Bloodthirsty. [ MARVEL / X-Me...

By OnlyVampirism

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"Vampire? No. Just bloodthirsty." A young man who just wants to help, poking his nose in random people's busi... More

Table of Contents
Chapter I, Page I: Bar fights.
Page II: School of Mutants
Page III: Train Wrecks
Page IV: Trips
Page V: School of Gifted
Page VI: Home Invasion
Page VII: The Drake Family
Page VIII: Crash Landing
Page IX: People of the Past
Page X: William Stryker.
Page XI: Who Is She..?
Page XIII: Road Trip
Page XIV: B&E

Chapter II, Page XII: Fuck the Rich

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By OnlyVampirism

Iron Man 3
April, 2013


It had been seven long years since Jean, Scott, and Charles had died. Hell, [Y/N] was thirty-two years old now. He, still, does not have a full grip on his mutation, but he's gotten more comfortable with it over the years. In 2007, he was hired by a modeling agency—a mutant modeling agency. Needing money since he didn't really have a job, he agreed to it. 'X Models' was the name, coming from how the mutant gene is called the X-Gene. At first, [Y/N] thought it was a porn industry because of how 'x' is usually in the company name of such things... Anyway!

As he got more known from the modeling agency, seeing how people really must have liked the vampire troupe they always had him doing, he slowly grew more confident in his mutation—in his body. He's been letting his wings show in public every now and then, taking baby steps. He still wore the glasses; it was more for a fashion thing, and that it was something Charles had given him, and now Charles was gone. 

In 2008, he really started to get more recognition, but not even from the whole X-Men thing, which he still did. He was always going to be a member of the X-Men; no modeling agency was stopping that. It was something about a thing called... Twilight? Yeah, he had no clue, but the vampire thing was going wild in that year to the point where the modeling agency had to provide him with bodyguards for a period of time.

As the years continued to pass, he had continuously looked for Mystique; he would not give up until he found her, and he has yet to. He hung out with Erik a lot; he didn't want Erik to be alone, and no matter how much Erik told him he didn't need his pity, he would continue to go visit Erik. Hell, Erik even trained him on how to use Erik's mutation. They had a lot of fun with that, messing with the school, Logan, and Storm, mainly. It was all harmless little tricks and jokes, though.

He helped Storm as much as he could around the school, substituting for classes that he was able to teach for, mainly the X-Men training classes. He went out with Bobby, Rogue, Kitty, and Colossus for lunch whenever he could, and he'd always come back to have dinner with Logan, with Storm sometimes joining them. The school was one big family, and even though Erik wasn't there, he was their family too, at least to [Y/N] he was.

In 2012, he met a man named Loki. He was a cutie, but his outfit was strange. He had a helmet with long horns; the helmet was more ridiculous than Erik's dorky one. Loki was looking for something called the Tesseract. [Y/N] told him he could find it 'back at his place'. He may have been a little tipsy when he met Loki. It was safe to say he got his ass knocked out after that, and not in a good way.

He had, however, been mind-controlled by Loki for some time. He was fighting some people called The Avengers until the X-Men showed up, and Logan quite literally picked him up and brought him home. It was safe to say that he got a lecture after that, even though he was mind-controlled.

It was 2013, and he had been sent on a lone mission. The million-billion-whatever-ionair had stupidly leaked his address to the whole public, and now his house was in the ocean. His mission? Find Tony Stark, whether he was dead or alive. Bring his ass home. God, he hated being a good guy sometimes.

He had searched the ruins of Tony's house, specifically what remained of the basement. He found an artificial intelligence named Jarvis, and God almighty, was it a stubborn bastard of a thing to crack open. He thought Cerebro was complicated, but no. He literally called Hank to help him, and in the end, he found the last location ping that the suit Tony was in had given.

When he got there, though, he realized it was going to be a lot harder to find him since he had moved since that last ping, and the suit must be offline by now. Figuring that Tony wasn't completely stupid, [Y/N] went to the closest town in hopes of finding him. 

To say he stood out was an understatement. He was wearing his X-Men 'uniform', and well, the clothing in this town was a lot different. Thank the Lord his wings were covered by the jacket, because he felt like this town was old-school and would call him a witch if he saw his eyes or wings. 

He walked down the street, glancing around at every passing human. If he were Tony Stark, where would he go..? Then his eyes locked on a bar. That's where he'd go.

However, he didn't need to go in as he heard the gunshots and screaming, Tony Stark came running out soon after, his hands cuffed behind his back. "Hey, hot wings, you want to party? Come on, you and me, let's go." Tony taunted the woman who came out after him before running off, only to stop and run the other way as he saw a bald man exit a car.

The bald man went to shoot at Tony, but a snowball being thrown at him changed his aim, making him miss. [Y/N] let out a heavy sigh, fishing through his pockets until he felt a familiar label written in braille—a much easier way to find which vial was which without pulling each one out.

He pulled it out, popping open the cap and taking a sip of the blood—Erik's blood. He had to wait a bit for it to kick in, though, so he kept his eye on Tony. Tony had threw himself through a window, the woman after Tony stole a shotgun from one of the citizens, shooting it at Tony, but missing. She followed in after him, and something told [Y/N] not to enter that building. 

