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CAROLINE LOVED SCHOOL. The thirteen-year-old girl treasured being anywhere but home. Her parents had begun to favor her older sister four years ago, and it sucked.

She was being constantly compared to Cecelia. And Cecelia barely spoke to her anymore. They weren't as close as they were when they were younger.

Being at school with Coriolanus and their relatively new friend Sejanus was like a breath of fresh air. She didn't have to worry about them choosing Cecelia over her, or ignoring her for Cecelia. She was almost positive they didn't know the girl, which was a first.

Although it was fun when the trio hung out, Caroline especially adored the time spent with just her and Coriolanus.

He was her escape from reality. She felt as if every guard she put up, could be let down with him. Caroline could open up to him and he would listen to every word. Her was her best friend, and she was eternally grateful for him.

Sejanus knew that his two best friends had crushes on each other. It was obvious. Plus, both of them confided in him about their crushes on one another. He wasn't going to intervene, though. They must figure it out on their own.

Today, Sejanus and Coriolanus were coming over to Caroline's house. She was excited because she had begged her parents and cleaned the whole house for them to come over. They had maids, of course, but she wanted to prove to her parents that she could be just as responsible as Cecelia.

Although they had visited on numerous occasions in the past, today presented a different scenario – Caroline's parents were out of town. The responsibility fell on Cecelia to stay at home and be there for them, just in case anything were to happen. Convincing both her parents and her sister was no small feat.

At sixteen, Cecelia was a typical teenager, more inclined to spend time with her friends than act as a guardian for her younger sister and her friends. The internal struggle between her desire for independence and the sense of duty cast a shadow over what would otherwise be a typical day.

A knock was heard at the door. Caroline sprinted to open it, and when she did, it revealed an equally excited Coriolanus and Sejanus.

"Hi, guys!" She chimed happily.

"Hey, Carebear." Coriolanus smiled back.

The endearing nickname he coined for her five years ago remained a steadfast presence, as did her nickname for him.

Coriolanus' smile possessed a captivating charm, a magnetic force that had the power to weaken her knees whenever he uttered her name with that radiant smile.

𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐄𝐃 ⎯⎯⎯⎯  CORIOLANUS SNOWWhere stories live. Discover now