Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple R...

By tanishatribe1118

3.9K 64 8

As she joins the academy, Leah doesn't know that she's related to SPD's head technician. Kat and Cruger are h... More

Beginnings Part 1
Beginnings, Part 2
Sam Part 1
Sam Part 2
Shadow Part 1
Shadow Part 2
Wired Part 1
Wired Part 2
Messenger Part 1
Messenger Part 2
Reflection Part 1
S.W.A.T. Part 1
S.W.A.T. Part 2
Endings Part 1
Endings Part 2

Reflection Part 2

49 1 0
By tanishatribe1118

In Kat's lab, Boom was dusting the shelves, humming to himself as Leah was sitting at a desk with one of her text books in front of her. As he went towards Leah, he picks up a pad that was left on the desk. "A file on Mirloc." said Boom.

"Boom, I wouldn't read that if I were you." said Leah, peering over the text book she was holding.

"Aren't you the least bit curious?" He asked. Leah thought for a moment before setting down her book, saying "Ya got me there, Boom." Boom looks back to see if anyone was watching before he and Leah continued reading. "Eh, 'planetary mayhem, theft,' blah, blah, blah." said Boom as he reads aloud. "'Life in prison,' blah, blah, blah. 'Believed to be responsible for the..."

Boom stops reading that sentence and sets down the pad. "Oh." he said and Leah's eyes went wide. "Oh, no."

"This is bad." said Leah.


"This is what we'll do. I wasn't a part of this, I never saw this in your hands. I was just sitting here, studying the whole time. Agreed?" asked Leah.

"Agreed." said Boom.

"I'm going to the command center." said Leah, grabbing the textbook and teleporting away. Boom then walked out of the lab, bumping into Sky as he went. "Hey, Sky." said Boom as he saw him. "Look, I'm real sorry to hear about Mirloc escaping. But I'm sure you'll catch him, which is good, because after all, he is responsible for your father's...oh."

Sky stops walking and turns around to face Boom. He gives Boom an angry look and storms off to the command center, leaving Boom to feel guilty. "He didn't know." Boom said to himself.

In a bathroom, Sky was talking to himself. "How could I be so stupid?" he asked himself in the mirror. Suddenly, Mirloc appears in the mirror. "Don't be so hard on yourself." said Mirloc.

"Mirloc!" Sky exclaims, turning around in hopes to find him in the bathroom.

"I just stopped by to say thank you for providing me with my escape." Mirloc said to him. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a lot of crimes to commit."

"Wait!" shouted Sky as Mirloc disappears. On Gruumm's ship, Piggy was thrown in front of the emperor. "Hello?" Piggy cautiously said as Gruumm growled at him.

"Piggy, your time has come." said Gruumm.

"Ooh! You're going to vaporize me?" asked Piggy as he quickly got up.

"Ooh, can I do it?" asked Morgana, with a smug look on her face.

"Perhaps later." Gruumm tells her. "Piggy, you are a lowlife, selfish, worthless excuse for a life form."

"Thank you, emperor." he said, taking it as a compliment. "Flattery goes a long way with me."

"Silence!" Gruumm tells Piggy.

"I'm silent. Zip the lip." Piggy replied.

"Good. Now here's my proposal." Gruumm said as he walks around him. "I know you work both sides of the fence. You've helped me and you've helped S.P.D."

"When? Help S.P.D.?" Piggy asked. "Not exactly the words I'd choose."

"How about 'treason'?" Morgana asked.

"I can explain!" Piggy said defensively.

"Don't bother." said Gruumm. "The next 24 hours you will spend in my unholiest, vilest pit of doom!"

"Oh, well, you don't have to go all out for me." Piggy said.

"And if you survive, you can decide which side you choose..." said Gruumm. "S.P.D. or mine."

"Uh, well, I already choose yours, emperor." said Piggy.

"Morgana, prepare the vaporization." said Gruumm and Morgana had an energy ball waiting in her hand.

