Locks on our heart

By Angel_princess10

12.9K 207 208


Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Authors note

Chapter 8

608 14 5
By Angel_princess10

Soon 3 weeks later passed as the 4th one came by. Layla didn't say anything about her pregnancy, Brian didn't know and Gwen and Courtney were still being a cute lovey dovey couple.

Layla's POV

I was in the bathroom throwing up... Damn ... Stupid morning sickness. If I keep throwing up every morning they'll catch on.

I used mouthwash to freshen my breath and brush my teeth all over again just in case.
When I come out they're is a huge breakfast in the room.

There was French Toast , Omelets, Oatmeal , Fruit salad, Pancakes, Sausage and Bacon
"Hey Layla" Hana smiled
"Hey " I say still staring at the food. I can feel my mouth watering.

Its all so good and my pregnancy makes we want it all. So I take some of everything.

"Wow thats a big breakfast."Gwen says.

"Wow thats a big mouth. Why don't you shut it cause I didn't ask for opinion" I snap before going into my room to eat.

Shit I didn't mean to be rude ... Stupid hormones

Gwen's P.O.V.

I got kind of shocked when Layla snapped at me, I didn't expect her to say that but now I feel bad that I said that, does she not like me or something?

I felt a bit sad if she didn't. I guess she may not have been the most happiest for me and Courtney like Hana.

I went outside her room to try to apologize "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. I just meant like not in a bad way........." I laughed a bit nervously feeling bad

She didn't answer me. Did she not like me that much? I have to set things right with her if I'm gonna be with Courtney and stay here.......but now I feel bad and sad about what I just said. Courtney came into the room as she gave me a kiss on the cheek and a surprise hug.

"Hey Gwenny.....You okay sweetie?" She asked me sweetly as she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Yeah.......I'm fine....." I said softly and sighed.

"Well we can talk about it later okay?" She said and pinched me on the cheeks. Which I couldn't help but smile I giggled as she let go of my cheeks.

"Okay." I laughed and dipped her down into a kiss and bit down on nibbled on her bottom lip when Hana walked in and I turned and let go of courtneys bottom lip and sat her back up and me and her blush.

Hana gave a big smile as she walked into the room to eat. I pulled out the chair for Courtney as Hana sat down and I sat by Courtney.

"Thank you kind women." She smiled at me as I sat down by her.

"You're welcome." I smiled at her as we made our plates and ate breakfast. When everyone was done I cleaned up and did the dishes.

"Gwen.....you don't have to....." Courtney said and smiled.

"Nah......I'm staying over so.......I'll be nice....." I said and laughed as she gave me a mwuah kiss on the cheek and I blushed lightly as I washed up everything and went to Courtney's room as she came a long with me.

I sat on the bed and she sat in front of me and grabbed my hands. "What's the matter sweetie?" She asked me holding my hands as I saw her soft smooth tan fingers intertwined with my pale ones.

"Well.......I don't think your friend Layla likes me....." I said looking down.

"Why not?" She asks me a bit concerned.

"Well I don't know........she snapped at me this morning and I just felt bad after........I really want your friends to like me....I know hana does." I laughed. "But I don't know about Layla." I said sternly.

"Don't worry.......I'll make sure she does......would you like me to talk to her?" She offered me and smiled brightly, gosh shes so cute.

"Sure.......I'd really like that.......thank you." I smiled at her as I hugged her tightly. She blushed and rubbed my back.

"Yeah no problem......" She said. I gave her a thank you kiss on the lips before she left the room to go talk to Layla.

Laylas P.O.V.

I just finished breakfast and was eating ice cream when I hear a knock on the door .
I quickly finish it and throw it away before I opened the door

"Hey Layla. " Courtney smiles

"Hi..." I say softly

"Umm can we talk " she asked coming completely in my room

"Okay..." I said slowly as I closed the door for privacy "what do we need to talk about"

I sat on my bed waiting for her to answer

"Do you ....not like Gwen"

"Why would you ask that..."

"well.......Gwen kind of thinks you don't really like her....."


"why does she think that" i frowned

"Well......like this morning.......I heard her like try to say sorry but you shut the door on her so I think that's why....."

" I didn't do that... I just went into my room to eat cause i felt insecure when she said I had a big plate of food... I cant control how much I eat right now" I teared.

"I'm sure she didn't mean it like that.......if you let her explain......what's the matter?"

"Nothing...i dont wanna talk about it .... But i didn't mean to snap at her..."

"But do you like her.........like you dont have a problem with us going out?"she ask.

