A Beautiful Nightmare •A Kai...

By Mellianna92

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In every family's history book there has always been that one dark chapter that no one wants to talks about... More

Entry One... Attic Surprises
Entry Two... There's A New Girl In Town
Entry Three... Guess Who's Coming Home?
Entry Four...A Hit And Run
Entry Six... You Win Some. You Lose Some...Funny Thing Is, I Will Always Win
Entry Seven...Billiard Magic
Entry Eight... Skinny Dipping & Taylor Swift
Entry Nine... Welcome To The Corn Maze...
Entry Ten...Mind Your Business Bon Bon..
Entry Eleven... Just Another Face On The Milk Carton..

Entry Five... Missed Me?

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By Mellianna92

•Kai's Pov•

I look up at my taxi driver and decide to tell him a fake story about myself.

Okay maybe I'll sneak some of the truth in there.

"Ever worn skinny jeans? Ah, it seems wrong. I'm all bunched up. Also why are jeans so tight when phones are so big?" I slide the phone out of my pocket and hear the taxi driver sigh while he keeps driving to my destination.

"I don't know what to tell you pal." He replies.

"Oh, God... I'm that guy. Right? That guy that won't shut up. Oh I hate that guy. I just sat next to that guy on the plane. He was the worse..."

I lean up from the back seat. "Hey speaking of planes. Have you flown recently? Cause what's with the whole liquid situation? The stripping before you go through security thing. It's weird."

"They're worried about terrorists." The taxi driver answers.

I lean back in my seat. "Okay...well, I'm sorry but the real terrorists were some of those people taking off their shoes." I look on my phone and see this thing called Facebook.

It's pretty interesting what you can find. Like where your younger siblings work..

I look up and smile at the taxi driver.

"I know I'm chatty. Sorry, I've just been in prison for a while..."

Wait don't freak him out he might kick you out of the cab if he thinks you're a convict.

"Not like a regular prison. More like uh...special kind of-"

"Alright we're here. That'll be thirty."

Rude much?

"Alright...jeans.." I pull out whatever money were in the jeans of the guy I had killed from and see he didn't have enough for the fare, so I give the taxi driver some of that and think.

"Uh, take this. Hang on, hang on. I got it." I say reaching into the jeans deeper.

"Oh hey, gum. Nice." I pop it in my mouth and chew.

"Come on buddy. I don't have al day. Let's go."

"I got it hold on...." I pull out these headphones and get a great idea.

"Huh, well. I guess this'll do."

I bring the headphones cord quickly around his neck and strangle him with them. He thrashes around a bit and I keep a look out to see who's watching in case I have to kill them too.

Eventually the taxi driver stops moving all together. So I remove the corn from his neck and place one earbud in his ear.

To make it look like he's just relaxing and listening to music.

I get out of the taxi and lean down near the passenger side.

"Thank you." I then walk off and see some one throw a frisbee.

I catch it and one of the girls walks over to me.

I toss it back to her and she smiles. I jog over to her and tap her on the shoulder.

"Hey, sorry about that. I'm new in town and I was wondering if you could tell me where Ted's Tavern might be?"

"Sure, it's right down the road you can't miss it."

"Thanks." I walk where she pointed and soon find the place.

Funny how much has changed since the 80's.

I walk inside of the tavern and hear music playing.

Nothing good really.

I walk up to the bar and sit down.

A server with blonde curly hair came over to me with a smile.

"How can I help you?"

"One zima please." The server gives a chuckle.

"You're hilarious."

I drum my fingers on the table and think of something else to order.

"Okay, uh. How about a grape soda, Monique." I say reading her name tag.

"Coming right up."

While she makes my drink I play on my phone for a bit.

"Hey do you have a Twitter? I just signed up you should follow me." I suggest to her as she hands me my soda in a tall glass.

"I think I'll pass." She smirks at me.

"Your loss." I take a drink of my soda and look at all the funny tweets celebrities were saying.

"Hey, did you know you could follow celebrities? They all Twitter the stupidest things. It's hilarious." I say chuckling to myself.

"Alright, so I've got a question for you."

"Shoot." I say looking away from the phone.

"You seem like a nice guy, I've seen two girls hit on you and you turned them down. Why?"

I take another drink.

"Because I'm already taken."

"Figures...she must be some lucky girl." I smile at that.

"I guess so. But I'm more lucky. I had thought our relationship was over but I got a second chance and I'm not messing that up."

"Good for you. What's her name?"

"Andy...Andy Devereux. Hm I wonder..."

I look her up on Twitter and there she was.

I click the follow button and look at her media.

"Monique why don't you go home early. It's pretty dead today."

