Maybe We were Meant (Book 4 o...

By JH_Whitfield

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Carter was just asked to be apart of a polygamous marriage. After suffering a heartbreak from one of the men... More

Equally Good
Plays Games
Surprisingly Sweet
All Gone
We a Joke
Loveeeee Song
Happy Valentines
Boss B*itch
Can't Do it
Always Win
New Character ?
Big Leap
Be here
He's Home
Just Fun
Mine Again
Can't Drive
Back to me
Kindered Spirits
Tonight Only
Mr. Carter Matters
Catch it
Double Eveything

Tempted to Cancel

530 48 31
By JH_Whitfield


"Having to wear the exact colors someone wants for their divorce party is annoying me."

"Carter stop being extra, just come on." Chace said.

"Don't rush me, you know I don't like being rushed because I can just drive myself there in my jeep."

"No, we all need to show up together."
Damien intervened.

I rolled my eyes. "You and wanting to be in control is good for the bedroom but outside of it please stop.

Chace just shook some skittles in his hand and tossed them into his mouth. "We gon be late."

"Did you even take a shower after work?" I asked him.

"Worry bout the ass connected to you...mines good."

"You worry about my ass more than I worry bout it."

Damien laughed. "Why you so cranky?"

Chace threw a skittle at me. "Carter finish getting ready."

"Cause I didn't forget how he ate my left over wings."

"Three pieces of wings and you pissy all day?"

"So, I woke up late last night thinking I have some wings to snack on, only to find out they're gone."

"They was good as fuck too,"he rubbed his stomach and I could see red. I wanted to strangle him.

"Dame get him out of can I have the room? Damn..."

"Aaight aaight, Chace let's give him some space."



We were now in the living room waiting for him. "I'm rethinking today." I flopped down on the couch. "Tempted to cancel everything."

"You know how he get when he know we going around a lot of people." Damien sat by me and I laid my head on his lap. "and you know good as I do you love that man."

"With all my heart but he better tighten up."

"You was wrong for eating his wings, be for real."Damien played with my hair.

"I was." I giggled. "You talk to his mom and brother?"

"As a matter fact." He picked up his phone."
Yeah, she said they're already there."

"Which is why his ass need to come on." We both looked towards the room. "Told you not to give him the option of two outfits."

"I realize how bad of an idea it was now...but um, Tanisha asked was she invited." Damien smirked.

"Fuck no," I was angry just hearing her name.

"Exactly," he agreed.

"I ain't cool with her no more, not how she did my nigga or Carter and Suki dropped her ass after a couple weeks. That's what she get."


I nodded scratching my nose. "mmhm. She say she ain't sign up to be no stepmom."

Damien frowned. "But Tanisha only get him like every other weekend."

"Her boss just realized she ain't ready to commit. People be thinking because sex good you going to always have a good time. That shit physical."

"Yeah, you gotta be able to have a conversation about nothing, but just because it's with that person you love, it makes any lil conversation interesting."


Carter finally emerged from the room. "I'm ready,"

I sat up and we both just admired him. "Guess it was all worth it." I stood up and walked towards him.

"You guess?" Carter put his hand up to block me from kissing him, but I pulled his waist to me.

"You look good bae, damn. Gimme kiss or get body slammed."

He poked out his lips for me.

"You ain't hesitate to kiss me...not mad anymore?"

"Cause knowing you, you would really body slam me."

"With the quickness, put up ass in a full Nelson."

I rolled my eyes and walk over to Dame. "So?"

He pulled me down on his lap and pulled my face towards him. "Beautiful," we shared a quick but intimate kiss.

Chace clapped his hands. "Yeah, fine, gorgeous, a knockout...whatever they say. Let's go!"


"Aww Stony and Jaylen are here." I let down my window and blew kisses at them. "Zhi here too and still with Ayesha...interesting."

"Stop being petty," Damien reached in the back seat and popped my leg.

"What?" Wait is that my mom? and my brother Idris? "What is my family doing here for Spence divorce party?" I was getting emotional seeing Idris.

Damien parked the car. Chace opens my door for me and we start walking towards everyone, but I run to my mom and brother. They both hug me. "What are y'all doing here?" I wiped my eyes.

"Haven't seen you in a while kid." My brother said.

"We missed you,"

"I missed you too mom. I'm suppose to come see y'all soon."

"We couldn't wait." She hugged me again. "Your skin looks good, I have to get your skincare routine."

"I got you. you been?"

"Good...I'm happy to be back involved in family things."

It took a lot of healing and forgiveness because he believed Lewis over me for so long. How could he think I would falsely accuse his friend because I was embarrassed of admitting to sleeping with him? How could he think I was that kind of person? Damien told me he had to refrain from fighting my brother after finding out everything.

"This is more so something for my friend but thank you both for coming anyways." I spotted Summer.

"Chace," Summer smiled.

"Summer, what's up?" He looked at her confused and I hit her arm.

"Nothing, nothing at all." She bit her lip.

