By deelqi

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By deelqi

nine !
*ೃ✧˚. ❃ ˊ-

A QUICK RECOVERY was mandatory for Caroline. With the unfortunate loss of four tributes and Felix Ravinstill being on life support, the Capitol wanted to prevent losing any more valuable people. They claimed that the more people they lost, the weaker they'd look at losing to the rebels.

Caroline was treated with some sort of healing cream that was meant to work within a few days. The nurses put it on her spine and her neck, hoping to repair the damage made by the bombs. The few cuts on her face were bandaged heavily, making them look much worse than they actually were.

Her voice was quite raspy and it pained her to talk, but here Caroline was, standing in front of the bars that separated the tributes in the Capitol Zoo from the rest of the world.

She needed to speak to Jessup one last time before he went into the arena.

Seeing that most of the tributes were trying to get their last bit of somewhat peaceful rest, Caroline quietly called out Jessup's name.

"Jessup!" She whispered, wincing at the pain shooting through her throat as she spoke.

She observed his head lift at the sound of his name, his gaze darting around frantically to identify the speaker. Catching sight of Caroline, she waved and gestured for him to come over.

Jessup walked over, careful not to wake any of his fellow tributes.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

"I came to speak to you one last time before the Games," Caroline responded, her voice still weak as a small smile gracing her lips.

"I see you and your partner had the same idea then," Jessup says.

Caroline's raised an eyebrow, confused as to what he was referring to. "What do you mean?"

Jessup pointed to Coriolanus who stood in front of a rambling Lucy Gray. Despite Lucy Gray speaking directly to him, Coriolanus' gaze held steady on Caroline. Her smile vanished and she instantly looked away.

"I didn't know he was here." She muttered, visibly aggravated at his unexpected presence.

"Well, it was nice of you to be here. Are you okay?" He inquired.

"I'm fine," She assured.

Jessup lightly brushed his calloused fingers along the bandages covering the cuts on her face.  He shook his head in frustration.

"This isn't good. What happened?"

"I have a bruised spine and my vocal cords are damaged." She said quietly, to minimize the amount of pain.

"Jeez." He winced.

"It's fine. I'm fine. How are you? How's your bite?"

"No. They should not be able to get away with this. I get not wanting the Hunger Games to happen but they shouldn't harm innocent people. You've been nothing but kind to me this entire time." He boomed.

Caroline placed her hand on his face, cupping the side of it. She could sense him beginning to get angry, and that was not something she needed right before the start of the Games.

"Jessup, calm down. All that matters is that we both made it out alive. Let's just hope for the best tomorrow." She replied in a gentle tone.

"Fine," He grumbled, "You should go, your partner's staring at us like he's about to kill me."

Caroline turned her head to see Coriolanus staring straight at them with a scowl resting on his features. She sighed to herself, rolling her eyes as she turned back to Jessup.

"I'm sorry about him. I should probably go deal with that, but, good luck, Jessup. I'm rooting for you. I believe you can win, you're strong enough."

In a surprising moment, Caroline witnessed a smile gently forming on his lips. It marked a milestone in their interactions, as it was the most they had ever exchanged. The unexpected smile made it feel like her luck had taken a delightful turn.

"Thanks, Caroline. You have been a great mentor, I'm glad it was you rather than anyone else." Jessup thanked.

The girl only smiled at him before walking off towards Coriolanus, who had been standing a great distance away from the two. She assumed he'd been waiting for her after he spoke to Lucy Gray.

As she got closer, she noticed the evident eye bags under his eyes, and the beads of sweat resting on his face, he looked terrible.

Resisting the urge to rush towards him, she battled the overwhelming instinct to inspect every single wound on his body, ensuring his well-being.

"Caroline," He breathed as he took in the state she resided in. He brought her out of the line of vision of the tributes, initiating privacy for the two of them.

Concern etched across his face as he reached to hold her face and study her cuts, but Caroline backed away from him.

"Don't." She croaked.

His eyes crinkled, posture now stiff, "What?"

Suddenly, the air hung heavy with tension. Darkness elongated in the sky, the bright stars beginning to appear.

"Do not touch me."

"Why is everything different with you every day? We were just fine three days ago." He questioned.

"I risked my life for you, and all you care about is your little songbird." She hissed.

Coriolanus scoffed, letting out a frustrated chuckle, "As if you don't do the same thing. You two hold each other and care for one another like lovers. It's gross."

"I'm sorry I care for my tribute. They don't deserve to be treated like shit just because their name was pulled out of a bowl."

Her mind wandered to how the nurse would react to the amount of words she was exchanging. With the vocal injury she'd sustained, she was ordered not to speak unless she had to. Clearly, God had other plans for her.

"I care for Lucy Gray because I have to. There's no time for distractions, I keep my eyes on the prize."

"Obviously not," She grumbled.

"What are you on about?" He asked, his eyes narrow.

"I heard your cries for help, so I sprinted to help you. Lucy Gray seemed to have the same idea because she ran over as well. But instead of gracefully helping me get you out like any normal person, she decided to scold me for not finding Jessup. Nonetheless, I still tried to get you out. And when I finally did, you ran to her and you two held each other as if I wasn't there." She explained.

