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"That I fumbled your heart Should've let go of my past for you, damn You did everything I asked of you Travel... Еще



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The next day


The next morning, Solea woke up with renewed energy, her mind buzzing with excitement for the day ahead.

She was scrambling everywhere trying to make sure she had everything done on time. Nails, hair, wax, new clothes etc.

Her first stop was the nail salon, where she treated herself to a fresh set of manicure and pedicure.

Next on the agenda was a trip to the hair salon, where she got a new lace unit installed. The stylist worked their magic, transforming her hair into cascading waves that framed her face with effortless elegance.

Afterwards, Solea made a beeline for the waxing salon. With each appointment checked off her list, she was proud of herself for getting these things done in a short time.

As she dashed from one appointment to the next, Solea couldn't shake the excitement bubbling within her. She made a mental note to pack her new lingerie set, a suggestion from her friends Nova and Halle that had her stomach doing somersaults at the mere thought.

Amidst her busy schedule, Solea also made time to shop for a special Valentine's Day gift for Sante'. She wanted to show him how much he meant to her, and she knew that a thoughtful present would go perfectly.

She didn't want him to think this holiday was just for her. Making a quick stop at jewelry stores, Nike, and some black-owned clothing brands.

After spending three hours at the mall, patiently waiting for her jewelry to be ready, Solea finally made her way to lunch with Teyanna.

Their partnership had been in the works for a while now, fueled by their shared passion for being ambassadors. They both saw the potential to take their collaboration to the next level, and what better way to do it than together.

As she drove to the bungalow to meet Teyanna, Solea couldn't contain her excitement. She had carefully placed Sante's gifts in the trunk, eager to surprise him when they make it to their trip. Walking into the restaurant, she was greeted with familiar faces and a warm welcome from the staff. She knew half of them by name now, thanks to her frequent visits.

Skipping the back of the restaurant where she knew Sante' would be busy, Solea made her way to the booth where Teyanna was waiting. They exchanged hugs and excited chatter, discussing their plans for the partnership over delicious food and refreshing drinks.

Solea and Teyanna settled into the cozy booth at the bungalow, ready to dive into their brainstorming session for their potential business venture.

"So, Solea, I've been thinking" Teyanna began, leaning in with a sparkle in her eyes, "What if we collaborated on a streetwear line? I mean, we both have such unique styles, and I think our followers would love to see that reflected in clothing."

Solea's eyes widened with excitement. "Oh my gosh, Girl that's brilliant! I've always admired your fashion sense, and combining it with mine could create something really special. Plus, streetwear is so versatile and appeals to a wide audience."

Nodding in agreement, Teyanna continued, "Exactly"

"Ooo yess! I'm so excited for this"

With their creative juices flowing, the two friends began sketching ideas on napkins and jotting down notes on their phones. They discussed everything from branding and marketing strategies to fabric choices and production methods.

As they delved deeper into their vision, Solea and Teyanna knew they were onto something special. Their shared passion for style and empowerment was the perfect foundation for their new business venture.

That night

Boarding Sante's private jet felt like stepping into a realm of luxury, an experience Solea couldn't believe she was a part of. As she ascended the stairs, the anticipation bubbled within her.

"Careful, mamas. Ion want you tripping" Sante's deep voice rumbled, his large hand a reassuring presence at the small of her back as they entered the expansive plane.

Her heart raced with excitement, her gaze darting around the plush interior of the jet. It was a world apart from anything she had ever known, a testament to Sante's lavish lifestyle that never failed to leave her in awe.

Chuckling softly, Sante's eyes twinkled with amusement. "You'll get used to it. This is your new normal now" he declared with a hint of pride.

Walking down the hallway, Solea's breath caught at the sight of the meticulously arranged snacks and champagne, a tantalizing array that promised indulgence and luxury. And beyond that, the promise of a sumptuous bed beckoned from the secluded room at the back of the plane.