"Sure thing Danny." I look up from my phone and see my little brother.

He even still had the scar I gave him from the baseball bat on his left knuckle.

Good times..

"Well I'm off. You make sure you treat your girlfriend right."

"I will. Bye Monique." She leaves and it's just Daniel there with me.

"Hey bud, were closing up in like ten minutes okay?"

"Sure thing, but first I'm gonna get a real drink. No bourbon, I'm secure enough for my masculinity. Vodka's boring. Rum's too tropical. Ooh, tequila. You do not wanna see me on tequila. How about gin? Is that weird?"

Daniel scoffs while drying a glass.

"Not if you're a fifty year old. But seeing that you look nineteen I'm gonna need to see some I.D."

"Oh, of course. Of course." I reach for my wallet in my back pocket and pull out my I.D.

I hand it to him and he reads it.

"Nice try but you don't look like you're pushing your late forties."

"I just have one of those youthful faces. But that's not the most interesting thing on that I.D. Take another look, Danny."

He looks at it again.

"Name? Address?"

"Malachi Parker." He gets a scared look on his face and tries to run but I grab his arm making him groan in agony as I take some of his magic.

"Last time I saw you. I was trying to kill you. Why don't we pick up where we left off?"

"I don't think so." He takes the glass he was holding and hits me in the face with it.

He takes off running and I spit the blood out from my mouth.

As he runs to the door I raise my hand and it closes in his face.

"Life is so much more easier with magic. You know it's kind of like cheating."

He runs to another door but I close that one in his face too.

"I'm really sad you didn't recognize me. That means dad erased all traces of my existence. Family pictures, movies, the little hand print turkey I made. Man, what a dick." Daniel runs up some stairs and I simple walk them.

"You stay the hell away from me." He raises his hand and a table came right at me.

I raise my hand and make the table explode.

"You know Daniel, you weren't always the brightest. Then again you were only five. But still I see you haven't gotten smart since I've been away."

I raise my hand and all of the table move so I have a clear path to him.

"What do you want from me?" He says as he's pressed up against the wall.

I kindly step up to him.

"Nothing special. I just want a little family reunion with our sister. I'm sure she missed me...."

•Andy's Pov•

"You were all irresponsible, you could have been hurt last night. Most of all you dragged the Bennett girl in on this."

We sit on the couch while Nana lectures us.

Bonnie had went home with her angry parents.

"Julia Mary-Anne Devereux!"

I nudge my cousin who was nodding off.

"I'm up, I'm up."

"Good now I pulled some strings, you two will be doing community service. Julia since you like to sleep so much you're going to help out at Shadyoaks retirement home. You will help out an old friend of mine there for seven hours."


"Do you want me to make it nine?"

Julia stops talking and Nana nods. She then looks at me.

"As for you, I made arrangements for you to help at the library and before you think that's okay. You are going to be down in the basement helping organized old city records and whatever else that Miss Saltzman has for you. Both of you eat breakfast and I will drop you off at your sites. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Yes ma'am."

As soon as Nana nods we both get up from the couch and go eat our oatmeal.

I look over at Julia and point at her neck.

She slaps my hand away and moves her hair so it's covering her hickey.

"You two almost done?" Nana asks.

We clear off the table and clean our dishes.

"Let's go." We follow her out of the house and we both get in the back seat.

The first person she drops off was Julia.

"I'll pick you up at 4:30. Don't think you can slack off because I have eyes on you, Julia."

"Yes ma'am." Julia walks inside of the building and I sit back quietly.

I look out the window and then lean up.

"I'm sorry about what we did Nana."

"I know you all are, but when you do things you either get rewarded or punished and for this you get punished. Now sit back I don't want you getting hurt."

I do as I'm told and play with my fingers in my lap.

"I'll pick you up around 4:45." I nod and walk inside of the library.

I go to the front desk and ask for Miss Satzman.

"She will be right with you, she's just running a few minutes late. Until then please have a seat."

I sit down at a table and take out a book from my bag.

As I begin to read it I start to think about the guy at the hospital.

I wonder if he's alright.

I decide to call the hospital to check up on his.

"Midstate Hospital." A woman answers.

"Um yes, my name is Andrew Devereux. Myself and two of my friends had brought in a young man last night. He was in room B-101 I believe."

"That patient is no longer here miss. Are you family related?"

"No, just a good samaritan." I hang up and I feel worry wash over me.

If he's not in the hospital does that mean he will try to look for me?

No, don't be paranoid Andy.

Maybe he packed up and went where he needed to go.

Or maybe he's waiting to kill you along with Bonnie and Julia just like those I know what you did last summer flicks.


I scream as someone taps my shoulder.

