ѕσ, уσυ ωαηт тσ ρℓαу ωιтн мαg...

By ChaeRinYoo3

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Y/N is a college teen who stumbled upon a certain TrollHunters adventure while she was kept in the dark. It a... More

How it began
The New Trollhunter
A duty to hold
An unhappy welcome
A small gift
Deep in the history books and self doubts
A hangout and a long week of problems coming...
A tiny problem
Goblin Infestation
Win, Lose or Draal
To catch a... Wizard? And a Changeling!
Adventures in Trollsitting
A crazy 16th birthday
Let's play with some magic
Secrets out
The Battle of Two Bridges
A new girl on the team
A Little bit of a Magic Trick
First Trollhunter Quest
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
A Team Build Up
A nightmare
Take care of you
A Night to Remember
A lot to hold on
Against the law
Magic Bridge Heist
Welcome to the Darklands
A lot of conflictions
Picnic Date
Spring Break
Welcome to the Rock Show
The Fall of Trollmarket
A Night Patrol
Secrets reveal and a wanted man
Bad Coffee
Bug Infestation
Timing is Everything and a mix of D'aja Vu
A Date Night and a 1000-year old Sorceress
Magical K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Welcome to History
In this together
The Eternal Knight
Dogfight Days of Summer
Electric thermal life form in a bottle
Summer School Trap
Making a Film and an Ex-Girlfriend
Asteroid Rage
A break well deserved
Against a God and a Way Back Home
Lost in Time
Welcome to Camelot
Magic Hunting Season
Lady of the Lake
The Fall of Camelot
The Battle of Killahead
Welcome Back to the 21st Century
The Genesis Seals
Our Final Act
How it all started
Train Wreck
The Titans Rise
The Final Battle
A New Start

A New Adventure Beginning Anew

275 9 1
By ChaeRinYoo3

Y/N sat with F/N, Aaarrrgghh!!!, Barbara, and Strickler in Benoit's French Bistro. Douxie came over with a tray of drinks. "Here we are. Two coffees and one F/D," Douxie said. Y/N took her cup from Douxie and thanked him, listening to the radio. "Good evening, Arcadia Oaks! It's been two weeks since that night. You know the one." Yep, the Eternal Night. Y/N couldn't believe it had been two weeks already, and so far, there was no danger yet. But hey! At least Y/N and the others could take a break.

"The one we never talk about, but I'm talking about it now. Yeah. And everyone has been working hard to finish repairs on our little town. Good job, everybody. Didn't I say Arcadia would never be the same after the Battle of the Bands?" the radio man chuckles, "Gene, dude, you owe me ten bucks, man!" He then chuckles again, "I'm just kidding. But seriously, am I? Ten bucks, please, seriously. Hopefully, that's the last of the weirdness here in Arcadia. Just remember, folks, what really happened that night is our town's little secret. Shh!"

"Hmph! He sure got that right. Anyways, how are the babies doing?" Y/N asked. Strickler coughed a little from his coffee, and Y/N shook her head. Still not used to it, huh? Barbara calmly sipped her coffee. "They're doing great, Y/N. There's hardly any room for me to put them all in my house, but thanks to your magic, we get to breathe easy." Y/N smiled at her, nodding, and drank her F/D.

After having their night meeting, everyone walked their separate ways. Douxie, Y/N, and F/N waved goodnight to Aaarrrgghh!!!, Barbara, and Strickler. Douxie and Y/N held hands on the way back; the past two weeks have been quite relaxing for them, going on dates without having a mission to go on.

"You know, sometime soon there might be a new adventure for us to go on," Y/N said. It was fine to take a break, but without any bad guys to beat, it's kinda getting boring. "How so?" Douxie chuckled, and Y/N hummed, looking to the side, remembering the time when Aja and Krel were chased by a giant spaceship. "Eh, it'll come around."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

It was night, everyone in Arcadia was asleep except for the four friends who were setting up traps for aliens. "Why did you need us to come?" Y/N pointed at her and F/N. "Because you're the only sorceress here that can withstand an alien!" Eli exclaimed, while holding the rope. Yes, Eli and Toby were setting up traps for Aja and Krel. Eli texted her after she and Douxie came back home.

As they walked through an alley, they heard a Vespa driving, and the group came out from the alleyway to see Steve and Aja driving through. "That was Steve!" Eli exclaimed. "And isn't that Aja?" Toby said, looking at Eli. "That alien has Steve! She kidnapped him! I bet she brainwashed him!" Y/N raised a brow at him, and Toby didn't care, "That wouldn't be hard." Eli glared at him and hit his stomach with his elbow, "New plan. We have to save Steve." Toby raised a brow at him, "Do we, though?" Y/N crossed her arms, and F/N shook his head, "I thought you were supposed to be a protector of Arcadia, that includes the civilizations." 

Toby groaned, and Eli turned to Y/N. "Y/N, use your floating spell so we can catch up to them." Y/N sighed and nodded, "But if we're going to go over to them, I need to make us invisible. Ruomalg, edih eht maet." (Glamour, hide the team) The cloaking hid the team. "Etativel eht maet!" (Levitate the team) Y/N grabbed the boys' hands and jumped off the ground, making the boys exclaim. "Close your mouths; the glamour charm only hides us; it doesn't mute our voices." The boys did as she told, and they arrived at the central park.

As they arrived, Y/N removed the glamour spell, "Ruomalg hsinav!" (Glamour vanish), and hid behind the statue that sat in the middle of Central Park, eavesdropping on Steve, Aja, and Krel (who somehow arrived). Toby's stomach growled out of nowhere. "Did you hear that?" they heard Krel ask. "It's probably just raccoons," Steve assured them. "Raccoons! Right," Eli peeked over to see them moving on as he whispered-yelled at Toby, whose stomach growled again, "They can hear your stomach!"

Toby pushed Eli's head down, "I told you I needed those Nummies. Now shush!" Eli moved away, glaring at him as Toby shushed him, putting a finger to his lips, "You shush!" Eli shushed back, copying Toby, and the two went into a catfight, "Shush, shush, shush..." Y/N and F/N looked at each other, and F/N shrugged.

Toby slapped Eli in the process and continued swinging his arms in the air, and Steve's laugh brought him back. Quickly fixing his glasses, "Come on, we have to help Steve," Eli and Toby ran towards them. Y/N and F/N only walked behind them. "Steve!" Eli called to him. "Oh, hey, guys!" Steve greeted, and then Eli tackled him, making him loose his hold on his Vespa. "Yeah!" Toby also jumped on top of Steve, immobilizing him. Y/N and F/N joined their side, not tackling Steve and waved to him, then to Aja and Krel, who's having an identity crisis.

