A Beautiful Nightmare •A Kai...

By Mellianna92

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In every family's history book there has always been that one dark chapter that no one wants to talks about... More

Entry One... Attic Surprises
Entry Two... There's A New Girl In Town
Entry Three... Guess Who's Coming Home?
Entry Four...A Hit And Run
Entry Five... Missed Me?
Entry Seven...Billiard Magic
Entry Eight... Skinny Dipping & Taylor Swift
Entry Nine... Welcome To The Corn Maze...
Entry Ten...Mind Your Business Bon Bon..
Entry Eleven... Just Another Face On The Milk Carton..

Entry Six... You Win Some. You Lose Some...Funny Thing Is, I Will Always Win

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By Mellianna92

•Andy's Pov•

What possessed me to actually save his number in my phone?

I have no clue but I did and I saved it under Jason 13.

For some reason that was funny to me.

Nana had came by to pick me up at the time she said.

"She'll be back tomorrow." Nana says to Miss White.

We walk back to the car and Julia was in the back seat sleeping.

"Guess she had a busy day..." I sit in the front so I don't disturb her.

As Nana drives I think about something.


"Yes sweetheart?"

"How come our Coven doesn't get along with the Gemini Coven?"

At first I thought she wasn't going to answer me.

"We weren't always like that. Our two covens use to get along. But at the time when they were doing their merge ceremony one of their twin boys had fallen for one of our members. Which would have been fine but he had committed a sin within the community."

"What was that Nana?"

"He gave his magic to the girl and to give your magic to someone outside of your coven before you're married is a sin."

"Wow, what happened to him?"

"His punishment was death because they had needed him greatly but then became useless. They wanted to punish the girl as well but she had already killed herself upon hearing that her lover was gone."

"That's so sad, it's almost like a Romeo and Juliet story."

"I know but that why our covens no longer get along. Now I taught your mother that you treat everyone with respect. Even though the Parker's lived near us, we never said any bad words. We always spoke when spoken to, and we respected each other's space. If you ever meet one I want you to be polite but don't you dare go and start being close to them."

Suddenly my phone feels heavy in my bag.

Knowing that Jason Parker's number was in it makes me want to beg Nana for forgiveness.

But I keep my mouth shut.

"Can I help you cook today, Nana?"

"Sure, I need someone to help me make my honey butter biscuits."

"Oh, with the gravy too?"


"Then I'll defiantly help."

"Mm, can I help too?" Julia says from the back seat.

"I thought you were sleep?" I say with a crooked smile.

"When Nana's honey butter biscuits are involved those things can wake up sleeping beauty." Julia says as she stretches from the back seat.

"You two have dishes afterwards."

"Yes, Nana." We say in unison.

When we get back to the house Julia and I were upstairs for a little.

"So, you know that guy that we brought to the hospital?"

"I thought we were never going to talk about that?"

"I know but hear me out. So I was getting lunch for the ladies at the library and while I was leaving I bump into the guy we had brought to the hospital."

"What was he doing there? Stalking you?" Julia says as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"That's what I thought at first but, he was actually there to get food too."

"Yeah right, and you believe that?"

"Julia, just listen. We talked and he told me his name...and he gave me his number."

"What? Just fucking great of all the people, you would defiantly invite your stalker into your life."

I glare at my cousin.

"I feel bad for what I did to him...and he's kind of cute."

"Yeah baby lions are cute but as soon as they grow up they're killers."

I guess I get where she's coming from.

"Fine I won't talk to him again." I look down feeling guilty.

"Hey, don't mind me. I'm just being bitchy because of that retirement home. If you're going to walk on the wild side with this guy just be careful. And if he's as cute as you say he is then let him be your fling. We leave within a month and a half anyways might as well ruffle those perfect feathers."

I smirk and sit on my bed.

"Julia you're such a pervert."

"Hey, I'm just saying. Anyways what about that other guy you met at the rave?"

I shrug.

"I think I'm going to just be friends with him."

"Damn friend zoning the guy before you guys properly hang out? That's cold, Andy."

"What? I don't feel any physical attraction to him. So why drag him along?"

