๐’๐”๐‘๐˜๐€๐†๐€๐‘๐ƒ๐‡~๐•ฟ๐ก๐ž ๏ฟฝ...

By thegoldenpaper

81.3K 8.9K 4.3K

This is the story of two Queens of Suryagardh and the Daughter-in-laws of Shekhawat's. One of whom puts famil... More

A \ N
โ˜† Glimpse โ˜†
Chapter 1~ First Night ~ โ˜† ( Aaradhya~Vishvaraj ) โ˜†
Chapter - 2~ First Night ( II ) โ˜† ( Nirjhara ) โ˜† ~
~โ˜† Attention Please โ˜†~
Chapter 3 ~โ˜† What is My Real Name ? โ˜†~
Chapter 4 ~ โ˜† First Kiss? โ˜† ~
Chapter 5 ~ โ˜† Sometimes "Sorry" it's not "Enough" โ˜† ~
โ˜†~ Prithviraj ~โ˜†
Chapter 6 ~ โ˜† " DEAL " ~ Under The Silk Sheet ~ โ˜†
Chapter 7 ~ โ˜† " Love " - It's Complicated โ˜† ~
Parthvi ~โ˜† Beyond Time & Century โ˜†
Chapter 8 ~ โ˜† Mixed Feelings โ˜†~
Chapter 9 ~ โ˜†Inscrutable Personalityโ˜† ~
~ โ˜†" Who Made Me a Princess? "โ˜† ~
Chapter 10 ~โ˜† I Thought You're Different โ˜† ~
Chapter 11 ~ โ˜† Are you VIRGIN ? โ˜† ~
Chapter 12 ~ โ˜†Turning The Tablesโ˜† ~
~โ˜†Important Noteโ˜†~
Chapter 13 ~โ˜†Life is wrong or Life partnerโ˜† ~
Chapter 14 ~ โ˜†Shut up & Bend Downโ˜† ~
Chapter 15 ~ โ˜† Precious Bonds are Breaking โ˜† ~
Chapter 16 ~ โ˜†Misunderstanding or Reality Checkโ˜† ~
~โ˜†Some Changesโ˜†~
Chapter 17 ~ โ˜† Whose Marks Have Deeper Color ? โ˜† ~
Chapter 18 ~โ˜† Covert Tale โ˜†~
Chapter 19 ~โ˜†The Enigma of Nirjharaโ˜†~
Chapter 20 ~โ˜† Winter Bunny & Camel โ˜†~
Chapter 21 ~โ˜† ( Edited ) I Like You โ˜†~
Chapter 22 ~โ˜† ( Edited ) Laughter Before The Storm โ˜†~
Chapter 23 ~โ˜† Who is He/She ? โ˜†~
~โ˜† My Heart is Delight Today โ˜†~
Chapter 24 ~โ˜† Bonds Are Being Tied or Broken โ˜†~
Chapter 25 ~โ˜† Fractured Hopes โ˜†~
Chapter 26 ~โ˜† Old Wounds & Secrets Reopened โ˜†~
Chapter 28 ~โ˜† Echoes of Regrets โ˜†~
~Good News~
~Please Check This Video~
Chapter 29 ~ Bombshell ~
Please Check Out ๐Ÿ˜

Chapter 27 ~โ˜† Final Blow โ˜†~

1.1K 109 26
By thegoldenpaper

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*•°▪︎ Flashback Continue *•°▪︎

They quickly rose to their feet as they saw the person angrily rushing towards them. Nirjhara, struggling to stand due to her delicate frame, managed to muster all her strength and tearfully rushed towards the person.

"Ag-" Before Nirjhara could speak, the person roared at her, but she quickly hugged them tightly, burying her face in their stomach and sobbing uncontrollably.

Feeling Nirjhara's sudden embrace, the person stopped in shock, their hands clenched into fists as they fought to control their emotions.

Agastya and the person exchanged shocked glances as they processed the unexpected turn of events.

