♡ The Ruins of Dawn ♡

By evie44c

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Since forever it's always just been 13 year old Amelie and her Mum. They may not have been rich in money but... More

~intro + characters~
~Amelie's playlist~
1|| Secrets & Lies
2|| A Punch To The Gut
4|| Selfish
5|| Here Comes The Bride
6|| Home Sweet Home?
7|| Dinner
* A/N
8|| Sundae Secrets
9|| Deal
10|| Don't Cry, Don't Cry, Don't Cry
11|| Is it Broken?
12|| None of your beeswax
~aesthetics pt 2~
13|| Fancy Academy
14 || A New Wound
15 || London Boy
16 || chugging my problems
17|| someone's in trouble..
18|| I Think He Knows
19|| Eat Grass
20|| Nicknames & Memories

3|| Snow white and his 5 little dwarfs

711 15 9
By evie44c

When Mum said someone, what she really meant was 5 extremely tall teenagers, they were all really good looking but that's besides the point, they were my soon to be stepbrothers, and Charles who I recognized from last night. Ew.

"Don't be rude Amelie." Mom said sternly. 

Amelie? She hasn't called me that in years. Was I really not aloud to say 'what the fuck' when suddenly 6 men are standing in your living room?? I just rolled my eyes. I was so done with her bullshit. But then she elbowed me so I began to look at the ground.

"Hi Millie, it's a pleasure to meet you." Charles said as he held out his hand for me to shake.

"I wish I could say the same" I said without realizing it kinda just came out. But I wasn't sorry. I saw the youngest looking boy suppress a laugh with a cough. "And it's Amelie to you." Charles looked slightly taken aback but then he nodded.

"Sorry Charles she doesn't mean it, I just told her everything a few minutes ago so it's still very new to her and she didn't know about you til she heard us last night and then she confronted me a few minutes ago which led to a panic attack I'm so sorry." Mum said calmly, she almost sounded desperate like he was going to dump her on the spot. woah why don't she just tell them my whole life story while she's at it.

"Don't worry about it Vic, it takes time to adjust." Good job Charles, you finally got something right!

"Boys, why don't you introduce yourselves." Charles smiled tight lipped.

The oldest looking boy stepped forward, his light brown hair disheveled on top of his head. He had a crooked way about him. Like he had a tilted personality.

"Um, I'm Evan and I'm 22." he smiled. He looked nice I guess. But I was still super pissed at my Mum. I wasn't exactly paying all that much attention to their introductions.

"I'm Cooper and I'm 19." the second oldest said as he ran a hand threw his brown hair. He seemed a bit uncomfortable. Not that I blame him, I'd like nothing more than to run away right now.

"Blake, I'm 17" the one with the dark brown hair said coldly. Yeah he didn't look like he liked me a lot, but the feeling is 100% mutual don't worry bud. It still made me slightly uneasy though. Then another one spoke.

"I'm Noah and I'm also 17! This one's twin unfortunately." he said pointing to Blake who gave him an eye roll in return. 

"Don't worry we're nothing alike!" Noah smiled. Everything about Noah screamed Golden retriever, from his messy blonde hair and his bright blue eyes to his energy and he seemed nice. I smiled back at him, finally looking up from the ground, I almost forgot I had been balling my eyes out 2 minutes ago until he met my eyes and frowned.

"Hey, I'm Ben and I'm 15." the one who laughed earlier said. I gave him a small smile then looked back at the floor.

"Millie, you should introduce yourself too!" Mum practically beamed. Was she really this much happier? I sighed and lifted my head again.

"I'm Amelie and I'm 13" everyone nodded "can I go to my room now?" I asked Mum.

"Sure" she sighed. "We're just going out for lunch. Want to come?" I didn't have the energy to reply so I just shook my head. If I went to lunch with these people this soon I might explode.

"Will you be okay on your own?" I nodded and walked down the hall back to my room.

"Okay I'm going to go shower, I'll meet you guys at the restaurant." Mum said to Charles as his gang headed out the door.

"Awesome! See you Amelie" Charles smiled as he closed the door. I forgot me and Mum both looked like a mess right now. They must think we live like this all the time. Not that I care anyways ugh!

                               *                                                       *                                                      *                      

The next week flew by fast. Most of the time I just laid in bed blasting music through my headphones or binging shows again. I kept to myself a lot and when I had to leave my room I'd sometimes see Mum, since it's a small apartment. She'd even continue to apologize to me. I'd heard sorry about a dozen times now but nothing could change the fact that I still felt like shit. I trusted her more than anyone and she lied to me for 6 months and is suddenly getting married next month and expects me to just be okay with it? And having 5 new stepbrothers and a stepdad just like that?! This morning she also told me that we're moving in with them too. What did I expect though to be honest. It's not like all 8 of us could live in our tiny apartment. I guess part of me hoped we'd still live separately and I'd still have Mum but you don't always get what you want. Then I heard a knock on my bedroom door and I was brought out of my thoughts. I was an overthinker.

"Millie, you in there? I have something for you." Mum said as she continued to knock on my door. Had it gotten that bad that she had to buy my trust back with gifts? I wouldn't be surprised this guy or fiancée was probably loaded. But even I wasn't that gullible you can't buy back trust.

"Come in" Mum entered my bedroom with a half smile and a box in her arms that looked like a shoe box. She walked up to me and placed it at the end of my bed. I was still avoiding eye contact. It just felt right, I didn't feel fully ready to trust her yet but god I missed her.

"Thanks" I continued to look around my small room anywhere but her eyes otherwise I'd never be able to hold this grudge.

"I know you're mad and you have every right to be but if you have any questions I'll always be here to answer and whenever you're ready to talk to me." She said as she headed for the door. Once I heard the door close I looked up and my eyes met the mirror on the other side of my bed, I looked different than I usually did. My eyes were red and glassy and I looked so tired from the lack of sleep and I felt even more pathetic in my oversized tee and sweatpants. But that's basically what I lived in soooo. Then the box on the end of my bed caught my eye. Well I mean I might as well open it since it's right here. I scooched out of the comfy spot under my blankets and made my way to the end of my bed where the box was. I opened it and my jaw was on the floor. It was the pair of ugg ultra minis that I've been wanting forever and Mum always told me what I'd have to save up because we couldn't afford them. But they were right in front of me. Wow these guys were definitely loaded. I took them out of the wrapping and slid my feet into the cozy slipper boots. And it was official- I was never taking these things off. Ever. Doesn't mean Mum was forgiven yet though, I was still wrapping my head around it all but I'd have to remember to thank Charles for the uggs I guess. 

hope you enjoyed<3 

So we've met the brothers!! who do you think is going to be ur fav??

also you'll see more of the brothers soon! the next few chapters are the wedding and her moving in. 

pls don' forget to vote and comment!!

eves & izzy xo

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