Turning to face Sante, Solea's heart swelled with affection as he joined her, his presence a comforting anchor in this whirlwind of extravagance. "Come here" she murmured, her voice laced with excitement and anticipation.

Moving toward her, Sante enveloped her in his embrace, his touch sending shivers down her spine. With her arms wrapped around his neck, Solea looked up at him, her eyes shining with excitement. "I'm so ready for this bae-cation" she exclaimed, her eyebrows wiggling playfully.

Feeling his arms tighten around her, Solea's breath hitched as his hands trailed sensually down to her hips. The air crackled with tension as Sante's gaze darkened, his lips curving into a seductive smirk. "I am too... You just don't know" he murmured huskily, his gaze smoldering down at her.

At his command, Solea leaned in eagerly, her lips meeting his in a searing kiss that ignited a fire within her.

Sloppily kissing him she placed her hands on his neck scratching him a little. Groaning Sante' slipped his tongue in her mouth.

"Mmm baby stop we gone start something before the plane lift" she mumbled against his lips feeeling his hands reach the front of her bodysuit she had on.

Feeling his hand come up to grip her neck tightly she could tell by his demeanor he wasn't hearing anything she was saying.

Bending down so his mouth was touching her ear while he steadily rubbed her ass, Solea could feel her legs feel like they were on the verge of giving out.

"Why you keep playing with me like i won't fuck you up, hmm?" He mumbled leaving open mouth kisses up and down her neck. "Why you keep teasing me mama?" He asked her in a low voice.

Solea found herself caught off guard by the depth of Sante's words and the intensity of his gaze, which seemed to smolder with unspoken desire. The sexual tension between them had been very noticeable in recent days, but she hadn't anticipated Sante's sudden boldness.

Her heart raced within her chest as she met his gaze, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within her. Feeling his fingers stroke her lips slowly through her bodysuit she stared at him in a daze.

"Hmmm.... I-I'm not doing anything papa" she whispered staring at him with pleading eyes and pouted lips. Licking his lips Sante' brought her face closer by the neck, kissing her roughly before letting her go. "It's ok, papa gone show you tomorrow night" He mumbled while releasing her neck.

Feeling shaken by the intensity of Sante's words, Solea excused herself to the bathroom, needing a moment to collect her thoughts. As she stepped into the bathroom, she finally allowed herself to catch her breath, the adrenaline from their interaction still coursing through her veins.

Leaning against the cool surface of the bathroom counter, Solea closed her eyes, trying to steady her racing heart. She could feel the dampness between her thighs, a tangible reminder of the desire that had ignited between them. Words eluded her as she struggled to make sense of the whirlwind of emotions swirling within her.

Building her courage, Solea lifted her gaze to meet her reflection in the mirror. Taking a deep breath, she gave herself a silent pep talk, reminding herself to stay grounded and composed in the face of the overwhelming attraction she felt towards Sante.

After cleansing herself and composing her thoughts, Solea emerged from the bathroom, finding Sante' engrossed in what sounded like an important phone call. Giving him space to finish his conversation, she retreated to the back of the plane, eager to settle in for the journey ahead.

As the pilot's announcement signaled their departure, Solea prepared her night essentials and headed back to the bathroom for a quick shower and change of clothes. Twenty minutes later, she emerged in a cozy jaydawayda pajama set, ready to unwind.

Settling into the plush comfort of the bed, Solea occupied herself with her phone, scrolling through messages and notifications.

When Sante' finished his call and joined her in the room, she couldn't help but feel a flutter of butterflies in her stomach. She admired the way he effortlessly commanded attention, his presence both comforting and demanding.

Observing him as he gathered his belongings for bed and prepared to take a shower, Solea found herself captivated by his every movement.

His muscles rippled beneath the fabric of his shirt, his focused demeanor adding to his allure. Despite her growing feelings of shyness, she couldn't deny the magnetic pull he had over her when he put her in her place.

After luxuriating in the shower, Sante emerged refreshed, the scent of his signature cologne, Dior Sauvage, enveloping the air around him.

