your life, be a kid." "I'm not sure I even know how to do that." Maeve sighed she wasn't sure what to say. "Besides Johann will send people after me, I'm too much of an asset to him, he won't take kindly to loosing me."

"Screw him, you are literally more powerful than anyone he could send after you." Katia shook her head, standing up from the ground. "Why are even trying to help me? I just tried to kill you." "Because" she paused. "I was like you, a soldier following behind her leader, until I broke free, like I did to you. You deserve it kid so go."
Katia thought about it, it was her best option, she couldn't go back there no way, so she agreed. "What about you, I mean you managed to break through to me but what about the next person he sends? You know he won't stop." Maeve looked away, a look full of sorrow in her eyes, she turned to Katia a soft smile played at her lips, "I know" she said softly, so quiet that Katia wasn't even sure she heard her right. "Go, don't worry about me, just get far away from here as you can." Katia slowly nodded turning to leave before she stops, turning to Maeve before saying " thank you" and without another glance Katia left.


Katia found herself setting foot in a small town, far away from everything, she had been traveling ,putting as much distance as she could possible, while keeping herself hidden. Suddenly, beaming headlights were making her way to her, she observed it, coming straight to her, yet she didn't move. The car came to a screeching halt, the person now stepping out of the Jeep.

"Oh my god, what the hell, where did you come from, I could have hit you, I should have hit you with the way you're standing in the middle of the road like that." Katia said nothing, she just stared at him as he kept rambling about hitting her.
He stops talking realizing he was getting no response from this person so he turned around, completely shocked when he found a girl instead of what he thought was some drunken asshole, who decided to go for a midnight stroll. His mind was suddenly blank, he didn't know what to say so he observed her.
" Hey um, are you okay? Can I call someone, you look lost." "There is no one." she deadpanned.
The guy on slight shock nods at her.
" Well okay then, um listen how about I give you a ride huh? I can take you to my dad okay, he's the sheriff." Katia thought about it she had nowhere to really, she might as well. She nods at the guy agreeing to go with him.
"Oh okay yeah okay sure get in, oh I'm Stiles by the way, you know just wanted to introduce myself so you don't think I'm like an axe murderer or something" he looks at her panicked, "cause I'm totally not I swear, I mean I could totally describe to you a whole murder scene but that doesn't mean I am a murderer you know , but like" Stiles is cut off by the sound of his car door closing she was already inside waiting for him. He stood there awkwardly mouth agape, "your in- no yeah totally okay" As he gets in the car he apologized "sorry about that you know,I tend to ramble till someone stops me" He looks at her realizing something " hey, so um what's your name?" Katia turns to look at him, a thoughtful expression on her face, she then turns back around.

"Emerson. My name is Emerson."

Authors note:

Ok so first things first hey thank you for reading my story.
So I wanted to talk about some things about my girl Emerson . On this prologue I really wanted to focus on her back story essentially the important parts, the part that shapes her up to be her.
Other parts regarding her back story will be explained in future chapters if necessary.
If you have read the character log then you probably know  given her last names , who her parents are. As of know Emerson doesn't know anything about her parents, nor her parents about her. It will be something to focus on in the future.

I tried to go really into detail in these parts of her life but if you have any questions please leave a comment and I will make sure to answer to the best of my ability 😌

Anyway that is all thank you again, I am now going to sleep since I been up all night writing this and it is currently 7am yikes 😬

-Mars out ✌🏻

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