"M-Maasa, A-Ag-Agastya Bhaisa is telling me that I am an orphan, that you and Babasa are not my real parents, and that Amar Mahal is not my true home. I know it's all a lie, please tell him to stop lying to me. He's just playing a prank on me." Nirjhara hiccupped, pouring out her agony.

Despite Agastya's brutal revelations about her dark past, Nirjhara's heart refused to accept that she was not a part of this family but merely a replacement for their lost daughter.

So, for, seeking solace, she rushed into her mother's arms, desperate for confirmation of the truth.

Jagriti initially glared angrily at Agastya, but her expression quickly turned dangerous as she witnessed his rage.

He clenched his jaw tightly, fists curled, as he saw Nirjhara seeking comfort in her mother's arms.

"Leave my mother." Agastya stormed towards Nirjhara, forcefully separating her from her mother.

Jagriti, shocked by Agastya's sudden outburst, watched in fear as Nirjhara stumbled backward, barely managing to steady herself against a nearby table.

"Agastya, stop it, behave yourself." Jagriti intervened, holding him back as he lunged towards Nirjhara.

"Why, Maasa? Why is she still alive? Why hasn't Dadamaraj taken action against her, knowing her father is the killer of our Nirjhara? Why are we allowing her to remain here? That person snatched our happiness, but still he is silent. Why? If Dadamaharaj and Babasa won't do it, then let me handle it." Agastya's voice seethed with anger as he struggled against his mother's grip.

Terrified, Nirjhara realized the depth of Agastya's cruel intentions towards her. Without a second thought, she made a dash for the exit, desperate to escape the impending danger.

Seeing Nirjhara's attempt to flee, Jagriti quickly released Agastya and rushed towards her.

As she reached for the door, fate slipped from her grasp once again. Jagriti seized her wrist, pulling her back, caught her before she could reach the door.

" Don't you dare open this door or breathe a word about what you've heard in this room to anyone. Whatever you've learned about your life today stays within these walls. Understood? " Jagriti's voice was firm as she tightly gripped Nirjhara's wrist, leaving no room for argument.

Nirjhara flinched, her small frame taken aback by fear, tears streaming down her innocent, helpless face . The weight on her young, eight years old tender heart was more than she could bear.

"Understand?" Jagriti's warning tone rang out again as she tightened her grip on Nirjhara's wrist.

Nirjhara bit her lip, struggling to contain her tears, though they threatened to overwhelm her. In a tone filled with hurt, as if making a final plea to her mother, she expressed her emotions, unable to fully believe Agastya's words.

"Maasa, I love you all. H-hum aap sabse bahot pyar karte hai. Pl-please say it's all a lie. Tell me you're my real mother, my only mother." She pleaded desperately.

Jagriti's grip loosened slightly in shock, moved by Nirjhara's sincere confession and her genuine love for the family.

" But we all hate you, just remember that. " Agastya's voice roared from behind.

"Agastya, stop it." Jagriti gritted her teeth in anger, but he was already near Nirjhara, spewing his words of hatred.

"The answers you've always sought, these are the answers to your questions. Why we keep our distance from you? Why no one calls you Nirjhara? Why I'm absent on Rakhi and Bhaiduj and don't let you tie Rakhi to me? Why does no one show joy on your achievements, and why are we indifferent to everything about you? Why your birthday is ignored, only to be used for show when people from NGOs come for charity? And why no one loves you but only hate you?" His glare burned into her as he listed the painful questions.

Nirjhara could only cry helplessly, each word from Agastya felt like a dagger piercing her tender heart.

"Agastya, I'm telling you to stop. Can't you understand what your mother is saying?" Jagriti angrily glared at him, forcefully pushing him back as he attempted to approach Nirjhara once again.

Terrified, Nirjhara sought refuge behind Jagriti, her protector in this storm of emotions.

" But why, Maasa? Sooner or later, she was going to find out the truth. If she learns it today instead of tomorrow, what's the big deal? " Agastya questioned in disbelief, his anger still directed at Nirjhara.

" Yes, you are right. " Jagriti agreed, raising her voice slightly. "But now is not the right time to tell her everything. Don't you realize, she's just a child?" She shook her head in disbelief, her gaze shifting to Nirjhara's tear-stained face.