Casting a glance at Solea, he couldn't help but notice the lingering traces of her thoughts from their earlier encounter, her demeanor a mix of amusement and contemplation.

With a soft chuckle, Solea made her way to his side of the bed as he set aside his jewelry. "I'm good baby, just ready to cuddle" she murmured, her voice tender as she watched him.

Responding with a low hum, Sante settled into bed beside her, his arms enveloping her in a secure embrace as he gently rubbed her sides. As she gazed at his face, her eyes traced the contours of his features, captivated by the man before her.

"Go to sleep, mama" Sante murmured, his eyes still closed as his hands moved to knead her thigh.

Planting a soft kiss on his lips, Solea nestled against his chest, finding solace in his embrace as she drifted into a peaceful slumber by his side.

Awakening from her slumber, Solea emitted a soft groan, her movements slow as she shifted amidst the sheets. As she slowly stretched her limbs, her eyes fluttered open, momentarily dazzled by the radiant sunlight filtering through the curtains. Closing her eyes against the glare, she savored the warmth enveloping her.

Sensing a weight on her chest and the subtle movements beside her, Solea's eyes fluttered open once more, her senses more alert now.

Peering down, she saw Sante', sprawled across her— his head resting on her left breast while cupping the right. His gentle snores filling the air. A tender smile graced her lips as she admired his peaceful countenance.

Casting her gaze around the room, she took in her surroundings, noting the transition from the confines of the jet to the expanse of a grand master suite.

The room boasted a modern aesthetic, adorned in sleek black décor and polished hardwood flooring. The modern furnishings exuded luxury, enhancing the room's sophisticated ambiance.

(It's day time though)

Glancing to her left, Solea's eyes widened in awe as she beheld the breathtaking vista outside the window. The crystal-clear waters of the Dominican Republic stretched out before her, the cerulean waves crashing gently against the pristine shoreline. The sun cast a golden glow across the landscape, illuminating the picturesque scene with its radiant warmth.

The early morning sunlight filtered through the sheer curtains, casting a warm glow across the luxurious bedroom where Solea lay nestled against Sante's chest. Stirring from her slumber, she felt a surge of excitement as she beheld the breathtaking view of the crystal-clear waters of the Dominican Republic.

As she attempted to rise without disturbing Sante', she was met with resistance as his strong arms pulled her back into his embrace.

"Why you leaving?" His voice, a deep rumble, tickled the sensitive skin of her neck as he tightened his hold on her.

Suppressing a smile, Solea turned her head slightly to meet his gaze, his dark eyes shimmering with warmth and affection despite the sleep that still lingered in them.

"I wanna see the house, papa... When did we get here anyway? What Airbnb is this? This is beautiful" she gushed, her voice filled with awe and curiosity.

Opening his eyes, Sante' regarded her with a mixture of amusement and adoration, his gaze softening as he took in her radiant beauty.

"We got here around 5am. I was gonna wake you when we landed, but I just carried you since you were knocked out" he explained in his deep, velvety tone, his voice still husky from sleep.

"And this is my house, mamas. I hope you ain't think I was taking you to an Airbnb where I reside now" he added with a slight tilt of his head, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Gasping with astonishment, Solea's mouth fell open as she struggled to find the right words. "This beautiful view and this massive house... this entire place yours?" she finally managed to articulate, her eyes wide with disbelief as she turned to face Sante'.

Chuckling softly, Sante' watched her with amusement as she began to ramble in excitement. "Mama, how many times I gotta tell you, your man really be doing shit. This mafia business ain't just selling cookies and getting $20, and you know i own restaurants" he teased, his eyes crinkling with laughter at her reaction.

Rolling her eyes playfully, Solea responded with a smile. "Maybe 30 more times because this is..." Her voice trailed off as she sat up, feeling Sante's hands slide down to wrap around her waist. With his comforting touch, she took a moment to soak in the breathtaking view of their surroundings. "This is so beautiful," she murmured, her heart swelling with gratitude for the life they were building together.

