Fluid Heart, Firey Soul (Peet...

By LawlietsGotCake

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In the heart of District 4, (Y/N) (Y/N) knows the cruel rhythm of the sea all too well, working tirelessly at... More

Part 1: The Games
Chapter 1 - District 4
Chapter 2 - Goodbyes
Chapter 3 - The Capitol
Chapter 4 - Opening Ceremonies
Chapter 5 - Impulse
Chapter 6 - The Rooftop
Chapter 7 - Training
Chapter 8 - Allies
Chapter 9 - Memories
Chapter 10 - Improvement
Chapter 11- Private Sessions
Chapter 12 - Personas
Chapter 13 - Interviews
Chapter 14 - Let The Games Begin
Chapter 15 - The Career Pack
Chapter 16 - Escape
Chapter 17 - The Girl From 11
Chapter 19 - The Lovers
Chapter 20 - Berries
Chapter 21 - The Feast
Chapter 22 - Awake
Chapter 23 - Final Three
Chapter 24 - Mutts
Chapter 25 - Home
Part 2: The Quarter Quell
Chapter 26 - District 12
Chapter 27 - Unexpected Visitor
Chapter 28 - The Tour Begins
Chapter 29 - District 11
Chapter 30 - The Final Stop
Chapter 31 - The Beginning of the End
Chapter 32 - Reunited
Chapter 33 - Hope
Chapter 34 - The Uprising
Chapter 35 - The Third Quarter Quell
Chapter 36 - Reaping Day
Chapter 37 - The Second Quarter Quell

Chapter 18 - The Cave

204 9 2
By LawlietsGotCake

Rue's small hand tightens around mine as we make our way back to the cave. Her trust is evident in the way she clings to me; I trust her too, as I take no particular precautions. If she wanted me dead, she could have easily left my wound untreated. But she didn't. Nagging me, at the very back of my mind, is the obvious— both of us can't win these games. But since the odds are stacked against either of us winning, I ignore this thought.

Besides, I'm distracted by thoughts of seeing Peeta again, wondering about Peeta's condition and how he's been faring without me. Has his wound started healing? Or has it worsened in my absence? According to Rue, he hasn't left the cave since I passed out from my own injury. If that's true, his condition could be worse than expected.

The sun begins to set, painting the sky shades of pink and orange. I feel the young girl's hand slowly slipping out of mine. Looking down, I can see the exhaustion in her eyes. She must have been keeping watch over me and Peeta without getting any rest for herself. "Should we stop here for the night?" I ask softly. She shakes her head, determined to keep going.

"Why don't you climb onto my back? You can rest while I carry you," I suggest gently, slipping the jacket wrapped around my waist over my shoulders to stave off the evening chill. The temperature had plummeted significantly since this morning, adding another layer of difficulty to my circumstance. It's like they're trying to kill me.

"Are you sure you won't get tired too?" she asks, looking up at me.

I chuckle lightly, "I just slept for two days, I'll be fine." With a grin, I add, "besides, carrying you is nothing compared to lugging around this trident."

I slip my water bottle into her bag to free up my hands before lowering myself. As she climbs onto my back, her small arms encircle my neck. I steady her weight, ensuring she feels secure. Still clutching to my trident, I shift my focus to supporting both of her legs with my arms. Despite the throbbing ache of my injured arm, I keep a reassuring smile plastered on my face, not wanting to burden her with unnecessary worry.

Rue's frame poses little challenge; she couldn't have weighed more than sixty pounds. It's miraculous that she's lasted as long as she has, given her stature, but she's intelligent, proving that strength isn't just physical.

As we draw closer to the cave, my mind is consumed by guilt and self-doubt. How could I have left Peeta behind? It wasn't intentional, but that doesn't lessen the sting of my failure. I was supposed to protect him, to keep him safe, yet here we are, separated by my own recklessness.

The sudden boom of the cannon jolts Rue awake, pulling me from my thoughts. "Who do you think that was?" she asks me, still latched around my neck. I don't answer. Instead, I break into a run, my heart pounding in my chest as I push myself forward. If Peeta is gone, it's all my fault. Every fiber of my being begs to call out for Peeta, to ensure his safety, but reason holds me back. What if the killer is still in the cave?