"But what about the other guy, what's his name?"

"Jason...Parker." I say chewing the side of my lip.

"Wait he's a Parker? That's just coincidence right? I mean Parker is a very common last name."

"I asked if he was related to the Parker's who use to live here and he said they were a distant relatives."

Julia closes the door to the room and marches back over to me.

"Delete the number."

"But you said-"

"Forget what I said, that was before I knew he was related to the killer clan."

"That's not nice, Julia."

"So? Everyone in this family, even though they don't say it, knows what one of those Parker demon seeds did to our family members. Now if you plan on still talking to him that's your funeral and I don't want anything to do with it."

Julia pulls her hair in a high bun and looks at me.

"I get it I do. But Jason wasn't the one who killed our aunt." I say in self defense.

"No he was just born within the same bloodline as that freak who did it." Julia walks out of the room leaving me sitting there, regretting even telling her all of this...

•Kai's Pov•

Why hasn't she called me yet?

I ask myself while sitting on my sisters couch.

"Can you not eat that on my couch? I'm still paying it off."

I roll my eyes and sit up eating my pizza.

"You know if you would have used magic you could've easily owned this couch in no time flat, sissy."

"You know Kai, magic isn't everything."

"Says the twin that was born with her own magic. Now when are we going to merge?"

"Soon. I just need to get everything all set up."

I walk over to my sister and smile in her face before moving her hair out of her face.

She flinches from my touch which only makes me feel more happy inside.

"Don't think that since I've been away all this time I haven't thought about how you screwed me over last time. So if you're planning on sending me back all I'll do is cut something else out of you that's more important. Like a lung or even a heart."

I move away from her and look around her living room as she continues to help Daniel wake up.

"Nice to see that everyone's moved on since I've been away. Hm, I think Daniel mentioned something about you getting married too. Where was my invite?"

She just glares at me.

"Let me guess it got lost in the mail?" I smirk at her and look at my phone again. A pop up reminder came across the screen.

This doctors life is so boring, open surgery in ten minutes. Blah blah blah.

I delete all of her photos which tsk tsk weren't so appropriate for a doctor to be taking and go in Twitter again to look at Andy's Twitter.

Hm, she looks good in this picture. My thumb hovers over the picture and two little notes pop up.

One says save picture and the other say tweet picture.

I save the picture and keep looking.

I see a picture of Andy and the girl with brown hair. Andy was in a two piece but with a towel wrapped around her.

"Oh, Andy you don't need that towel." I save that picture too and hear a gasp from the other couch.

"Danny!" Josette hugs him and I dust my hands off from the pizza crumbs.

"Alright, now that our little brother is up lets get down to business."

We hear keys jingling at the front door and in came a man with dusty blonde hair.

"Honey I'm ho-what's going on here?"

"You must be the husband. My sisters said a lot about you. No I'm lying she's just been here trying to get out of merging with me. But where are my manner. I'm Kai." I go to shake his hand but he just looks at me.

"Okay..." I take my hand back.

"Jo, what's going on?"

"Ric, it's nothing."

"Don't lie to him, Jo. Hey, Ric. Can I call you Ric? Anyways I'm her twin brother, you know the one no one talks about at the family gatherings because they sent me away to live in a prison world for killing my siblings and for being an abomination. I'm here to merge with her and basically eat up her life."

He jacks me up and slams me against the wall. I can't help but laugh because he has no idea who he's dealing with.

"Ric don't-"

"I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing but I'm throwing you the hell out of my house."

He slams me harder against the wall and I laugh.

"I see why my sister married you. You're brave, but you're also stupid." I put my finger tips on his temple and he falls to the ground shaking like he's having a seizure."

"What did you do?" She goes to run to him but I grab her arm and yank her back.

"I'm really done with this whole why are you here, what did you do, you need to leave bullshit. Now let's go." I drag her off but our little brother tackles me from behind giving Josette the chance to escape.

"You really shouldn't have done that...."

•Andy's Pov•

It was hours later and Julia wouldn't even look at me as she passed me the biscuits.

"How was working at the retirement home, Julia."