"Get off of me, buttsnacks!" Steve exclaimed at them. "You're safe now, bro," Eli whispered, covering Steve's face. "Pepperjack, don't use 'bro.' You're not cool enough, bro," Steve said, slamming his fist on the road. "Sorry, bro. I-I mean, Steve," Eli quickly rephrased, removing his hand. Aja took a step towards them. "Steve!" she called out, and Eli removed himself from the pile, stood in front of Toby and Steve with a glare. "Stay away from our friend, you darn dirty aliens!"

"What?" Krel exclaimed as he and Aja hid their hands behind their backs, their blue patterns glowing on their hands. "We're not dirty," Aja nodded, glaring at Eli, and pointed at him. "And we're definitely not aliens!" Just then, their body glowed, their transduction expired, revealing their true form, their blue alien (as Eli called them) form as they raised their four hands. "Okay, yes, we're aliens," Aja confirmed in defeat and Krel gave Eli a nervous grin.

Toby stood back up, pointing at them, "There really are aliens in Arcadia!" He then fainted, and Y/N kneeled next to him and patted his cheeks. "For Arcadia!" Eli cried and charged at them, but Steve stopped him by grabbing his head. "Pepperjack, stop!" Eli didn't listen and continued throwing his fists, "They're good aliens! I mean 'Akiridions.'" Eli pushed his hand away and glared at him, "Steve, you knew it?"

Ah!Steve scratched the back of his head, "Uh... well, yeah." Eli looked betrayed and wiped his chin, "And you didn't tell me? But we're Creepslayerz... with a Z," he said, making a 'c'. Y/N and F/N came up behind him and patted his shoulder, "I'm sure Steve had his reasons. Besides, I've known for a while," the others looked at him in surprise. "What? When?" Aja exclaimed. Y/N raised a brow, crossing her arms with a grin, "Well, it's not every day you see a spaceship chasing a bunch of kids when they try to get a license in broad daylight." 

A sound of a loud clang made everyone look around. "Incoming!" Krel warned, and everyone dodged. Toby fell back on his back again from the giant hammer that swung like a boomerang. "What was that?" Toby asked, sitting up, and everyone followed the giant hammer as another species appeared on a roof. It was a hulking mechanized being with an internal core composed of molten magma. Possessing a massive torso with a face embedded in the center, and a set of arms and legs that are much smaller in comparison. Its hands are a pair of clamps used only to hold, which it caught the hammer with.

"Hand over the royal cores before I break your bones!" it yelled. "Run!" Krel yelled, pushing Aja and Steve. Then the mechanized being spun his upper body, "Take some of this!" and he threw his hammer at them. Y/N, F/N, Eli, Krel, and Toby ran while Steve tried to grab his Vespa, but it was struck. Aja pushed Steve out of the way and ran with the others. The giant mechanized being jumped on the roofs, laughing like a robot, basically a monotone laugh, "Running will only make your death more fun."

"Who the heck is this guy?" Toby glared over his shoulder at him, and Aja ran past him, "No idea!" Eli ran past Toby too, "How do you not know him? All aliens know each other!" Y/N shook her head, "That's what the internet tells you, Eli!" The group came around the corner. Toby placed a hand on the side of the building, taking a breath. Krel stared down at him, "That is completely offensive and complimentary that you think we would know all 50 trillion life forms in the universe." He placed his hands on Toby's shoulder and moved him.

"Fifty trillion?" Eli grabbed his head in surprise at the new information. Y/N grabbed his arm just in time to avoid the hit from the hammer. The group found themselves on the road again. "Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh! Oh, my gosh!" Toby panted as Krel stopped, waved him over, and took out his weapon. "I thought my running days were over!"

The mechanized being creature jumped down, almost crushing Krel if he didn't dodge in time. Krel skidded back to the group as Aja and Krel glared at him. "I will crush you!" He spun around again and threw his hammer at them. Aja stepped in front of Krel, grunting when she opened a shield from the same device Krel has, making the hammer knock back. Then she cut open a fire hydrant on the side, spewing water at the lava creature. The mechanized being struggled for a second.

Toby let out a laugh at the guy, "Yeah! Bath time!" Aja put her shield down when Toby took a step forward with confidence as the hammer returned to the owner. "All right, you guys. We got this," he said, pulling out his warhammer. "You know what time it is?" Toby didn't realize the others backing away. "It's hammer time!" the creature said, and Toby glared at him, "Hey, that was my line!"

"Quick, behind Stuart Electronics!" Aja told the others as they ran towards the building. "Okay, guys, let's show him who's..." he then looked around realizing everyone left, "Guys? Guys? Oh, no," the mechanized being spun his hammer around. "Tobias!" Eli called as he, Y/N, and F/N went through the small alleyway between the buildings. "I love to crush!" he then threw his hammer, missing Toby. "Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Toby cried and ran after the others and squeezed through between the buildings, "I hate this shortcut! Ah!" the mechanized being almost grabbed Toby. "Hammer in your face!" the mechanized being threw the hammer between the buildings as Steve and Eli helped Toby out, and Aja hit the hammer back like a baseball.

The group ran away as the mechanized being grabbed his weapon back, and it felt like running forever. They all ended up in the forest. Everyone hid in a couple of places and popped out from their hiding spots. "Wha...?" Toby awed when they saw a glowing ship with a house on top of it. "There's a spaceship growing out of your house? You have a spacehouse?" Y/N and F/N had their eyes widen with their jaw dropped a little. While Eli and Toby had their jaws dropped.

Aja ran past them as Krel shushed them, "Shh! That bounty hunter could have followed us. Also, our spaceship prefers to be called Mother." They hid behind the ship as Aja moved to look up towards their door, "Let's hope she knows how to stop whatever that lifeform was." Aja and Krel jumped into the mothership; they heard Krel grunt, probably failed to land. A minute later, they looked down at them, "Coast is clear. We'll help you up." Aja called down to them.

"No need!" Y/N called back to her, "Etativel su!" (levitate us). Y/N jumped off the ground, the boys following, and Steve let out a yelp when he spun around and Eli grabbed his foot, and everyone entered inside. "Lively!" Aja awed. The group then walked further into the house, which is through the wall in their living room.

Walking through the hallways, they arrived at the main control room. "Whoa!" Toby softly let out. "Whoa!" Eli also awed when he and Toby shared a look, and the two ran inside, "So cool, so cool! So cool, so cool, so cool!" Y/N walked inside, carefully balancing, since the mother is slightly tilted as she and F/N looked around. Y/N awed at the nightly sky.

The other three walked inside, letting the door close behind them. "Is it cool? I mean, I guess I'm just used to it. You know, I've been here a million times now," he said, acting all cool. Y/N rolled her eyes, and F/N laughed when Steve tripped himself, wailing, screaming, spinning around, and almost falling off the edge if it weren't for Aja catching his ankle.

"Whoa!" Eli exclaimed when he saw the smile on Toby's face as he stood on the platform, giggling. "Awesome-sauce! This is so cool!" A light panel lit up from the platform, and controls appeared. Then Eli turned around and glared at Steve as Aja helped him balance. "Steve, how could you not tell me?"