Looking up at her as she gazed out the window, Sante' rested his cheek on her thigh, his expression softening with affection. "I wanna see how the house looks. Let me up for a second" she requested, a playful glint in her eye.

With a resigned sigh, he reluctantly released his hold on her. Pushing aside the thick plush comforter, Solea made her way to the gigantic sliding door that led to the outdoor terrace. As she slid open the door, a rush of warm Caribbean air enveloped her, carrying with it the sounds of birds chirping and the gentle rustle of palm trees.

Feeling the sun's rays caress her skin, Solea couldn't help but smile at the comical warmth of the Dominican Republic air on a beautiful day. It was as if the universe itself was welcoming them to paradise, promising endless adventures and unforgettable memories in their private oasis.

Breathing in the warmth of the tropical air and feeling the gentle breeze caress her skin, Solea was transported to a state of pure bliss. Before she could utter a word, she felt the comforting warmth of Sante's embrace envelop her, his arms encircling her in a protective hold.

Resting her head against his chest, she tilted her face upward to meet his gaze as they both took in the breathtaking view before them. "Happy Valentine's Day, beautiful" he murmured, his voice laced with tenderness.

Blushing at his words, Solea brought her hands to intertwine with his, cherishing the moment shared between them. "Happy Valentine's Day" she replied softly, her heart swelling with love for the man who had stolen her heart.

Feeling his chin rest atop her head, Sante tightened his hold around her, swaying gently as they stood together. "We've got a big day planned, mama. I'm taking you on a tour of the Republic on my yacht—just you and me. Then we'll have dinner, and afterwards, we can exchange gifts" he mumbled , his hands moving in soothing circles against her ass.

Closing her eyes in contentment at the sensation of Sante's touch, Solea let out a blissful sigh. "Okk. I'm excited" she whispered, a soft smile gracing her lips as she leaned into his embrace, knowing that their Valentine's Day would be nothing short of magical.

Releasing each other from their embrace, Solea tiptoed up to plant a tender kiss on Sante's cheek, a silent gesture of affection shared between them. With a knowing smile, they both acknowledged the need to freshen up and brush their teeth after.

"I'm about to shower and put on my bikini!" Solea exclaimed with excitement, eager to begin the day's adventures.

"Alright, don't worry about food, I've arranged for some to be sent to the yacht. I'll shower upstairs so we can head there" Sante' replied, already making his way out.

"Okay!" Solea smiled in response as he left the room, anticipation bubbling inside her for the day ahead.

Turning on the shower to ensure the water was at its hottest temperature, Solea washed herself up while following her skincare routine.

Letting the music play from the Alexa speaker, she reveled in the rhythms emanating from it, adding a touch of joy to her morning routine.

Caught me at the right time, baby (oh)
I was at the edge, I was at the end
Made me feel like there is life worth living
Made me feel alive, oh yeah
Time ain't on my side
Baby, where would I be without your love beside me? Oh
Baby, where would I be? Probably gone, oh
'Cause it feels like CPR
'Cause it feels like CPR

Continuing her shower in peace, Solea spent the next 15 minutes exfoliating, indulging in the quietude of the moment. After stepping out, towel drying, and brushing her teeth, she started on her makeup routine, hoing for a soft glam look.

Once her makeup was complete, she slipped into her white bikini set, accentuated by flowy floral shorts, her beach curls cascading down her shoulders effortlessly.

While spraying her perfume and preparing herself, she heard a light knock on the door. Turning to see Sante' with a towel wrapped around his waist, Solea's gaze shamelessly roamed over his muscled physique adorned with tattoos.

Catching her stare, Sante' chuckled, knowingly standing on the other side of the island to capture a picture for his story.

"Mmm, you trying to show out, really?" Solea quipped, hands on her hips, as she moved closer, tracing her fingers lightly over his abs.

