Anger Issues Of the Magne fam...

By -_believer_-

341 22 8

A villain MC who cares only for her family, and is a chaotic, conflicting character She hates Alastor after h... More

Introducing, the cast!
Glorified Hell
Emotional Bounds
Sway With Me
Hope is a fickle thing

Has been return

46 4 4
By -_believer_-

In which Renata visits the Oh so lovely Happy Hotel


Happy Hotel. Hazbin hotel

Either way, Renata found it both genius and somewhat of a far stretch. How could any sinner possibly want to be redeemed? Most were in here because they loved drugs, sex, and all the sinful delight sins had to offer

She should know

But she had much more pressing concerns then attending some hotel gathering her sister had invited her to. She had heard, even tho she had been high out of her fucking ass that day, that the next extermination would come sooner. And considering they could kill an angel?

Her entire body ran with the cold, freezing feeling of hope

Hope was a fickle thing. Dangerous, her mind echoed

She hadn't bothered changing out of her bloody, sweaty dress as she teleported over to the destination she had been invited to. Apparently, it wasn't his idea, but Charlie's. She had asked dad to ask her to come. And Renata felt an odd sense of guilt when he had confessed that

Had she ignored Charlie so much this last year that she didn't trust she would answer anymore?

Somewhere deep down, all the ignored phone calls reminded Renata she had done that shit to herself

She only knew it had been a little over an year because of the purgatory that helped Renata's usually fully drunk, high brain reassure itself she hadn't spend an eternity inside another club for days on end

She didn't know what she expected when she learned her baby sister had opened up a rehabilitation hotel

But it certainly hadn't been the sight of this half run down, oddly placed building. And Lucifer was nowhere in sight

Renata's eyes took it all in with skepticism. The colour needed work. Heaven, they needed more decoration. Make it seem more polished and expensive like it should have been to be owned by the fucking royal family of hell. Make demons throw their shitty money down their throats

Which she would later learn had nothing to do with this

To Renata's very genuine surprise, the door burst open in her face. Seeing the assault of random colour, she took it back. They needed less decoration. Immediately, she felt a mingle of energies inside, and only around five were familiar. Lucifer, Charlie, the backstabbing bimbo, some other minion with a similar energy, and-

She was greeted by Vaggie

God damn it it was Vaggie

Her eye narrowed at her, but the subtle smile was there "'Sup? About time you showed up" She nodded to come in. Renata tried to ignore the gloomy glow around Vaggie today. Hell was shitty on its best days, after all

Renata saw Lucifer and Charlie talking, with Alastor glaring at their father from the sideline, quite close to Charlie as well. One of his hands rested on her shoulder, and she felt sick at Charlie's clearly trusting smile that should be in no way directed to the backstabbing bimbo. She tried to tear her eyes away from the scene, but it only made her eyes feel all the more drawn to it. Even her father's pristine white suit didn't seem to drill into her vision as much as Alastor's grin did

That competitive air between them. And the sight of the demon that still owed her a favor. The same bloody guy she wanted to tear apart since their last encounter before he went missing from the face of hell for seven years

Vaggie leaned in to whisper in her ear "It's getting somewhat heated between them, so I would appreciate it if you could break it up before they break into a song. Again"

"It's already happened?" Renata looked back at her, eyebrows raising

"Well, no. Not today anyway"

Charlie was just smiling politely as much as she could between the two males glaring at each other. But the nervous tick she was used to seeing from Charlie, the way she played around with her fingers, made Renata feel more protective of her. This is why, Renata thought, males shouldn't be put into positions of power.

That bloody ego of theirs

That made the demoness fake a smirk, red eyes trained on the trio "I forgot you hated musicals almost as much as I hate love triangles" She murmured, focused, and thinking this through. She couldn't just blow off the roof and bury Alastor alive, right?

