EG AppleDash One Shots

By Adventure_A17

6.6K 126 67

A bunch of small short stories of Rainbow Dash x Applejack might add a little bit of Fluttershy x Rarity and... More

You belong with me
Frozen Lake Rescue
Secret Agent
Young Love
Arrange Marriage
Famous Singer
Falling for Ya
Broken Bone
Summer Nights
Ghost Whisperer
Love Story
Rewrite the Stars
Valentine's Day
Messing with the past pt.2
Messing with the past pt.3
Messing with the past pt.4
Messing with the past finale part
Hogsmeade Date
A Night to Remember
Until I found You

Messing with the past

216 3 2
By Adventure_A17

Author notes: I got inspired by Back to the Future regarding the whole messing up how your parents meet and needing to fix it so there's also gonna be more parts later. Also for clear clarification Blaze, Jesse, and Autumn are Dash's and Applejack's biological kids their donor was Dash's dad who agreed to be their donor when they wanted to have kids.

Present: January 31, 2024

"Blaze we're hungry!" A young five-year-old boy said he had light blue skin and blonde hair with green eyes wearing a white shirt with basketball shorts. "Okay give me a second." Blaze who was sixteen years old had light yellow skin, magenta eyes, and rainbow short spiky hair wearing a blue hoodie with a yellow lighting bolt pattern on it with black jeans as he had finished doing his homework. He walked out of his room and headed to their small cramped kitchen. "I'm gonna make grilled cheese sandwiches go get Autumn," Blaze said getting the things he needed as he started making his young siblings dinner.

Soon Autumn who was ten years old resembled more like their mom Rainbow Dash except she had her other mother's eyes walking in with Jesse. "Here," Blaze said finishing making the sandwiches and handing them to his siblings as they went to eat in the living room to watch TV on their small television set. Blaze started making more when he heard the door open to see his mama Applejack who had just finished working the farm looking exhausted and stressed. Hey Blaze." Applejack said tiredly. "Hey, ma I made Jesse and Autumn dinner." He said giving his mom a plate that had a sandwich.

"Thanks blaze." She said kissing her oldest son on the cheek. "Your other moms not here?" She asked causing him to shake his head. "Not yet." He said. As if on cue the door opened and it's revealed to be Blaze, Jesse, and Autumn's other mom Rainbow Dash wearing her uniform for work. "I'm home," Dash said exhausted. "Hey, sweetie how was the gym?" Applejack asked her wife since she works at the gym. "Same old same old. Hi, blaze." Rainbow said. "Hey, Mom I made some grilled cheese sandwiches," Blaze said giving her a plate.

"Thanks," Dash said exhausted but started eating it. "So moms are there any plans this weekend?" Blaze asked. "Well, we were gonna invite your aunts and cousins to visit and spend some time with each other," Applejack asked. "But?" He questioned. "You know how things are your Aunt Pinkie is busy with her pastry business. Knowing how your aunt rarity husband is she's not gonna allow her to even leave the house." Applejack said causing Dash to be angered by the last part. "Still can't believe she married that piece of crap," Rainbow said but Applejack ignored her. "Sunset, maybe but she usually doesn't go if Twilight gonna be there. Fluttershy is busy with helping animals and the only person who I think would come is Twilight but she's been very busy with making new inventions and gadgets."Applejack said.

"Yeah, that's true," Blaze said wondering what happened in the past that caused all his mom's friends and themselves to be stressed and not be able to see each other. "Still if it wasn't for your mom Rainbow Dash who accidentally bumped into me in the halls we would've never met and fallen in love during the under-the-sea dance plus that would've meant mine and your mother's friend group never merged and we would've never become friends," Applejack said fondly.

"Mom mama," Jesse said running to his mom's. "Hey, kiddo did you eat?" Dash asked placing her youngest son on her legs. "Yeah, I did." He said happily. "Alright, now it's time for you to get ready for bed," Applejack said ruffling his hair. "Don't worry I'll make sure he gets into bed," Autumn said walking over to her moms.

"Thanks, Autumn," Applejack said tiredly. "Don't mention it ma," Autumn said as Rainbow placed her son on the floor. "Alright, kiddo go get ready for bed your siblings will tuck you in," Rainbow said as he nodded and left with Autumn. "You two get some rest I'll make sure they get ready," Blaze said following them.

After helping his siblings get ready he heard his phone buzzed and saw it was from Aunt Twilight. Ever since he was young he grew close to his Aunt Twilight. 'Blaze meet me at the outskirts of the city I got something to show you. One of my latest inventions.' He read before responding with an okay. "What are you looking at Blaze?" Jesse asked. "Nothing let's get you tucked in," Blaze said as he pulled the blanket covering his brother before giving him his tortoise plushie. "Don't forget about tank," Blaze said
and saw his sister was already tucked in. "There goodnight Jesse." He said standing up and heading toward the door.