I hear a gasp and turn to see the woman from the front desk and I assume Miss Satzman.

"I'm sorry. I was really in deep thought."

Th two ladies nod and catch their breathes.

"Miss Satlzman couldn't make it, so you will be with Miss White today."

I give her an apologetic smile and she leads me down the hall.

"Your grandmother is a good woman, and you look like a good young lady so today, I will have you sort out these records, by year and by alphabetical order. I'll come back to check on you. When you're done then we will go into the basement and gather more records."

"Yes Miss White." After she watches me for a few minutes she leaves me alone.

I read the first city records and see something about bizarre animal attacks.

Hmm this seems interesting...

•Kai's Pov•

Two Hours Before...

"We're here. Can I leave now?" Daniel asks.

"Nope, I still need your services. Now let's go."

We get out of his car and I ring the door bell.

"Coming!" I hear Josette say behind the door.

When she opens the door her eyes go wide seeing me.

"I just wanted-"

She slams the door in my face and I sigh pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Now that just made me angry."

I chant a spell and the door flies open.

"Awe, Jo. That was rude. I thought we were family."

"You're a monster Malachi..." Josette says as she backs away from me.

I push Daniel inside and shut the door behind me.

"Danny?" Our little brother tries to go to him but I grab him by the back of his neck.

"I know you think I'm a monster. I mean I did murder and maim most of our immediate family members. But after a long period of self reflection. I've come to the conclusion that I could've handled losing Olivia way better than I did...."

Daniel tries to get out of my grip but I take a switch blade out of my jacket and place it at the base of his throat.

"Can't you see your big sister and brother are talking? Now be still or I'll dull this by slitting your throat."

"Kai, please don't hurt him."

"I won't. As long as you hear me out."

"I heard you Kai, but I don't believe that you've changed. You snapped when your girlfriend died."

God if I didn't need to merge with her I would snap her fucking neck but I have to play nice.

"Josette, I've changed I swear. All I want to do is live in this world in peace. Look I'll even let him go." I release Daniel and he goes right to Josette.

She makes sure that he's okay then move our little brother behind her.

"Really? So you don't want to retaliate on the Gemini coven who put you in a prison world for a few decades?"

"Nope, in fact I want to be more like you Jo. You're brave, loyal, patient. You're the perfect twin. So I get you don't want to merge but if we don't then our coven will become extinct."

"Someone else can have twins."

"True but who wants to wait nineteen years for them to grow up when we can do our duty to the coven and merge now? Well when an eclipse or whatever celestial event occurs. You can choose. So what do you say sissy?"

"You're not going to go through this are you?" Daniel says to our sister.

"Daniel, I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop talking. So what do you say Jo?"

My sister purses her lips.

"How did you get out?"

I sigh and start to look around the hall.

"Hm? Is this your husband? Funny I always pictured you going for a pretty boy type."

"Kai answer my question, how did you get out?"

Pfft, like I'm going to tell her.

"I don't want to bore you with minor details.
Let's just say I had an early release from a friend."

"You don't have any friends Malachi." Daniel comments.

I look at Daniel.

"You know you were cuter when you were younger." I chant and he was suddenly in front of me. I grab the sides of his face and I start to take some of his magic.

"Kai stop! Don't hurt him!"

Daniel's eyes were rolling in the back of his head and I look at my sister.

"I'm not. I'm just juicing his magic..." I let him go and he lays there limp on the ground.

My sister goes to him but I grab her and smile against her ear.

"I'm trying to be nice here Josette. Now I'm done asking. We're going to merge."

"How about I get you someone else. I saw a girl she was a Devereux for sure and she looked exactly like Olivia."

"I know exactly who you're talking about, she ran into me early this morning. I want her and I want to merge."

"But why?"

"That's my secret."

My sister looks down at our brother and I see a tear fall down her cheek.

"Don't look so sad, sissy. He's still breathing... barely..."

I let her go and she kneels down holding Daniel.

"Danny? Danny wake up. Kai he's not breathing!"

I crouch down place my hand on his chest.

Daniel gasp and I stand up.

"I hope you don't have work today sis. Cause you and I are going to be very busy."

Josette glares at me with hate.

"I'm craving pizza. I'll be back oh and if you think about calling the coven, your house will catch on fire. Test me though, I'd love to see your widowed husband at your funeral." I grab my sisters keys off of the hook and walk outside where her car is in the driveway.

I wonder if the taste of pizza has changed since the 80's?

I drive down to where I remember the closes pizza shop was. Which surprisingly was still there.

I walk inside and the smell of melted cheese and marinara sauce filled the air.

I walk up to the counter and feel my phone vibrate.