"I just told you!" he yelled back, annoyingly. "But what about our Creepslayerz oath?" Eli asked, reminding him, "What Creepslayerz oath? What are you talking about?" Steve asked, confused. "Exactly! We were supposed to write one," Eli exclaimed and jumped onto the floating chair and spun around, "Whee!"

Toby was pressing some buttons on the control panel and spotted another button, "Ooh!" then pressed it, and the whole area turned red, and a buzzer sound occurred. "Self-destruct activated. You will all die in five seconds." Y/N's eyes widened and glanced at F/N. "Oh, no." Toby gasped and pressed random buttons to stop it, but Krel grabbed his shoulders, moved him away, and shooed him. Krel calmly pressed some buttons as the Mothership counted down, "Four, three, two, one..." Krel then deactivated the alarm and pressed his fingers together when he turned it off. "Deactivated."

Toby let out a gasp and jumped into the other floating chair, beside Y/N. "I can manually access Mother's database here. Just takes a couple of seconds to unlock." He pressed some buttons and Mother spoke, "'Log.' Pulling up Commander Vex's logs." Krel groaned and pressed some buttons, "No, not 'logs.'" Then a video popped up on the screen in front of them, and a 'Commander Vex' appeared on the screen. He has blue skin and four blue eyes with black sclera. He is larger and more muscular than Krel and Aja. "Delson one. Commander Vex reporting. Or should Varvatos say 'Nanny Vex'?"

"Mother, get him off the screen!" Krel told her, but she did the opposite, "Next screen." Krel groaned, "No!" and another video appeared with Varvatos Vex dusting the room with a big smile, "Delson 17. Varvatos met Nancy Domzalski..." he said dreamily, making Y/N raise a brow as Toby exclaimed, "My nana?" Y/N glanced between Toby, the video, also wondering why Varvatos Vex is talking about Nancy, "She captured my rook, my queen, and my core." He placed a hand on his chest and dusted the other side, "She is how the humans would say, 'hot.'" Y/N covered her mouth, holding a laugh when Toby jumped in his seat, waving his hands and flew towards the panels, "Hot?! Ew! No, no, no! She's not hot, she's Nana!" he exclaimed and pressed random buttons to get that video off.

"Well, I think it's sweet, Toby," Y/N said, giggling a bit. The next video showed Varvatos practicing some fighting skills. "Oh, man, he's a really good fighter. Who is that?" Eli asked, turning to Aja and Krel. "Nobody," Krel replied with an unhappy voice and pressed a button, causing the screen to shut off.

Aja looked sad as she crossed her arms. "It's a long story." Steve patted Aja's shoulder for consolation. She smiled back. Krel looked back at them with a frown, and Y/N saw Krel with a sad look for a moment. "Mother, any information on a bounty hunter with a giant hammer thing?" Aja asked, and everyone focused back on the task at hand. "Searching, searching, searching, searching..." Krel groaned with a hand to his forehead. "She's still rebooting," and the Mothership mistook it. "Your order for red boots has been shipped and will arrive in two to five business delsons." 

Krel shook his head. "No!" Krel pressed the panel and opened a row of bounty hunters and tried to find the bounty hunter manually. Eventually, he came across it, and Mother started identifying it, "Bounty hunter identified. Magma-tron hails from the planet Cindor. Cindorites are an almost indestructible, violent race of mechanized beings known for their wanton disregard for life." The screen showed a burning planet, almost like the sun except it was like coal on fire. "They are prone to quips, ruthless cruelty, and what humans refer to as 'trash talking,'" Mother finished. Aja stood next to Krel, asking for more, "Mother, any information on how to defeat this guy?"

The Mothership replied, showing a screen of files that were loading, "Searching my database. The only known weakness is... wa..." she started but then later became distorted, "wa... wa... wa... System rebooting." Ajablet let out an angry huff, "This is going to take forever!" Krel tried to find the weakness until Eli's phone suddenly chimed.

Eli took out his phone and looked at the map, Y/N was told it was called, Trap My Friends. Who made that, anyways? "One of the alien traps went off!" he showed the phone to Aja and Krel. "It caught something in the sewers!" Krel turned to Aja with suspicion, "It could be Magma-tron!" then realized something, "Wait! Were you trying to trap us?" Aja and Krel glared at him, but Eli didn't seem to mind as he moved his chair to Steve, glaring at him, "Yeah, but only because someone never told me you guys were cool."

Steve then takes Eli's phone, chuckling, and then spun him on the floating chair away. "Ah, Steve!" Eli cried, and Y/N grabbed his chair. Steve tossed the phone to Aja. "We must stop Magma-tron before he hurts someone," Aja said, looking at everyone. "Or us," Krel said. Aja glared at Krel, making him reel back a little. "Still happy Vex is gone?" She then turned to Eli, "Eli the Pepperjack, take us to the sewers."

Eli nodded, and Toby threw his arms in the air. "Yeah! Finally, a quest!" Y/N patted his head; she could use some exercise. "We'll get our armor. Let's go!" Y/N stopped him, "Change clothes into our armor and uniform!" and smoke wrapped around their bodies, replacing their clothes with their outfits. Toby and Y/N wore their Trollhunter armor, while Steve and Eli had their Creepslayerz outfits with black liner and helmets on.

Aja and Krel's eyes widened a little, even more amazed. "Lively!" Aja skipped over to Y/N, F/N, and Toby and looked at their armor. "How did you do this?" Aja lifted one of Y/N's arms and looked at the shiny armor. "It's called magic." Toby chuckled and nudged Y/N's side, "She's an awesome sorceress. She casts spells backwards. It's awesome-sauce! She's so OP!" Y/N shook her head with a small frown, "Not really. My magic works when I speak an incantation. Sure, it's OP, but I have limits and weaknesses. When someone cuts me off, I'm pretty much useless." Toby patted her back, "That's okay. Besides, you have awesome fighting skills anyway." Y/N smiled gratefully at him. "Okay, now let's go catch a Cindorite."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Everyone arrived in the sewers where the supposed captured Magma-tron is, and they are walking inside carefully towards the trap with Eli leading the way. Steve crashes his head onto a pipe above, "Ow!" he growled, rubbing his helmet. They stopped for a moment, hearing some grunts. Eli turned to his friends, "The trap is just around this corner."

"We'll take it from here," Aja said. She and Krel activated their serrators as they informed their friends. Toby cleared his throat as he and Y/N magically popped their weapons out, and F/N bursts his flames on his back, leaving Eli in awe. He was never going to stop being amazed by it and looked at his small ones. Someone was grunting in the distance. Aja gestured a 3-second countdown with her top left hand, and then they charged towards the trap. Krel slipped but got back up, and they all pointed their weapons at the captive, only to see that it was someone who also looked similar to Aja and Krel, except she looked quite tall, slender, has three fingers, and spiky electric blue hair. She has blue linings over her face that resemble eyebrows and wears an Akiridion jumpsuit. 

