I Plead, Your Majesty, For Fo...

By fateinthestars

17.2K 638 36

{SAGAU} [Various!Genshin Impact X Reader] As the prophecy begins and the red star begins to form, the manipul... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 25

543 17 1
By fateinthestars

The pixie huffed in frustration as Lumine ignored her completely, kicking her foot in the air with a roll of her eyes before she flew over to the neglected ex-Archon. "The nerve of her!" Paimon complained, "Paimon can't believe she'd ignore Paimon like that!"

Zhongli's eyes closed as he elicited a soft hum, nodding along to the words mindlessly. "But, surely, you understand why?"

"Ugh, Paimon guesses so... Paimon's never seen her so talkative before. Usually someone has to speak to her for any response. Paimon gets it's the Creator but..."

"If it's any condolence, the Creator has spoken to the Traveler more than they did with me." He revealed softly, turning his gaze towards the pouting companion. "It's a good thing, no? The Traveler and Creator are both comfortable with one enough to talk so freely, even with a possible language barrier."

"Ugh... She did say something about understanding the Creator easier compared to anyone else... Paimon doubts it's the same with them though."

"You saw their appearance during the meeting. I'd be hesitant towards anyone myself in their shoes, who knows what they experienced. Considering you two seem to be on good terms with them, I assume no blades were struck on either side."

"... People were harming the Creator...?" Paimon faltered slightly, frowning in response to the news as guilt floods her system. But, before she could say anything about her displeasure of hearing the news, Lumine lowered down the steps towards the two as a sign of the duo's exit.


With a soft sigh, [Name] pushed the doors open as Ganyu followed behind them politely, allowing Zhongli inside as well considering she knew of his official origins. However, the ex-Archon merely stood by the entrance, respecting the Qixing and their regulations as he crossed his arms over his chest: silently explaining he won't be moving from the spot. Ganyu's light orchard irises swept across the room, blinking away any sense of fatigue as she stood by the Creator's side. [Name], however, just observed the interior of the building silently. It held the same vibe as the Jade Chamber, sticking with the browns and beiges (and the sparkling clean tiles) to keep a professional air in the workplace. It was actually quite intimidating up close.

But their nosey behaviour was forcefully stopped as heels echoed across the room, bouncing off of the interior as the three glanced over. Unfortunately, there was no gold, nor blue, of any of Ningguang's outfits, just a mere employee that attended to her every command. The secretary stood tall, crossing her arms over the multitude of red shades of her dress as she watched curiously. "Ms. Ganyu." She greeted politely before nodding her head towards [Name] with a small smile, "Divine Creator, we've been expecting your arrival. I presume you're here to attend to Lady Ningguang's request?"

Ganyu flickered her gaze towards [Name] before turning to the secretary, "indeed, Ms. Baixiao." She spoke softly, but held the air of professionalism she needed. "Is Lady Ningguang available?"

"Of course. She's been patiently awaiting to see if she'd be accepted the privilege. You know your way, correct? I'll leave you to guide our beloved deity."

Isn't that meant to be Zhongli? [Name]'s eyes squinted slightly in response to their own question, but relaxed once more as Ganyu began to lead them towards wherever Ningguang was staying for the moment.

"I apologise for speaking for you," the adeptus soon sighed softly, "I just didn't want for you to be caught up in a conversation when you must have things to do."

"Oh... uh, I really don't have anything better to do..." They muttered, catching up to her strides as they noticed her pace. "Oh! That reminds me! Tao mentioned something about... a festival?" Quickly stopping in their tracks, [Name] backed off before they bumped into the stressed General Secretary once she abruptly paused.

"Ah..." She let out another sigh, much more defeated this time, as she turned to face them with a slightly guilty face. "Yes, that is... correct. We had hoped to have it as a surprise, as an apology for our... less than welcoming display to you, but... we're a little busier than expected. Not—not that we put anything above you—!"

"Ganyu, you don't need to stress over it." They cut her rambles short, waving their hands at her to calm her nerves. "I was actually wondering if..." They anxiously averted their gaze, biting the inside of their lip as they struggled to word their request. "I understand you guys might've put a lot of effort into planning it and I really do appreciate that! But... I'd rather not have a festival that focused on... me."

Honestly, Ganyu thought she fell asleep. She blinked a few times, awkwardly smiling as she hummed. "Could... could you repeat that, please?"

"... Can the festival be... cancelled?"

Nope, she was very much awake. "O—oh... That... Yes, I will... make sure that is dealt with." Her eyes slowly closed as she held a hand to her head, already gaining the headache of having to explain to everyone the festival will need to be put to a stop.

"... Sorry." They soon whispered, "if it's too much of a hassle, I can just... deal with it happening."

