Anger Issues Of the Magne fam...

By -_believer_-

403 22 8

A villain MC who cares only for her family, and is a chaotic, conflicting character She hates Alastor after h... More

Introducing, the cast!
Glorified Hell
Has been return
Emotional Bounds
Hope is a fickle thing

Sway With Me

34 3 0
By -_believer_-

Not proofread. Will likely not make sense until I do 🤷‍♀️
Enjoy the music! I'm planning on adding more scenes like these because why the hell not

Thank you for reading! I love yall sooo much <3


This is what I imagine when I write these stuff OK



While everyone prepared for the fight, Renata went off to tie her own loose ends

Tommorow. Her deal with Malox ended tommorow

But first...

She rang her phone "Kruest?"

"Yes, my lady?"

Kruest had managed to steal Stolas in the time she had been with Charlie and bring him to Malox. However, she felt like she needed to let off some steam. Drop some of the act she kept up for the sake of her younger sister "Tell me the coordinates for those that kept Stolas"

So just like that, she had ended up spending the night listening to the horrified screams she knew Alastor would have loved to capture

But she didn't invite him.

Screams followed once she chased after them, and a part of her relished in the hunt. In dodging between the shadows, in the adrenaline that coursed alongside the pure power in her veins, the feeling of invincibility that made her head feel light

Whoever of the mid tire demons she was chasing, they surely weren't good at it

Silently, Renata creeped behind a set of boxes, and let a flame incase her hand, this time burning a brilliant blue. She waited until the edge of a foot stepped out before she lashed out, the fire curling like a whip. The demon screamed, and Renata pulled, suddenly reminded why she had used to work so well with Alastor

This was the dark, twisted side she didn't let out often because she wanted to be better. Better for someone who had only seen her in this state once

The pure bloodlust that burned in her bright crimson eyes

The thing she had been forced to become since her deal with Malox

The demon shrieked "Wait!" He cried out, and send a wave of flames which she raised a shield to stop. They didn't even graze her, and she could only glare down at him

"This is the best you can do? Really? How did you even get the job?"

"It's not my fault you were chasing me around!" The demon snapped, and she chuckled lowly to herself, stepping with one foot against his back

"You kidnapped one of the overlords of hell. And you know what happens after you do that, right?" She pulled out one of her daggers fluidly. The long, shiny tip drew a small trace of blood down his neck. It wasn't angelic steal, since she was saving those for tommorow. Renata watched with a cold, impassive expression, taking in the way the demon wanted to scream

"P-please! We heard rumors that- that you've changed-"

Renata scoffed, and looked away like he had just spat the craziest piece of literature she has ever heard "I only chose to be better because of my sister" Renata hissed, "I'm not good. I'm not pure. I'm not angelic or kind hearted. I'm a crooked, broken villain"

Then she added more lowly  "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness"

"What kindness? You're a monster!"

"Yes. I am" She grinned "And I'm pretty damn good at it"


That day, she returned to the Happy Hotel around midnight. She was surprised to see everyone was still there, and with a wave of her hand, the blood off her clothes dissapeared. Renata had teleported over to her old rooms in the castle to pick out a lavish red dress she hadn't had an occasion to wear in a while

If she was dying tommorow, she wanted to spend her last night feeling good in her own skin. It was incredible what a dress and some eyeliner could do, and properly braided hair

Renata clapped her hands when she entered the foyer where everyone was gathered. Many faces she didn't know, but here she was. Passing by

She decided to grab a nearby drink "Hey!" The demon snarled, but one look from her and he backed down

"Alright everyone. Gather, gather. Don't be afraid, I don't bite" She threw everyone a smile. "Most of the time" Turning on whatever charm she hoped ran in the family, she cleared her throat, looking around the wife space of the sloppily decorated room "To conquering our enemies. And I don't mean to sound like a sixth century villain, but I wish for all of you to not only survive, but find a way to have a nice time. We've grown as a group, and I hope that we will be able to keep doing that when we survive. Because it's not a matter of what if. We will. And I want to toast to that!" Renata yelled and raised her glass

The others did, too. Some cheered, to which she grinned and took a drink "Now let's get fucked, bitches!"

Then, returning the drink, Renata hopped off the chair she had gotten up on and ran down the hallway to find the others. In heels, no less

She tended to wear her hair up most of the time. But now, the top was braided back, and the rest was let loose down her shoulders. Smiling when she noticed Angel Dust and Husk, she went over to sit next to the spider, pretending like she didn't see the love dazed eyes he was giving Husk. Had she looked like that too?