"Zadra?" Krel said her name in surprise, and that name made the woman look at them when she tried to reach for the Nougat Nummies that lay on the ground. "What are you doing here?" he asked. "You know her?" Toby asked. Y/N looked at Zadra as she picked up the Nougat Nummy the five walking towards her.

"None of my battlefield training prepared me for the temptations of these delicious confections," Zadra said, chowing down on the Nougat Nummies and threw the seal away as Steve and Eli appeared around the corner they were hiding in. Eli cheered, "Yeah! The Nougat Nummies, they worked!" Zadra tried to grab some more, "I ordered you not to leave the ship for your own protection," she said, swinging in the trap a little. "Wait! Is there some cheat sheet we could get? Like, how do we tell who's a good alien or a bad alien?"

Suddenly, a distant clank is followed by a familiar hammer flying towards them. Y/N, F/N, Aja, and Zadra were able to dodge away, and everyone else dodged as Toby let out a scream. "Coming back!" he warned, and everyone stayed down as the hammer returned to the Magma-tron, standing by the tunnel way. "Give up your cores, Tarrons, before I rip them from your bodies."

Y/N furrowed her brows, "Well, that's a way to describe how to kill you." She prepared her swords, ready, and F/N hissed at the Magma-tron. "That is clearly a bad alien," Eli pointed out, and Zadra looked at them with confusion, "A Cindorite? My royals, run!" She turned back to Aja and Krel, who stood in front of the group. Magma-tron walked towards them with heavy footsteps, "With Varvatos Vex off-planet, no one can save you now."

That piece of information got Aja's attention. "'Off-planet'? You know where Varvatos is," she said as she popped her serrator out, pointing at him. "Where is he?" she asked him. "Not here to protect you," is what Magma-tron replied. "We don't need that traitor to protect us," Krel said, spinning his serrator and pointing at Magma-tron. Just then, Toby ran past them, roaring and charging towards Magma-tron with his warhammer. He jumped up and hit his shoulder, but as the hammer struck Magma-tron, the shockwave reflected back to Toby's entire body and armor, causing it to rattle, and nothing happened to Magma-tron. "Eeh, everything hurts."

"Say goodbye to your teeth." Toby got a direct hit from Magmatron, knocking him back by Aja and Krel's feet. "Toby!" Aja and Y/N cried out his name in worry. Toby groaned a little, "A little rusty since Jimbo left, huh?" He gave them a reassuring smile as Y/N and F/N ran up to him and checked on him. Zadra then grabbed Eli's shirt, yelling in his face, "Get me down, now!" Eli nodded, "Yes, ma'am!" She dropped him and turned to glare at Magmatron.

Y/N and Krel helped Toby up quickly before Magma-tron prepared to throw his hammer. "You cannot outrun my wrath!" Magma-tron yelled. Aja quickly put up a shield, causing the hammer to go back to its owner. "Making me work for my nine billion crestons? Good thing you're wanted alive... or dead!" he said with glee. Meanwhile, F/N was on Toby's shoulder as he had Steve on his shoulders as they were helping Eli free Zadra, while the two royals and Y/N prepared to fight against Magma-tron. "A little bit higher, Steve. A little-- Ah!" Eli dropped to the ground as they finally freed Zadra. Zadra stood up and looked at the trap. "I have a plan. Reset the trap."

Aja shouted as she charged at Magmatron, while Krel and Y/N dodged a swing from his hammer. Aja continued to dodge and cut Magmatron's hammer in half. The split hammer slid in both directions past Varvatos, Toby, Steve, Eli, Zadra, Krel, and Y/N. "You've seen Varvatos. Where is he?" Aja ordered, glaring at him. However, Magmatron only laughed, twisted his body around, and assembled his split hammers.

He spun his hammers and tried to smash Aja. She swiftly dodged it, and the other two joined in and tried to graze him, but not even a scratch was on him. "Our serrators have no effect on him!" Aja complained. The three continued to dodge until Magma-tron smashed his hammers down, pushing the Tarrons and Y/N away. "Because Cindorites are indestructible! Ready?" She turned to F/N, Toby, Steve, and Eli, who held onto the rope.

Y/N, Aja, and Krel grunted as they tried to land a hit. Then, Y/N was knocked back. "Y/N!" Krel got knocked out next. "Krel!" Aja tried to rescue Krel, but she herself was under pressure against the wall, with her shield barely holding against Magma-tron's hammer. "Say your final good-byes, Princess."

"Cindorite!" Zadra called out as she threw a rock at him, and the Magma-tron turned his attention to her. "That's right, over here, you crazed nut soolian," she insulted him, pointing her scythe at him, which made Magma-tron angry. "What did you dare call me?" he then ran at Zadra, leaving Aja alone to catch her breath. "I will knock the skulls from your bodies," Zadra backed away, putting her weapon away, and the Magma-tron fell right into the trap. "Now!" Zadra cried, and the group lifted the trap, trapping Magma-tron. Y/N, Aja, and Krel were back on their feet, and the boys shouted, "Creep..." Steve started, "Slayerz!" Eli finished. "And Trollhunters!" Toby strained as he referred to him, F/N, and Y/N.

Aja came around in front of him, "I'll ask you one more time," she then opened her serrator, pointing at the Magmatron threateningly, "Where is Varvatos?" The Magmatron only laughed, "He's on Earth's moon, rotting away in some prison cell." Aja had a worried and surprised look, taking a step back, "Varvatos was captured?" She looked over to Krel to see him also shocked, "He didn't leave us. He was taken." Aja glared back at Magmatron, "By whom?"

"Zeron Alpha," he answered, and wow, did he answer it. I suppose when going after a bounty with high money, it is pretty competitive. "Commander Vex is heading home to Akiridion-Five for his execution," Krel replied. At the last word, Aja let out a gasp in horror. Then Magma-tron turned around, facing Krel and Y/N. "You'll be reunited with Varvatos," his hammers then activated and flew towards him and spun around, "in death." His hammer knocked everyone back. Magma-tron pushed Y/N and Krel back, making Aja run to them. "Krel! Y/N!"

Aja jumped over Magma-tron, hitting him, and then jumped in front of him to protect Y/N and Krel. As Y/N helped Krel up, Aja continued fighting with Magma-tron. However, Magma-tron knocked her back, spun around, and threw his hammer at her. She blocked it with her serrator, but it got knocked out of her hands, landing a few feet away from Krel and Y/N.