He went to help the citizen's, evacuating them all from the area even as the sheriff gave him dirty looks. He was used to those kinds of looks, though. While getting everyone away, he had heard the building that Tony was in explode, seeing the body of the woman hanging up on some electrical lines. He'd worry about that later.

The next disaster to strike was the water tower falling and flooding part of the town, and god did he hate how long it took for his genes to mimic the genes he swallowed. 

He made his way over, finding Tony with his leg trapped under some metal from the water tower, and the bald man holding a kid hostage, crouched down with an arm around the kid's torso. "Hey, kid, what would you like for Christmas?" The guy asked, and [Y/N] noticed how his skin was like it had molten lava beneath it. Was he a mutant?

"Mr. Stark, I am so sorry," The kid struggled in the man's grip, not answering the question. [Y/N] was waiting for an opening, where the man would let go of the child.

"No, no, no. I think he was trying to say, 'I want my goddamn file'." [Y/N]'s brow rose at that, new information gathering in what little he had. It seemed Tony made more enemies than just a terrorist, or, maybe, this man worked for said terrorist.

"It's not your fault, kid. Remember what I told you about bullies?" Tony ignored the man, speaking to the hostage. The boy and Tony shared a glance, communicating silently before the boy pulled something out, flashbanging the man who fell back, letting go of the kid.

[Y/N]'s opportunity. "You like that, Westworld? That's the thing about smart guys, we always cover our ass." Just as Tony shot the guy with whatever hand device he had, [Y/N]'s used Erik's mutation to pick up poles of metal fallen from the water tower, pinning the guy between them as he wedged the poles deep into the ground in an 'x' pattern.

Tony, surprised by the sudden movement of metal, looked over at the perpetrator. With a flick of [Y/N]'s hand, he bent the metal trapping Tony's foot, letting him free himself. Tony squinted at him, "Have I met you before?" He asked, finding the other man familiar as [Y/N] dusted himself off.

"2012, New York. Loki mind controlled me for like a quarter of the fight. Probably kicked your ass." He added the last part with a sly, smug smile. Though, right now wasn't the time for poking the bear. "[Y/N] Howlett, part of the X-Men. I'm here to make sure you don't get your ass killed out here." He held his hand out to Tony, who ignored it to go pickpocket the bald guy. God, fuck the rich.

Maybe literally.



"First off, you didn't kick my ass; I kicked yours." Tony defensively remarked, [Y/N] doesn't remember the 2012 fight anyway. "Second, I don't need a metal-bending priest to help me, so go home." Tony began to walk off, [Y/N] hot on his tail.

"Metal-bending? Temporarily. Priest? Far from it." [Y/N] caught up to Tony in long strides, watching as he pulled out a file from within his jacket, flicking through it. "Whether you want me to or not, I'm coming with you."

"If I needed a bodyguard, I would have brought Happy." [Y/N] didn't give two shits about whoever Happy was, so he stayed quiet and followed Tony to the car.

The shierffs were taking care of everything, he saw. They were talking to witnesses and getting the exploded building taped off. "You're welcome." The familiar voice of the boy alerted them both as Tony put the file away, tucked under his arm.

"For what? Did I miss something?" Tony answered, to which the kid said, 'Me saving your life'. [Y/N] chuckled at that. "Yeah. A, I saved you first. B, thanks. Sort of. And C, if you do someone a solid, don't be a yutz. All right? Just play it cool. Otherwise, you come off grandiose." Tony unlocked the car, getting into the driver's seat. [Y/N] rounded the car, getting into the passenger's seat before Tony could even think of locking the car.

"Unlike you?" The kid retorted, stopping Tony before he could get in. "Admit it, you need me." The kid was... gaslighting him? "We're connected." Nope. It was just a kid being a kid. [Y/N] had no idea of the relations between Tony and the kid, and he didn't want to ask.

"What I need is for you to go home, be with your mom, keep your trap shut, guard the suit, and stayed connected to the telephone because if I call, you better pick up. Okay? Can you feel that? We're done here." Tony patted the kid before getting into the driver's seat. "Move out of the way, or I'm gonna run you over. Bye, kid." Tony closed the door, and [Y/N] gave him an unamused look at how he was speaking to the kid.

The kid didn't move as Tony started up the car, prompting Tony to roll the window down. "I'm sorry, kid. You did good." He took a complete 180 in what he was originally saying, and Lord, did [Y/N] want to go home and call it quits on this mission.

"So, now you're just gonna leave me here, like my dad?" The kid asked, and [Y/N] could relate to that, except it was his mom. 

Tony thought for a second before answering. "Yeah." He gave a small nod before coming to a realization. "Wait, you're guilt-tripping me, aren't you?" He narrowed his eyes at the kid, who wrapped himself in his jacket and muttered that he was cold in a sad tone. "I can tell. You know how I can tell?" Tony mockingly mimicked the kid's tone. "Because we're connected." Tony gave him a smirk as he drove off, rolling up the window as he went.

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