"Blaze?" He asked his older brother. "Yeah?" He responded. "Are moms doing okay? They always seem tired and sad. Is it because of us?" Jesse asked. "Wh-no oh no Jesse it's not because of us it's just they're always busy working trying to make sure we're happy and have a good future," Blaze said reassuring his brother. "Does it have to do with something when they were young?" He asked causing Blaze to shrug. "Maybe who knows but get some rest okay," Blaze said turning off the lights and shutting the door before walking down the hall and heading to his room but heard something that caught his attention from his mom's room.

"I don't know how we're going to manage to pay off the next bills, the farms not doing so good," Applejack said, stressed, as Dash comforted her nearby. "We'll find a way, don't worry," Rainbow said, trying to reassure her wife. "Maybe it's about time I sell the far-," Applejack was going to say, but Rainbow Dash cut her off. "No, you're not Aj. You've put your whole heart and soul into maintaining the farm after Granny Smith passed away. I'll just get more hours at the gym, or I'll get another job," Rainbow said. "Still, I just don't like having the kids live like this.

Blaze is having to be the third adult to Jesse and Autumn, and they never get to have anything nice," Applejack said. "I get it but you know maybe it's time you ask for help?" Rainbow said as Applejack glared at her. "You know I don't like asking for help when it comes to the farm," Aj said exhausted. "Still you should...we'll talk about this tomorrow, okay? Right now, let's get some sleep," Rainbow said, as Blaze heard everything before seeing the light of his mom's room turn off.

He sighed before making his way downstairs and cleaning the dishes before realizing he had to meet Aunt Twilight. He quietly left the house and started heading to the outskirts of the city to meet up with Aunt Twilight. As he walked he saw a car in the distance as well as a woman standing nearby having her hair in a messy bun, wearing a light blue blouse with brown skirt and a labcoat over it. "Hey, Aunt Twilight," Blaze said hugging his aunt.

"Hey, kiddo it's good to see you," Twilight said returning the hug before pulling away. "So what's the new invention you've created?" He asked excitedly.
Twilight pulled something out of her lab coat pocket and showed her nephew a sleek and elegant, with intricate engravings adorning its polished silver surface pocket watch. "Uh, Aunt Twilight that's just an ordinary pocket watch," Blaze said unimpressed. She smirked "Or is it?" She said before opening it reaveling something different that looked completely different from the outside.

Instead of a traditional clock face, a high-tech screen illuminates, the labeled month, day, and year allowing precise temporal navigation. While the rear cover 
displayed a keypad with three arrows. for inputting the desired date and for other things. "Wh- this is incredible is this what I think it is?" He asked as Twilight nodded. "Yup, it's a time travel device." She said proudly. "How'd you make it?" He asked intrigued.

"Simple really I had found this strange crystal and turns out it's a Quantum Core Crystal which has the power to manipulate time. Then with the help of making microscopic temporal stabilizers to ensure a smooth transition through time, preventing unwanted side effects and creating a retro-spatial locator a feature enabling the person using it to pinpoint their location in time, helping them navigate the temporal landscape." Twilight said lightly placing the device on Blaze's hand.

"Here the keypad allows you to put the date you wanna go to which will show on the screens. The two arrows that are up and down allow you to go back to the previous date you've inputted before. While the arrow facing left allows you to delete the date in case you input it wrong. Once you've inputted the day you're gonna wanna push the top and presto you are at the time of the date you've inputted." Twilight explained.

"Here let's say you wanna go see the signing of the Declaration of Independence," Twilight said before inputting the date on the pocket watch as it displayed July 4th, 1776. "Or maybe you'd wanna go to the high school days of your moms," Twilight said inputting the date April 18, 2003. "I actually wouldn't mind seeing my moms when they were teenagers can we test out to see if it works?" Blaze asked. Twilight thought long and hard about it before smiling. "Of course we can but we have to be careful." She said as her nephew nodded. She then closed the pocket watch and pushed the French bar feeling a surge of energy coursing through her body when suddenly a bright flash engulfed them, and Twilight and Blaze found themselves in the same area just outside of Canterlot City.

"Did it work?" Blaze asked her as Twilight looked around but saw nothing nearby. "Hhm not sure let's go into the city and find something that lets us know." She said as the two made their way into the city. Blaze looked around seeing the many shops in the city. "Excuse me do you what today's date is?" Twilight asked a stranger. "It's April 18, 2003." The stranger said. Twilight thanked him before approaching Blaze who was still lost in thought.

"Hey!" Twilight said placing her hand on her nephew's shoulder. "Aah!" Blaze said getting scared causing Twilight to accidentally drop the pocket watch and hit the ground causing it to break "Oh no I'm so sorry Aunt Twilight!" Blaze said as Twilight picked up the remains. "It's fine Blaze accidents happen." She said. "I should be able to fix it. I just need to head back to my workshop." Twilight said looking at the broken time travel device.

"Are you sure your workshop is still here?" Blaze asked Twilight. "Yeah, I discovered the place after I graduated from high school it looked abandoned for a while. Look if something happens just come to my workshop okay? For now, go explore the shops or the school. I'll try to fix this up luckily the crystal is still intact but it'll be hard to get some of these parts so we might be stuck in the past for a while." Twilight said heading towards the direction of her workshop.