That would be unethical

She would shove him into the abyss instead and let it tear his soul apart atom by agonizing fucking atom

Vaggie groaned "Please. If you start with the book references again, I'm never letting you step foot in this place" With the spear in hand, Renata didn't doubt it. But what she did doubt, was that Vag could hold her off. His hand settled on Charlie's other shoulder now, and Lucifer's eye twitched

Renata was already heading in their direction, claws threatening to come out. Vaggie seemed to redirect for the bar, but her eyes were on Charlie. Despite Alastor's back facing away, his head was the first to turn, snapping back with an echoing crack. Even his bones were dramatic. The air around him became static, and she heard radio noises for an ominous second. That, for some reason, made her smirk at the sight. She was glad to be as much of a bother to him as he was to her

"Oh! The lovely darling has arrived. What a pleasure" His static voice drawed out, as his body snapped to face her. His grin seemed unnaturally wide, and now, strained "We were just telling your father about the lovely hotel Charlie and I build" He took her hand, ran his thumb over it before he kissed it, and definitely was committing her scowl to memory

Renata snatched her hand away

Lucifer's scowl was like a mirror image of hers. He shoved Alastor back and Lucifer grinned happily, that mega vat smile that made you believe that he may have indeed been an angel once "Sweety! Oh, you look fashionable! Setting new trends, I see, I see. How's the Uh- partying going?" The devil extended a hand to pull her in a big hug, shoving Alastor further aside. "Are the leaves in your hair practical? If you like that, it's all that matters" She just huffed, but with an air of amusement. Twigs and leaves in her hair didn't seem to fit even Hells criteria

Charlie looked relieved, her shoulders sagging. She was probably grateful for the distraction. She sighed, and clasped her hands "Ok! All of us are finally here" She gave a look at Renata, like she was wondering whether she should come closer or not. Alastor glared, and she swore his smile almost wavered.

Lucifer's hand settled on her arms after he pulled away from the hug "We have to show you around your sister's hotel."

"You do. It's quite...colorful here. Who's idea was it to decorate?"

"Alastor's" Charlie said proudly

She looked over at her sister "I should have guessed. It hurts my eyes looking at it almost as much as he does"

Lucifer laughed and went to tug her away. She tensed when she felt another hand settle on her shoulder, stopping him. "Hm, I think I, as the owner of this hotel can do that just fine for Ms. Morningstar" Lucifer glared. Renata had the urge to cut his hand off, already feeling her demon form emerging, lenchtening her claws in warning for any unfortunate soul close enough to feel it. Ms Morningstar. Darling. Love. All his ridiculous nicknames. But never Renata

Renata growled, and grasped his wrist, almost tearing skin as she shoved it off "Owner after you coaxed her into this?"

"I didn't coax anyone into anything, dearie. Do you see me owning Charlie's soul?" His head tilted, that smug glint making her blood rage "It's completely on her own free will"

"She has eyes" Lucifer snapped, his fingers tightening on his cane

"Which is why we can't have her looking like a barbarian now, can we?" He removed some of the leaves off her hair. He tossed a look at Lucifer over her head, his unsettling grin turning smug. "Now now, no need to fret. Niffty"

Another smaller demon tossed a knife, yelling as she ran around to kill a fly. Mid air into a jump her head turned, twisting, before she saw the leaves on the ground and gasped. She fell so fast, that even Renata felt whiplash at the broom suddenly swiping the entire floor

"I must clean!" The small demon cackled, and Renata smirked. She liked her

Lucifer coughed from the dust. Alastor grinned in satisfaction at the sight, head tilting. But his hand didn't leave her shoulder as he looked down at her, his finger absently running under her strap. She saw his eyes scan for any scars, injuries, blood. The air around him glitched again, like reality itself was repulsed by him "Nice to see you, Renata" He hissed in her ear

She felt a shiver run down her spine, which made her stand taller. Use her name for unspoken threats. How vaguely familiar and unoriginal "It's good to know you've missed me"

Lucifer used his cane to tap the floor

"We prittied the place up!" Charlie exclaimed, trying to come in between the two of them. Having shifted from the damsel to the knight in shining armour "Um, you know dad? We-"

"Oh. Yes, Charlie has quite a unique vision. I am happy to fulfill her bizarre reguest" He smiled down at Charlie and placed a hand on her shoulder too, like he hadn't just cut her off. Charlie seemed to smile at the gesture, obviously not taking it the way Renata did

She saw it as a threat. A way to reassure himself he still held power. That he could piss off even the king of hell, by the way their dad was growling at the sight of his hand

"Quite an impressive young lady" Alastor continued, and his eyes shifted to Renata "Much like her older sister. I heard she was enjoying her time in the lower rings" Lucifer's eye twitched

His hand settled right onto her lower back, sending a pleasant thrill she would definitely ignore for the rest of their damnation. Lucifer turned to him "And who were you again?"