"No!" She quickly rose her head, shaking it in response. "No. This festival is meant to show you our apologetic view on what we had done. It'd be very counterproductive if we were to force you into a position you wouldn't be comfortable with for our own consciousness! There is no need to worry, Your Grace, I'll be sure to put a stop to the festival for you."

"A stop to the festival?" The two stopped their back and forth people pleasing, focusing their attention to the new addition of the conversation as heels echoed once more. The scarlet gaze of Ningguang caused [Name] to back off, feeling a chill up their spine even after her sharp gaze softened. "Is everything alright, Divine Creator? I'd hope nobody gave you any trouble on your way here."

"N—Nope! No trouble!"

The woman chuckled softly, crossing her arms (was this a very common animation?) as she let a gentle smile grace her features. "That's wonderful. I couldn't be happier that you've allowed me the honour of meeting your acquaintance, you are very loving. And humble too. If I could trouble you a little with asking you to follow me to my temporary office?"

"Yes, ma'am." They blurted out, feeling their cheeks and neck warm out of embarrassment of both their praises being sung and the second chuckle of Ningguang at their response.

"Ganyu... If you'd please fetch Baishi for me?"

"Of course, Lady Ningguang."

"Perfect, thank you. Now then, let us make haste, shall we?" With no further utterance, the Tianquan turned to lead the Creator towards her office until the Jade Chamber would be remade. The journey was silent, so [Name] took the time to analyse and admire the woman in front of them. Ningguang's hair wasn't as static as it was in the game, freely tangling together as it flows with each step she took. The two separated strands she had in-game wasn't as obvious, only leaving a small gap of her back visible as her up-do bounced gracefully.

Everything about her screamed powerful, important and graceful. Catching up to her, [Name] walked closer to her side but still slightly back as they didn't know where they were going. Eventually, the two arrived at a large, arched door that Ningguang opened without an ounce of hesitation. The office looked very similar to the Jade Chamber's, only more minimalistic considering all of her belongings were scattered across Liyue and the ocean. As they looked around once more, Ningguang took her seat and waited for their attention to focus on her once more.

"Take a seat." And that they did. They sat across from her, sitting with their hands intertwined on their lap as they waited for her to speak. "Considering you possibly have little time for me to smoothen this conversation up,"

Is there something I'm meant to be doing or something?

"I'll get straight to the point. I won't be asking for your forgiveness, but I do wish to atone and take responsibility for the actions my citizens and even my staff may have done to you. Unfortunately, as you're aware, I have little to no possessions to give you due to the recent events of Liyue, but that won't be stopping me. My secretary, Baishi, handles my clothing, so I'll be requesting her to take your measurements to gift you a Liyuan special outfit. You do not need to accept it, or even wear it. But I wish for you to judge it and decide if it's to your liking."

I get my own special outfit? Oh my me— if I can get one for each Nation... that'd be so cute and I can fit in more.

"On top of this, I shall be gifting you the best palette I have to offer you. The symbolism of our makeup is strong here, so I hope you'll make use of it so my citizens and others will know of your importance. But, once more, you do not need to use it. I am in no way going to pressure you into this. Furthermore, if there is anything you wish to ask of me, my citizens or the whole of Liyue, I'll gladly fulfil your request." Ningguang simply places her hands on her desk, eyeing up the Creator in front of her as she watches their face for any shift of expression.

... Honestly, I can get with that. At least I don't have to think of anything! They slowly blinked at her words, fading back into reality as they hesitantly nodded. "Alright..."

"Perfect. I'll also make sure that festival is cancelled, so no need to ask." She soon stood up as her secretary politely knocked, allowing the privilege for Baishi to walk in.

Oh, ew. Is that the one who was being all gross about Ningguang's clothes? Ew... The dark-haired woman stiffened at the suspicious gaze locked onto her, clearing her throat as she answers to Ningguang's request. I think it is her. Ugh, does she have to be the one to measure me? "Uhm, before we do anything..." They hesitantly piped up, "I'd really appreciate it if any clothes I'll be given would be baggy. I don't like tight-fitting things." I hate when clothes stick to me, and I've had enough of that this week from the rain.

"You heard them, Baishi. Don't disappoint me or the Creator."

"Y—Yes, Lady Ningguang." With a reluctant gaze toward [Name], Baishi straightened her posture. "Shall we?"

I'm keeping an eye on you, pervert...


After a while, [Name] was finally set free from the measuring, grumbling to themselves as they held the gifted makeup palette reluctantly as their arms ached. It seemed as though Baishi had caught onto their distrust and prejudice against her, forcing them to stand longer than they should've had to otherwise. But they were free, finally, and met Zhongli at the doors.

"Before we go anywhere else," they started just before he spoke, "I'd really like to see the adeptal realm and put some stuff in there, if that's okay?"

"Of course." He agreed instantly, causing them to sigh in relief and bring out the Serenitea Teapot. The object floated eye-level to them, leaning into their touch as they gently tapped the handle of the teapot curiously.

