By ANonFactor1

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Intro Notes
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

386 4 0
By ANonFactor1


SAME DAY (~~~)


The evening is a warm one in the summer of '05. Toys of every shape and size scatter the fluffy, rug-covered floor. The high-pitched laughter of two sisters fills the large living room. YN walks the Barbie doll across the floor toward Jaz, who holds a Stacie doll. "Woah, Stacie, your hair looks so pretty today," YN says in an admiring tone.

"Thanks, Barbie, yours looks pretty too," Jaz responds with bright eyes.

"Stacie, let's go walk Sequin," YN says, grabbing the small plastic dog and wrapping the leash around Barbie's wrist.

"Okay, Barbie," Jaz says, moving the doll in unison with YN. As the two sisters continue playing, YN couldn't help but notice the door to her father's office closing abruptly.

Inside the office, Andrew sits down heavily in his chair, looking at a picture frame containing a photo of YN, Jaz, and his wife, Nia. "Come on, Jin, you can't seriously think this is a good idea," he says, his voice softening into a plea. "She's a kid."

"Drew, you and I both know that YN could be amazing," Jin responds with optimism. "When she sings, even if she doesn't know what the words mean, she does it with confidence. And when she dances, it's no different. She's talented. You see it, and I see it. Not giving her this opportunity could waste her talents. Just give me the chance to make her great."

Jin's conviction is compelling, but Andrew knows he can't make a decision like this without his wife's input. No way.

With a heavy sigh, he replies, "Fine, let me... let me talk to Nia, and I'll have an answer by next week, maybe." Scratching at the back of his neck, he adds, "Alright. Talk to you soon."

He can hear the smile in Jin's response, "Alright."

As Andrew hangs up the phone, he hears the quiet sound of the office door clicking and realizes that Nia has made her way into the room just as the call ended. "You okay?" she asks with a soft smile.

"Yeah," he replies with a sigh.

"What's wrong?" she asks, massaging his shoulders. 

With a deep sigh he explained the situation, that Jinyoung was interested in signing YN to his company noticing the concern in her eyes. Nia was always protective of their daughters, wanting to shield them from any potential harm or disappointment.

"But she's just a child," Nia says, her voice filled with worry. "We can't expose her to the industry at her age. It's too much."

Andrew understands Nia's concerns but can't ignore the undeniable talent that YN possesses. He knows that with the right guidance and support, she could truly excel in the world of music.

"I know it's a lot to consider, Nia," Andrew replies, reaching out to hold her hand. "But we can't deny YN the chance to explore her potential. We've always encouraged her to pursue her dreams, and this could be the opportunity she's been waiting for."

Nia sighs, her gaze shifting toward the photo frame on his desk. The image of their family, captured in a moment of pure joy, reminds her of the happiness they have built together. She can't bear the thought of anything jeopardizing that.

"I just worry about her losing her innocence," Nia confesses, her voice trembling with emotion. "The entertainment industry can be harsh and unforgiving. I don't want her to lose herself in the pursuit of fame."

Andrew nods, understanding Nia's fears. He, too, has seen the dark side of the industry, the sacrifices and compromises that often come with success. But he believes that with their love and support, they can guide YN through the challenges and protect her from harm.

"I promise you, Nia, we won't let her lose herself," Andrew reassures her, his voice filled with determination. "We'll be there every step of the way, guiding her and ensuring she stays true to herself. We won't let her get caught up in the negativity."

Nia looks into Andrew's eyes, seeing the unwavering belief and love he has for their daughter. She knows that he is right, that they can't deny YN the chance to shine and fulfill her potential.

"Okay," Nia finally says, her voice filled with a mix of apprehension and hope. "Let's give her this opportunity. But we have to promise each other that we'll always put her well-being and happiness first."

Andrew smiles, relieved that they have come to a middle ground.

"Alright, let's go check on the girls," he says as they both get up and make their way to the living room. Once reaching the area, Andrew quickly scoops both girls up into his arms. "What are you two doing?" he asks, attacking them with kisses as they yell and laugh.

"Playing with Barbies, Daddy," Jaz responds as he lays them both on the couch and tickles them. Nia shakes her head in laughter and heads off into the kitchen.

"Daddy, stop... Stop it, Daddy," they both say, almost out of breath.

"I'll stop if you tell me who loves you," he says slyly.

"You do," they both say.

"How much?" he asks.

"With all your heart," they say.