"As I said, I am the host of this hotel. You might have heard of me from my radio broadcast" His eyes narrowed

"The tower I destroyed" Renata added, and felt Alastor's grip tighten

"Hm. Nope!" Lucifer outright exclaimed "I guess it's why Charlie called it the The has been hotel! Ha ha ha!" He elbowed Charlie, then turned to Renata, searching for their approval. Likely an uprise of applause for the witty comeback "I'm I right?"

"Ha ha ha!" Alastor looked down at his nails, like Lucifer's presence wasn't worth his salt "It was actually my idea"

Lucifer laughed louder "Ha ha ha! Well it's not very clever!"

Alastor felt the need to laugh even louder "Ha ha ha! Fuck you" He said, leaning closer to Lucifer. They had their own little stand off

Renata saw Charlie move "So! The hotel. Dad, we still haven't shown you around" She said. Smiling at the two of them

Alastor hummed, before he pulled Renata in by the waist. Her eyes narrowed up at him, as his smile became a bit sharper, a bit more menacing. His claw teased the edge of her skin, and fuck did it tingle like sin "We haven't shown you around either, darling" He growled, and leaned closer to whisper as he lead them in front of Lucifer to make sure he saw every bit of intimate inches between them "Don't think any of this is anything but for show"

"Who said I didn't learn from my mistakes?" She said, tilting her chin up. Their noses were touching now, and she was glaring with the intensity of the fire that ran in her veins. Alastor just kept grinning, and laughed

"Dear, my dear, I'm anything but a mistake" He said as he waved his cane

"Said the narcissist fucking cannibal" She hissed, and she didn't need to turn to imagine who was glaring at them "And I'm not yours"

"Anymore" Alastor replied smoothly. His finger reached up to tuck a strand of tangled, blood tinged black hair behind her ear "You forgot handsome too" Ever since he had learned Renata had a weakness for any terms of endearment, he used them constantly when he wanted to get her riled up. Because he knew she hated it when it came from him "Incredibly handsome"

That betraying, lying ball of shitty combined cells

She scoffed "Handsome my left fucking butt cheek"

"Careful. That almost sounds like an invitation"

"Take it and see where it goes"

"Is this the part where you tell me how I end up in my eternal grave?"

"No. This is the part when I burn you alive"

"I'm sure your father would be delighted at the sight"

"Not as much as I would be"

"Oh but poor Charlie" He said in an obviously fake pitch, looking at the princess who was currently tugging Lucifer by the hand, showing him every inch of the place. They passed by a corner made of lavender hanging off the ceiling, some of it brushing past the top of her head. Alastor swiped the remains off when they passed "Can you imagine how terrible this day would end for her if it's all ruined?"

Her jaw clenched. Charlie didn't call Lucifer often. Renata tended to, at least compared to her younger sister, call their father more often. He had money to spare, anyway, and she sometimes needed it for the alcohol

They passed by what she swore was a familiar face of the bartender. Her eyes lingered on him, and he watched her too, while wiping a crystal glass off with a cloth. Such a familiar face. Could he have been someone in a position of power before? Her red eyes narrowed at him

"You reek of alcohol" Alastor's static voice echoed in her ear, loosing a bit of its staticness. She flinched at the semi sudden proximity, but the arm on her waist held her against him. This was still a game between them, it seems. One he intended to win.

Both with Lucifer and her

"It explains the twigs in your hair"

"None of your business, jackass" Was all she said. Reneta would be trying to think of something more clever if her powers weren't struggling to burn off the alcohol

"Ah. Such outdated insults, my dear. I would prefer if you called me your one and only again. That one would really sting in the heart"

Renata rolled her eyes at that "Like you even have a heart to use that analogy properly"

Alastor's grin widened not with malice, but something that made her insides twist that much more. It was satisfaction

Once they reached the bar again, Renata saw a familiar face sitting there chatting with Angel Dust. Mimzy. Talking in an exaggerated way, like she was telling a ghost story "And let's just say, his broadcast never lacked new screams. But underneath it all...he's a total sweety" Her tone immediately changed. She smiled, and waved her hand around "Put some jazz and pull a couple fingers around and he becomes a total kitten. You know, he's quite the gift giver. Always used to buy lavender"

"And you should know when to not run your mouth, Mim. I know you've tamed the lion before but jeez, no need to shove it in our faces" She teased, laughing as they entered the room

At the sound of her voice, Mimzy perked up. Altho she and Mimzy weren't friends, Mimzy liked to pretend for Alastor's sake. She gasped, placing a hand to her chest "Renata! Sweety. Oh my stars, you're here too!"