"Oh, wrong answer? No, wait! I choose...S.P.D.?" he then asked, unsure what to say next.

"Morgana, commence with vaporization." said Gruumm and more energy was building in her hand.

"Wait! I have an idea." said Piggy, going with Gruumm's original idea. "I'll go to the pit of doom for 24 hours and, uh, think about it."

"Hmm?" Gruumm asked, turning his head towards him.

"I've issued an all-points bulletin for Mirloc." said Cruger, as he informed Jack, Syd, Leah, Bridge and Z.

"Unfortunately, with his ability to transport through reflective surfaces, he's going to be very tough to find." said Kat.

"He can't hide forever." said Jack.

"Well, technically, he can...like in a puddle of water or tinfoil or like a belt buckle or a glass of water." said Bridge, trailing off.

"We got it, Bridge." said Jack.

"Ok, I don't think I'll be drinking water ever again." said Leah.

"Excuse me, but you are going to drink water as long as I live, young lady. You can't live on milk and soda, every day." said Kat.

"Isn't Leah's powers like Mirloc's?" asked Bridge.

"Sort of, but it's different then his power, Bridge. When I teleport, I have to 'see' where I'm going first before I actually teleport to that place. Like if I'm going to the junkyard or to my mom's lab, I have to see it, then I'm there. It's why there's always a cloud of smoke when I teleport." said Leah.

"Oh." said Bridge.

"Sky feels horrible about this." said Syd. "I'm sure he thinks it's all his fault."

"Mirloc is crafty." Cruger tells them. "But playing on Cadet Tate's emotions was particularly underhanded."

"I didn't think he had emotions." said Z. Just then, Sky walks into the command center, clearing his throat. "Kuachana na meli." said Leah and hides behind Kat.

"Commander, you should have told me about Mirloc and my father." said Sky, angrily.

Cruger looks at both Manx women, wondering if they said anything to him. "I didn't say anything." said Kat.

"I had a textbook in front of my face most of today." said Leah.

"I didn't feel it was in your best interest at the time." said Cruger.

"You're probably right." said Sky. "The fact is, I blew it. I let my feelings get the best of me, and Mirloc got away. I should be demoted back to 'D' squad."

"That's the decision for your team leader." said Cruger, looking at Jack. Jack turns to face Sky, then tells him, "You told me your father fought to the end. And now you want to quit because you messed up once? I guess you're not much like your father, after all."

"I say we split up, hit the streets." said Sky.

"Alright." said Jack in agreement. "You and Syd take city plaza. Bridge, Z, check out New Tech Center."

"I'd like to help too." said Sam as he comes into the command center.

"Sam, you're back." said Z.

"I sent for him. You're going to need all the help you can get." said Kat.

"Kat debriefed me about Mirloc." said Sam. "I'm ready to go."

"Good timing...Leah, Sam and I will take the west side." said Jack.

"Excellent. Be careful all of you." said Cruger

"Yes, sir." they said and left the command center. Back on Gruumm's ship, Mirloc is brought in to see Gruumm by Morgana. "Emperor Gruumm, it's a true honor." said Mirloc, bowing to him.

"Of course it is." said Gruumm.

"Mirloc escaped Maximum security. Isn't that cool?" explained Morgana.

"It is impressive."

"With your permission, I'll continue my work where I left off." said Mirloc.

"Eh, your petty crimes don't interest me." said Gruumm. "I have much bigger plans. But it seems we have a common enemy in the power rangers."

"Let me take care of the rangers, and then we will both get what we want." Mirloc tells him, creating fists.

Z and Bridge were in the S.P.D. jeep, on their way to the center. "Keep your eyes peeled for anything weird, okay?" Z said to Bridge. He looks into the rearview mirror, seeing Mirloc, points to and asks, "Like that?"

They both looked at the back seat, finding no one there. "Huh?" asked Z and then pulls the jeep over. "This isn't a taxi! Get out!"

