
By Taengsic_553

556 25 31

"Her love was lustrous and naive like a child while his was strong as armour and forever wild." More



54 4 10
By Taengsic_553

There is nothing a man cannot achieve, if and when he put his complete dedication in that."

Achintya believes in that. He will forever be that person, who, by any means will not kneel in front of the situation but will make it bend according to himself.


Achintya's daily visits to the college has been skipped to the backside, as the election was fast approaching.

The prepration related to the rallies and the campaign was on his shoulders. His father has trusted him with the responsibility and so like always, Achintya was doing everything under his control to make his father proud of him.

Which also means, sacrificing and chastising his own comfort and pleasures.

A week before, when his father gave him the responsibility of the campaign Achintya has thought that this it. The time when he will forget about her. She will soon be wiped clear from his mind.

His body and mind both becomes occupied with work. Politics chucks a hefty amount of his time. Travelling to different states, meeting politician, making plans on how to sabotage the opposition, it all would tired him out.

But..alas, the thought did not become the reality.

Everynight, when Achintya will go to sleep, sometimes in his own bedroom, sometimes in the guest house where the funds would be hidden, sometimes even in godowns, because it would get so late that his bones would ache that he closes his eyes and saw big eyes dancing infront of him illuminated in the glow of the flashlight.

Achintya could not understand. He had been with women before. For fuck sake, the girl is not even that beautiful, he has seen beauty far, far beyond her.

And yet, yet she is the one who just, cannot leave his mind.

When he closes his eyes, she would be there. Looking at him with her big eyes, stealing glances and shying away just when he would caught her. Then once the sun arrives, his mood will turns foul just with the thought that today again, he cannot catch the sight of her.

That his dreams are just that. Dreams.

Gosh...that thought will  infuriate him to hell.

The salvation to his problem comes in the form of a huffing Guddi.

It was the tradition of the Chaudhary family; the dinner of the Sunday would be prepared by Phulan Chaudhary himself, and then the whole family will eat it together.

"What happened Guddi bitiya?" Rukmani Devi ask.

"Nothing choti Amma...only that people of college has finally lost their mind."

Achintya was lying on the khaat, his head in Durga Devi's lap. "Why so? " He heard Rukmani inquiring that.

"Oh..what I will tell you-"

"What you are dying to tell, we know Guddi. " Achintya lazily comments. He as well as everyone, was aware of Guddi's dramatics.

"- you stay shut up." Guddi glares. " The college has shifted the timing of first years, Choti Amma. Now we all have to report at sharp 7:45 am then the chilled 11 am. "

The news catches his intrest. Achintya sit up, "every first year? From every stream?" From his stalking- because he had already run the background check on her.- he was not ashamed to admit that- he got to know that she is doing her graduations in microbiology as the first year student.

"No, only mine. I am that special." After receiving his infamous glare, Guddi meekly responds "every first year, Bhai. Happy to know. " She cannot make him angry. Being on Achintya's side is benefit for her, as he was not as strict as Mithilesh neither was as controlling as Vijay.

Achintya is chill. He is cool. But dangerous, oh so dangerous when he gets mad. But that doesn't happens often.

Guddi did not want it to ever happen.


That night, Achintya ate the extra portion of the chicken curry and fish fry. His mind and heart dancing on the cloud 9.


Niyati's world has turned to upside down. It surely must be.

Just a small glimpse of his, brings her heart to run miles and now he is standing infront of her, in all his glory and she- just froze.

She can see his lips moving, but for the love of the God could not understand what he is saying.

He was infront of her, her dainty wrist influngs in his larger one, his face- such beautiful face - hovering above her. Niyati's mind could not understand what to do, how to do and why to do.

Can't see just stand here and watch him whole day. That is enough for her.

More than enough.

But then he shakes her, his grip tightening a bit as well as hers and soon someond hisses.

Before Niyati could know, the beautiful man has his hands covering one of his eye, hissing and swearing.

It was what, brings her out of her stupors as she heard "fuck..f-uck..what was that? My eyes are fucking burning? Water! Wa-"

Panicking Niyati looked at him with her big eyes before remembering she has one bottle in her bag. She hurriedly take it out handing him but after seeing he can hardly see anything beyond his pain, that she took the matter in her own hand.

