Power Hungry

By tayrov

5.5K 115 7

"I love leati Joesph anoa'i not this- this monster named the tribal chief" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~... More

Joe anoa'i
The devil
Back bitch
Food fight
Pen to paper
Romans gone missing pt2
Late night confessions
Crazy bitch
Payback part 1
Pay back part 2
The rise
Talk and Talk and Talk

Roman gone missing

114 3 0
By tayrov

Monday Morning
I wake up to find the left side empty and no trace of Roman I sigh and hop out of bed and get in the shower
I walk down stairs and Roman is not there we're the fuck is he
I open my phone and text Roman
Roman:were the fuck did you go
I than go on insta and see he posted I click on his account and see

That little prick but I guess it's fair but still were is he I walk back up stairs and get changed into a black sweat set nothing too much I have raw tonight

I grab my bag and walk out the door and head to the arena
At the arena
I have been trying Roman all morning what the fuck is going on I walk to our locker room and stop when I see AJ walking out of it "what the fuck are you doing in there"
she looks over at me and just wips her lip skipping down the hall
"oh Roman is fucking dead"
I burst into the locker room to find Roman with his face in his hands
"What the fuck was AJ fucking Lee doing in here" he snaps his head up and looks at me I notice his red puffy eyes and his face that looks so broken
"mabye I should be talking about why the fuck you were with jey the other day when I was sleeping"
I take a step back appalled
"are you accusing me of cheating on you with jey" he stands up and steps towards me "yea that's exactly what I am fucking doing lorence" I wince at that my frist name
I hate it "Roman please don't use that name" he laughs and rubs his beard
"why the fuck were you with jey"
I run my hands through my hair
"Baby I was going to pick up my medicine
And I found him in the side of the road I couldn't just leave him there"
My voice cracks in fear of him leaving me his face than turns into one of guilt
"oh shit Lottie I am so sorry"
I just shake my head wiping the tears threatening my eyes
"yea well what the fuck were you doing with AJ" he than looks disgusted not at me or AJ at himself or his actions
"Roman please tell me nothing happened"
I ask my voice cracking
"nothing sexual she came in and got in my head than started kissing me I swear I didn't kiss back I pushed her off as soon as it started I am so sorry"
What the fuck that bitch I start passing around the room going to grab the lamp on the side of the table Roman grabs my wrist before I could throw it "Lottie calm down" I just set the lamp down and take a breath
"I- I need to go I don't even know what I am doing tonight I am gonna go to livs locker room good bye I will see you for promos if need be you can let heyman know were I will be if he needs me"
I walk out of the locker room in tears and than text liv
Me:hey babes can I come get ready in your locker room

Liv:of course the number is A:106

I tuck my phone back in my pocket and walk that way I feel eyes on me but I don't give a fuck I could whoop all there asses if they had shit to say
I make it to livs room and knock on it
"Hey liv it's me" I crack the door open and than she jumps up letting me come in
"Hey girl what happened why aren't you with Roman"
I frown still upset about it
"He-he though I cheated on him with jey so he let AJ into our locker room and she kissed him he pushed her off I am not mad at him but I am fucking pissed of AJ and I didn't want to take it out on him
Liv comes around and hugs me "I am so sorry I hate that cunt but at least he didn't kiss her back"
I laugh because yea she is a cunt
"yea yea your right i think i am just so stressed and pissed off I didn't want to take it out on Roman"
liv turns back to her hair spraying it down
"I totally understand
"But babes I have a promo to do but you stay in here for as long as you need okay make yourself at home"
I nod and pull out my laptop checking my emails I check to see what my schedule is looks like I have a contract signing with AJ Lee with Paul heyman out there with me than I promo with jey and jimmy and Roman
"Jesus that's a lot" I don't need no ring gear so I look in my bag for a outfit I chose a red leather top and bottom

I look in the mirror and decided I should do my hair and makeup I chose a red and black liner I had to shearch up a YouTube video to figure out how to do it but it Doesn't look horrible

Than for hair I did some mini bubble braids

I check myself out one more time before heading to Roman's locker to get ready for this promo
"hey Roman ready for the promo"
you can cut the tension with a knife in here "yup all ready you feeling better"
I just nod than look over at heyman
"so where's the promo taking place"
he check his phone than watch
"f hall we gotta go now"
we rush out the room to f hall were we see jey and jimmy doing a interview
we wait for Cathy Kelly to be gone than Roman walks in frame and you can hear the boos from the arena than I step in next to him and you hear the boos mixed with cheers
I don't think the crowd knows how to feel about me but after payback they will
"Roman lottie" Jimmy greets jey just looks Roman up and down
"usos" I greet than Roman moves me behind him
"When are we going to get an answer"
than jey steps up
"you gonna get answer when we wanna give you one"
Roman growls a little than Paul heyman cuts in
"okay well usos how about we give you till after payback for your answer or we will make it for you"
"Wiseman" Roman snaps
"yes my tribal chief" Paul dick rides I swear he wants to fuck Roman more than I do "let's go we have more important things to do"
we walk away and I look back at Usos tapping my wrist telling them time is running out
"Anddd cut thank you great Job"
the production team packs up and rushes off
I walk back over to the Usos
"hey what's up guys" they go to respond but Roman interruptes "Lottie let's go"
I turn to look at him
"one sec I still have 15 minutes till I go out" he rolls his eyes
"no now let's fucking go"
I look back at the Usos ready to completely ignore Roman
"go ahead Lottie don't want you in trouble with big dog"
We laugh and I walk over to Roman
"They need to make the right decision" Roman whispers in my ear
"yes and being a dick to them is helping so much"
Roman chuckles "just trust me for once"
I look up at him "okay fine love you"
I go and peck him on the check but he moves his face so I connect with his lips "love you now you and heyman have to get to the gorilla"
Aouthers note
Hey guysss I hope you like this chapter it's a little shorter I know but trust
But stuff going on in the wwe is rn is crazy with rock and Roman and stuff such a good time to be a fan but thanks for the support I am so sorry this it's 2 days late I forgot what day it was and yea but see you for the next part soon ~T

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