"Hello kiddies! Looking for me?" Mirloc asked as he comes out of the mirror, facing Bridge and Z.

"As a matter of fact, we are." said Z.

"Then I'm pleased I've made your search a short one." said Mirloc, grabbing his chest and opening it. "Come along, little rangers."

"Commander, I've lost the signal on Carson and Delgado." said Kat.

"Something's wrong. I'll check with the others." said Cruger.

Over by a small pond, Sky and Syd were on the lookout for Mirloc when a morpher started beeping. "Cadets, anything suspicious?" he asked.

"No, it's all quiet on this end, sir." said Sky.

"We've lost contact with Bridge and Z." said Cruger.

"Hmm, do you think I should go brunette?" Syd mused out loud then Mirloc appeared in the water.

"No! I'll take you the way you are." said Mirloc.

"Look out!" shouted Sky and gets Syd away from the pond as Mirloc pops out.

"We meet again, ranger." said Mirloc. "I see you're always on the job...just like your daddy."

"That's right." said Sky. "Now you're gonna pay for your crimes, including my father!"

"Oh, I wouldn't count on that." said Mirloc, taunting him then opens up his chest again.

Back at the base, Cruger kept asking, "Sky? Syd? What's happening? Come in!"

"Commander....they're gone." said Kat, looking up at him. On the west side of town, Sam, Leah and Jack arrived. "Nothing around here, either." said Sam.

"I don't even know where to start looking." said Jack as the three of them didn't notice Mirloc appear in the window next to them. Leah looks up and was about to scream when Mirloc said as he steps out, "Let me save you sometime. This is too easy."

"FREEZE! S.P.D.!" shouted Cruger.

"Commander." said Sam.

Turning to the three rangers, Cruger shouted, "Get out of here!"

"But we can help!" said Sam.

"Now!" ordered Cruger. Leah suddenly grabs onto Jack's hand and teleports him back to base. As Mirloc gets up from the ground, he sees that Cruger, Sam, Leah and Jack were gone.

"Come back!" he yelled. "It's only a matter of time, rangers." Back at the base, Kat was at one of the monitors, hoping that Leah wasn't taken. "Report." said Cruger as they walked in.

"No trace of them at all. And no response from their morphers." said Kat as Leah runs up to her and gives her a hug.

"I'm certain Mirloc's got them, but how?" asked Cruger.

"I've got to go find them." said Jack, turning to head out of the command center.

"No! We can't afford to lose you or Leah as well." said Cruger, as he turns to face Omega. "Sam, he would have a hard time detecting you in your light form. Continue your search and let us know if you find anything."

"Yes sir."

"Kat, keep looking. Leah, help her." said Cruger. On Gruumm's ship, Gruumm and Broodwing were at a panel. "Back so soon, Mirloc?" he asked, turning to face him.

"I told you I'd take care of the rangers." said Mirloc, opening up his chest, revealing Sky, Bridge, Z and Syd moving around in what looked like mirrors. "They'll be trapped in my reflective dimension forever."

"Hold on." said Gruumm, as he sees the rangers. "There are only four rangers here."

"Yeah. You forgot the red ranger, the purple ranger and the omega ranger." chimed Broodwing.


"I told you I would deal with Cruger in my own way." said Gruumm. "But to complete our deal, you have to bring me the last three rangers."

"But emperor..." Mirloc started to say.

"I said bring them to me." Gruumm said, interrupting him.

"As you wish." said Mirloc, bowing and then left.

"Broodwing, give our friend a little help." said Gruumm.

"Not a problem, and it will only cost you..."

"I've given you enough!" shouted Gruumm. "This one is on the house."

"(Growling) of course." said Broodwing as he walks away.

Suddenly a robot with wings flies into the city. "The city is under attack." Kat informed Cruger.

"We can't send out the megazord without the other rangers." said Cruger.