She opens the cap, and pours water in her cupped hand "let me see.. please remove your hand...let me see" he removed his hand after the much coaxing as she gently throws water in his eyes and face.

"Do not use your hand, let me do that" she said hurriedly. As she gently, three water on his face and eyes even wetting the corner of her duppata and wiping his eyes gently and with utmost care.

She get so busy in taking care of him, that she did not noticed but Achintya has long stopped his hiss of pain. He actually was standing there, his back bend, hands clapped behind his back, and face lowered to get in her reach.

She hardly touches his chin.

Niyati notices it then. In the awake of the morning, with no vehicles obscuring the day with their honks that how silent he actually was. "Uhm..a-are you okay?"

The guilt was clear in her tone. His eyes were shot red and looked extremely painful.

"Sorry..I- I thought it was done stranger- you are also one- but no.. I mean. I am sorry is what I mean." Her stupid mouth. Despite the pain in his eyes, he chuckles.

"I should have expected that. "

" should." Mumbles Niyati. Now the shock has finally woven off her, she becomes aware of the proximity of theirs. She takes a step back and looked at her side.

Looking at him was too much. He is too intense and too intimidating. And he was not even moving. Just standing there, a smile on his lips.

"What...I didn't caught that." Achintya's eyes were burning like hell. The cool water soothes the burning a bit, but still it was not tolerable.

He should probably consults the doctor soon.

But hell, he is leaving her here.

"It was not meant to be. " Mumbles Niyati. "I am sorry again. I didn't knew it was you. I wouldn't have done that otherwise."

"Why? Ain't I'm a stranger too? Do you know me?" Probes Achintya. He was having too much fun.

Her face turns to his, eyes locking for a second and then gone. It was the exactly what she used to do, when he would come to pick Guddi.

"Everyone knows you. If they do not, then they are not normal Mr. Chaudhary." Damn, she knows how to talk back.

Achintya was a bit weak for these types of girls. One, who know how to use their preety mouth then to stay mum.

But what was that, Mr Chaudhary? It is title that belongs to his father, uncle or his brother. Not to him.

"That's a boring title. Call me by my name."

Niyati's big eyes travels to his at once, mouth agape, what? Oh god..! Did this man- just-.

Okay, shut up brain.

When she did not said anything, Achintya frowns. "You with me?"

Yes. Take me with you. Oh no.

It must be the first time for her to get speechless like this. She never get speechless.

"Uhm.." very eloquent.

It was the sound of the vehicle that ended the silence between them and the shriek comes out of Niyati's lips.

"Oh no..I'm late." She checks the watch, it was glaring 7:32. God..even if she starts walking now, she will not reach the college early.

The attendance usually happens before the fifteen minutes of the class.

Achintya was having too much fun. But the way panic was clear on her face makes him feels- angry.

She should not get worried.

Watching her looking like a headless chicken who is panicking  is amusing  only, when it was directed to him.

Even if is not, then that negative emotions must not cross path with her.

"Should I drop you? We will be there in five minutes." He offers. And..she looked at him like he has lost his mind.

" That's fine. I will- thanks for the offer- but -uh" Achintya looked at her, trying to find words to let him down slowly.

He understands that.

She is worried that if he drops her and someone saw them together, what will happen then.

"It's fine. I will drop you a bit away from the college. You can cover yourself with your dupatta." He offers.

Niyati looked at him flabbergasted. It was the good offer. She can not afford to get late.

Her course was demanding as much..and without the help of any coaching and mentoring -her grandmother stomped on the idea " no need..if it is too hard, change the course. No girl of mine will go to coaching or those nonsense place." She also cannot afford to miss the classes too.

Rawat sir, as strict as he is, is a good teacher and the notes provided by him are very helpful.

She also cannot count on Asha and Richa as, Richa writes too slow and not very neatly and Asha is dependent on her so expecting anything from her is idiocy.

"Will you able to drive? I mean- your eyes?"