Alastor rolled his eyes, and placed a hand to his face. Renata had used the phrase specifically because she knew it would annoy him. Her grin was partially so wide because she was glad to see Mimzy, and mostly because this was an expression of Alastor's that felt like a reward for all the hardships in life. Even tho Mimzy's constantly running for help annoyed her to no end

She hugged Mimzy in such a way that she could keep drinking in his face until Mimzy pulled away and shrieked "Eek! We have to go out later like before, girl. Get you some girl company in this place. Right Alastor? I'm sure she's tired of your company"

"Knowing Renata she's tired from everyone's company" He grinned as he walked over to them, and looked down at Mimzy "I'm glad you seem to be enjoying yourself here. It would be a pleasure if you could take her out one day"

She smirked at Alastor "So ready to get rid of me already?"

"I can just call you, darling. I don't need to keep you here when you will come back. Quite like Mimzy here" He looked back down at her, leaning against his cane. He grinned "You spoke of something about lavender?"

"She didn't say anything about lavender, right Mim?" Renata quickly added, raising a brow as she and Alastor both gave Mimzy a look. Mimzy was clearly starting to sweat and she looked away, at Angel Dust and Husk both at the bar, watching them curiously

"Um!" Mimzy laughed nervously under their expectful gazes "Oh my, it's quite hot in here isn't it? Husk, can you be a dear and get me another glass?"

Renata looked back at the cat like demon. Husk. The name unlocked a memory on her mind. Ah. So that's why he had looked so familiar. They had seen each other a few times when he was still an overlord, and she had hung out with Alastor

Just then, a rattle broke the tension. The ground shook, and Renata fell forward. Alastor quickly caught her by the waist, pulling her into himself as he looked around, grin tightening "Mimzy?"

"Hah..." She smiled "I may have stolen 50 grams..."

"Damn it Mimzy" it was Renata's turn to curse

"It was that bitches fault! She had it coming!" She roared, just before a portal opened up, and Charlie, Vaggie and Lucifer stepped through

"What's going on?"

A loud boom echoed as the only wall that already had seemed to be broken twice that day was blown into pieces again by a gang of demons. Renata looked at Charlie with a straight face, seemingly annoyed "The wall blew up"

"As pointing out the obvious states" Alastor glared at the intruders, his grin ever in place. Renata was generally trying to ignore his body was shielding hers, and it was close, and that both his hands were on her waist. She had to crane her neck to look over his shoulder at the commotion. Vaggie raised her spear and walked forward, pushing Charlie behind her

"I will take care of this"

"No. I will. It's time to remind everyone why I'm the radio demon" Alastor pushed her spear back down, but Renata clasped his wrist when he moved away, glaring at him. He turned expectedly, grin widening into a menacing sight. There was a green glow enveloping the outside of the hotel, and the energy burned her skin with its familiarity "Yes?"

"I will take care of this. This is my sister's hotel" She insisted, already taking out one of her angelic blades

"And I'm the owner"

"I'm the princess of hell"

"And I, my dear, own this hotel. Now step out of my way, princess" Alastor looked outright threatening. The energy around him cracked with power, but she could beat him in a fight. Even with all his deals, even with Malox draining her powers, even with all that jacked shit he had worked around, she could beat him.

She was sure her father was staring at them, ready to intervene at any moment and have an excuse for killing Alastor. Even if he secretly liked the radio demon

"Uh, guys, this isn't the best time to argue"

"Oh, screw both of you" Vaggie snapped, going forward again, but Alastor's shadows pushed her back

Renata stepped around him, and ran into the chaos. A wave of fire was raised across the entire courtyard, enveloping everything with burning, all consuming heat. She raised her hands and let it spread, if it wasn't for Alastor's form rising from the inside of the hotel. He laughed, reaching for one of the running demons, crawling his way across the flames

In this form, he was immune even to her fire. She could tell by the green glint across his body. She tsucked, just as Lucifer came between her and Charlie "Mhm. See, what did I tell ya?" He elbowed both of them, looking at the way Alastor was eating the demons. Renata was annoyed he had gotten to three of them that hadn't had the luck to be burned by her flames