"I bet Sam wouldn't mind if I borrow his Mega Max Cycle." said Jack.

"Do it!" said Cruger.

"I'll bring it online." said Kat.

"S.P.D. EMERGENCY!" shouted Jack and gets suited up.

"Sam, we've got trouble." said Cruger. "We need you to cover Jack for backup assistance."

"S.P.D. EMERGENCY!" shouted Sam. "All over it! Uniforce Cycle! Alright! Let's go!"

"Careful, Jack, youre not use to that kind of speed." said Kat.

"I think I can handle it." Jack said.

"I know I can't. Just by the look of it, I can barely handle the speed of my own bike." said Leah.

"Just monitor him, ok?" asked Kat and Leah nodded. The Omega Max Cycle headed towards the robot, knocking it to the ground. "Megazord mode." said Jack, transforming the cycle into its Megazord form. The robot starts to fight back when the swords appear on the Mega Max Megazord.

"Oh, no!" said Sam, seeing his megazord fighting the robot. Jack did an internal scan of the robot and found a blue head driving it. "A Blue head! No surprise...Gruumm's in on this!" said Jack. The robot attacked, causing the Mega Max Megazord to fall back. "Looks like I'm gonna have to get in on the action!" said Sam, then revs his cycle.

"That's enough. Omega Max, spin it out!" said Jack, getting the Megazord up and heads for the robot again, finally destroying it. "I'm glad that's over."

"What? Whoa!" said Sam as he sees Mirloc in the window of a tall building. "Mirloc!"

Mirloc pops himself out of the window and onto the next building. "It's time you joined your friends." said Mirloc, opening up his chest to his dimension.

"No!" shouted Jack but it was too late. "What's happening?"

Suddenly the Omega Max Megazord was falling into the reflective glass of the building and there was nothing that Sam could do. "No! Jack!" shouted Sam.

"I'm going out there." said Leah and starts to rush out of the command center.

"No, you're not." said Kat.

"Sam needs me right now. His Zord, along with Jack as its driver was sucked in." said Leah.

"Kat, she's right." said Cruger. "Sam needs her help right now." Kat looks down at her daughter. "You know it's the right thing to do, mom." begged Leah.

"Fine, but be careful alright?" said Kat and Leah nodded.

"S.P.D. EMERGENCY!" shouted Leah and runs off to join Sam.

"I get it." said Sam as he looks up at Mirloc. "His two mirrors make an infinite reflection that traps people inside. I've got to break them out."

"And I'll help you with that." said Leah, appearing by his side.

"Leah! You shouldn't have come here." said Sam.

"You need me, so don't start." said Leah.

"Alright. Hit it!" said Sam as Leah holds onto him as they went up the wall to the roof.

"Welcome." said Mirloc as they both were in front of him.

"All right, Mirloc, let them go!" shouted Sam and Leah.

"You seem to know who I am; I know of the littlest one, but I've never met you." said Mirloc.

"Then let me introduce myself. We're the ones who's going to send you back to prison." said Sam.

"And just who is this new ranger that thinks he and his friend can fight me?"

"I'm the force from the future. Hyah! S.P.D. Omega ranger!"


"A ranger from the future and the purple ranger...what a prize." said Mirloc. "No wonder Gruumm wants me to capture you."

"You've got it wrong!" said Sam. "It is you who is coming with us! Now let our friends go!"

"Gruumm will never get earth." said Leah. "I'm ready whenever you are, Sam."

"Why don't you come and get them?" taunted Mirloc.

"No problem." said Sam as both he and Leah went at him. Both omega and purple were fighting strong until Mirloc knocked them to the ground. "You're nothing special." said Mirloc as they both got up.

Sam went for him as Leah attacked him from behind by jumping on his back. Mirloc threw her off, causing her to crash into Sam. "It's over, rangers!" he said and used a laser gun to shoot at them, knocking them off the roof.

"The future doesn't look good for you." Mirloc tells them as they get up.