Man this doctor must have been really popular. I take the phone out of my pocket and decline the call.

Maybe I can ditch this and get another one.

I look up and see her.

She was holding a box and some drinks.

Well attempting to.

I see one of the cans tip and roll to the floor so I catch it and she says thank you. When she looks at me her eyes go wide.

"I'm so sorry. Please don't hurt me."

Why would I?

"I would never hurt you Andy." Shit I shouldn't have said her name.

She backs up away from me and she accidentally bumps into the person walking behind her.

Two more of her cans of soda fall and I manage to catch them.

I place them on the counter and raise my hands so she doesn't have to be afraid of anything.

"I got your name from the nurse at the front desk when I left. I wanted to say thank you and before you think I'm following you. I wasn't I just came in to grab some pizza. Meeting you was just a coincidence."

Andy still keeps her distance from me.

"There are nine other pizza places in town and yet you choose this one?" She asks with a raised brow.

I give a light chuckle and shove my hands in my pockets.

"I know what this looks like but I swear, I'm not stalking you. I just so happen to know that Illiano's has the best pizza in town."

"That's what the ladies said at the library." She chews the corner of her lip and I can't help but stare.

Olivia use to do that when she was thinking.

"Want to have have a bite with me?"

She shakes her head. "I'm sorry but I have to bring this back to them at the library."

"The library?"

I hear her curse under her breath as she lets that little bit of info slip out.

"I should really go."

She takes the cans of soda and puts them in her bag instead and begins to walk out.

I walk after her and step in front of her.

"Five minutes."

"I really ca-"

"Would five minutes hurt you? I mean you did hit me with your car." I know using the guilt card is a dirty trick but I don't mind getting messy when it comes to this situation.

"Just five minutes and then I have to get back."

I try to hide the smile spreading on my face but I fail as I hold the door open for her while she walks back inside of the pizza shop.

I pull out a chair for her and sit in front of her.

"Aren't you going to get your pizza?"

"I'll get it after, I really just wanted to talk to you." She chews the corner of her lip again and it's driving me crazy, I just want to bite those lips for her.

"Well, since you know my name what's yours?"


"Jason? That's a nice name, do you have a last name to go with it?" I like her sarcasm. It reminds me of Olivia's.

"Parker, and yours?"

"Devereux." I move my hand and hold hers then kiss it. "Its nice to meet you Andy Devereux."

She giggles and it sounds cute.

"It's nice to meet you too, Jason Parker. Say you wouldn't happen to be related to the Parker's who use to live over on Rosewood lane would you?"

"They're distant relatives, yes."

"Oh, then you know that our families don't get along."

"Is that so? Well I won't tell if you won't." She smiles and looks at her watch.

"I'm sorry, Jason but I really need to go now." As she gets up so do I.

"Wait Andy, can we see each other again?"

She gives me a smirk. "Maybe." She then starts to walk off and I can't just let her walk away like that so I follow her out.

"Jason, remember that thing where you said you weren't stalking me?"

"I'm not. I'm just helping you get this across the street. Is that a crime?"

"No, I guess not. But you really don't have to. Doesn't your shoulder still bother you?"

"No it's perfectly fine. Now I'll take this while you lead the way." I take the pizza box from her and she doesn't argue with me.

We walk down the block towards the library in silence which is hard since I'm a talker when it comes to her looks.

"So, do you live around here?"

"No, I'm just visiting my grandmother for a while with my cousin and then I go back to Virginia when school starts...Why did I tell you that?"

"Tell me what?" I ask.

"Nothing, so I take you're from here since you know where the best pizza in town is?"

"Yeah, I grew up here but I was away and came back early this morning."

"Oh we're you hitch hiking? I'm so sorry I hit you and you were just trying to get to your family."

I chuckle and shake my head.

"If you really want to apologize to me then have dinner with me tomorrow night."

"Let me guess you know the best restaurant in town?"

"As a matter of fact I do. It's this exclusive spot. So exclusive that only you and I know where it is."

She frowns then.

"My place. I'm going to cook you dinner."

"Oh, I don't know about that."

We stop right outside of the library entrance.

"How about we go to the movies? It's public and private."

"It's not that, I'm kind of on punishment. I know it's embarrassing. But maybe  we can before I go back home." She takes the pizza box from me and pops the door open with her hip.

"Bye, Jason."

"Andy?" I call out.


"202-555-1006, that's my number. Call me." I hold the door for her and I see her muttering to herself.

Hopefully she's memorizing my number.

I keep watching her all the way until she's gone down the hall.

I turn around and raise my fist in victory.

"Oh Andy, I can't wait until you're finally mine..."



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