"Charlie, they are violent, mindless psychopaths who are hell bend on causing as much violence and destruction as they can" He turned, while Renata looked at Charlie. Her heart broke to see the expression on her face, and she placed a hand on her arm while their father kept talking. The touch seemed to turn Charlie's anger into sadness, and she placed a hand over hers "Really, there is no point in trying"

"Dad, stop!" It was Renata who snapped this time, turning to look at Lucifer "He's defending this hotel and it's inhabitants. It may be in a more cannibalistic, Alastor way than you had hoped, and really any of us need to see, because fuck him, but he's doing it for Charlie's sake. How come we can have faith in her and not you?"

Charlie looked away, while Renata remained glaring at Lucifer.

"Ooh, drama"

"Shut up, Angel" Renata snapped, turning to fix him with a glare

Husk chuckled as he grabbed the popcorn. Charlie groaned and shoved off of them both, running into the other room

"Have fun with the princess!" She heard Mimzy yell, just as Alastor returned at the doorway. He seemed more lively than ever as he adjusted his bowtie "What did I miss?" He turned to Renata

She nodded at Charlie's dissapearance. She wanted to go. Go to her father who was running after her. Renata's feet only started to move when Alastor nudged her back, pushing her forward until she tipped over and had no choice but to run, and without thinking, she ran after them, too

"Charlie! You don't understand, Heaven never listens. They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you!" Her father exclaimed, trying to make her see reason

"You don't know that!" Charlie snapped back, her fists clenching

"I do!"

Renata quickly went through the doorway, her eyes taking in the scene, analyzing it. They went from her father to Charlie, who turned to look at her, and Lucifer sighed "Renata" He extended a hand

He was basically asking her if she wanted to join the musical

She looked down at his hand, her own raised, but not touching his. His face fell, but he covered it with a smile "You didn't know that when I tried this all before" He sung, and smiled at her, waiting patiently for her to make up her mind. Renata grasped his hand

"My dreams were too hard to defend. And in the end, I won't lose it all again" He pulled her into the hug with Charlie "Now you two are the only things worth fighting for" He smiled, looking between the two of them with a look that made her heart clench "More than anything, more than anything. I'll shelter and adore you both more than anything"

"Dad, I don't need you or Renata to protect me from this" Charlie spoke. Renata sighed, and turned to look at her

"I'm sorry for always trying to shelter you" She said, and brushed a hand over her golden hair "I just care too much about my little sister to see her hurt"

"I can take care of myself"

"I know. You have to do this"

"I just don't want you to be crushed by them like—Like I was"

"Dad..." Charlie's face softened "When I was young, I didn't really know you at all. I always felt so small. But I hеard your stories and I was enthralled. Thе tales about your lofty dreams, I listened breathlessly. Imagining it could be me"

Renata remember them well. Sometimes, Charlie would burst into her room later to retell them to her, and they would talk for the rest if the night. Renata might be older, but she found joy in indulging Charlie. Even now.

"So in the end, it's the view I had of you. That showed me dreams can be worth fighting for" Charlie sang "More than anything, more than anything. I need to save my people more than anything"

Renata turned to them "I've waited for the day where I would see you finally take your power, sis" She smiled "In my absence, I watched our people be killed in front of my eyes. I need to save my people more than anything. More than anything, and help you in this fight. It's time to take back my power"

"I've been dyin' to find out who you are" Lucifer told them

"I've been waiting, wanting the same thing" Charlie said

Renata shook her head "I've always known who I was, dad"

Lucifer just laughed, cupping both of their faces "Looks like the apple doesn't fall far"

"Took you a while" Renata teased

"I've missed that smile"

"All that I'm hopin', now that my eyes are open
Is that we can start again, not be pulled apart again. Not to loose one of you to grief and the other to their own demons
'Cause in the end, you are part of who I am
I'll support your dream, whatever lies in store
And who could ask for more?
More than anything, more than anything
More than anything, more than anything
I'm grateful you're my daughters more than anything
I'm grateful you're my father more than anything
Thank you for always being by our side
More than anything"

Angel passed the popcorn to Husk. Sir Pentious sniffed, wiping a tear away from his eye "Beautiful"

Sorry for the musical dump, but anyway, what do we think about their relationship?

Also, props to Ren for having not killed him already

Bye bye 😌 see ya in the next chapter!

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