"Okay," he says, moving away from them. "Put your toys away and get ready for dinner, okay?" he says, making his way to stand.

"Okay," they say and start picking up the toys as he makes his way into the kitchen.


Dinner rolled around, the freezing winter night of 07' leaving a blanket of snow on every inch of the outside world. The family gathered around the table, engaging in lively conversations about various topics.

"So, how was your day, honey?" Drew asked, shifting his attention to YN.

"It was good, daddy. Today, Uncle Jin and I were dancing with other kids, and he mentioned that there's going to be a new trainee soon," she replied with excitement.

"Really?" he responded, his curiosity piqued.

"Yeah, he even let me watch his audition video, and he's a really good singer," YN said, her cheeks slightly reddening. Drew caught onto this and exchanged a glance with his wife.

"YN has a crush," Jaz chimed in with a smirk.

"I do not have a crush, stupid," YN retorted, glaring at her sister.

"I'm not stupid, you're stupid," Jaz shot back with attitude.

"Hey, no one's stupid. And crush?" Nia intervened, putting an end to the bickering between the sisters.

"I don't have a crush. I just told her that I think he sings nicely, and she made up some stupid idea in her head," YN explained, looking down at her plate.

"Oh, okay, because you're too young to even think about boys," Drew said, his expression serious.

"I know~" YN replied, taking a bite of her food.

The warmth of the dinner table contrasted with the chilly winter night outside, as the family continued their lively conversation. Drew couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and protectiveness towards his daughter. He knew that YN was growing up, but he wanted to shield her from the complexities of the world for as long as possible.

As the conversation shifted to other topics, the family delved into discussions about school, work, and upcoming plans. Drew and his wife, Nia, shared stories from their day, while Jaz eagerly chimed in with her own anecdotes. The atmosphere was filled with laughter and love, creating a sense of unity among them.

Amidst the cheerful banter, Drew couldn't help but steal glances at YN. He noticed how she had grown, both physically and emotionally. It seemed like just yesterday she was a little girl, but now she was starting to develop her own interests and opinions. Drew couldn't help but wonder how quickly time was passing.

As the meal came to an end, Drew decided to address the topic of crushes once more. He wanted to ensure that YN understood the importance of focusing on herself and her own growth before getting caught up in romantic feelings.

"YN, sweetheart, I want you to know that it's perfectly normal to admire someone's talents or qualities," Drew began, his voice gentle yet firm. "But at your age, it's important to prioritize your own dreams and aspirations. Boys can wait, and it's important to focus on your education and personal growth."

YN nodded, her eyes meeting her father's. She understood his concern and appreciated his guidance. She knew that her parents only wanted what was best for her, and she respected their advice.

"I know, Daddy," YN replied, her voice filled with sincerity. "I just thought the new trainee's singing was really amazing, but I promise I won't let it distract me from my own goals."

Drew smiled, proud of his daughter's maturity and understanding. He knew that navigating the complexities of relationships and emotions would be a part of YN's journey, but for now, he was grateful that she was willing to listen and learn.

With the conversation settled, the family continued to enjoy their meal, savoring the warmth and love that filled the room. The frigid winter night outside seemed distant and inconsequential compared to the bond they shared. As they laughed and shared stories, Drew couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the beautiful family he had, and the memories they were creating together.


Large fans blow air into the hot room, the summer of 08' air making its way through the halls of the building. Music filled the large practice space as kids of all ages danced to the choreography that was taught to them.

Suddenly, the door swung open, breaking the rhythm and drawing the attention of everyone present. All eyes turned to see Jinyoung, the owner of the company, entering the room. He was accompanied by a young boy who stood much shorter than him, his eyes filled with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. Jinyoung's presence commanded respect, and the children immediately quieted down, their curiosity piqued.

With a warm smile, Jinyoung announced that a new trainee had arrived, introducing the boy as Bahng Chan. The children's faces lit up with excitement, their curiosity shifting to genuine interest and eagerness to welcome the newcomer. They formed a semi-circle around Chan, their eyes filled with anticipation as he shyly introduced himself.

"Hello, my name is Bahng Chan," he said softly, his voice barely audible over the hum of the fans. The children responded with a chorus of greetings, their voices filled with warmth and encouragement. Chan's nervousness began to dissipate as he felt the genuine acceptance radiating from his new peers.

Jinyoung, sensing the positive energy in the room, decided to give the children some time to bond and get to know each other. He asked them to continue dancing and playing, encouraging them to let their creativity flow freely as he and Chan's parents left the studio.