Achintya wanted to do the victory dance but he controls himself. He did not even let it show on his face, the excitement. He knows he won the battle.

Albeit slowly, but she's finally willing to walk the path he has choosen for her. For them.

"No worries. Your thinking process has took the three minutes and so if you don't want to get late..follow me."

He turns just as soft hand touches his biceps "wait.." he turns back to her.

Niyati has her eyes set on her the earth, a second or two passed as she takes a deep breathe.

She picks one side of her dupatta, stand up on his tip toes and gently wipes his face. Drying it from the onslaught of the water it just has faced.

And for the first time in fucking forever, Achintya saw a girl, without the thought of bedding or physical pleasures, not of her body or curves but-

-of their innocence and shyness. Of the beautiful heart and soul they carry within themselves.

Achintya has fallen deeper in the hole, he just hasn't realises. Yet.


The trip to the college was short. Hardly more than two or three minutes.

Niyati finally heave a breathe of relief as she hop from the bike. A sport bike.

This man drives like the maniac.

Niyati was already fighting for her life sitting behind him, heart hammering because of the fear and excitement but when he took the sharp turn without slowing the speed it made her hands instinctively reach to him, clutching his shirt tightly.

It must be the work of winds, but Niyati was sure she felt his back stiffening for a second there.

It made her blush so much, she was sure if she was as fair as Shivangi or Maithili, she would have been looking like the tomato.

Without once looking at his face she mumbles. "Thankyou." And was about to run to the gates when she heard

"Can we meet again?"

It made her stop dead in her track. The question made her jump out of her skin. What he is on? Meet? Again?


More importantly, why?

Is he not aware, what will happen if anyone, anyone in the Begusarai saw them together, him together with her, Achintya Chaudhary with some girl.

A blast. That's what will happen.

In the days, she started gathering information about him -fine. Yes, she was snooping around, asking Asha, Richa and Shivangi for any possible news about him. She was curious about him. Shy but curious. Her heart just won't allows her to stay calm without quenching that curiosity.- Achintya Chaudhary is the household name of the Begusarai.

From adults to teenagers to children, hardly anyone remain untouched and unaware about the mighty Chaudhary and its legacy.

"Why?" It slipped out of her lips.

The expression he gave her was like she asked him for his kidney and liver.

"I mean..uh.. bye and thankyou. Again. Do consult the doctor." And she flies away.

Leaving a gaping Achintya behinds her.

Did she said agreed or not?


Vijay was sitting in the garden of the guest house, his legs up on the table, cleaning his pistol when he saw him entering.

It sours his mood instantly.

Everytime his eyes would catch even a short glimpse of his, they would twitch in hatred.

Which bring him to, Achintya's eyes. They were swollen red, the area around it looking irritating and painful.

"Look at that." Vijay whistled. It is just not everyday, one saw Achintya in pain and that too in like that.

"Whoever did this to you tell me their name, I am so going to send the thankyou card to them."  Achintya stops in the track giving him a dead look.

Vijay was aware of this tactic.

When they both were young, Vijay who, always had been insecure of Achintya -Achintya who was the topper of the Chaudhary family, better in communication and had the charming personality, who plays with his brain then to use the fist- the golden Achintya, would push him or burn his notes or would bully him along with his friends but everytime, everytime he has thought that he has done it, done the inevitable and made him loose control thus will he get this look.

Like he is beneath him. Like nothing could faze the superior golden Achintya.

Like his name, he is too beyond everyone's thinking. Controlled of his surrounding, of his thoughts, of his emotions.

Unlike Vijay, the wild and uncertain Vijay. Who never was good with his words, hardly could socialize if not for his own small social circle, is slave of his emotions and thoughts, who hardly passed the school and then dropped out of the college, Vijay who never conquered any of the battle.

The insecure little boy who was jealous of his brother, the insecure man who still harbours that feeling.

"Not in hundred years." He heard him grumbles.

"What?" Vijay ask. What he meant by that.

Upon not getting the answer Vijay grumbles back "Whatever. I am happy enough that you are in pain..I don't need more. "

"Glad to know...that finally the day is here when my presence brings you happiness and not jealousy." Rethored Achintya.