"It will all be over soon, Princess," Magmatron spread his arms out to each side, and the hammer started to fly towards him. "Grab the hammer!" Zadra ordered and grabbed his weapon, trying to pull it back. "Don't let him get his weapon!" Eli and Steve helped Zadra while Toby was still unconscious. Krel grabbed the other one, and Aja came behind him to help pull, with Y/N casting a spell on them and herself to pull the hammer. Everyone grunted and shouted, trying to hold the weapon, all of them struggling, and Magmatron straining.

Elsewhere, F/N tried to wake up Tovt but the water drips onto Toby's face, doing the work for him. Not wanting to get wet, it made him giggle, "Stop that! Cut it out, Chompsky." He then woke up from being knocked out by another water drop and remembered something. Recalling from the memory of Mothership trying to reveal Magma-tron's weakness before she crashed and rebooted, "Water," he whispered. Another drop fell on him, and he stood up, yelling at his team, "Guys, Magma-tron's weakness is water!" Toby then activated his warhammer and ran towards them, screaming, using Steve and Zadra's shoulders on top of everyone to throw his hammer at a water pipe.

As the pipe breaks, water spews out, pouring on Magma-tron, powering him down. "No, no!" the others still hold a grip on the hammer as Magma-tron was powering down. Aja called over to Zadra, groaning, "Zadra, let go of the hammer now!" The two groups let go of the split hammers, then it squished Magma-tron right in the middle, exploding his lava insides, destroying himself. "No!" he cried, and Toby scooched away as the lava nearly hit him. Magma-tron melted away like a witch melting from water.

"That was awesome-sauce!" Toby exclaimed, standing up, despite being nearly killed. F/N hopped onto his shoulder and squealed, and Y/N walked over to them with a pat on his back. "Yep! That's my girlfriend," Steve complimented as he and the rest stood up, wrapped an arm around Eli, and patted his shoulder. He then turned to him with a smile, showing a 'C'. He let out a soft laugh, "And you are my friend, Pepperjack."

"Yes!" Eli cheered. "Creep..." Eli placed his 'C' above Steve's hand. "Slayerz!" Eli placed a hand on his shoulder, and Steve turned away, crossing his arms. "Best friends? Bros?" Steve shrugged, nodding. "Yeah, okay, Pepperjack. Bros." And he walked to the rest, pointing at Eli. "But you're still a buttsnack." Y/N rolled her eyes but was glad tonight ended well.

Zadra walked to the two Tarons as Krel apologized. "Sorry we snuck out and were nearly killed," Krel and Aja held the hammers up a bit, "Again. You were right." Zadra didn't look at them with a disappointing look, "You were right as well. If you hadn't left the ship, I might have been killed. And I see now there aren't just enemies out there." She turned to Y/N, F/N, Toby, Steve, and Eli and patted Toby's head, "These humans can be our allies, our friends." Zadra said, the group of friends shared a smile at each other.

Krel picked up the heavy hammer, examining it, "This is pretty nice. Has a lightweight thruster." Y/N leaned over to Toby and F/N, "Geez, how strong are they?" Toby shrugged, and F/N hopped onto his shoulder. Krel chuckled, looking at Aja, "I can put this to good use." Aja picked up the other hammer, and everyone walked back, or rather flew back, to the mothership thanks to Y/N.

The sun was rising, with the help of Magma-tron's hammer, the mothership could finally be lifted and directed to the rightful place with Stuart's taco truck, who Y/N, F/N, Toby and Eli were surprised to see him be an alien, especially a smelly one. Y/N, F/N, Toby, who floated with his warhammer, and Krel, who sat next to him. Aja became a director, pointing her and Krel's serrator to the right. Steve and Eli were waiting by the giant pit, and Stuart pointed to the thrusters for them to pull down. The Creepslayerz walked towards understanding the mothership with a smile. Once they were under the mothership, they made their sign and pulled the thrusters down slowly. "More to the left," Krel said. "You're not helping!" Toby complained, and Y/N and F/N let out small giggles, and the mothership sat down in its rightful place.

The four hopped off the roof, and everyone smiled at their home. Y/N turned to the Akiridions and Stuart. "Well, we better go home and take a rest. You guys have a nice rest." Y/N and the others waved bye to them. "We'll see you later, guys! Thanks for your help!" Aja yelled back as they waved back to them.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

A few days later, in her home, Douxie was out at work, and Y/N was at home. Y/N then received a call from Toby. She answered it, "Hey, Toby." Toby greeted her and quickly got to the point. "Hey, Y/N, so Krel and Aja want us to meet at the planetarium to wait for Stuart, tonight. They didn't explain much, but they wanted you to be there."

"Um, sure, I guess. I'll be there," they ended the call, and Y/N called Archie and F/N. "F/N, come on, boy. We have to go!" Archie came over with F/N on his head. "And where are you off to now?" Y/N outstretched her hand to F/N, and he hopped on her hand so he could rest on her shoulder. "Toby called, and there's a quest I have to go to." Archie hummed, "And don't worry, I'll text Douxie for when I'll be back."

Archie nodded, and the two left the house and went to the planetarium since Douxie borrowed his car for work.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Y/N and F/N arrived at the planetarium to see Toby, Eli, Aja, and Krel waiting for Stuart to arrive. They were distracted, talking amongst themselves, and Y/N tapped Toby's shoulder, making him jump and scream along with everyone else. Y/N laughed a little as Toby softly glared at her, "Y/N! You scared us!" Y/N waved her hands, "Sorry, sorry. It was too good not to do it. Anyways, why did you need me here? Steve's not even here."

Aja walked up to them, "Well, we needed your magic! It could help us on our rescue mission for Varvatos." F/N squeaked at her, "Oh, and of course F/N can come too." Y/N raised a brow and glanced at F/N and the other two boys. "Okay, hang on. Let me get this straight. You want me to go to space with you." Aja and Krel nodded. Y/N sighed, "All right. If it's to save your friend, I'll need a change of clothes." Aja and Krel glanced at each other, "Well, we don't—" Aja got interrupted by Y/N magically changing her clothes to a space suit.

She wore a sleek black and yellow suit, exuding confidence and strength. She even had a jetpack behind her back and a helmet covering her whole head. Even F/N had his own mini suit. "Woah..." everyone awed. Y/N checked her new suit, stretching it a little. "I chose this color so I can hopefully blend in a little, and the helmet might hide my identity from other extraterrestrials and some oxygen." She said and took of the helmet and helped F/N take off his helmet.

A few minutes later, Aja then received a call from Zadra, and Krel was getting impatient. "He should have been here by now. Those Durians are always late!" Krel walked back and forth, threw his arms up as Eli looked through his binoculars. "And this is all one big rescue mission for your geezer friend?" he said, turning to Krel who walked next to him. "For Varvatos, yes. He's being held at a bounty hunter outpost on the Earth's moon." Krel waved to the moon.

Toby then gasped. "The moon? So flipping cool!" Krel and Y/N looked at him as he placed his hands on his hips, staring down at Toby, and Y/N nudged his stomach, "Although, probably not so much for your friend." Aja walked past them, telling Zadra on the phone for like the millionth time, "I told you, we're at a sleepover with our friends Y/N, F/N, Toby, and Eli."