Observing her movements, Sante' pulled Solea closer, enveloping her in his embrace. "Solea" he warned, his tone serious, yet playful.

Pouting, Solea gazed up at him, echoing his earlier words. "I'm going to see tonight" she sighed, rolling her eyes in mock exasperation.

Flicking her bottom lip, Sante' chuckled deeply, his voice husky sending chills down her spine "you're a handful."

On the yacht, Solea and Sante' were thoroughly enjoying their time together, from lounging around to engaging in a lively game of Uno Flip.

Solea chuckled as she placed a Draw Four card on the deck, watching as Sante' groaned in mock frustration. "Uno!" she exclaimed, a triumphant grin spreading across her face.

Sante' shook his head playfully. "You're too good at this, you gotta be cheating" he admitted with a slight attitude, admiring her competitive spirit.

Solea shrugged, flashing him a mischievous grin. "Just lucky, I guess" she teased.

As they continued playing, Solea couldn't help but steal glances at Sante' whenever he wasn't looking, silently admiring the man she had fallen deeply in love with. The warmth of his presence enveloped her, filling her with a sense of contentment she never wanted to lose.

At one point, Sante' paused to take a picture of Solea for her Instagram. Peering through the camera lens, he mumbled something softly, prompting her to inquire, "What, baby?"

To her surprise, he simply licked his lips slowly and shook his head. "Nothing, mama. Just keep posing" he reassured her in his deep, husky voice.

Blushing at his gaze, Solea obliged, striking various poses as he captured her essence through his lens. After snapping a few more shots, she retrieved her phone to review the pictures.

"These are good! I love when you take my pictures," she exclaimed, beaming with delight as she leaned down to plant a soft, lingering kiss on his lips.

Pulling away, Solea didn't waste a moment before starting to post her pictures, eager to share their blissful moments with the world.

Liked by Sante. And 567,096 others
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Turning off her comments as a precaution, she knows that Sante' just posted a picture of the water hours ago, not knowing when they were going to reveal their relationship— she knows some fans are undercover fbi agents.

Focusing on enjoying the delicious wings before turning to Sante' with a question. "When did you want to start posting each other? Since my brother knows, we really don't have to worry."

Sante' replied in his deep baritone voice, raising his eyebrows in amusement. "I was going to post your eager ass tonight, mama, for a Valentine's Day post" he announced, clearly aware of her eagerness to show him off.

Rolling her eyes playfully, Solea smiled. "I'm just ready to show everybody my man, my man" she confessed, her eyes sparkling with happiness.

Enjoying the rest of the ride, 2 hours later they were on their way back, the sun setting letting them know their reservations for dinner were ahead.

As they strolled back to the dock, the couple felt happy and rejuvenated from their day together. With the sun beaming down on them and music playing in the background, they relished each other's company.

Arriving at the dock, they gathered their belongings. Sante' kept his yachts at a high-end location frequented by celebrities, ensuring the property was well-maintained and cleaned.

Solea was amazed at the setup, essentially a daycare for yachts. The place exuded luxury, with a stylish lobby for check-ins and greetings, while the back showcased a lineup of yachts and boats parked on the deck.

As they walked together, Sante' wrapped his arms around Solea's waist, hovering over her. "Do you want to go in the pool they have, mama? Since we didn't get to swim in the water" he suggested.

"Ooo yes, you know me so well," Solea smiled, touched by Sante's thoughtfulness.

Navigating through the lobby, the couple swiftly made their way outside to the pool area.

At the residence, they found three separate expansive pools. Opting for the one at the far end, which was surprisingly empty, they headed there, bypassing other guests lost in their own worlds. Solea couldn't help but notice a few women giving Sante' lingering stares, a sight she didn't appreciate.

After several "excuse me's" to navigate through the crowd, they reached the deserted pool area. Sensing the curious glances from the onlookers, Solea felt a wave of nervousness.

"Why are they staring?" she timidly asked, wrapping her arms around his waist.

