ѕσ, уσυ ωαηт тσ ρℓαу ωιтн мαg...

By ChaeRinYoo3

22.2K 834 175

Y/N is a college teen who stumbled upon a certain TrollHunters adventure while she was kept in the dark. It a... More

How it began
The New Trollhunter
A duty to hold
An unhappy welcome
A small gift
Deep in the history books and self doubts
A hangout and a long week of problems coming...
A tiny problem
Goblin Infestation
Win, Lose or Draal
To catch a... Wizard? And a Changeling!
Adventures in Trollsitting
A crazy 16th birthday
Let's play with some magic
Secrets out
The Battle of Two Bridges
A new girl on the team
A Little bit of a Magic Trick
First Trollhunter Quest
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
A Team Build Up
Take care of you
A Night to Remember
A lot to hold on
Against the law
Magic Bridge Heist
Welcome to the Darklands
A lot of conflictions
Picnic Date
Spring Break
Welcome to the Rock Show
The Fall of Trollmarket
A Night Patrol
Secrets reveal and a wanted man
Bad Coffee
Bug Infestation
Timing is Everything and a mix of D'aja Vu
A Date Night and a 1000-year old Sorceress
Magical K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Welcome to History
In this together
The Eternal Knight
A New Adventure Beginning Anew
Dogfight Days of Summer
Electric thermal life form in a bottle
Summer School Trap
Making a Film and an Ex-Girlfriend
Asteroid Rage
A break well deserved
Against a God and a Way Back Home
Lost in Time
Welcome to Camelot
Magic Hunting Season
Lady of the Lake
The Fall of Camelot
The Battle of Killahead
Welcome Back to the 21st Century
The Genesis Seals
Our Final Act
How it all started
Train Wreck
The Titans Rise
The Final Battle
A New Start

A nightmare

306 13 0
By ChaeRinYoo3

Y/N clashed her swords against Toby's warhammer, making him tumble back and land on his butt. "Oh! Aww..." Y/N grinned and reached a hand out to him and he grabbed her hand, pulling him up. "Why are you so good at beating our butts?" Toby points at Claire and Jim, who sat on the sidelines, exhausted except for Jim who was the only was used to it. F/N sat on top of Claire's head clapping.

"I had a few weeks of training before you guys came and after that, I had magic training. And of course more physical training." Y/N shrugged and looked at the time on her phone. "Hey, it's time to take you guys to school." The three nodded and stood up following the girl out. F/N went over to Y/N rubbing his head against her neck. "Thanks for always taking us to school, Y/N."

Y/N smiled and they left Trollmarket, headed to her car, and drove to Arcadia High. She dropped them off and drove off back to Trollmarket to help Blinky look into more of Angor Rot in the library before she came to school.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Blinky had found a book and placed it on the table and read through a page. Aaarrrgghh!!! was looking straight at the bookshelf, more like the wall. F/N  As Blinky glanced at the book, Aaarrrgghh!!! had slowly turned to his friend, no longer facing the wall.

"I fear Master Jim is in far more danger than we imagined." Y/N turned away from a book she was holding and walked over to Blinky. "What is it?" Y/N leaned over his shoulder to get a closer look, "According to the Gloomanac, Angor Rot made a Faustian bargain."

"Faustian?" Aaarrrgghh!!! asked. "With whom?" Y/N asked the big question. Blinky shrugged, it didn't seem to say who made a deal with Angora Rot. "In exchange for his magnificent sorcery, he cursed his soul into a single ring, the Inferna Copula."

A detailed picture of the ring was shown, sketched on a page, and surrounded by Trollish writing. F/N crawled over the page and looked at the picture. "Mm, picture. Helpful." Y/N nodded and took a picture. "Whoever bears it, controls him. Aaarrrgghh, it says here that Angor's been stealing the souls of Trollhunters in a blasphemous attempt to fill the void ever since."

As Blinky spoke, Y/N took a quick picture, "At least we know what to look for. Strickler probably has it since he's the one who made Angor go after Jim." Y/N turned her attention over to Aaarrrgghh!!! had let out a soft grunt, wincing before he checked his wound, when Blinky had gone silent, the vast troll dropped his arm, looking at Blinky who hadn't even looked his way.

"You don't have to hide it from me. I might only have two eyes, but I can see clear as day. It's obvious." Blinky said, turning to face his troll friend, Aaarrrgghh!!! not even bothering to look at him as if he had figured out the truth. "Ever since my human deformity, you have been distant."