Zadra spoke something that Y/N couldn't hear, "I'll find out and report back tomorrow," Aja replied and ended the call. Sighing, she turned to Toby and Eli, "Thanks for covering for us. Did you bring the gear?" Toby patted the box that was next to Y/N. "As requested." Just then, Stuart showed up with his spaceship, leaving the other four shocked, but mostly Toby and Eli because you only see these in a picture book. "Awesome!" Eli exclaimed, and Toby continued with a small sing-along, "Sauc-er!"

Stuart then pops out from the entrance on top of his saucer, "Greetings, Your Majesties, Lady Y/N, and Sir F/N. Your chariot awaits. Ah!" the ship sputters a bit, around the edges exploded a bit. "That doesn't inspire confidence," Krel said with worry. Aja patted his shoulder, and she, Y/N, and F/N jumped on the cement fence. "And how long is it going to take us to reach the moon..." she asked, and F/N clung onto Y/N's suit as she and Aja jumped on the ship, "in that?"

Krel jumped on as well with the box in his four hands, almost tripped if it weren't for Aja catching him as Stuart calculated, "Assuming we make good time, 20 to 30, tops." Eli hopped on the cement fence with a sparkle in his eyes, "Wow! Minutes?" Stuart laughed, "Very droll. Ha! This one's a comedian. No, not minutes, hours!" Stuart jumped back in with Y/N and F/N following inside the ship and awed at the controls and designs. But, hearing Stuart say that, she quickly texted Douxie she'll be home in four days or so. Aja hopped down next after, and Krel dropped the box and fell on it, sitting on it as Stuart pressed his controls, "So, if you have to use the john, do so now or forever hold your pee."

Y/N and F/N looked out the window to wave goodbye to Toby and Eli, who waved to them as Stuart flew the ship, and their journey to the moon began.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

It had been a couple of hours since they left Earth, and inside the spaceship, Y/N (she had space helmet off), F/N (who had fallen asleep), Aja, and Krel were bored in their seats, with the same music repeating. Aja groaned in her seat, "Why do I feel like I've heard this song a thousand times?" Krel stood up from his seat and walked to the control panel to change the music, but Stuart slapped his hand away. "Ah, ah, ah! It's Uncle Stuey's turn to pick the music."

"But I'm the--" Krel started. "Yes, yes, king-in-waiting. It's a nice try. Out here, rules of the road, thank you very much," Stuart interrupted and went back to controlling the ship as Krel shook his head. "But there are no roads." Y/N was struggling to keep her eyes open as Aja groaned in her seat, leaning her head back. "I'm so bored!" Krel was spinning in his seat, "Are we there yet?"

"No," Stuart said.

"Are we going to be there soon?" Aja asked.


"How much longer?" Krel asked.

"Not for a while."

"Like, ten mekrons?" Aja asked.

"No," Stuart replied, starting to get annoyed.

"Twenty mekrons?" Krel asked.


"Thirty mekrons?" Aja groaned.

"We'll get there when we get there! Oi!"

Y/N and F/N woke up not too long ago and sat next to a bored Krel, who tapped his finger against the panel as the same mellow music continued. Then a bright light shone through the window, causing Y/N, F/N and Krel to cover their eyes a bit. They saw the ship had a view of Earth from the window. "Huh," Krel chuckled and shook Aja awake, who was snoring. "If you're waking me up, we better be there," Aja said, yawning and stretching her two arms.

"Come on! You're gonna wanna see this," Krel said, and Y/N whipped out her phone and took a picture. "Oh, lovely!" Aja said, standing up to see the Earth and the Sun behind it. "You know, for a dump heap, it's really quite beautiful." Y/N raised a brow and grinned at Krel, "Or as Vex would say, glorious," Aja said, leaning against her two hands as the four observed the Earth and some gas was hissing in the ship, making Y/N put her helmet back on by magic and F/N's helmet too. "Ah!" Krel exclaimed and covered his nose. "Ah! Stuart!" Aja called out and covered her nose, and the four looked at the Durio, "That was rank, even for you," Krel said. "You know, the fact that you'd assume immediately that it's me, it's really very offensive," Stuart said as he turned to softly glare at them.

The spaceship was beginning to slow down. The four walked up to Stuart and looked at the screen. "According to the computer, there appears to be an anomaly in quadrant 245, here in sector 45," and a small red square flashed on the moon as they got close. The spaceship docked, Aja and Krel rushed out of the spaceship gasping for fresh air, or rather fresh space air. "Get me out of here!" Aja gasped. "I can't take it anymore!" Krel gasped as the two climbed out, and Y/N passed the box to Krel, "Ay, yi yi."

"A moon with low gravity. So lively!" Y/N heard Aja exclaim and peeked her head out, awed at her surroundings, and stood on top of the saucer. Krel floated or swam towards her, "I got you, I got you!" He then grabbed her waist, but they weren't going down. "Great, but who's got you?" Krel's eyes widened in realization as the two just floated away. Stuart came up and gestured for Y/N to hold onto him. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and he grabbed Krel's legs. With four people and a Ti'kwahanx weighing them down.

The team slowly drops down to the ground. "Ah! I forgot how much I love it here," Stuart said as the group landed on the ground. Stuart inhales the air, "Ah! You weigh less, you've got none of that unnecessary oxygen clogging up your respiratory system. Y/N, don't you and F/N feel suffocated in those helmets? Why don't you take them off?" Y/N shook her head, "No thanks, we're not like you guys."

"Zadra's ship!" Krel said when he saw it behind Stuart, Y/N, and F/N. "Alpha must have taken it when he captured Vex," he turned to Aja. "Then the intel from that hammer guy was right. They're here." Aja started to walk away, but Stuart quickly stopped her, "Yeah, whoa, whoa! Easy there! This is the Hunter's Guild lunar outpost, where the most dastardly bounty hunters in the galaxy refuel and reload." Aja jumped ahead of them as Stuart explained, and the rest followed after her, "It's also got a temporary prison. Humans would call it a 'drunk tank.'" Y/N grimaced. "I get it! It's a rough crowd," Aja said.

"Which is why we're going to stick to the plan, thanks to Toby and Darci," Krel said, spinning the box on his finger and threw it in the air. He was waiting for the dramatic effect of the box sinking into his arms, but it's taking a very long time and Aja crosses all her arms. "Oh, yeah, yeah," Krel muttered as the box dropped into his hands. He took out the mole outfit head, "Let's do this."

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Krel puts on the outfit and pretends to be a captured bounty by Stuart as Aja, Y/N, and F/N get Varvatos. Krel and Stuart went down first and saw a lot of bounty hunters, most of them were rabbits. Aja, Y/N, and F/N stood between the two as Krel argued back about not having vision. "Psst. Zeron Brother, 12 o'clock."