"Omega morpher, electro mode!" shouted Sam, revving up his morpher as Mirloc laughs at them. Just as Sam goes down to the ground with his morpher, Mirloc retreats into the windows of the building. "Hey!" shouted Sam and Leah.

"Ha ha ha. Nice try." said Mirloc and disappears.

"Mirloc!" they both shouted after him.

"You're a coward! Show yourself!" shouted Sam.

"Get out here, you punk!" shouted Leah

"Look." said Mirloc, appearing again behind them.

"What?" they asked in confusion.

"Look at your friends." he said and appeared beside him, were the other rangers.

"Guys!" shouted Sam.

"No!" shouted Leah, falling down to her knees and starts to bang on the windows.

"Oh, no. We've got to get them out of there." said Sam. "How? Think."

"It's time for you to join your friends." said Mirloc and Leah looks up at him.

"That's not going to happen." said Sam. "Come and face me! Whoa!"

Mirloc appears out of Sam's helmet while Leah is still in front of the windows, looking at the other rangers. "What do we do? How are we going to get them out of there?" Leah started to ask quietly, rocking herself back and forth as she stops banging on the windows.


"Come on!"

"Now to complete my set of rangers to present to the emperor." said Mirloc as he had a hold on Sam and walks towards Leah.

"Tell Gruumm the rangers are not going anywhere." said Sam.

"Sam!" Z shouted then looks down at Leah, seeing the guilt she's feeling.

"Hold on!" shouted Sam and his morpher starts crackling. Sam grabs Mirloc's hand, taking it off of him. He then goes over him and punches him in the chest, causing Mirloc to take a few steps back.

"You got him!" said Bridge.

"I'm through playing." said Mirloc and goes for Omega. Leah was still at the window when Z then shouted, "Leah, you've got to get up. Sam needs you! I need you!"

"But...but Z..." Leah started to say, her voice sounded like she was going to cry.

"No buts! Just do it!"

Leah then gets up and runs over to Sam, making another attempt to jump on Mirloc in order to free her friends. Mirloc then throws her and Omega away from him, making Leah power down in the process. "Come on Omega, you can do it!" shouted Sky.

"Get up, Leah!" shouted Syd.

"Sorry, rangers." said Mirloc. "They put up a good fight. Now they'll be joining you."

Mirloc then opens up the reflective mirrors as Sam looks up. Making a quick decision, Sam jumps up and goes for the mirrors. "Reflect...on...this!" he tells Mirloc and punches the mirrors.

The mirrors shattered as Mirloc fell back. "It's all over." said Sam. The other rangers, as well as the Omega Max Zord, came out of the windows and both Syd and Z run over to Leah.

"Youre going to be ok, Leah. I promise." said Z, lifting her up onto her side.

"Wake up, Leah." said Syd.

"Z? Syd?" Leah asked weakly, opening her eyes.

"We're here." said Syd.

"Can you stand?" asked Z and Leah nods, with help from both of them.

"All right!" said Sam and looks over at the rangers. "You guys okay?"

"Yeah." said Jack. "But Leah needs to go to the infirmary."

"You guys need me here. I'll be fine." protested Leah, clutching her right arm.

"Are you sure? Your arm looks pretty bad." said Bridge and Leah gives him a glare.

"Do you see a bone poking out through the skin? I sure don't." said Leah.

"All right. Let's capture this clown once and for all." said Jack.

"Foolish rangers, don't you realize, if you catch me, I'll only escape again?" asked Mirloc, points to Sky. "Ask him. He's worthless, just like his father was."

"That's just the lowest. Sky's dad was an amazing ranger." said Syd.

"Yeah and so is he. He's the best." Bridge added.

"Right. We're all proud to fight by his side." said Z.

"How touching, but he still doesn't have what it takes to defeat me." Mirloc said.

"Yes he will." said Leah. "You just don't know about it yet, Mirloc."