"Uh... Yes. Distant." Aaarrrgghh!!! said, quickly following up on the lie. Glad that Blinky hadn't discovered that he was dying but he glanced at Y/N who held a sterning look. She didn't believe his act for a second.

"I may look different, but I'm still the same Blinky. How about, to cheer you up, maybe later today, I could rent a mini-van, we could go for a drive? Something with tinted windows, of course. I hear we're not too far away from the World's largest thermometer. I bet you could eat it." Blinky smiled as he shared his idea. Aaarrrgghh!!! groaned and turned, stepping away as he spoke.

"Mm, not today." Blinky watched with sadness, his heart tearing. "Perhaps another time, my dear friend." Y/N looked at Blinky with a frown and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Blinky, I don't Aaarrrgghh!!! is distant because of your new form. He still sees the troll Blinky in his eyes. I'll see what's up with him." Blinky smiled gratefully at the girl.

"Come on F/N." F/N hopped off the book onto her stretched-out hand, putting him on her neck and they followed Aaarrrgghh!!! behind.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Y/N followed Aaarrrgghh!!! to the Hearthstone to see Vendel.  Aaarrrgghh!!! never really went to see Vendel much, but why now? She snuck inside, hiding around the corner listening in. "Your fears are true. You've been nicked by Creeper's Sun poison and you're turning to stone." Y/N's eyes widened at the news. F/N chirped at her face.

"You have medicine?" She heard Aaarrrgghh!!! ask. " To slow it, yes. To cure it...regrettably, no. Sooner or later, the poison will overtake you." Aaarrrgghh!!!'s face fell at the news. "Mmm, how long?" 

"Weeks. With treatment, a few months." Vendel handed him the bottle of medicine. "You need to tell your friends."

"No!" Aaarrrgghh!!! quickly yelled out. "No?" Vendel repeated a bit shocked.  "Don't want Toby to know." Y/N's face fell, she could already imagine Toby's broken look if he heard about Aaarrrgghh!!! He let out a deep breath, Vendel supporting his decision.

"I understand. Then this will be our secret." Vendel put a supporting hand on Aaarrrgghh!!! the elder troll giving off a small smile, and then Y/N and F/N came out of their hiding spot. "So, that's what you were hiding from us, Aaarrrgghh!!!" The two trolls faced the girl, who held a sad look as she walked closer to them.

"Eavesdropping are we, Y/N?" Vendel scolded the girl but she pushed it off and stared at Aaarrrgghh!!! who looked down, guilty and was caught red-handed, nodded sadly. Y/N sighed as she placed her hand on his injured arm. "May I see?" Aaarrrgghh!!! hesitated and nodded.

He lifted his arm up and she saw clearly the injury, the injury was glowing slightly purple. She gasped softly at the injury, F/N chirped sadly, hopped off Y/N's shoulder, and crawled over to Aaarrrgghh!!!'s leg. The brute opened his palm on his other hand and the lizard climbed on, chirping sadly at the troll.

Aaarrrgghh!!! only gave them a small smile and looked at Y/N who slowly walked up and touched the scar, gently running under it. She removed her hand and she could feel tears running in her eyes. "Y/N don't cry." Aaarrrgghh!!! tried to calm her as Y/N sniffled and rubbed the tears away. "How could I not when I know one of my friends is dying soon?" Y/N jumped to the brute with a hug.

Aaarrrgghh!!! patted her back gently. Vendel walked towards them and replaced Aaarrrgghh!!!'s hand with his. "I know it is difficult, Y/N. But, there is no cure." Tears started spilling and Y/N continued to hold her dear friend, the one who always helped them, the one who always was interested in the world, the one who would fight alongside them to fight Gunmar.

"This can't be happening." Y/N cried until they ceased, was there nothing they could do?

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Aaarrrgghh!!! told Y/N to go to school, they walked to the exit, they were silent throughout the walk only their footsteps tapping against the crystal staircase, Y/N, and Aaarrrgghh!!! didn't speak a word, F/N stayed on Aaarrrgghh!!!'s shoulder until they reached the top. The exit opened and Y/N stepped out she turned to Aaarrrgghh!!!, "I'll see you later, Aaarrrgghh!!!" He smiled at her and waved, she waved back and the portal closed.

Y/N stared at the wall before her, F/N looked at his friend and tapped her cheek with his paw. Y/N smiled a bit bitterly. "I'm fine. I'm fine." She crossed her arms but the shakiness of her voice and the fear were evident enough that she was not okay.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Y/N arrived at her school. She didn't look alright right now, after finding out devastating news. "Y/N?" She turned to Douxie looking at her with worry. He walked up to her and placed a hand on her back. "You alright, love?" Y/N nodded but didn't convince him.