"I didn't order this," the Zeron Brother said to the robot and pulled out his weapon, chopping off its head. "Why does he look like a Pharaoh Hound?" Y/N said. Aja pulled her to the side behind the bar, saying, "Heads up, comrades. I have a drink I call the energizer." He poured the drink from the robot's head into a cup and passed it to a black alien with yellow lines around his body. "Light it up, Tronos," Tronos, a giant lizard in red armor, responded, "With pleasure!" He zapped some electricity at the cup, and blue flames appeared. "Bottoms up!" Tronos drank his drink, ate the cup, and burped a flame at his comrade next to him, making him and Zeron Alpha laugh, as Aja told her.

"Heh, rough crowd," Stuart said. Aja came around the corner, "Psst, keep them busy." Aja was about to crawl across the bar floor, but Y/N stopped her. "Ruomalg, edih su!" (Glamour, hide us) Y/N stood up and walked away, and Aja missed grabbing her wrist. When Y/N and F/N were in the view of a bunch of bounters, they didn't react. That made Aja confused, and Y/N chuckled, grabbed Aja's hand, and they easily walked past the bar. They ran to a door, and Y/N turned off the glamour charm. Stuart saw them going in.

The two walked down the stairs, and Y/N peeked around the corner to see the coast was clear. Only Varvatos was in the cell, with some sort of barrier. She nodded to Aja, "Coast is clear. Go." Aja nodded and approached Varvatos' prison cell as Y/N kept watch. "If you enter this cell, Varvatos Vex promises you will only be hastening your own dismemberment."

"That wasn't the reaction I was looking for," Aja said, not knowing how to react exactly. "Aja?" Varvatos said in surprise. "Queen-in-waiting!" he shouted and shot up. "Shh! That guard could come back any mekron," Aja quickly shushed him. "Varvatos thought you were-- What are you doing here?" he cut himself off, realizing Aja was here on the moon, where bounty hunters are. "Krel and I thought a little rescue mission might make for a fun summer vacation," Aja replied nonchalantly.

"A suicide mission is more like it," Varvatos said, shaking his head and leaning down, glaring at Aja in the eyes. "This place is replete with bounty hunters! Varvatos did not train you to be this foolish." Aja just deadpanned, "I'm glad to see prison hasn't changed you, Varvatos." Varvatos's eyes widened, and he placed a hand to his forehead and sighed heavily as Aja made a worried look, gritting her teeth a little. "This prison is a fitting punishment for what Varvatos did," he said and walked back to sit in the cell, leaning his back against the wall. "Now go, and leave him to rot." Aja growls in frustration, "We don't have time for this! As queen-in-waiting, shouldn't I decide what's a fitting punishment?"

 Varvatos looked down, and Aja cleared her throat, crossing her arms, "By order of the Akiridion-Five throne, I grant you a royal pardon. I overturn your banishment and sentence you to the protection of House Tarron." Aja looked down and glanced at Varvatos, "Come home, Varvatos," he looked up, his eyes widening a little, "We need you."

Varvatos stayed silent for a moment, then nodded and stood up, making Aja smile. Y/N and F/N came around the corner. "We better hurry, Aja. I think Krel and Stuart are busted," Aja nodded and took out her serrator as Varvatos looked at Y/N and F/N, "And who are they?" Y/N waved to Varvatos, "This is Y/N and her friend, F/N. They're our friends on Earth. I thought we could use their help on this mission."

Aja then shot a beam at the keypad, but it didn't leave a scratch. "It's no use," Varvatos said. "The diavelant laser grid can't be deactivated without the prison guard's key." Aja looked down and turned to Y/N and F/N. "Y/N, do you think you can unlock it with your magic?" Y/N shook her head, "Something like this is the one thing I can't unlock. It's a technology lock." Aja thought of another plan and suddenly screamed out of nowhere, scaring the other three. "What are you doing? You'll alert the guard!" Y/N figured out what she was doing and used her glamour charm around her and F/N and backed into a corner.

Aja continued screaming and turned to Varvatos with a smile and a thumbs up, "I'm getting the key," and she jumped up some crates, hiding from the guard who came down, "Hey, what's with all the noise down here?" Just then, Aja showed up with a kick towards the guard, and Y/N and F/N revealed themselves and they started fighting. Aja dodged a couple of strikes from the guard, but he caught Aja's leg as she was about to kick, chuckled sheepishly, shrugged, and then threw her aside, nearly hitting the barrier.

"This is some rescue, really," Varvatos said with a bit of sarcasm as he crossed his arms. Y/N threw in a couple of punches, and Aja took over, "A little patience?" she said and dodged a swing, then threw a punch in the face, "Or did you forget that part of your warrior training?" Aja then kicked and punched the guard towards Varvatos's cell, and he got smashed into the prison cell and electrocuted. "No touching!" Varvatos said, pulling the guard closer. A bright flash covered the whole prison, making Y/N, Aja, and F/N cover their eyes and see the guard on the floor with the key dropping as well.

Aja picks up the key and places it into the pad, the keypad whirs, and the barrier disappears. Aja looks down with all four arms crossed, holding her elbow, while Varvatos scratches his head as he moves the guard away. "Varvatos was wrong to doubt your tactical prowess," he starts, now that he's out of prison and things have gotten awkward for them. "It is most impressive," he compliments her, standing up straight. "You taught me well," Aja says, the awkwardness ceasing, and Varvatos smiles. "Wait, you're missing something." 

Aja takes out a big serrator, bigger than Aja and Krel's, and shows it to him, "Vex Varvatos' serrator?" he said in shock and held onto it, laughing in joy, "Oh, how he has missed you, sweet mistress of death!" He hugged the serrator and placed multiple kisses on it, cooing at it. Y/N placed a fist over her mouth, chuckling a little, and F/N made a questioning look. "I can't tell if you're happier to see me or your serrator," Aja said with a smile. Then Varvatos realized something else, "Wait. Wait one delson. Where is Zadra?" Y/N, Aja, and F/N glanced at each other, and Varvatos deadpanned at them. A sound of banging and clashing and some firing occurred upstairs, and Y/N turned to the Akiridions, clapping her hands. "Okay, mission accomplished. Let's go and meet up with Krel and Stuart before they get themselves killed."

The group ran upstairs and peeked around the corner, dodging an incoming bottle thrown that hit the wall near them. They peeked over again, "A room of Foo-Foo fighters." Y/N raised a brow and looked at Varvatos, "'Foo-Foo?'" Y/N looked back at the scene before them; the chaos erupted. "A battle of the ages!" Varvatos exclaimed.

