Chapter 18 - The Cave

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Rue's small hand tightens around mine as we make our way back to the cave. Her trust is evident in the way she clings to me; I trust her too, as I take no particular precautions. If she wanted me dead, she could have easily left my wound untreated. But she didn't. Nagging me, at the very back of my mind, is the obvious— both of us can't win these games. But since the odds are stacked against either of us winning, I ignore this thought.

Besides, I'm distracted by thoughts of seeing Peeta again, wondering about Peeta's condition and how he's been faring without me. Has his wound started healing? Or has it worsened in my absence? According to Rue, he hasn't left the cave since I passed out from my own injury. If that's true, his condition could be worse than expected.

The sun begins to set, painting the sky shades of pink and orange. I feel the young girl's hand slowly slipping out of mine. Looking down, I can see the exhaustion in her eyes. She must have been keeping watch over me and Peeta without getting any rest for herself. "Should we stop here for the night?" I ask softly. She shakes her head, determined to keep going.

"Why don't you climb onto my back? You can rest while I carry you," I suggest gently, slipping the jacket wrapped around my waist over my shoulders to stave off the evening chill. The temperature had plummeted significantly since this morning, adding another layer of difficulty to my circumstance. It's like they're trying to kill me.

"Are you sure you won't get tired too?" she asks, looking up at me.

I chuckle lightly, "I just slept for two days, I'll be fine." With a grin, I add, "besides, carrying you is nothing compared to lugging around this trident."

I slip my water bottle into her bag to free up my hands before lowering myself. As she climbs onto my back, her small arms encircle my neck. I steady her weight, ensuring she feels secure. Still clutching to my trident, I shift my focus to supporting both of her legs with my arms. Despite the throbbing ache of my injured arm, I keep a reassuring smile plastered on my face, not wanting to burden her with unnecessary worry.

Rue's frame poses little challenge; she couldn't have weighed more than sixty pounds. It's miraculous that she's lasted as long as she has, given her stature, but she's intelligent, proving that strength isn't just physical.

As we draw closer to the cave, my mind is consumed by guilt and self-doubt. How could I have left Peeta behind? It wasn't intentional, but that doesn't lessen the sting of my failure. I was supposed to protect him, to keep him safe, yet here we are, separated by my own recklessness.

The sudden boom of the cannon jolts Rue awake, pulling me from my thoughts. "Who do you think that was?" she asks me, still latched around my neck. I don't answer. Instead, I break into a run, my heart pounding in my chest as I push myself forward. If Peeta is gone, it's all my fault. Every fiber of my being begs to call out for Peeta, to ensure his safety, but reason holds me back. What if the killer is still in the cave?

I can't think like that, but I'm struggling to push the doubts out of my mind. What is he died of thirst? No, he's alive. What if Cato found him? No, he's alive. What if his injuries were too severe? No, he's alive. I cling to that thought, repeating it to myself over and over again like a desperate prayer. Despite my uncertainty, I refuse to let doubt overshadow my hope. I can feel my heartbeat echo in my ears with each step closer to the cave. I need to see for myself, to lay eyes on Peeta and know that he's actually alive.

I see the mouth of the cave in the distance, dread coiling in the pit of my stomach. I try to brace myself for the worst, but the closer I get, the heavier my steps become. About fifty feet away, I pause, my feet refusing to carry me any further. It's as if I'm frozen in place, paralyzed by the fear of what I might find inside.

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