I grabbed her arm, "Ma, give me a second."


Then I walked off with Summer. "Stop being weird around him before he catches on."

"I was so close to just saying, I saw your anaconda, your penis, your dingaling, your dick."

I covered her mouth. "Summer shut up." We laughed. "Remind me to never let you see another video of him and I again."

"Wouldn't matter, I sent it to myself when you went hiding in the room." She stuck out her tongue.

I thumped her hand. "I can't trust you."

"You shouldn't have but it's forever mine and I get off to it faithfully."

I just sighed. "Spencer went all out for this party didn't he?"

"Someone did,"

"It's beautiful. I was just showing my men this similar color scheme a while ago."

"You showed me too, you loved it."

"Yes, I did...I mean I do." So coincidentally he would also like these colors.

"So, who is the mystery guy?" She looked towards my brother.

"Idris, my older brother."

"I like him."

"How? You don't know him."

"I want to." She licked her lips


"Why not?"

"If I'm being honest,"

"Please do." She stared at me with attitude.

"You out of his league. He can't keep up with you."

"Is that like a compliment with a splash of shade?" She lifted an eyebrow


She bumped me playfully. "The right guy could maybe tame me." She stared at him and he noticed and blush, turning his face away quickly.

"Doubt it,"

"That's a later conversation....Carter?"


"Be so happy today friend." She interlocked our fingers.

"What do you mean?" I tried making sense of her words. Then my mom came up and grabbed my other hand. "What's going on?"

I hear music playing and look over, it's Ravina Montese, my favorite musician. She plays the violin. "Never gonna let you go' by Faith Evan.

"This is one of my favorite songs." We start moving inside the building. When we enter Summer and my mom let go of me. People form two lines on each sides of me. I look up to see my men at the very end and Cam holding a sign that said "Will you marry my daddies?" He was so damn cute in his Carmel colored tuxedo. His hair was styled the same way as Chace.

I cover my face and felt people reaching out to comfort me by rubbing my back. "Summer," I whispered her name, feeling my nerves on the rise. I almost wished she'd come stand by me to intercept some of the attention I was receiving.

"I couldn't tell you, Dame would've killed me." She winked. "Now go get your men, you lucky bitch."

That made me laugh. I looked back up to face them and they both were standing with their legs apart, with their hands out in front of them motioning for me to come to them. When I made it to the bottom step I leaned down to whisper in Camden's ear. "Yes,"

He jumped with excitement. "He say yes, yes daddy!" He turned and ran to Damien.

Everyone starts clapping and saying "Aww"

"This was never a divorce party for Spence." I said to them.

"Nope," Chace confirmed.

"How long have you both been planning this?" It obviously was something in the works for some time.

"A while now." Damien took my hand and Chace took my other one and they walked me up the stairs.

"We could of did something small,"

"Not good enough for how much we love you, we want everybody to see us all become one. All the doubters, even all the times you doubted our feelings for you."

They both got down on one knee in front of me, even Camden did and I lost it. The tears were flowing. "Cam,"

Damien and Chace looked at each other. "You first."Damien said.

He took my hand. "Carter, "he shook his head. "You my aggravation."

Everyone giggled.

"But as soon as you away from me for even a hour, I'm hoping the day speeds up so I can see you again."

"Wow," Summer pulled out some tissue to wipe her eyes.

"Remember the one time I called and said your mom was in the hospital, just so you could come home early and watch a movie with me?" He looked out into the crowd. "Sorry ma, I missed my baby."

"It's fine,"

"I remember and I rushed home and you had us a whole little movie date setup."

He nodded. "Really I was just having a bad day and something bout being in your company is soothing to my soul."

"mm," Stony pulled Jaylen closer. "Know the exact feeling." They stared into one another's eyes.

"I love Damien so much I didn't think I had room to love someone else as much. Someone equally, but I do." He took a deep breath and Damien rubbed his back.

"Come na," Ma Shila came walking up. We turned to smile at her. She waved to me and blew a kiss.

He looked directly into my eyes. "I never wanted anything more than for who has already said I do and who I would like to say I both be mine." He was now holding Damien's hand too. "I love you Carter, kinda wanna know what doing that for the rest of my life will look like."

"Shit," Summer was fanning her eyes.

Big Spence whistled. "My nigga."

"I love you too baby," I leaned down to kiss him.

"Dame," Chace and me turned to him.

Now he was holding my hand. "I ran off with something...and I didn't earn it. It wasn't mine to have....still I paraded around with it...your heart."

My leg was shaking a little. Chace touched it and rubbed it. He mouthed to me. "It's okay,"

"I never expected a second chance. I never...." He looked to Chace for assistance.

"Damien never stopped loving you Carter. Actually we got into it bad at one point in time." He smiled to himself. "He ain't wanna let go of some lil old photos of you... I mean even though I was upset, I could see why." He turned my body to the side to see my butt. I hit his arm and everyone laughed.

"That ass is fat," Summer yelled. "From all angles."

"Stop," I covered my face.