" My sister was also just six months old when her father took her life. If he showed no mercy to that innocent child, why should we? " Agastya retorted with the same intensity.

"You're not grasping the depth of the situation and the repercussions we could face once she learns the truth. If she accidentally reveals it to a stranger, can you imagine what will happen? We'll be completely ruined, don't you understand this harsh reality?" Jagriti shook him angrily by the elbow.

Horrified, Agastya stared at her, fear evident in his eyes.

" If your Babasa and Dadamaraj discover that you've disclosed her birth's reality to her, they'll be completely shocked. The secret Amar Mahal has guarded for the past eight years will come to light, tarnishing its reputation. Do you really want to put Amar Mahal and your grandfather's reputation at stake? How can you be so selfish, only considering your pain without a second thought for the consequences? " She scolded him.

In a wave of shame, Agastya cast his eyes downward, grappling with the consequences of the emotional turmoil and anger that had driven him to create this mess.

"Today, you've disappointed Dadamahraj and Babasa." Jagriti admonished with a tone heavy with reproach. " You've shown blatant disrespect for their orders, despite Babasahab (his Grandfather) explicitly warning us that this secret must remain confined within the walls of Amar Mahal. It was made clear that she needs to mature before we even think about revealing this truth, and you've jeopardized everything. She's not mature enough to comprehend these matters now. By divulging the secret prematurely, you've opened the door for potential harm. Our enemies could exploit this information as a weapon against us if it falls into their hands. You were well aware of the risks, but now everything lies in ruins. She knows it all. "

Nirjhara listened in shock, her last shred of hope shattered. She had anticipated her mother's honesty, but now her trust lay in pieces. The revelation that Giriraj-Jagriti were not her real parents, Agastya was not her true brother, and her name wasn't Nirjhara added to the weight of the revelation.

The question lingered in her mind – what was her true name, her real identity? Tears welled up in her eyes as she silently absorbed the unfolding drama.

Agastya, lifting his eyelids slowly, met his mother's wrathful gaze. "I apologize, Maasa. It wasn't intentional. She pushed me into it. You know me; I'd never disrespect our family willingly. I'd never contemplate hurting any of you." He pleaded, his guilt evident in his tone.

"But what led to the point where you felt compelled to disclose such a significant secret to her? Agastya, no matter the reasons or anger you may have, it doesn't justify the revelation of this secret. This secret holds far greater importance and consequences than any personal grievances. You're aware of that, yet you let your emotions get the better of you, and that's not a trait befitting a great leader." Jagriti expressed with deep disappointment.

Agastya hung his head in guilt, realizing that his actions had not only disappointed his mother but also put his family at risk. The weight of his decisions sent shivers down his spine.

"If Babasahab still permits her to stay alive in Amar Mahal, there must be a solid reason. Otherwise, considering the truth that her father was responsible for our daughter's death, why would he spare her? It's not just about seeking revenge for Nirjhara's death or tormenting her daily; there's a deeper motive. He always plans several steps ahead. Even when your Babasa and I questioned him about why he spared her instead of killing her, he simply said that when the right time comes, everything will become crystal clear to us." She explained with determination.

Agastya lifted his head upon hearing this, looking into his mother's resolute eyes. Confusion furrowed his brow as he tried to comprehend the complexity of the situation.

"Simply because of his words, your Babasa and I have maintained silence. We trust him to ensure our daughter's culprit doesn't find peace and justice is served. Don't you have faith in your Dadamahadaj?" Jagriti questioned him with an angry tone.

Agastya slowly nodded in agreement, his gaze filled with helplessness as he looked at her.

" Then how could you betray that trust? We all hate her and her entire family from the depths of our hearts. Every second, her face reminds me of our innocent daughter. If she were alive today, Amar Mahal would echo with her laughter, and our entire house would dance to her tunes. When she was born, your Babasa and I had countless dreams for her, but now those dreams remain mere illusions. Her departure robbed our house of happiness, that vibrant smile, and the liveliness. It's as if joy has deserted us. " Jagriti spoke, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked at her daughter's picture.