I can't think like that, but I'm struggling to push the doubts out of my mind. What is he died of thirst? No, he's alive. What if Cato found him? No, he's alive. What if his injuries were too severe? No, he's alive. I cling to that thought, repeating it to myself over and over again like a desperate prayer. Despite my uncertainty, I refuse to let doubt overshadow my hope. I can feel my heartbeat echo in my ears with each step closer to the cave. I need to see for myself, to lay eyes on Peeta and know that he's actually alive.

I see the mouth of the cave in the distance, dread coiling in the pit of my stomach. I try to brace myself for the worst, but the closer I get, the heavier my steps become. About fifty feet away, I pause, my feet refusing to carry me any further. It's as if I'm frozen in place, paralyzed by the fear of what I might find inside.

Rue must sense my hesitation, releasing herself from my shoulders and reaching for my hand. Her gentle guidance urges me forward, despite my overwhelming fear. As I get closer, I realize Rue's absence beside me. A glance back reveals her standing by a tree, gesturing me forward. I understand her intention; if that cannon was Peeta, she wants to give me space to process my grief alone.

With a shaky breath, I inch closer to the entrance. "Peeta?" I whisper, my voice barely audible above the pounding of my heart. My eyes sweep the dimly lit interior, searching for any sign of life amidst the shadows. And then I see him, sitting exactly where I left him two days ago, his form is unsettlingly still. Then, I see the gentle rise and fall of his chest, relief washing over me. He's breathing. He's alive.

Tears prick at the corners of my eyes, blurring my vision as I drop my weapon, the metallic clang reverberating through the cavern and startling Peeta. His blue eyes widen in shock as he turns toward me, his expression a mix of confusion and disbelief. Without hesitation, I rush to his side, overwhelmed by a sense of relief and gratitude. Leaning down, my arms encircle him awkwardly, being mindful of his wounded leg. I press my cheek against the side of his head as I hold him tightly, as if afraid he might vanish if I let go.

"I thought you were gone," Peeta's voice trembles, "the cannon—"

"I thought it was you, too," I murmur softly, my own voice filled with relief and remorse, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to be gone for so long."

His eyes meet mine. "I'm just glad you're safe," he whispers.

"We need to get you cleaned up. See how your leg is doing," I tell him, starting to rise.

"Wait," he says, grabbing my hand, "lean down a minute first. I need to tell you something."

Curious, I comply, leaning closer to hear his words. As my ear hovers near his lips, a faint tickle of breath brushes against my skin, sending a shiver down my spine. "Remember, we're madly in love, so it's all right to kiss me anytime you feel like it."

I can't help but laugh at Peeta's comment. "Thanks, I'll keep that in mind," I tell him. Despite everything, it's reassuring to see him still able to joke around.

As Rue approaches, I call out to her. "Rue, could I have that water, please?" She nods, handing me the bottle with a small smile as she looks at Peeta.

Peeta's curious gaze falls upon Rue. "I see you found a friend?" he inquires, prompting me to recount the events of the past few days— how she came to my aid when I collapsed and helped me despite the risks. Peeta's expression softens with gratitude as he thanks Rue for her kindness toward me.

He takes a long sip from the water bottle, his thirst evident from the way he eagerly drinks it. "Slow down," I caution, "we need to clean you up, too. The nearest stream is a few hours away." He nods and sets the bottle aside.

"I'm going to get this out of your leg now," I tell him, my voice steady despite the churning unease in my stomach. Peeta nods, his eyes fixed on mine. With careful movements, I begin to inch his pants down to his knees, revealing the arrow buried deep in his thigh. It's encrusted with a layer of blood and pus and his flesh is swollen and discolored. Worst of all is the smell— a nauseating combination of decay and infection. Suppressing a gag, I reach out to touch the head of the arrow, my fingers trembling slightly. Peeta winces at the slightest contact, his jaw clenching in pain. "I know, I'm sorry," I whisper, my heart aching at his pain.

But despite the discomfort, I continue, my hands steadying as I carefully begin to twist the arrow to dislodge it from his flesh. Peeta's breath hitches as the arrow shifts and I can see beads of sweat forming on his brow. And then, with a sickening squelch, the arrow finally pops free, leaving behind a wound that begins to bleed. Luckily, not as profusely as I thought it would.