Blaze watched as she walked away heading to her workshop. He shrugged before walking around seeing Canterlot City looking different from the Canterlot he was used to in his time. Just as he was walking around he accidentally bumped into someone. "Woah careful
Dude." They said walking past him. Blaze turned and saw a boy around his age maybe a year older having spiky blue hair and blue eyes wearing a grey jacket with white and red stripes going horizontally, with a white shirt that had a blue shield and a thunderbolt under it with some jeans and black vans holding a guitar case and wearing a red backpack walking a different direction.

'Is that Aunt Twilight's ex-husband Flash?' He thought before following him. Blaze followed him for a good while before seeing that he was walking to a big building with lots of windows and big doors at the front, and a Colt statue in front of the the school. 'Is this Canterlot High School?' Blaze thought before making his way inside the school as well. As he entered he was greeted by lots of students hanging around, talking to each other, or walking through the halls.

"Huh, honestly not that much has changed," Blaze muttered to himself as he looked around the building before hearing a raspy voice. He followed the voice and turned the corner and what he saw completely shocked him.

'Is that mom?' Blaze asked seeing a teenage version of his mom Rainbow Dash, talking to a teenage version of his aunts Sunset, Pinkie, and Fluttershy as she was leaning on some lockers. "That's strange I thought Mama Applejack and Aunt Twilight and Aunt Rarity would be hanging out with them by now." He muttered to himself. Then he heard a familiar country accent talking nearby. Blaze turned and saw his mama Applejack only she was a teenager and she was standing not that far from Dash's friend group having a conversation with a teenage version of Aunt Twilight and Rarity.

Blaze looked between the two friend groups in confusion before the warning bell rang suddenly a locker was slammed loudly causing his attention to focus on the person who slammed their locker. Which just so happened to be his mom Rainbow Dash. "Oh shoot I got class on the other side of the building. I'll see you guys at lunch," Dash said grabbing her books and waving goodbye to Sunset, Pinkie, and Fluttershy. "See you Dash good luck on that English test!" Rainbow heard Sunset say before running down the hallway. Blaze saw this reckless behavior and panic surged as he realized that she was gonna bump into his mama Applejack. "Watch out!" Blaze shouted, instinctively reaching out to intervene.

Rainbow, hearing his warning, managed to swerve at the last second. "Woah!" She exclaimed narrowly avoiding a collision with Applejack. "What in tarnation?" AJ asked puzzled. However, in doing so, Dash stumbled and dropped her books. Blaze's heart sank as he watched the scene unfold realizing he had altered the course of the event, disrupting the moment his moms met each other.

"Oh no I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." Blaze said rushing over to the scene. Rainbow quickly recovered, flashing Blaze a grateful smile before hastily picking up her books. "What are you talking about if you didn't warn me I would've bumped into the girl over there with the Stetson! Thanks for the save!" She said before running off to her English class.

Applejack glanced around, confused about what had just happened before meeting Blaze's eyes, offering him a polite nod."Thanks, stranger." AJ said turning back to her friends and resuming their conversation.

Feeling a sense of guilt and regret washing over him. "I...I didn't mean to mess things up..." He said to himself, he watched helplessly as Applejack walked away with Rarity and Twilight heading to Science class before the bell rang. Blaze was still comprehending what he had just done as the hallways soon started getting empty as everyone was heading to class when suddenly the bell rang leaving him standing there on his own in the middle of the hallway. A question kept replaying and repeating over his head. 'What have I done?!!?'

Blaze then left the school and immediately began running trying to find his aunt Twilight who said she'd be in her workshop. Blaze ran for a good 15 minutes before arriving at the workshop. "AUNT TWILIGHT I MADE A BIG MISTAKE A HUGE MISTAKE!!" He said kicking the door as Twilight looked surprised and confused. "Woah Blaze come down what did you do?" Twilight asked him placing her hands on his shoulders for him to breathe and tell her what he did.

"IINTERFEREDWITHHOWMYMOMSMEET!!!" Blaze said rapidly causing Twilight to look at him confused. "Speak slowly what did you do?" Twilight asked once again. "I INTERFERED WITH HOW MY MOMS MEET!" Blaze said. "YOU WHAT!?!" Twilight yelled. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT I SWEAR!" Blaze said. "Kid you realize what you just did right?" Twilight asked as Blaze nodded. She groaned in disbelief before realizing something important. "Quick let me see the picture of you and your siblings," Twilight said as Blaze handed her the little picture he carries around with him.

Twilight examined it before noticing something. "Just as I thought look!" Twilight said softly as she pointed at the picture and it showed Jesse who is the youngest head was missing. "His head is missing," Blaze said holding the picture. "Because Rainbow Dash and Applejack never meet and fall in love with each other that means you and your younger siblings are never born. But that also means mine and Dash's friend group never merge and we never get to be friends." Twilight said. "How do I fix this?" Blaze asked. "You gotta get your moms together and have them fall in love with each other. So in the meantime, you'll be attending CHS for you to get them together. I'll be trying to get the device ready for us to return to our time." Twilight said as Blaze nodded ready to fix his mistake.

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