Chuckling softly, Sante' looked down at her, caressing her back. "I know I'm your man, mamas, but I'm basically Sonny 2.0, remember?" he reminded her, attempting to ease her anxiety.

Groaning softly, Solea turned her head to glance at the people, noticing some with cameras sneaking pictures, and others whispering and pointing.

"I'm a very reserved man. I like my life private, so seeing me out with you and even showing you affection is something that is new to people who know of me" Sante' explained, trying to reassure Solea and calm her nerves.

"Especially with me not having my signature mug on it's probably catching them off guard, they know not to try nothing though, i promise" He asserted letting her know he was serious. His protective side coming out, as he looked over to them eyebrows furrowed.

Sighing in relief after his explanation, Solea dipped into the water, enjoying the warm embrace of the pool and the serene view.

Turning around she observed Sante' step down the steps, she bit her lip, admiring his swim trunks and the way his physique complemented them. Her eyes slightly gazing down at his bulge, intrigued at the length and width of it. The curve of it was noticeable as he started to dip in.

Catching her gaze, Sante' motioned her to come closer. As he descended into the water, his lower body submerged.

Swimming towards him, Solea stood in front of him, looking up at him with sparkling eyes. The sun cast a golden glow on her chocolate skin as she gazed at him.

Feeling her body being lifted, Solea wrapped her legs around him as Sante' enveloped her in his arms, holding her close. Leaning her head against his neck, she felt a sense of calm wash over her.

"You're making me turn soft in front of all these people" He mumbled, feeling his warm breath on her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

"You know you lo-....love it," Solea caught herself midway, realizing she almost let slip the words "you know you love me."

Feeling Sante's deep, husky laugh reverberate through her body as he squeezed her tighter, Solea blushed, grateful for the playful banter. "You're right" He admitted with a smile, reveling in the comfort and warmth of their embrace.

Lost in the intimacy of the moment, Solea began to softly hum the lyrics of "Crazy" by India Arie into Sante's ear.

Sante, feeling the vibrations of her voice resonating through his ear, let himself be immersed in the melody as he tenderly caressed her entire body.

After returning from their refreshing swim, Solea and Sante' lingered for just fifteen minutes before deciding to head back to Sante's house, which was a forty-minute ride away.

Once they arrived home, the couple wasted no time and headed straight for the shower, eager to wash off the saltwater and sand from their bodies.

With efficiency born from familiarity, they swiftly went through their routine, cleansing themselves and revitalizing with the hot water.

Afterwards, they set a timer for a short nap, recognizing the need to recharge before their dinner reservation at 9:30.

At 8:20, Solea emerged from the shower, her skin glowing from the recent cleansing, and her makeup refreshed to perfection.

As the soothing melody of India Arie's "Crazy" filled the room once more, Solea felt a wave of warmth enveloping her, like a comforting embrace from within.

The love song resonated deeply with her, its gentle rhythm and soulful lyrics stirring emotions of affection and longing in her heart.

With each note, Solea found herself swaying to the music, her soul intertwining with the melody, igniting a sense of courage within her.

The song served as a backdrop for her thoughts, providing a moment of introspection as she contemplated the depth of her feelings for Sante'.

Dressed in her elegant black dress, Solea felt empowered by the music, the fabric clinging to her curves accentuating her beauty. With renewed confidence and a heart full of love, she looked forward to the evening ahead, where she hoped to express her true feelings to Sante'.

As Solea delicately adjusted the straps of her dress, ensuring every detail was perfect, she felt a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Sensing a presence, she looked up to find Sante' standing before her, his gaze fixed upon her with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine.

Sante' emerged from the bedroom dressed in a sleek black button-down shirt, exuding sophistication with every crisp fold.

The fabric clung to his broad shoulders and tapered down to his waist, accentuating his muscular frame. Paired with tailored black slacks that hugged his legs just right and polished dress shoes.

Adorning his wrist was a luxurious timepiece, completing his ensemble was his signature cologne, its tantalizing scent lingering in the air as he moved.