When the door closed a small group of kids swarmed Chan immediately "Hi I'm BamBam." He spoke with a bright smile. "I'm YN," said another with a smile that held the same energy, though not as big. The rest of the group introduced themselves as Yugyeom, Samantha, and JB. "Hi!" Chan responded brightly. "So are you from here?" Bam asked curiously. "No I'm from Australia." Chan responded with a thick accent "Cool! Us and that girl over there, Tamara, are from America" Samantha said pointing between her and YN then pointing to a girl who was going over choreography with other trainees. "and I'm from Thailand. "Bambam answered.

Chan inquired, "So, what is it that you all do?" Bam responded with a confident expression, "They train us for various skills, but personally, I believe I excel more as a rapper than a singer." Curious about Bam's background, Chan asked, "When were you born?" Bam promptly replied, "1997." Chan's face lit up as he exclaimed, "Oh! We're the same age!"

Delighted to have someone his age around, Chan felt a sense of connection. Bambam, filled with excitement, chimed in, "That's awesome!" Shifting his attention to YN, Bambam asked, "And what about you?" YN kindly responded, "Oh, I was born in 1999." Chan nodded and smiled, acknowledging her answer. "Well, Bahng Chan, since you have the professional perspective, I'll show you around the trainee way," Bam said, casually draping his arm around Chan's shoulder and leading him towards the exit. YN, walking back to the other trainees, called out, "Take care of him, Bam!" Bam assured her, "I will!"

Chan was impressed by the group's camaraderie and felt welcomed by their warm gestures. As Bam led him around, he noticed the various rooms and equipment used for training. He saw a dance studio, a recording studio, and even a gym. Bam explained that they were trained in all aspects of entertainment, from singing and dancing to acting and hosting. Chan was amazed by their dedication and hard work.

As they walked, Bam shared more about his background. He grew up in Thailand and was scouted by a talent agency when he was just a teenager. He moved to South Korea to pursue his dream of becoming a star and joined the company shortly after. Chan listened intently, fascinated by Bam's journey. When they returned to the main room, the other trainees were still practicing their choreography. Chan watched in awe as they moved in perfect synchronization, their energy and passion evident in every step. He couldn't help but feel inspired by their talent and dedication.


Within the walls of the JYP building, time seemed to pass by quickly. Before anyone realized it, the fall of 2010 had arrived. As the trainees finished their lunch, YN dropped a surprising piece of news on their friend group. Yugyeom couldn't hide his shock as he asked, "You're leaving?" Chan looked at YN with a hopeful expression, silently wishing for a different answer. "Not for too long," she reassured him. "Just a few weeks, according to what my parents told me."

Bambam was curious to know when YN had found out about this. "They told us that we would be going for some masterclasses soon, but we didn't expect it to be just a week later," Samantha chimed in, taking a sip of her water.

Concerned about staying connected, Bam asked the trio if they would call and keep them updated. "Yes, we will," Tamara replied. "And we'll make sure to share how everything goes," Sam added.

YN lightened the mood by promising to send them pictures and videos. However, their time together was cut short when Tamara's mom interrupted, signaling that it was time to leave. "You better call us every single day," Yugyeom insisted, standing up and handing Samantha her bag.

"We will," she replied with a light laugh. As they made their way towards the door, JB reminded them not to forget about them. "We love you," Chan shouted, expressing their affection. YN responded with a heartfelt, "Love you more," just before the door clicked shut.

As the days turned into weeks, the trainees at JYP continued their rigorous training, but there was a noticeable void without the girls presence. Yugyeom, Bambam, Chan and the rest of their friend group missed them dearly. They eagerly awaited their updates and looked forward to hearing about their experiences during the time they were gone.

True to their word, the girls called every day, sharing stories of the intense training sessions and the valuable lessons they were learning. They described the talented instructors they had the opportunity to work with and the new techniques they were incorporating into their performances. The boys listened intently, feeling a mix of pride and longing waiting for their return.


The time displayed on the desk clock was 2:48pm, April 19, 2012. The past two years had been filled with extraordinary moments and exciting opportunities. Four pairs of shoes treaded through the brightly lit hallways of the JYP building, observing the unusual silence. 

"Where is everyone?" YN inquired, peering into the dance studio through a small window. "They're in a meeting," Youngjae responded, playfully gesturing air quotes around the word "meeting."

