Handshake-Harry Potter

By quazjex

261 31 18

What if Harry had accepted Draco's friend request? NOT a Drarry romance But if I get enough reads I miiiight... More

Owl Post and Floo powder | Draco
Hairy Man and Tube to London | Harry
Robe Boy and Unicorn Hair | Draco
Platform Smoke and Lost Toads | Draco
Handshakes and Emerald Lady | Harry
Houses and Old Hats | Draco
Big Black Dog and Grumpy Old Git | Harry
Bludgers and Bipolar | Harry
Seeing double and Hearing too much | Draco
Trophies and Three-Headed Dogs | Draco
Exploding Feathers and Dramatic Capes | Harry

Helicopters and Tall Tales | Draco

17 3 1
By quazjex


Harry introduced me to Hagrid. I have to admit, I'm kind of scared of that guy. He gave us tea, which was nice, and rock cakes, which were not.

He was nice bloke. We talked to him about our lessons. Well, Harry did most of the talking. I played with Fang. I liked him. Harry told Hagrid about Filch, and when Hagrid called him an old git, I had to laugh. I think it was obvious that he wasn't a fan of the caretaker and his cat.

Harry told Hagrid about our Potions class. I didn't mind it, but I guess that's just because Snape wasn't minding me the whole time. I don't blame Harry for hating the man. He was picking on him.

"Rubbish!" Hagrid said when Harry told him that Snape hated him. "Why should he?" He then asked Ron how his Weasley brother Charlie was doing. I think we all knew he was trying to change the subject.

Dinnertime came, and I joined my fellow Slytherins at our table.


I was excited the next morning. We were going to have our first flying lessons! Of course, I already knew how to fly, but it would be fun all the same, wouldn't it?

At breakfast, all anyone could talk about was stories about them on their brooms, and I don't know which were true or not. Theodore Nott told us a story about how the muggle cops were chasing him, but their pathetic cars were no match for his Comet. I doubted that. But lots of people I guess were just flexing, myself included. I told lots of detailed stories about narrowly escaping muggle helicopters. I will admit, each time was more extraordinary than the last, each slightly more unlikely than the last, but I had lots of people's attention, even some of the second years. I enjoyed fueling my own ego.

Once, I was telling a group of people how the helicopter muggles even pulled out one of those black thingies that shoot little dart-like things and fired, but missed me, when Harry and Weasley walked by. Harry said "It's called a gun," as he walked past, eyebrow raised and a hint of a smirk on his face. I rolled my eyes at him with a smile and continued the story of how I almost got shot with a gun.

These stories got a lot of attention from the ladies.

Who are all unfortunately, kinda ugly.

Also, in reality, I got dive-bombed by a crow. But that's only an interesting story if you were my enemy. Plus, that would definitely ruin my reputation.

That afternoon, I hurried down the front steps with my fellow Slytherins onto the grounds. It was a lovely day, sunny and breezy, perfect day for flying. The Gryffindors arrived about half a minute later.

I looked at the brooms lined on the floor. They looked very old. They might've been Cleansweep 6s or Comet 140s. Ugh. At home I had a Comet 260. Father said if I made the team next year he'd upgrade my broom.

Madam Hooch arrived. "Good afternoon, class," she greeted.

"Good afternoon Madam Hooch," we chorused.

"Welcome to your first flying lesson," she said. "Well, what are you waiting for? Everyone stand to the left side of your broomstick. Come now, hurry up!"

As we all shuffled into place, she said, "Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'Up!'" We did what she told us, everyone shouting up over and over, some succeeding, some failing, some getting hit in the face like Ron. I couldn't help but snicker.

I noticed Harry got it on his first try. Yay him, but so did I. Harry and I made eye contact and we both smirked. I don't know if we were smiling at our own brilliance or at Ron who was rubbing his nose and muttering something about his 'stupid broom'.

"With feel!" Madam Hooch instructed to those who were still failing. Granger's simply rolled over, no matter how many times she ordered it up in her bossy tone.

"Now, once you've gotten hold of your brooms, I want you to mount it," Madam Hooch instructed once everyone, including Longbottom, had gotten their brooms.

"And grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end," she continued. She walked down the line of students, studying each one of us. She stopped in front of me.