In the soft glow of the room, Sante's dark eyes gleamed with admiration as they traced the contours of Solea's form, drinking in every curve and contour with a gentle reverence.

His expression was one of quiet appreciation, his features softened by the sight of her elegance and grace.

With a tender smile playing on his lips, Sante' took a step closer, his presence enveloping Solea in a comforting embrace.

"You just love teasing your man don't you" He groaned out gripping her ass roughly in both hands.

Solea's laughter danced through the room as she playfully squirmed under Sante's firm grasp. "You know me too well papa" she teased, her eyes sparkling with mischief as she leaned into his touch. His grip on her ass sent a shiver of excitement down her spine, igniting a fiery passion between them.

"Come on, let's get to the reservations" Sante' murmured, his voice laced with a smirk as he glanced down at Solea. The anticipation of their dinner date was palpable, heightened by the luxurious sprinter awaiting them outside, promising an evening of pampering and indulgence.

As they stepped into the sleek black sprinter, the plush interior enveloped them in comfort. The scent of leather mingled with a hint of luxury, setting the tone for the evening ahead.

Yet, their tranquil bubble was abruptly shattered by the incessant buzzing of their phones, jolting them out of their cocoon.

Surprised by the sudden flurry of notifications and calls, Sante' furrowed his brow in puzzlement, his gaze flickering to Solea for answers.

Sensing her own unease mirrored in his expression, Solea instinctively reached for her phone.

Messages from Halle and Nova flashed urgently on her screen, their excitement and urgency evident even in the text.

Halle🩶: Bitchhhh check IG
Nova♥️: check your socials neowwwww !

A knot formed in the pit of Solea's stomach, her heart sinking as she braced herself for what awaited her on social media. Glancing over at Sante', she found him already engrossed in his own phone, his expression unreadable.

"Check TheShadeRoom mama"

Solea turned her attention back to her screen, her pulse quickening as she navigated to TheShaderoom.

With a mixture of dread and apprehension, she tapped on the post, her eyes widening in disbelief as the images of her and Sante' flooded her screen, exposing their most intimate moments to the world.

              Liked by 303,738 others
TheShadeRoom #TSRBaeWatch. Ohkayy! Looks like #SoleaWoods and her #MysteryBoo took a trip to the islands 👀#BlackLove🔥

HalleBailey: love them ❤️‍🔥
Rashad_: Black love♥️
Nova_. : yasss love them 🥹
Rosemimi: omg! I knew it
User2737: she took my man wtf
Lmoona: I just know they gets down

Seeing the flood of compliments and support mixed with a few harsh comments, Solea felt a wave of relief wash over her.

Despite the occasional negativity, the overwhelming outpouring of encouragement from their followers put her at ease.

Glancing up at Sante' with a wide smile, she observed him watching her intently, his expression unreadable. Sensing his concern, he reached out to comfort her, his hand a reassuring presence.

"Are you okay with that? I can get it deleted" he inquired, his tone serious as he sought her reassurance.

Returning his smile, Solea nodded, her eyes sparkling with genuine affection. "Yes, I am. It sucks that we couldn't post about us first, but the off-guard picture was kinda cute, I won't lie" she admitted, gently squeezing his hand in reassurance.

"And I bet it was one of those girls who were eyeing you at the pool who sent it in" she added, rolling her eyes, knowing all too well the attention he drew from other women.

Suddenly, Sante's demeanor shifted, his expression darkening as he grasped her chin firmly, forcing her to meet his gaze. "What i told you about that?" his voice was low, mixed with warning and desire, sending a shiver down her spine making her center wet.

Licking her lips provocatively, Solea held his gaze, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she leaned in to kiss him, her lips meeting his in a daring display of affection.

With a gentle smile playing on her lips, Solea murmured softly against his, her voice barely audible but filled with warmth and anticipation. "Nothing, let's head to dinner" she whispered, her words carrying a sense of eagerness as they prepared to experience their evening together.


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