How the hell do I use this—? Oh. They blinked as they noticed the lid slipping off, revealing the interface of which island they'd wish to use. They noticed the lack of the Inazuman island, narrowing their eyes slightly in response. All the Inazuma furniture is locked, huh? Assholes. But they just reached for the Emerald Peak island set up, glancing towards Zhongli as they paused. They soon held out their hand, revealing a Sigil of Permission for him to take. "... I feel kinda bad leaving you here when checking it out so..." He just responded with a chuckle, gently taking the item with a grateful nod.

"Thank you."

They dropped their hand once he took it, tapping onto the Emerald Peak icon and closing their eyes as their mind grew heavy in response. Once their mind relaxed, they opened their eyes once again to see the night sky of the realm, focusing on the blue bird floating happily in the Trust Rank 10 outfit. At least I don't need to go through that again. The land laid bare, only the green of the grass and the Liyue mansion that the teapot spirit was sat by.

"It seems as though we have a visitor!" The blue bird chirped, happily lifting her torso from the mini teapot she sat in. "I am the teapot spirit here! And you may call me... Uhm... I suppose you may call me... Tubby."

Oh my me, she's so cute.

"You may leave all matters regarding the realm to me!" She fluttered slightly, ruffling her feathers as she soon lets out a soft gasp. "Oh! It's you! Forgive me, Divine Creator, I hadn't realised Ping sent this realm under your care!"

"O—Oh, don't worry! Your introduction was really cute."

The spirit giggled softly, fluffing up from the compliment but soon cleared her throat. "Well, before I assist you with the creation of items, I wish to give you something! Many teapot spirits had held this object, unsure of what it was... but, I believe you're the best to hold it and find its origins." She soon lowered into her teapot, lifting back up with a rectangular item in her beak.

Is that...? "My phone?" They slowly took it from her, staring at the device's cracked screen as they took in their reflection. The cracks in the screen reflected a dark red, mixing with gold, as they hesitantly wiped the screen to remove any loose and dangerous glass; however, their sleeve didn't catch onto anything. In fact, their screen fixed with their interference. "What...? Uh... Thank you, Tu... Tubby." I feel so cruel calling her that.

"I'm glad you know the use of it! I can't wait to observe your decorating of the realm as we spend time together. If you ever need me to make you something, please do hand me the materials and blueprint so I can do so. Although, you have many already created!"

My teapot main era was an era I wish to return. They chuckled to themselves as they smiled softly, "I really enjoy decorating so..."

"Well, I won't keep you any further!"

"Oh, quick question though. Do... is there a limit on how many companions can be here at a time?"

The finch hummed softly as she thought, "well... I can only handle a maximum of eight companions when you're not within the realm but, if you're here to supervise, I won't limit you."

"Alright! Thank you!" ... How many birds am I going to befriend? Who else is a bird? Xiao, Cloud Retainer, Mountain Shaper... Kujou Sara? Is she a type of bird? Diluc has a bird... Oh! Chubby too! Wow, that's an even worse name... The Creator shook off their thoughts, trying to clear their mind. Their hand lifts, materialising the lid of the teapot they were inside. This must be the way out type thing, huh? That's pretty cool. Makes more sense than bringing the whole teapot inside the teapot. As they glanced at the lid, soft twinkles and hums surround them as their mind lifts from any heaviness beforehand. They weren't exiting.

But the realm was feeding off of their ideas for construction, beginning to form the buildings and paths they had in mind on particular parts of the Emerald Peak layout. They lifted their eyes from the lid, blinking a few times as they saw the beginning of a miniature version of Mondstadt construct under their supervision.

That's so cool. Hopefully Venti will like that. Oh! And I had a garden for Xiao, didn't I? Because of his dream on his namecard. Ah, it's a shame I can't make an Inazuman area for those char- people. Ah! I should've given Ningguang a thingy to get in here, she's practically homeless. Stupid!

"Ah, you're amazing..." The finch praises, capturing their attention as she floats happily. "Building both inside and outside is an amazing accomplishment! You truly are divine."

"... You're so sweet and cute..." They whisper, but soon furrow their eyebrows. Inside? They direct their gaze to the double doors of the mansion, curiously walking inside only to see the main room bare. They huff a little but continue to look around, opening doors to see the beginning of a study being formed. That'd be good for Albedo, and maybe Heizou? ... Maybe even Kujou Sara. They theorised, checking another room to see a minimalistic bedroom so far. Two beds... Lumine's room. The second one is for Aether... I'll get Paimon a dog bed or something.

With a smile, they checked the rest of the building, seeing more of the necessary rooms like a kitchen, more bedrooms and a bathroom.

Okay, they don't use a hole in the ground in Teyvat. Phew. Although, once they left the mansion to meet with Tubby, they realised something with a soft gasp. "I didn't make myself a room."

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