But she quickly composed herself, turned towards Nirjhara, and continued, "And it's all because of your father. He took away my daughter, and now I'm sure his soul weeps at the sight of his daughter's tears. The wounds he inflicted upon us will be etched in our memories until our last breath, and we won't let you forget either. His punishment is witnessing his daughter suffer helplessly. You'll never have our love, and we will never accept you as our daughter." She roared with painful hatred. Tears gathered in her eyes, her face red with anger, chest heaving rapidly.

In her eyes, there was only hatred for Nirjhara, devoid of any trace of love or compassion.

Witnessing her mother's intense animosity, Nirjhara felt completely shattered. It was a bitter pill to swallow, but she realized she had to accept it, no matter how much it hurt.

"Ma-Maasa." Nirjhara uttered in a broken tone, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Don't you dare call me Maasa with your filthy tongue. I am not your mother. I am only the mother of my son, Agastya, and my daughter, Nirjhara. Never utter those words again." Jagriti declared angrily, her eyes widening as she pointed a warning finger at Nirjhara.

Hearing the harsh but undeniable truth, Nirjhara's tender heart felt like it was being pierced by something sharp. She could only look at Jagriti helplessly, tears welling up in her eyes.

"To me, you are nothing. Not even worthy of the dust in this palace. You are our enemy. No matter how hard you try, you can never replace our daughter. Just because Dadamaharaj named you Nirjhara doesn't mean you can inherent her identity. You don't have any right to claim anything that belonged to my daughter.You've merely replaced her but will never succeed in winning our hearts. Engrave this in your mind and heart." Jagriti harshly squeezed her elbow as she spoke.

"I-If y-you are not my pa-parents, then wh-who am I? What is my re-r-eal name?" Nirjhara asked, her voice trembling.

"This is your true punishment. Perhaps you will know that you are an orphan, but you will never discover the identity of your real parents or your true name. Every second, you'll suffer, longing to uncover your true identity, but you'll spend your entire life living under someone else's name." Jagriti stated with pure hatred in her voice.

Jagriti held Nirjhara's elbow harshly, gritting her teeth as she spoke, "So don't you dare open your mouth in front of anyone else. Only we know that you're not our real daughter and not a part of Amar Mahal, and six months younger than my daughter Nirjhara. You must keep this secret always. If, by mistake, you disclose it to anyone else and try to tarnish Amar Mahal's image, you cannot imagine what will happen to you. More than your parents, Agastya's grandfather will give you a brutal death. And trust me, I mean it." She said in a determined tone with a cruel whisper.

Hearing this terrifying warning, Nirjhara froze in place. She couldn't believe her own mother could say such things to her.

Seeing the anger in her mother's fiery eyes, mirroring Agastya's, and feeling only hatred from both mother and son, rather than any soft emotions, Nirjhara was hurt but forced to accept the harsh reality that Amar Mahal was capable of such cruelty.

" We all hate you. Only hate. " Jagriti whispered harshly, releasing her grip on Nirjhara's elbow.

Nirjhara tightly closed her eyes, feeling the pain, but now her emotional anguish surpassed the physical.

"Agastya, let's go from here, and next time, don't dare to repeat the same mistake again. Today, whatever blunder you've created, I'll have to expend more energy and summon courage to inform your grandfather and father about it. I don't know how they'll react. You've put me in so much trouble." Jagriti said in a disappointed tone, frustration evident in her mind.

Agastya didn't react, only looking down sadly and ashamed.

"And please, whenever you feel anxiety and fear losing control, try to manage yourself. For me, listen to the doctor's advice and take your medications properly." She said with a mix of anger and concern for her son.

She turned angrily towards Nirjhara, who trembled in fear and cried silently. "Your father destroyed my happy home. My son takes sleeping pills every day at such a young age because he can't sleep due to Nirjhara's painful cries always haunting him. At an age when children happily enjoy their favorite foods, chocolates, and ice cream, my eight-year-old son, instead, has been taking anxiety and sleeping pills daily." Jagruti lamented looking at Agastya's broken state with agony.  