He needed a minute to look away from Husk to bestow her with a grin "Heya there, princess. How about a drink for our last night in hell?"

"Bring it" She grinned, mirroring him, and enjoyed the jazz music that was left to linger in the back

He eyed her with a smirk "You're dressed like you're about to die"

"Won't I, tho?"

"Meh. Doubt it" He waved one of his hands "But you did the job right" He nodded, and she took that as a great compliment

They chatted for a while. Renata laughed alongside the two of them, Vaggie and Charlie having come to join them at one point before they went away. Nifty also appeared, trying to snatch the alcohol from her hand to which, Renata supposed was fair if you could die tommorow

She couldn't track where the little murderer ran off to, and with the soft smile on her face, she found it didn't really matter

There was nothing quite like when you sit somewhere, with warmth encasing your entire body from a good time, and it just kept growing with every well thrown remark or laugh. It was peaceful, even if just for a moment that would only stay as a distant memory once it was over

She didn't know how many would die tommorow, or who she was likely seeing for the last time. Sir Pentious used his tail to show them he could in fact juggle, and Renata had lit up the balls, much to his horror, but they didn't burn him. It just looked cool, and once he noticed that he had laughed and said "I'm doing it!"

Suddenly, the music changed. Renata turned her head to look at the radio by the sudden upbeat music

"When marimba rhythms start to play. Dance with me, make me sway" An all too familiar voice filtered. It wasn't as annoying when she was on her fifth cup of alcohol

"Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore. Hold me close, sway me more"

She scoffed, hiding her smile in her cup

"Like a flower bending in the breeze. Bend with me, sway with ease. When we dance, you have a way with me. Stay with me, sway with me"

Husk grunted something along the lines of "That radio demon" But no one seemed surprised

"Didn't I destroy the tower?" Renata turned, looking at Angel and Husk, to Sir Pentious who said "He repaired it. Put it on the hotel. During his lasssst duel with Vox"

"Ooh yeah. I was watching it" She suddenly remembered. Then turned to him "You mean musical"

"Yes!" The snake beamed. Renata glanced back at the radio

"Other dancers may be on the floor. Dear, but my eyes will see only you. Only you have that magic technique. When we sway, I go weak"

"Hm" Renata looked away. Husk cleared his throat, trying to fake a casual stance

"You know, he is definitely going to make a dramatic entrance"

"A what now?" Angel Dust asked, before everyone jumped when a projector appeared out of nowhere at the doorway. Including Renata. Even she was surprised when Alastor waltzed in, holding his cane

"I can hear the sounds of violins. Long before it begins. Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now" His grin was nothing if not for a stage. He was doing some steps and swaying as he walked in, making Renata watch in mild amusement. She leaned against her fist to watch him

"Other dancers may be on the floor. Dear, but my eyes will see only you. Only you have that magic technique. When we sway, I go weak"

Why was he going towards her?

She looked at Husk and whispered a harsh "Hide me" Just before she shrieked when Alastor suddenly pulled her to the dance

Angel Dust whistled and held up his cup to click it with Husks bottle. Sir Pentious looked like he was about to melt "Oh what a ssssight"

Meanwhile, Renata looked at Alastor when he forced her into a liquid smooth dance, with a few steps from tango that she inwardly admitted were a good choice. She glared at him, but he only grinned "The show must go on" He told her, and spun her until her back was pressed to him "This song requires quite a skilled partner"

"I'm trying to hate you here" Renata added with as much sarcasm as she could to ignore how much the words were starting to be true. She couldn't fully hate that stupid deer hybrid, no matter how much she tried

"Ah. Are you?" He released her just enough for Renata to take the lead before he started to sing again "I can hear the sounds of violins. Long before it begins. Make me thrill as only you know how. Sway me smooth, sway me now"

Their eyes locked. She ignored the whistles and the shouts from their audience and smirked at the challenge. She sped up, and grinned wider when he was starting to need to focus to keep up. He was putting her on the spot. The projector no one knew where it was from was on them, likely navigated by Nifty along their glide on the floor

"You can join with your own solo, you know. It will be quite the spectacle" He added, alongside the words of the song. The instrumental stretched. A violin would be a good addition

Renata pulled him in and he followed her lead, dipping her before quickly releasing into a spin "Not in the mood"

"Then what are you in the mood for?"