"No I don't have problem with you guys or her , its my own business and I'm just on edge ok?" I say.

"Ummmm okay.....well let me know if something's bothering you......" She offers.

" I don't wanna talk about it..." I frowned.

"Hmmm okay........" She gets up and leaves the room "well good luck whatever it is...."

I just sigh.This is gonna be a hard secret...

Courtney's POV

Well at least she's not mad at her right? But somethings up.....I just know it.....she's not being herself and I have got to know what is up with her.

Maybe she didn't tell the truth......maybe she doesn't like me and Gwen after all together......I shrugged it off as I opened the door and stepped into the room seeing Gwen drawing in her sketch book on the bed.

She sprung up a bit, "What did she say?" She asked as she put her sketch book to the side and I sat beside her.

"Well she's not mad at you. I know that as the truth." I smiled at her even though I wasn't entirely sure.

"Really?" She smiled at me.

"Yeah." I said as I rest my head on her.

"Thank you babe.......thank you....."

She kissed me on the forehead and ran her fingers through my natural curly hair.

"No problem." I looked up and smiled at her.

"Your hair is so beautiful....." She told me and smiled.

"Nahh......." I told her as I pulled her closer into me. "But its so mignon." She Smiles at me and I kind of gave her a confused look. "It's cute....."

She said and smiled brightly at me. I smiled and gave her a kiss on the neck which made her blush and moan a little which was super cute. I sat on her lap as we started making out with her with my hands rubbing her back and her hand was actually on my ass.......I was blushing really dark as we kissed hard and she started kissing down my jaw and to my neck as she was nibbling and biting on it making me moan a bit loudly but then all of a sudden I heard footsteps coming as the door burst open.

"COURTNEEYYY!!! O-......." Hana blushed and smiled as she burst through the door.

"Hana!!!" I yelled as Gwen was kissing down my chest but stopped as she blushed and saw Hana.

"No Courtney, you're supposed to yell Gwens name not mine.....duhh." She rolled her eyes at me and me and Gwen glared at her blushing dark red.

"May I help you?" I asked her as she stepped in. "Well I got coupons for the Spa down the road, I heard its really fancy and the rates for it is amazing." She smiled as she showed me them.

"So you and Gwen could you know......spend more time together before.......we.......go.......back to Canada."

"Canada?" Gwen asked me sadly.
"Yeah......." I said.

"Like remember......I told you I'm from Canada but here for vacation......this is my last week here till we leave in Friday and today's Monday." I said sadly as Gwen gave me a really sad face which made me feel really bad.

"Don't worry sweetie.......we can still have fun and be together now......I want to spend as much time as I can with you......" I hugged her tightly hoping she would feel better and kissed her on the cheek softly.

Hana stared at us in awe and looked like she got love struck. "Well......I'm just gonna......leave this on the side......" She put the coupon tickets on the side by the lamp as me and Gwen were just looking at each other feeling sad not wanting to let go of each other.......Hana left the room too as she closed the door.

"I really don't wanna go......." I told her as I touched her hair as she gave me a sad face as her dark forest colored eyes stared into my pecan brown ones.

She just hugged me tightly and said "I don't want you to go........I don't want you to leave.........I never felt like this with anyone before and I love you to much to go......" She actually teared and hugged me super tight not wanting me to go.

I hugged her back tightly not wanting to let her go either. "I love you too........but I have school to finish........I swear I'll never forget you and you'll be in my heart forever." I started to tear too as she wiped my tear and kissed me on the head.

"I know.......I know.......I'm just really going to miss you..." She sniffed and rubbed my back gently.

"I'll miss you too sweetie......."I told her as she stroked my cheek with her gentle soft hands.

We gave a big finale kiss before I let go as I went to look at the coupon and Gwen wrapped her arm around me. I looked at the details and saw at the 5 star rating so I thought that me and Gwen should go tomorrow.

She was looking over at it too as I lay my head on her shoulder.

"Maybe we should go tomorrow." I smiled brightly at her as she smiled back at me.

"Yeah, sure that'd be great." She smiled back at me and rubbed my shoulder. "Sounds good." I giggled.

I was really going to miss this.....its only been 4 weeks but I felt so in love, like I knew her forever, I didn't want to leave her.....I felt sad just thinking about it. I just decided to just wait for that day to actually happen and just enjoy the time I have with her now.....I nuzzled my head onto her chest with all those bad thoughts were running through my head but tried my best to ignore it. What if I never saw her again? STOP IT COURTNEY I thought. I was truly dying in the inside.....

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