Before Vijay could answer back Mithilesh' voice comes from behind them "not here. Safe your drama for home. "

Vijay himself did not realises when they both get that close, they both were almost of same height except him being an inch or two short.

"Aye..what happened to your eyes?" Mithilesh ask worriedly.

Vijay too wanted to know that. Who is this new person come to the Begusarai who can bodily harm Achintya but escape unharmed.

There was no sign of physical brawl on his body. He looked as prim and proper as he left the morning.

Vijay finds it highly suspicious.

Also the wound..if it is even that..does not looks like one he has seen before.

" Nothing bhaiya. Just an allergy. I will be fine. Just some ice and proper rest for today and tomorrow I'll be the new bird." Vijay scoffs. With the ease Achintya has said that, one would belives it.

If only they were not family.

Vijay has spent almost his whole life with Achintya and so, even though that fucker won't show his real emotion that much, he shows enough for Vijay and Mithilesh to know that he was lying.

His eyes were looking extremely painful.

" foot. Who did this to you? Huh..! Even more importantly how did this happened? It does not look like a wound..what- what happened exactly?" Mithilesh yells. That was his typical reaction to any trouble.

Achintya huffs a breathe, "relax bhaiyya. At this rate, you are worrying us for your poor vocal cords." Before Mithilesh could rethor he continues "It does not looks like a wound because it is not one. It's a allergy. I went to doctor he confirmed that."

It made Mithilesh deflates a little bit. He grabs the chin of his little brother and inspected, it looked painful, with his eyes watering and red and swollen. It really does not looks like the wound.

And that was the relief. If someone has touched his brother, he surely would have wiped their whole bloodline.

Vijay shakes his head. He is fucking sure, it was not allergy. But then he had no clue what exactly that was. But definitely not the allergy.

Whatever that is, Vijay wishes it hurts as much as it hurts Vijay when people choose Achintya over him. Just so he knows the taste of the bitter medicine Vijay has been drinking since the childhood.


Nupur was folding the dried clothes, when she felt hands sneaking around her bare waist and then her back colliding with the sturdy chest.

"Hm..finally. Honey, I am home." Mithilesh mumbles. Face hidden in the crook of her neck, inhaling the smells of coconut from her hair.

"Welcome home." Keeping the clothes in hand on the stool, Nupur turns in his embrace as his strong arms envelopes her fragile body completely.

They stay like that for few minutes, her hands on his chest, him pushing her as humanly possible as to himself.

"How was your day?" Mithilesh ask gently. Not wanting to disturb the peace in between them.

As the eldest son and daughter-in-law of the family they both holds the important role to play. Finding time like this and spending it together always come as rare opportunity to them.

Do not take him wrong. He loves his role. His family. His children. His work.

But is it too much to ask some along time not as any of the above those but as the husband. As a couple.

"Good. But now as I'm here, in your arms it just turns better." She replies.

" was Abhay's and laxu's? His days has become so much busier that even spending time with his children has become sacred.

Creating a little bit of the difference between them, Nupur looks at her husband, her mysterious husband, who is demanding and hardly shows any emotion other than anger and irritation, who has the foul mouth and can hardly speaks any sentence without cursing or swearing, who yells and shouts without thinking of his vocal cords.

Her loving husband. Who would ask about her as well as their children's day. Who would wake up with her early every morning just so he could spend sometimes with the children. Who would massage her feet after the hectic day, who holds her in his embrace when things get tough for her.

Who do so much, without asking in return.

"They missed their Papa. Laxu has her eyes stuck on the door everytime it will open and Abhay complained to Amma about how his Papa deserves a Sunday too where he can play with his children." Mithilesh whole visage changes. A huge smile erupting on his face.

"Really? My children. Just this month Nupur, once we settle and hid the election funds at the right places my work will done. Then it will all be Achintya's responsibility."

He did not need to tell her these things. Mithilesh knows. Nupur understands him more than words could conveys.

"I know. " Mithilesh's hands sneaks from her waist to a bit lower freeing the corner of her pallu from the side of her waist.