"You're not alright, Y/N. You should go rest in the nurse's office. I'll take you." Y/N shook her head, "I can go there myself, I just... I just need to be alone right now." As she walked to the nurse's office as Douxie watched her with worry. She played with her necklace, fiddling with the gem. Its light glowed dimly. She didn't notice a small bright light following her, giggling.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

"You just rest on the beds and sleep it off. I'll explain to your teacher why you're late." The nurse said and left her alone. Y/N lay on the bed looking at the boring, white ceiling. Y/N closed her eyes and sighed, turning to her side. F/N peeked out of her pocket in her bag that sat on the bedside table.

She closed her eyes, her breathing slowing. F/N crawled back inside and decided to let his master sleep. While no one was looking, the bright light zapped its way into the nurse's office. Giggling away they found their victim, laying on the bed. They zipped themselves into her ear, Y/N opened her eyes, the flash of yellow shined, and sat up, shaking her head.

She looked around feeling goosebumps on her arms. She rubbed them and looked out the window, suddenly gasping to see a blood-red moon. "What the actual..." She got out of bed and walked towards the glass pressing her hand against the window then all of a sudden a troll dressed in black armor, but slightly green striped covered it.

She gasped and moved away, she then backed into something hard, she turned around quickly and she covered her mouth and backed away, standing in front of her was Aaarrrgghh!!!, but not his stony flesh but a full-stoned Aaarrrgghh!!!. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... This can't be happening!"

Y/N grabbed a fist of her hair and closed her eyes, thinking what was happening? Was she dreaming? A nightmare? "You failed to save him." Y/N froze at the voice, she turned around, yelped, and crawled away until she hit something she couldn't see. There, sitting in front of her was the Bridge, opened, and around it were her friends, Jim, Toby, Claire, Blinky, and so on all turned to stone but the only one who stood in between was Douxie.

Y/N breathed rapidly, trying to catch her breath, "D-Douxie? What... What are you doing here?!" Douxie only gave her a blank stare, she then felt her flower wilt in the corner of her eyes and just in time to see Archie in a different form, walked towards her, growling.

Y/N clutched her head in her head, bringing her legs to her chest and whispering 'Wake up' or 'This isn't real' but she couldn't wake up.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

While Y/N was having her spiral F/N woke up to hear her mutter. He crawled out of her bag and jumped to see her on the floor, leaning her back against the side of the bed, and clutching her head. F/N frantically looked around to see what he could do but someone was brought to mind. He quickly hopped out of her bag and headed to the door that blocked his exit.

He then spat a small fire at the door in the corner and it melted a tunnel. He crawled out and looked left and right, where should he go? It's a big school. He sniffed the air to find his scent but couldn't. So, he had to do this the hard way.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Douxie almost nodded off in the library, it was his recess right now, and was hanging in the library. He let out a yawn and suddenly jumped when he felt something small crawl on his legs. "What in the..." He stopped when he saw a small lizard, in a strange color, jumping up and down waving its little arms.

"What? A Ti'kwahanx? What are you doing here, little guy?" The lizard hopped off his leg and crawled away looking back at him, and asking him to follow him. Douxie stared back at him and complied, following him but making sure no one was watching as they entered the hallways.

-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-

Y/N continued to hold her head in the nurse's office. Douxie opened the door and F/N slipped past him and stopped in front of Y/N, who was clearly out of it. "Oh, no. Y/N!" He kneeled in front of her, holding her wrist and she gasped her head shot up, staring into his hazel eyes but she wasn't really looking at him.

Douxie tried to wake her up but to no avail. He then quickly realized what made her act like this. "Pixies..." He grumbled under his breath. He then sternly looked at Y/N, instead of slapping her awake he held out his hand and spoke under his breath. A small glowing light zipped out of her ear, making Y/N breathe calmly. Douxie quickly caught the damn devil and crushed it.

"What--? Huh? Douxie?" She spoke his name softly. Douxie held her shoulders, with a smile. F/N hid away back in her bag. "Are you alright, Y/N?" Y/N nodded slowly. Douxie brought her in for a hug, placing a hand on her head, soothing to ease her mind. "You just had a nightmare. Not of it was real, I assure you."

Y/N looked away and sighed, nodding into his shoulder and leaning the side of her head on his shoulder. "Yeah. Yeah... Just a nightmare... Just a nightmare... " Y/N whispered those words softly and hugged the boy back, clenched her hand on his hoodie and Douxie continued to comfort her. 

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*

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