"PDNim scheduled it so that everyone would be in the same room when you arrived." Youngjae spoke. "Oh, I see," YN replied as they continued walking. "So, how was your time in the states?" Youngjae asked as they turned left down the next corridor. 

"It was great! We had the chance to meet new people and make friends over the years, but we definitely missed everyone here as well," Tamara answered, linking her arm through Samantha's. "Well, I'm glad you're back, and I'm sure everyone will be overjoyed," Youngjae said with a wide smile.

"They never stopped talking about you three, even during the time you were away." He glanced at them and continued, "It was as if they couldn't breathe without you." He chuckled. "That's really sweet," YN said, her smile softening. "We're here," he announced as they halted in front of a large glass door leading to a spacious room filled with idols and trainees. 

"As you all know, there has been discussion about debuting a new group soon," Jinyoung began, and the four of them quietly entered the room, positioning themselves at the back to avoid immediate attention.

"and I think it's finally time to let you all know that we will be debuting a new girl group soon." He said with a smile as the mass cheered. "And I know what you're all thinking. 'PDNim we already had JJ Project debut a few months ago, so why so soon?' Well that's because we feel that we already have the perfect line up."

The crowd erupted into hushed whispers as they all attempted to figure out who could be a part of the new group. "All right everyone first up we have the main rapper and sub vocalist position that will be filled by Samantha" confusion filled the room as well as excitement hearing a familiar name. 

"Next we have the Main Vocalist, Lead Dancer, Sub Rapper position that will be filled by Tamara." The excitement grew more as the crowd began to look around the room to see if this was a joke or not "and lastly, we have the Leader, Lead Rapper, and Lead Vocalist position that will be filled by YN!" He yelled as the room erupted at the names of their friends. 

"What... oh my gosh... no ways;" filled the room as the three came into view of the crowd they were immediately swarmed by their close friends into a giant group hug at the news.

After a few minutes of allowing the kids to talk and catch up with each other Jinyoung spoke into the mic, "Settle down kids." getting the attention of the trainees to sit down. 

Chan, Bambam, and Yugyeom offered their seats to the girls while they sat on the floor in front of them. "so we won't have the girls debuting right this second but we think in the near future they will, and whilst we are on the topic of debut we are also in talks about soon debuting another boy group, but we will return to this conversation eventually now if everyone could get to their respective training rooms, that would be great." He said as the crowd began clearing out.

Entering the common area the friend group conversed. YN couldn't contain her happiness and exclaimed, "I can't believe we're going to debut!" She grabbed Tamara and Bams' hands and jumped up and down with joy. 

Tamara echoed her sentiments with a wide smile. Chan chimed in, "I'm so happy for you guys," with a bright smile on his face. Yugyeom added, "Yeah, you three definitely deserve it," with a sense of pride in his voice. It's heartwarming to see such support and love among friends.

The group continued to talk when a presence interrupted their conversation. "So what's the first thing you're gonna get done when your famous?" a girl with long brown hair asked with her arms crossed, a smirk on her lips.

YN, feeling perplexed as she didn't recognize this girl, asked, "Huh? What do you mean?" The girl replied, "I mean, like plastic surgery! You could enhance your nose, or your chin, maybe even your eyes, and a little bleaching wouldn't hurt either." She carefully examined the three girls from head to toe. 

Tamara, completely taken aback by what she was hearing, exclaimed, "I'm sorry, but what did you just say?" The girl repeated herself, her tone becoming more insistent. "I'm saying that if you want to be famous, you need to look the part. And let's face it, none of you are exactly idol material." YN and Tamara exchanged a look of disbelief, while Samantha tried to diffuse the situation.

"I don't think that's necessary," she said calmly. "We should focus on our talents and skills, not our appearance." But the girl was not deterred. "Oh please, don't be so naive. In this industry, looks are everything. And if you don't have them, you'll never make it." 

YN felt a surge of anger rise within her. Who was this girl to judge them based on their appearance? Just before she could snap she felt someone grab her wrist. "You just got back and the last thing you need is to ruin your chances of debut before it even happens," Chan said.

"You're better than this. You're stronger than this. Don't let her get to you." And then, he pulled her into a warm embrace. He could feel her body relax in his arms, and he knew that he had done the right thing. "She's not worth it," The girl eventually walked away and joined the other trainees, occasionally glancing at Chan and YN with a glare that did not go unnoticed.