Understanding his intentions that was as clear as day in his dark eyes, Nupur ducks her head lower, the red hues covering her beautiful ivory skin.


The matters of dinner was tensed. Maithili could feel the tension in the air.

And it was not because of their grandmother.

Nah..the woman has finally gone with her group of oldies to the Yatra for the Hanuman temple and then from there will they start their a week worth of pilgrimage visiting the temples and river of the nearby places.

She knows something has happened. Her mother was throwing nasty glares at Niyati's direction while the girl in question was playing with her foods, head ducked low and not speaking much.

"Uh..pass me the dal." Maithli starts.

She waits for few seconds for any of them to do the honour but they both were busy in their own world.

"Niyati... Maithili asked something."Radha said. More like shout.

She was the teacher, it was in her voice.

A flabbergasted Niyati look up from her plate and turns to Maithili "what?"

"Dal..dii..dal." Niyati passes the dal just as Radha passes her much needed comment.

"If you will, so kindly, hop from your cloud 9 horses, will you hear what she is saying. "

It made Maithili rolls her eyes. There was no need for that. She needed dal not the inhaler whole having asthma attack. Her mother can relax.

Niyati seems like ,also was on the same page as her. "If you have heard her why didn't you did the honour. Were you waiting for me to break the coconut and do the rituals."

Radha glowerd. She flipped her hands loudly on the table "you will not talk to me like that, Niyati Mishra. I am your mother and I demands respect and thoughtfulness from you and nothing more. I did not reprimanded you in the morning so your day won't be spoiled but not now. You did not even apologies for your mistake."

" Apologies..for what? What did I said..that was wrong? You treats Shivangi dii as my passport, even if I have to go to washroom I must take Shivu dii with me and no- you cannot denied that. It is same as that with you and Roopa kaki. You both treats us especially I  and Shivu dii as we are fragile doll that will break down with one hit. And while Shivu dii holds no objection to that..I will."

Radha was aware that the ground Niyati was standing on not completely wrong. Laxman raised both of his daughters as the independent tough girls so expecting them to suddenly act as timid and  dependant is not easy.

But what could Radha do in this? The society where the brazen and daring attitude of her daughter would be praised is not the society where she was living now. The mindset of people here was far different than the one they had seen,till now.

But Niyati has always been the stubborn. She likes to do things that she never will be allowed. Arguing with her will only be equivalent to pouring the fat in the fire.

Taking a deep breathe, Radha decides to handle this matter a differently. To handle it like how Laxman would have did if he was here.

", my child. It is not just that love. I know you misses the freedom you had, you both had-" she looked at Maithli too "- back in the Indore. But I cannot provide you that here. I am sorry."

" not be. I understand that. But it- it's. I am sorry Mumma. I shouldnt have talked with you in that way. I apologise. " Niyati could not see the crestfallen expression on her mother's face. Her mother was the proudful lady who kept her head and shoulder high even when the darkness enveloped them from all sides after her father's death. So, how she can see that woman's slumped shoulder and defeated sighs.

" forgive me. I'm not able to provide you with the same care and love your father has provided you both -"

Before Radha could complete both of her daughters hugged her tightly. Assuring her without saying a word, that this, having her, with them is more than enough of the comfort.

"Do not blame yourself Mumma. You did come out of the womb as the best mother who always knew what to do and what to avoid. We are, all three of us are together in this. I apologise how I said anything that comes in my mind without thinking what effect they will have on you. I am sorry."

" And I am sorry, too. I will try to be lenient with you both." Radha hugged her daughters tighter. " But not too much."


Achintya :- one of the many names of the lord Shiva. Also means beyond comprehension and unthinkable.

Vijay :- literally translates as victory. One of the many name of the warrior Arjuna.

This chapter covers two major and demanding scenes. First, the much awaited moment and interaction between Achintya and Niyati.

And seconds as the sweet moment that trespassed between grumpy Mithilesh and sweet Nupur.
What you think of Radha's thought? Was it the right choice of her to relocate back to Begusarai, uprooting her children from where they belonged? What about Vijay and Achintya rivalry?
Votes and comments are highly appreciated and are my motivation to write further. So do ignite the star.

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