"Fucking you"

"Ha. Funny"

She laughed. His annoyance turned into amusement quickly as they kept dancing. All night, likely, if the opportunity presented itself. Everything in her vision felt too dim to notice except her now confusing enemy that she wasn't acting the way she wanted to with

That made her glare. His head tilted, like he was inwardly amused by thinking what had gotten her annoyed now. The more casual dance turned into a full out one when the music picked up, the vocals raised, and it was all that could reach her ears

"Like a flower bending in the breeze" His head lowered. She watched, closely, trying to piece what she was supposed to do in this situation "You look quite lovely tonight, Ren"

She scoffed "Using my name now, are we?"

"When the time calls" He answered with that ever charming tone that had made her blush once. His grin widened

"Bend with me, sway with ease" He continued, guiding her hips to the pace when she mistepped, helping guide them back "When we dance you have a way with me. Stay with me, sway with me"

It ended in a dip. Their audience clapped

"Now fuck!" Angel yelled, much to Husk's amusement

"I told you they ain't hating each other" He told him with a shrug

Renata tossed a fireball at him. Husk easily dodged

The snake was crying and stood up, yelling something about going to Cherri. Renata raised her eyebrows "Who's Cherri?"

"A crazy bitch" Angel said with a fond smile

Renata let Alastor's hand settle around her waist for once without her feeling an immediate need to push him away. He let her guide them to where she wanted to sit- back at the bar to finish chatting. And she found that they didn't dissapoint

Husk started telling stories about his time as an overlord, making the table occasionally laugh. Alastor joined in, much to Husk's displeasure, either filling in gaps or taunting the demon until someone interrupted. Sir Pentious made them cookies, which they shared amongst them. The princess was stealing from Alastor, and he let her, pretending to be offended

Renata even started sharing some stuff. Telling them about her days at the castle, the long balls they used to throw because her mother loved them, how her dad couldn't cook for the life of him, and other crazy stuff. She found most of the time, Alastor's gaze was on her, watching the almost animated expressions when she got heated about a particular part of the story. His finger traced patterns on her back. She had to admit they were relaxing her further into his touch. Or maybe it was just the good atmosphere and the intoxication

Husk and Angel chatted among themselves for what felt like forever. Renata eventually slipped away to leave them to their own needs, watching with a small smile the soft expressions on their faces

Alastor trailed behind her like a shadow because what else should anyone expect. He was protective, whether he wanted to admit it or not.

It wasn't a bad night before death. If anything, it looked like one of the best she's had in a while. Unforced. Just existing, and talking, and spending time in the company of demons that she didn't know when she had started to see as something more than strangers. She had trust issues, and she didn't fully trust all of them, but she had grown fond in the short time of her stay

It gave her hope Charlie's idea would succeed

She walked up the stairs, one hand on the railing. Charlie was likely with Vaggie up in her room, while Renata would spend the night alone. Maybe she could go out, find someone like usual and indulge. But Alastor was making it hard to feel the need to do that

He walked her to her room, and she hadn't noticed when they had locked arms on their slow walk there. Reluctantly, standing in front of the door, Renata cleared her throat "Well, you're not a bad dancer"

Alastor laughed "As we have established countless times" He looked down, and tilted his head, his gaze going over her again "I suppose heels aren't very comfortable to dance in"

"You learn to manage" She smirked, and bit her lip, wondering what to say. She stepped back and awkwardly looked around, praying for an escape

Alastor took her hand enough to kiss it, and said "Thank you for the dance, mon cheri"

Renata shook her head, then pulled her hand away "And thank you for the music" She smirked sarcastically "We get into too many of these"

"Well, dancing and music have a way of telling what is left unsaid"

Bowing, he turned to leave. Renata watched him retreat down the hallway, wondering if she wanted to run and stop him, have another dance, maybe a drink. Maybe ask him to spend the night just so she wouldn't be alone

In moments like these, she envied Charlie. He could be dead tommorow. Hell, any of them could die when the morning came

Was it worth it to hold onto grudges?

She couldn't make up her mind in that moment. So, like any other person, she turned to walk into her room and picked up a walkable pair of shoes

Fuck it. Today was a day with even less rules then usual. And she was feeling in need of a good fuck tonight

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