"He was real deal ready to throw hands with me." Damien was finally able to speak. "Letting go of you didn't seem possible, just like I couldn't let Chace go. But I knew there was no way of ever being able to have you both. But when the opportunity came up, I damn near did a front flip into it. I dove in."

I smiled. "Yeah, I was plotted on."

"You were but when finding out your heart still beat for mine the way mine did for yours...there was no better feeling...felt like I was walking on water that day and every day since."

"You could never make me hate you," I cupped his cheek.

"I promise you this Carter...the only way we'll ever separate from this day on is in death, and even then they can't keep our souls apart."

"Come on Dame," Stony clapped loudly.

"Now are you sure and I mean absolutely fuckin postive, you wanna do this shit forever?" He asked.

I nodded. "Yes!"

"Ooh bad word daddy." Cam put his hand over his mouth. "Nice word."

Everyone laughed. "Sorry baby. Dame hugged him. "But don't you want to love Carter always?"

He nodded. "Un huh,"

They all shrugged. "Cam has spoken."

"Cam gets his way and I already said yes. I want to do this...I want nothing more than to do this."

They stood up and we all hugged. Everyone clapped.

Damien first slid a wedding band on my finger and then Chace slid one one. I held my hand out to get a better look at the ring, then I modeled my hand towards the crowd. "I helped picked that out yall." Summer pointed to herself. "Me,"

Later that day I danced and drink so much, you can imagine I was on my knees before we left the parking lot. Dame drove home so, it was Chace who was in my mouth, and damn did I love him there. "Carter, you couldn't wait twenty min....shit." He moaned.

I pulled him from my mouth. "You were saying?"

He grab a handful of my hair. "Do that shit again." He pushed my head down and I opened my mouth wide as he pushed himself into the back of my throat. "mmm,"

There was a art to sucking dick and I loved it. It brought me a sense of accomplishment to please these two men. My men. I saw it as a reward, to be able to make them fall weak to the talents of my tongue. Chace loves me making it real nasty but then he'd want to fuck. He loved to fuck, and from the look in his pretty eyes, he wanted to right now. It was very important for me to learn the different types of things they liked. Since I was promoted to fiancé.

I knew he wanted badly to be inside of me. But I wanted to taste him. His head fell back when I slurped a ball into my mouth, rotating back in forth between the left and right one. He was receiving so much pleasure his legs wouldn't stay still. I ran my hands along his inner thighs.

"I wanna fuck baby," he pushed his pants farther down his legs.

I guess I'll listen. I stopped sucking him and removed my underwear and pants. I climbed on top of him and he guided himself inside of me. My walls acted like a suction cup and stuck to him. The car jerked a little.

"Dame, imma need you to focus on the road." I watched as his eyes shifted to Dame and I don't know what the look was but I had to kiss him. His face expression was sexy as fuck. His eyes fell from my face down to where I was sliding up and down on him. "Fuck,"

Chace likes intense eye contact. He wanna see what he does to you. He needs to know you're falling apart and he's the cause. He puts my hands behind my back and sucks on my neck.


Inside the house Chace bent Dame over the bed. He was slapping his ass hard and Dame threw it back, so hard against his pelvis I thought it would break. But Chace ain't even stop, it didn't phase him. "You miss this shit don't you?"

"Yes," Dame grabbed the covers.

"You love a nigga?"

"You know I do," he moaned into the bed.

"Know you what?" Chace slowed down.

"That I love you Chace."

He still thrusted slowly into him, and Dame threw it back slowly, they matched each other rhythm. Dame was in euphoria, I understand the feeling very well, having just busted all over Damien's backseat.

"So what you gonna do for me?"


"Give me that nut right?"

He nodded. "mmhmm,"

He made him stand up and he reached around and took him in is hand. He begin to grip his shaft and stroke it. Dame pushed more into Chace, the build up was about to take him to that very moment he's been working towards. He could trust Chace to bring him there. The more he threw it back, the more Chace stroked his dick. Chace was in heaven too, Dame ass was top of the line. "Why you holding on to it? Your knees bout to give out, you could just let me have it?"

"I want you too,"

"You do?"

"mmhmm, please."

Chace smirked. Nigga loved gaining dominance. He started pounding harder into him and I could see Damien's body lock up. "Give it here,"

That was it. Dame let go and his body toppled over with pleasure. He fell onto the bed, gripping the covers as Chace finished on top of him. Chace, lowered his mouth to his hole and licked it, causing him to jump. "Shit Chace,"he licked all around inside.

When we were done we showered and curled up in the bed. I was already on Pinterest looking up wedding ideas. I was so worn out but my excitement wouldn't let me sleep. I was about to be a husband.

FYI the Violinist from this story Ravina Montese is a character from my book •She's beautiful• You know I make all my characters connect 🥰


Carter at the beginning was in a mood 😂😂

Chace always messing with him.

Summer seeing Chace 😂

They're speeches to Carter🫶🏽💕

The sex 😏💦

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