Then behind the bar, Aja spots Krel and Stuart peek their heads out, "There they are!" The other three smiled in relief, "Glorious!" Y/N pulled a shield up as the raging Foo-Foo was blasting out of control. The group ran towards Krel and Stuart. Y/N then kept the shield around them as they hid behind the bar. Aja hugged her brother as Stuart turned to Varvatos, "Vex, wow! Looks like someone's been getting beefy in the clink. Really digging the lats, brah. Boom-boom!" and everyone deadpanned. "Hello, Stuart," Varvatos greeted with a non-happy look. He then turned to Krel with a smile, "Your Highness!" 

"Run now, reunions later," Aja said as Varvatos picked up a blue bottle from the bar table. "Varvatos approves of this plan," he said, shaking the blue bottle. Varvatos then came out of his hiding spot, and Y/N put the shield down and jumped on the Foo-Foo that kept saying 'die' all over.

"Bounty hunters!" Varvatos called as he held the Foo-Foo in his hand. Tronos had a bunch of Foo-Foos around him, and they turned to Varvatos while the other two kept wrestling on the floor. "Now..." Varvatos started and he swung the Foo-Foo around, wailing as if being tortured by Varvatos, like a nunchuck. "...come..." The bounty hunters' eyes locked with Varvatos'.


And he smirked.


And all the bounty hunters charged at him. Varvatos kicked them all away with the Foo-Foo in his hand.

Varvatos tried to throw an uppercut, but Varvatos dodged it and hit him with the Foo-Foo. He grabbed him and threw him around as the others surrounded him and threw all of them aside towards Alpha. Varvatos was then grabbed by Aja and Krel, who were struggling as he waved his heavy arms around. "Varvatos thanks you for the light exercise," he said. Aja pulled his arm up the stairs as Krel hung onto his other arm, and all of them ran outside, hearing the bounty hunters go after them. "Varvatos Vex! Your death is mine!"

"Glorious!" Varvatos yelled as they jumped up, trying a dramatic exit, but the gravity stopped them, and Aja groaned. "The gravity here is most unhelpful," they all swung their arms around and flew down. "Kleb!" Aja cursed. They quickly ran-jumped towards Zadra's ship. Y/N, F/N, Krel, and Stuart were ahead of Aja and Varvatos. "If we want a shot at outrunning these guys, we should take Zadra's Stryker," Krel suggested, and Stuart looked offended, "Hey, what are you trying to imply about my ship?" Then Zadra's ship got hit and exploded, making them stop, and Krel fell back and quickly got up, "Oh, but I'm sure we can make it work," and they ran back to Stuart's ship.

The four made it to the spaceship, and Aja climbed onto the saucer, turning to Varvatos and Alpha fighting. "Is no one gonna back up Vex and his boom-boom?" Stuart said. "The Zerons killed Vex's family. This is his fight." Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded to head inside the spaceship and wait for the battle to end.

The group stayed inside the ship and waited for a while. "Do you think he's winning?" Stuart asked. A bang above the spaceship, a slam on top of the spaceship, along with Alpha's shouts, and sliding off the ship answered that, "Sounds like he's winning." Then the lights turned off in their parking, and Varvatos's angry shout was the only thing they heard. "Any idea what's going on out there?" Aja asked as Krel tried to look through the window. "Still too dark to see."

Later on, a bright flash of golden-yellow and blue light illuminated the area, and the group saw Alpha fade away into particles. The group saw that, and Stuart let out a chuckle and fainted. Y/N kneeled down to check on him. She turned to Aja and Krel, "Go check on Varvatos. We'll wake Stuart." The two nodded and left the ship. After a while, Stuart woke up, and the three Akiridions entered the spaceship. Stuart prepared for a launch, and all quickly left for Earth.

The three Akiridions sat next to each other, Varvatos sitting between the two Royals. "Justice was served. You're with us," Aja said as she and Krel smiled at Varvatos. "Varvatos must admit, he is looking forward to returning home," he said, wrapping his arms around the chairs and pulling them close, "If you were to grant him that honor, despite his own failings."

"Hey, we've all made mistakes and we've all lost people that meant the world to us," Krel reassured him. "But the three of us are a family." Stuart then clears his throat. "And Stuart, Y/N, and F/N." Stuart and Y/N laugh as the other three look at them with a smile. "And Varvatos will not fail his family again." The spaceship was in Earth's sky now, as the sun was beginning to rise.

Just then, the spaceship shook heavily, and the alarms beeped at them. "Somebody is shooting at us!" Varvatos exclaimed as he held Aja and Krel in his arms. "But who?" Stuart asked. "I think I can guess...!" Y/N said, holding onto the ship's panel. Then another hit struck the ship, and it crashed. The group groaned, and Stuart quickly opened the hatch. "Uncle! Uncle! We come in peace," he shouted. Stuart then fell over. "Ah! Ouch," he exclaimed as he landed on the forest ground. "I thought you were an enemy ship! I could have killed you!" Zadra lectured him as she walked towards him, with new red boots that Y/N saw her wearing.

"Well, you... you definitely tried," Stuart said, rubbing his head. Aja and Krel slid down, Krel clearing his throat, and Aja grabbed her arm, not knowing what to say. Y/N flew down next to them, looking away bashfully. "What? You said you were at a sleepover. Even you were supposed to be there," Zadra said, pointing at Y/N and F/N, who chuckled with a shrug.

Aja laughs sheepishly, "I'm sorry. I feel bad about that." Zadra then dropped to her knees, her hands grabbing Aja's arms, "You have no idea how much I worried!" And placed a hand on Krel's, "I nearly took up knitting!" Y/N raised a brow at that, and Varvatos stood next to Y/N. "Such is the pain of raising teenagers." Zadra glared at him and walked towards him, "I didn't ask for your opinion," and pointed her scythe at him, "nor did I authorize the rescue of a traitor."

Aja calmly spoke to her, "He's family. We had to rescue him." Zadra lowered her weapon and turned away, saying, "We will discuss your actions later. For now, I fear a far greater battle lies ahead." The others followed her to the mother ship, except for Stuart, who stayed behind to check his ship, "I have a really bad feeling about this," Y/N whispered to her friends.

They entered inside the home, and the three Akiridions sat on the couch as Y/N stood in the room. Zadra tapped on her wrist, and a holoscreen came up, revealing a hammerhead alien. "Loth Saborian?" Varvatos exclaimed in surprise, and Zadra responded to him, despite the glare on him, "He was Morando's chief adviser... until now."

"Commander Zadra," hologram Loth spoke, "I can only imagine the surprise with which you will receive this message. In your absence, General Morando has taken his Omen prototype and manufactured an entire army to do his bidding." Y/N looked over at Aja and Krel, who seemed to be getting even more worried, "And with Morando's Omens now raining terror upon our people, I can no longer support him. It gives me no pleasure to inform you that with Akiridion-Five firmly in his grasp, he's coming after the royals. Now!" Everyone stood up from their seats to understand what this means as Zadra gave them a short term.

"Morando is headed for Earth." 

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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