"Malfoy. Fix your grip. Hold it closer to the end, not right in front of your crotch. And don't clamp your knees together."

I heard a few sniggers, and I saw Harry chuckling to himself. I glared at him. He tried to stop, but resulted with a look of constipation. I rolled my eyes at him as Hooch walked on.

 "Now, when I blow my whistle, you kick off from the ground hard. Keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle," she brought her whistle to her lips. "Three, two," she blew the whistle. Neville Longbottom started slowly floating into the air.

"Mr. Longbottom," Madam Hooch said as Neville floated higher and higher. "Mr. Longbottom!" she called when he wasn't coming down. The boy was now a few metres above the ground, and then he started swerving left and right, jolting to stops, then coming straight at us. Madam Hooch pulled out her wand, probably ready to stop the boy, but he was going too fast and zipped right past her. I would have been laughing, but there was a possibility that this boy could fall and not get back up, so I didn't.

He flew over the building, but his robes got caught on the point of a statue. He dropped his broom, and he was now hanging there hopelessly.

His robe ripped and he fell, hitting the floor hard. "Everyone out of the way," Madam Hooch instructed, and the crowd of concerned kids parted at once. The boy was lying on the floor whimpering. Madam Hooch rushed over to him and helped him up. "Ah, broken wrist. It's all right, come on now." As she helped Neville, I noticed something shining on the floor. I bent over and picked it up. It was a Remembrall. I remembered seeing one in an old newspaper Father left on the table once. They were a smart idea, except then you'd have to remember what you've forgotten.

She turned to the rest of us. "Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr. Longbottom to the hospital wing. If I see a single broom in the air, the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say 'Quidditch'."

She and Longbottom made their way into the castle, to the hospital wing.

I tossed the little glass sphere in the air and caught it again, bored. I guess I could keep the Remembrall if no one claimed it.

"That's Neville's Remembrall," said a harsh whisper behind me. I spun around to see Granger looking at the little sphere in my hand, her face scrunched up. I reached out my arm to give it to Granger- she could give it to Longbottom herself- but just as I was about to tell her that, I got tackled to the ground by a ginger boy. Weasley had pinned me to the floor. The Remembrall flew out of my hands. Weasley tried to grab it by shooting an arm into the air but just knocked it further. That's when Granger stepped forward with her wand in front of her. She said some spell we hadn't learned yet, but I suppose she hadn't mastered it because rather doing whatever she wanted it to, the Remembrall got propelled into the air. We watched it fly into the sky as Granger fired the spell over and over.

Then I noticed Harry had made like he was going to mount his broom. "Harry, no way. You heard what Madam Hooch said. Besides, you don't even know how to fly!" Granger said. But at her last words, Harry rolled his eyes and casually mounted his broom. He pushed of the ground and lifted into the air. 

"What an idiot," Granger said as we all looked after Harry. He rose into the sky and then zoomed at the little glass ball, which was now falling to the ground. He flew surprisingly fast for a first timer. He caught the ball and halted to a stop right in front of one of the castles walls. I stared in amazement. A few months ago he didn't even know magic existed, and now he was zooming around on a broom like a natural. 

He came back down and all the students cheered and rushed towards him like he had just won the Quidditch cup all by himself. A bit of an overreaction, even though it was impressive. They all swarmed around a grinning Harry and patted his back or whatever.

The excitement ended when a voice boomed across the grounds.

"Harry Potter!"

Everyone shut up and turned to the voice.

And standing there in her trademark green robes was McGonagall.

"Follow me."



Ok so that took a long time to publish.

I spent the last week or so at "She and Longbottom made their way into the castle, to the hospital wing."  And then today I finished the rest of it in one go.

My mind can be kind of annoying.

So basically what happened with the Remembrall was Ron tackled Draco to get it back but knocked it out of his hands. Ron tried to catch it but knocked it further, and Hermione tried showing off her skills by using a spell to stop it from crashing into the ground. That failed and it just propelled in the air. Then the whole Harry thing happened and yaaay.

I wrote this bit from the movie instead of the book.

Feedback please :D


Oh yeah, and that picture of Ron getting smacked in the face I screenshotted from the actual clip so hehehe.
I'm proud of myself because I got it exactly where I wanted it to so yay :D

Goodbye fr.

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