I take the water and pour it over Peeta's wound, the cool liquid washing away the dried blood and pus as I carefully cleanse the area with my fingers. Despite the unpleasantness of the task, I remain focused, my movements careful to avoid causing him further pain.

I remove my jacket and use the tine of my trident to tear a strip of fabric from the sleeve. Rue hands me the leaves, telling me if I crush them in my palm it'll release juices that'll help him heal faster. I nod and crush the leaves before pressing them to Peeta's leg. I wrap the torn fabric tightly around his leg, securing the makeshift bandage in place.

"Oh my God, (Y/N), your arm," Peeta's voice breaks through the silence, his eyes filled with concern as he looks up at me.

"It's fine, let's worry about yout leg," I assure him, brushing off his concern with a forced nonchalance. Honestly, my arm throbs with pain, a reminder of the toll carrying Rue had on my body. But now is not the time for self-pity. I need to focus on Peeta.

"I'll need to get more water later," I tell him. But before I can take another step, Rue interjects with an offer to fetch water herself. Her offer catches me off guard, and I turn to her with concern. "What if you get hurt out there?" I ask her.

Rue's eyes meet mine, her mind seemingly already made up. "I've lasted this long. And I'm fast," she tells me, "they won't be able to catch me, even if I do run into someone. And if they can't catch me, they can't kill me." She takes the water bottle and dashes off before I can offer any further arguments.

Turning my attention back to Peeta, I tell him about all the food we've gathered in Rue's backpack and begin to unzip it. "You must be hungry," I tell him.

"Not really. It's funny, I haven't been hungry for days," he responds. I brush it off as him not wanting to impose, but when I offer him a piece of fish, his nose wrinkles at the sight, pushing it away. I reach out to feel his forehead, my hand recoiling slightly at the feverish heat radiating from his skin. He's worse than I thought.

"Peeta, we need to get some food in you," I insist, my voice firm. Despite his protests, I managed to get him to eat a handful of Rue's berries. I look down and notice that Peeta's bandage needs to be changed; pus has started to seep out from underneath. I bite the inside of my cheek as I remove it, but I tell myself that it's good that it's oozing because that means it's expelling the toxins inside.

"(Y/N)?" Peeta's voice breaks through my thoughts. I meet his eyes, trying to conceal the disgust I feel. He mouths the words, "how about that kiss?" I burst out laughing cause of how absurd this whole situation is.

"Something wrong?" he asks, his tone a touch too innocent.

"I'm no good at this. I'm not a doctor and I'm not sure if I'm doing this right," I tell him sheepishly.

"Just do what you did with the leaves before, it did feel better," he tells me, his voice soft and reassuring. I pause, contemplating if he's just trying to comfort me or if he genuinely found relief from my treatment. But I decide to trust his judgment. Sure enough, after some time, the wound does look better. The swelling has decreased and the red and purple hues have faded slightly. I carefully wrap his leg back up with the makeshift bandage, making sure it's snug but not too tight.

"I'm going to go find Rue, okay?" I tell him, rising to my feet. "She should be close with your water by now."

"Just don't be gone for two days again, Peeta says with a smile, his tone light but his eyes reflecting genuine concern. I chuckle softly before nodding in agreement.

"I'll try my best," I reply, returning his smile before leaving the cave and making my way towards the river. I move swiftly and quietly through the forest, my senses on high alert for any sign of danger. And then I hear a scream.

It's a child's scream, a young girl's scream. There's no one else in this arena capable of making that sound except Rue. And now I'm running, the way I ran for Peeta when I heard that cannon. As I draw closer to the source of the screams, doubts and fears swirl through my mind. Is it a trap? Will the Careers be waiting on the other side? But I don't have time to entertain these thoughts, I have to get to Rue. "(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" I hear her scream.

"Rue!" I yell back, my voice echoing through the trees. I continue to yell her name so she knows I'm near. So the Careers know I'm near. So they know the girl who betrayed them, the girl who somehow got an eleven, is coming and hopefully will be able to pull their attention away from her. "Rue, I'm coming!"

I break into a clearing, she's on the ground entangled in a net. Her small frame struggles against the binds that hold her captive. She turns towards me, her eyes wide with terror and desperation. But before I can reach her, before I can offer any comfort or aid, a spear pierces her body.

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