"It was okay, but this one lady kept staring at me calling me a demon seed."

"Let me guess that was Susan Carmichael?"

"How did you know?"

"She's never been right in the head, ever since we went to high school together. Stay away from her or I'll have to make another visit in her sleep." Nana says as she cuts into her food.

"Alright Nana's badass."

"Language young lady."

"Sorry." Julia grins as she takes a drink of her peach ice tea.

"What about you Andy? How was it working at the library."

"It was good. The ladies there are nice. I was reading one of the city records and they were very interesting."

"That's nice dear. Miss Bennett will be over here tomorrow morning. Her daughter will not since she is going to be helping Miss Wilson with her kids down the block."

"The Wilson boys? Oh I feel bad for her."

I don't comment but I know how much of a hassle those twin boys are.

"So, Nana. Andy met a boy." I look right at Julia and feel the urge to kick her under the table.

"Is that right?" She asks looking right at me.

"Um, yes..."

Think, Andy think fast...

"His name is-" I cut Julia off by knocking her tea in her lap and she jumps up.

"You did that on purpose you little bi-"

"What did I say?" Nana yells.

"Did you see what she jus-"

"I don't want to hear it. If we can not have dinner in a civilized manner then you two can go to bed now."

Julia grabs a dish towel while I grab paper napkins to get up the tea off of the floor.

"You're so dead for this." She whispers.

I stop and look at her.

"You tell her about him and you'll need to sleep with your eyes open, Julia." She flinches back away from me and I continue to clean up the sweet liquid.

After a very quiet dinner I sit on the back porch thinking.

Is it even worth keeping his number if I'm going to feel guilty about it?

I look at the number and I'm tempted to delete it.

I then think about what my aunt had done in her own situation.

In a way our situations mirror each other, but the consequences she suffered was permanent.

But I'm not her. I may look like her but I'm not her.

So I took a leap of faith and I press call.

I look behind me to make sure Nana or Julia weren't around before bringing the phone to my ear.

It rings twice before I get an answer.

"Who's this?" Jason sounded as if I was interrupting him.

"I'm sorry if you're busy. I can always call you back later if you want." I hear a crash in the background and Jason clears his throat.

"I'm a little busy, but I can stop for you. How are you, Andy?" I hear another crash in the background.

"Are you sure you're not busy Jason?"

"My sister is having some problems. So I'll call you right back okay?"




"Thanks for calling me." I can almost hear Jason smiling over the phone. So I smile to myself.

"Welcome." I hear someone scream and the line goes dead.

I hope everything is alright over there.

I decide to call my mother to see how she's doing.

It's a little after eight so I'm sure she's still up.

The phone rings about three times before she picks up.

"Hi, baby. How are things?"

"Good, I'm sure Nana told you about what we did."

"Mhm, I'm disappointed in you because you know better. Julia is a bad influence on you."

"No, mom she isn't. I acted in part of this willingly."

"Well your grandmother told me that you and Julia are doing community service. So I believe that's a suiting punishment."

"Yeah, so how are you feeling? Did you get that cough checked out?"

"I did and I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

"I can't help it mom. So how's Mason?"

"He's good. He drew you a picture. It's waiting on your bed when you get home."

"Awe, see I hope Mason stays like this when he's all grown up."

My mom gives a light laugh. "So do I. Oh your father is building an extension to the house. He wants to build a deck."

"Really? Is he going to finish this project this time?"

"Let's hope he does." We both laugh at that.



"Have you ever done something that made you question your position in the coven?"

"There have been some incidents yes. Why what's wrong?"

I stand up and walk over to the big tree in the back.

"Nothing, I'm just curious."

"Andrew, what's wrong."

"Mom, nothing I swear. Look I gotta go. Nana is calling me."

"Alright, well love you."

"Love you too." We hang up and I walk back to the house.

I help clean the dishes and Julia keeps her distance from me.

"Looks like the summer solstice coming in." I look out the window besides Nana and we see red, yellow, and blue lights.

"Wow, they look so..pretty." I hear Julia say behind me.

"Alright, off to bed for me."