"Hey Jinyoung, you wanted to see us?" YN's dad said after him and her mom entered Jinyoung's office. "Ah yes! Andrew, Nia! You know Samantha and Tamara's parents, right?" he said, gesturing towards the couples in front of him. "Yes" he said as they all greeted each other. "Alright, fantastic. We can skip the introductions then," he chuckled lightly.

"May I ask why we're here?" Samantha's mother inquired with curiosity. "Well, I've stumbled upon an exciting opportunity for your daughters," he said, taking a seat in his chair. "Oh, what kind of opportunity?" her father asked. "There's a company that is interested in signing them, and I truly believe it would be a wonderful idea for them," he said, his smile brimming with enthusiasm.

"But I thought you wanted them under JYP; why the change?" Tamara's father asked "Considering the number of groups we plan to debut in the next 4 to 5 years, I believe it's best to debut them in a place where they can thrive regardless." Andrew's anger simmered within him as he asked, "Are you implying they won't succeed here? Is that why you're trying to get rid of them?" Jinyoung confidently replied, "It's not about getting rid of them, but rather giving everyone a fair chance at success."

Tamara's father furrowed his brow, clearly not convinced by Jinyoung's explanation. "But JYP has a proven track record of producing successful groups. Why would you risk their future by taking them elsewhere?" Jinyoung, however, remained unfazed, leaning forward with a calm yet determined tone. He acknowledged the concerns but emphasized the need to think outside the box.

"Sure, JYP has a great track record, but it's also an incredibly competitive company," Jinyoung explained, his smile unwavering. "Considering the number of trainees we have and our ambitious plans for the future, it's important to explore all options."

Andrew's frustration grew, his anger evident in his voice. He questioned whether JYP couldn't handle the talent and potential of their girls, doubting if they would be given a fair chance to shine. Jinyoung shook his head, his eyes filled with sincerity.

"No, that's not what I'm saying at all," Jinyoung reassured, his voice steady. "JYP is a fantastic platform, but it's not the only one. By exploring other possibilities, we can ensure that our girls have the best chance at success. It's about finding the right fit for them, a place where they can truly thrive and reach their full potential."

Tamara's father sighed, still skeptical but willing to listen. He wanted to know where Jinyoung proposed they go, questioning if there were other companies willing to take three black girls and turn them into idols. Andrew's anger, still written on his face.

"Drew," Jinyoung began, attempting to speak, "I understand your concerns, but let's not limit ourselves. There are other companies out there, and we'll find the one that appreciates and nurtures their talent, regardless of their race."

From the very beginning, Andrew had been filled with hope and excitement. He believed that Jinyoung saw something special in their daughter, a potential that couldn't be ignored. The words Jinyoung had spoken had resonated deeply with him, igniting a fire within his heart. But now, he only felt anger.

"You lied to us," Andrew's voice trembled with anger. "You made us believe that our daughter had a chance to excel, that she deserved this opportunity. And now, suddenly, the three black girls have to leave? Just so they won't be in competition with anyone else?"

Jinyoung desperately tried to salvage the situation, hoping to ease the tension. "Drew, that's not what's really happening," he pleaded, his voice filled with concern.

But Andrew's frustration was evident, his words laced with disappointment. "No, it sounds exactly like what's happening," he retorted. "If you knew you were going to waste our time, you shouldn't have said anything at all. Our daughter could be in school right now, pursuing her dreams. Instead, I entrusted her future to you because you asked me to. And now, you're just throwing them aside for the benefit of everyone else."

Exhaustion and disbelief colored Andrew's voice as he continued, "But you know what? They will succeed, with or without you. I will make sure of it." His determination shone through, a glimmer of hope amidst the disappointment.

With a calm resolve, Drew made his final statement. "Let's go," he said, standing up alongside the other parents. They left, leaving Jinyoung behind, a solitary figure in the wake of broken promises.

A few doors down were Tamara, Samantha, Chan, Bambam, Yugyeom having a heated discussion, "Dude that's dumb, 2ne1 easily outdoes anyone else." Samantha said to Chan "No way! Snsd kills it every time." he said shocked "Ha! Have you hear-" "Girls let's go." Tamara's mother spoke as the girls parents entered the room "Mom? dad? What are you doing here?" She asked, shocked "We are leaving." her mother said, grabbing her arm and pulling her up.

"Wait what?" she said looking at Samantha and as their parents were doing the same to them. "Your contacts under this company are done." YN's mom said as they stood up "What?!" Samantha said as they were being dragged to the door "Let's go. We'll find you a company that actually cares about you." Drew said as they were out the door.

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