"I didn't realize it was you who got me out that time―"

"Yeah, because you were too busy holding her." She retorted.

"I watched a piece of the ceiling topple on you, Caroline. I tried to get you out of it but something came on me and that's when Lucy Gray pulled me out. She saved me." He explained.

"But she didn't try to save me, did she? You care for her, Coriolanus, she cares for you. So when you woke up, you called for her. I care for you, but I'll never mean as much as you do to me to you. That's just how it works. I'll never be the first option."

"You mean the world to me, Caroline."

She gave him a sad smile, letting out a devastated sigh, "No, I don't."

"Yes, you do." He corrected.

"If I meant the world to you, you wouldn't have broken my heart by kissing my sister," Caroline added.

"I told you when it happened that it meant nothing. I liked you."

"That doesn't matter!" She cried. "If you liked me enough, you wouldn't have done it. But, I don't care about you kissing Cecelia, I care that you knew about how I felt about the way people have been treating me with her and you still did what you did. And then you lied about it."

"I lied about it because I didn't want to hurt you." He explained.

"You hurt me more by lying to me about it."


"I try to forgive you time after time but I can't keep doing this. I care about you so much, Coryo, and I always have, even when I hated you. But, I can't keep continuing to wait for you to pick me. Whether it's Cecelia or Lucy Gray, it'll never be me. And I accepted that until you say things like I mean the world to you."

He stood speechless. His eyebrows knitted, his expression showing that he was contemplating something.

Caroline dismissed his silence with a scoff, reaching the breaking point of her patience. This was the moment. She determined to break free from his web of lies, she resolved to embark on a life of freedom, seeking a place where she could truly matter to someone, if such a place even existed.

She began to walk away. He wasn't worth her time. However, Caroline was only able to get a couple of steps in before he spoke up.

"I've loved you ever since you made me that dumb nickname that stuck for way longer than I'd expected."

Caroline paused in her tracks. She didn't turn to face him, she only stood with her back to him, frozen in shock.

What did he just say?

"I love you, Caroline. I don't care if you believe me or not, I'm done holding this in. I've always loved you and don't ask me how an eleven-year-old can love someone, because all I know is that I did."

Facing him, tears welled up in her eyes. She shook her head in disagreement, her trembling lips betraying the emotions she could no longer contain.

"Stop lying to me, we hated each other." She whispered, not wanting to strain her voice anymore.

"No, you hated me." He corrected. "I only pretended to because it was the only way I could get attention from you."

"You love me?" She mumbled.

He took a step towards her, intertwining their hands together. "I love you, Caroline Ellis. Not your sister, not Lucy Gray, you."

Any traces of neglect from the previous days before had exited her body. The only thing her body was filled with now was content.

Experiencing the reciprocation of love from the boy she had adored since their first meeting was like a refreshing breeze. In his gaze, she felt seen and acknowledged—no longer invisible. With Coriolanus, there were no looming shadows for her to fall into; everything became clear and welcoming in his presence.

There were no intricate webs of deceit, no schemes to draw her into his presence. In their relationship, honesty and pure love prevailed. He loved her, and she reciprocated that love—those were the only elements that truly mattered. In his heart, she was not just a choice; she was his first and only choice.

Caroline opened her mouth to speak, but no words came out. She had nothing to say, she was speechless.

"Shh. You don't have to say anything." He assured.

Coriolanus tenderly cupped her peach-tinted cheeks, and she looked up at him through her thick eyelashes. Using his thumb, he delicately brushed across her soft lips, searching her face for any sign of disagreement. To his relief, she only nodded softly. They leaned in slowly, savoring the anticipation until their lips connected.

In the proximity of each other, the moonlight cast a gentle glow on his features, highlighting his vibrant blue eyes and plush lips. Anxious to end the suspense, Caroline closed the distance between them, and the kiss ignited butterflies in her stomach. This long-awaited moment felt like a cascade of sparks dancing around them.

The experience was nothing short of spectacular. In that moment, Caroline's worries about Lucy Gray and any uncertainties she had about him vanished. His attention and affection made it clear that she was the sole focus of his care.

Floating on cloud nine, she felt immersed in bliss. While she had kissed others before, this encounter felt distinct. Instantly melting into his touch, their lips seamlessly molded together. Caroline believed the difference lay in sharing this kiss with the right person.

A smile adorned her face as she pondered the concept of love. Perhaps the idea of hearts being interlinked was more than just a saying, as she felt a profound connection with Coriolanus at that moment. Love, she concluded, wasn't a mere illusion—it was a sensation she finally embraced.

Slowly pulling away, Caroline kept her arms wrapped around his neck, and his encircled her waist. The two held onto each other, unwilling to let go.

As Caroline looked up into his ocean-blue eyes, it felt like gazing into a vast, enchanting sea. In return, he regarded her with admiration, recognizing her as the sole girl of significance in his life. Her chestnut eyes and perfect smile had the power to uplift his spirits.

The shared kiss lingered as a special memory, a moment of intimacy that resonated deeply for both of them.

"I love you too, Coriolanus. Forever and always." She whispered.

He allowed a smile to rest on his lips, "Forever and always?"

"Forever and always."

dee speaks !
i was gonna add another
flashback to this chapter,
but i figured it was unneeded
they r so cute omg

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