His tearful eyes again went towards Nirjhara  , " Only we know how much effort we've put into making him normal and bringing him back to a normal life. Your father destroyed such a beautiful, happy family. What had my innocent daughter done to your father that he killed her? Amar Mahal never differentiated between its employees who work for us. He had a good salary, a comfortable house, and a stable job, yet he decided to take our daughter's life from us. Why?"

Jagriti shouted to the core, tears freely flowing from her eyes, the pain of losing her daughter visible in her gaze.

Nirjhara was taken aback in fear, feeling a pang of remorse for the first time as she witnessed her mother break down in front of her.

All three of them were crying, each drowning in their own sorrow. Nirjhara longed to tightly embrace her mother and brother, expressing her love, but the harsh reality had stripped her of that right.

Facing the brutal truth of her life, Nirjhara felt herself shattering into pieces, realizing that her heart might never fully mend again.

Jagriti, lastly, glaring at her with hatred and disgust, angrily opened the door and left the study room.

After Jagriti departed, Agastya lifted his head, directing an angry glare at Nirjhara, issuing a stern warning, " Remember what Maasa warned you about. Keep that secret locked away, and never disclose it to anyone else. Just remember it. " He stated firmly.

Nirjhara, overwhelmed with fear, slowly shook her head, having lost the energy to stand.

Agastya, after delivering the warning, hastily approached his study table, opened a drawer, retrieved a bottle, poured a few tablets into his hand, and quickly swallowed them with water.

His breathing became increasingly erratic, sweat formed in the chilled room, his fingers trembled, and he anxiously ran his hands through his hair.

Terrified, Nirjhara witnessed Agastya's vulnerable side for the first time. She considered rushing to him to calm him down, but she halted in the middle, haunted by her mother's words - "You don't have any right on us. You are an orphan. Your father is the murderer of my daughter Nirjhara. We are not your real parents. You are an orphan. Your father murderer. "

Those words echoed in her mind, intensifying her shattered state. She covered her mouth with her palm, helplessly watching Agastya in his devastated state.

Agastya, in a fit of anxiety, began tossing things from the table to the ground, his breath quickening. He was in a state of confusion, not fully understanding his actions.

He swiftly dialed a number on the phone, roaring, "NOW."

On the other end, a girl's voice stammered in fear, "But, Yuv-Yuvaraj, I just c-come home, and now ho-how I-I'll ag-"

"I said Right now. I am sending the driver; you quickly reach our place. I am coming behind you." He ordered in a strict tone, hanging up without waiting for her response.

The poor, young teenage girl stared helplessly at the phone, her voice breaking as she muttered, "C-coming." And quickly wiped away her tears.

Nirjhara instinctively squeezed her eyes shut as the door slammed loudly, signifying Agastya's abrupt departure.

With his exit, she found herself left alone in the expansive study room. The emptiness of the space echoed the solitude she now felt in this vast world.

Taking tentative steps, she settled into a secluded corner of the room, drawing her legs close to her chest, she slowly wrapped her arms around them.

Leaning forward, she rested her head on her encircling hands, succumbing to the wave of emotions that surged within her, allowing the weight of the situation to bear down on her.

Her tears becoming silent echoes of the pain resonating within her.

She was overwhelmed with shock as she struggled to comprehend the revelations unfolding before her. Every detail felt like a seismic shift, each revelation more staggering than the last. Yet, beyond the shock lay a deeper anguish, a heartbreak that threatened to consume her.

The notion of identity, once a steadfast anchor in her world, now appeared fragile and transient. The name she had always known, the home she had called her own, the family she had believed to be hers – all now seemed like distant illusions.

Today's truth shattered those illusions, leaving her adrift in a sea of uncertainty.

She grappled with the realization that not even her own identity belonged to her. The very essence of who she thought she was had been built on falsehoods, a realization that pierced her to the core.

As the weight of this truth settled upon her, Nirjhara felt herself unraveling. She stood at the precipice of a profound identity crisis, unsure of where to turn or how to reconcile the shattered fragments of her existence.


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