"We'll see about that." said Jack, then hands his morpher to Sky. "Here. Take it."

"What?" Sky asked in confusion.

"It only seems right that you bring him in." said Jack. "Do it for your father."

"You sure?" he asked.

"Go for it."

Taking the morpher, Sky goes and faces Mirloc. "This one's for you, dad. S.P.D. EMERGENCY!"

Sky goes down the morphing grid, temporarily becoming the red ranger. "I don't care what color you are." said Mirloc. "Youre going down."

"I don't think so." said Sky. "S.P.D. BATTLIZER!"

A morpher comes out of R.I.C. and goes to Sky. "Activate Battlizer!" shouted Sky as shoulder pads appeared. "Hyah! Cyber Mode...complete!"

"Give it your best shot!" taunted Mirloc and goes towards Sky. Both start fighting until Mirloc was on the ground. "Battlizer...Sonic Mode! Hyah!" shouted Sky.

R.I.C. was running alongside Sky down the morphing grid, until he dissembled himself and combined with him. "Battlizer, Mode two complete!" said Sky.

"What?" Mirloc was shocked at what he was seeing.

"Fire!" shouted Sky as he swing the sword at Mirloc and then faces his fellow rangers as Mirloc finally goes to the ground.

"I will escape again!" said Mirloc from the containment card.

"Power down!" shouted Sky and he's back in his blue uniform.

"Sky! That was brilliant!" said Bridge as they congratulated him.

"That was awesome, Sky. It was awesome." said Z as Jack was smiling behind her.

Back on Gruumm's ship, Piggy was thrown back towards Gruumm. "Did you enjoy that, Piggy?" Morgana asked him.

"Well, I see you've survived the pits." said Gruumm.

"Oh. Oh, it was awful...the spiders, the snakes, the smell, the horrors I saw...but enough of the good stuff." said Piggy. "Emperor, I realize that you are the one true leader. I hand you my life, my allegiance. I will do everything in my power to help you bring down S.P.D."

"Excellent." said Gruumm, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Morgana, this is the birth of our new assault on planet earth!"

Back at the base, Kat was watching the transport on screen. "Mirloc is being jettisoned to the containment facility on Verinox 12." she said to the rangers.

"Great. There's not a ray of sunshine on that planet." said Bridge.

"Hence, no reflections." said Syd.

"So, no chance for him to escape." said Z.

"Good work, rangers." said Cruger as he walks into the command center, then he looks at Sky. "And...Sky, I...I...I apologize...for not filling you in on all the details. You are a fine ranger, and I will not make that mistake again."

"Thank you, sir." said Sky.

"I tried to tell you before, commander...lying would only make it worse." said Leah.

"So you've said." said Cruger.

"Well, I've learned something today. Don't get my bones fractured." said Leah, looking down at her arm that is now in a cast.

"That's a valid point. Now, Leah, about your exams..." said Cruger and Leah started to freak out.

"Oh my god! I completely forgot. I'm so late!" shouted Leah, scrambling around the command center, looking for her notes.

"Leah, don't freak..." said Kat but Leah was already out of the command center and down the hall. "Out."

"I guess it's too late to tell her that she can take them this evening. Right?" asked Cruger.

"Yeah." said Kat. "She'll figure it out soon." In Sky's room, Sky was holding his dad's helmet when Jack appears in the doorway. Soon as Sky looks up, Jack asks, "Is that...?"

"My dad's." said Sky.

"Well, I know he would have been proud of you if he could have seen you in action today." said Jack as he walks in.

"In a weird way, I felt he was with me." Sky said. He gets up from his bed and hands Jack his morpher. "Thanks. I owe you one."

"Oh, it's all good, man." said Jack. "So, how did it feel to finally become the red ranger?"

"Being red was great, but...I'm proud to be the blue ranger." said Sky.

"Really?" Jack asked.

"Yeah. You know, Jack, heroes come in all colors." said Sky, repeating what Jack had previously told him.


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