"This early, Nana?"

"I have some errands to run in the morning, and if I were you two I'd get some sleep too."

Nana leaves us and I turn to Julia but she was already heading upstairs.

I run up and find her packing up her blankets and a pillow.

"You're leaving?"

"I think it would be best if I slept in the guest room."

"You don't have to do that."

"Yeah, yeah I do." She gathers her toiletries and leaves me in the room alone.

I sit on my bed Indian style and cuddle the teddy bear that was sitting at the head of my bed.

"What do you think I should do?" I ask the teddy bear.

The bear was silent which I figured and I just look towards the window.

"It is pretty..."

•Josette's Pov•

I manage to get Ric out of the house but I couldn't get to Daniel in time.

Kai had drained him of all his magic and all that was left was a hallow shell of my baby brother.

That bastard!

"Josette, if you keep avoiding this, you're only going to make me angrier." I hear him call out from a distance.

Ric groans as he starts to wake up.

"Shh, don't worry. I'll get us away from here."

I pull out of the driveway and see Kai standing at the front door smiling at me.

He raises his hand and the car flips on its hood.

I instantly smell gas.

"Ric, Ric we gotta go." He opens his eyes and I see blood drip from the side of his face.

"My leg is stuck." He groans.

I can hear Kai whistling as he walks over to the car.

I raise my hand and the car releases Ric's leg.

"Get out now!" His car door flys open and he starts to crawl out.

I follow him but feel something grab my leg.

I get dragged out of my car window and feel glass cut my chest on the way out.

"Ahh!" I scream out...

•Kai's Pov•

"Oh don't be a big baby, that's nothing. When I was in the prison world I tried killing myself multiple times. I even went to this museum that had this guillotine-"

"Insindia." My sister says and my jacket catches on fire.

I let her go and throw the jacket down.

"I really liked that jacket. Motis..." My sister flies right back into my arms and I smile against her cheek.

"It's time, and look we even have the summer solstice to work with."

"Ric! Ric!" I drag my sister off towards a more private yet open area as her husband tries to get up.

"Looks like your hubby's not going to make it. Shame I wanted to show him all of those embarrassing baby pictures of you."

I bring her into the middle of what looks like a park and she coughs up blood.

"You know you show poor manners at least you could do was spit your blood over their instead of on my new skinny jeans."

She looks up at me and spits right in my face.

I slap her hard and she falls.

"Jo, Jo, Jo. While I would love to beat you to a bloody pulp, you and I need to finish this."

"And when we do, I'll be sure to beat you." She replies.

"Are those your last words, sis? Good now get up." I drag her up and we stand there.

"I hate you."

"Awe, the feelings mutual." I slice my hand and grab her hands doing the same then chant the spell to start the merge.

She joins me and I feel her magic slowly mix with the magic I had took from Daniel.

We keep chanting and I feel my soul slowly slip out of my body.

We both gasp and black out as we both fall to the ground...

I hear someone crying as I sit up.

"...Josette, please get up." I stand up and see that it was that stupid yet brave husband of hers.

"You know Daniel told me a little interesting fact about sissy..."

Her husband glares at me while he holds her in his arms.

I almost feel sad for him because I was like that once, but I have a second chance...

"She was pregnant, and just when she was about to go into labor her heart rate was dropping. It dropped so fast that she almost died. But you? You knew about magic. You knew you had to think fast so you had her take her magic back, funny thing about magic, Ric. Whether it's for good or bad it always comes with a price. Her magic killed the baby."

"Shut up..."

"It's really ironic, you got married thinking you'd have a life with her and yet you're the one who killed that dream. Hm, I want to pity you but why should I?"

"Leave us alone!" He screams at me as he looks down at his dead wife.

"Gladly." I turn on my heel and walk away feeling Jo's power coarse through me.

I know everyone in the coven feels my presence and I know they will start to come around to try to send me back to the prison world.

But as long as Andy is here, and as long as I'm free, I'm not going anywhere.

In the back of my mind Ric comes into my thoughts.

I feel something but shake it of.

You win some. You lose some

Funny thing is...

"I will alway win...."



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