COTE: The Quiet One Can Be Da...

By Weebooguy

207K 7.4K 1.9K

Kagurazaka Norogumi is a unique student and slightly different from the others. Is he mentally and physically... More

Vol.1 Chp. 1: Two Different Students
Vol. 1 Chp. 2: Club Fair
Vol. 1 Chp. 3: A Long Week
Vol. 1 Chp. 4: End Of Peaceful Days
Vol. 1 Chp. 5: Midterms
Vol. 2 Chp. 1: Bad News
Vol. 2 Chp. 2: Finding The Witness
Vol. 2 Chp. 3: Bonding With Other Students
Vol. 2 Chp. 4: Dealing With A Stalker
Vol. 3 Chp. 1: A Vacation... Nope
Vol. 3 Chp. 2: Island Exam
Vol. 3 Chp. 3: Misfortune
Vol. 3 Chp. 4: Things Going South
Vol. 3 Chp. 5: Everything Coming Together
Vol. 4 Chp. 1: Trouble On The Cruise
Vol. 4 Chp. 2: Cruise Ship Special Exam
Vol. 4 Chp. 3: More Problems Arise
Vol. 4 Chp. 4: Planning And Threatening
Vol. 4 Chp. 5: Results Speak For Themselves
Vol. 4.5 Chp. 1: Summer Vacation
Vol. 4.5 Chp. 2: Hanging Out
Vol. 4.5 Chp. 3: Troubled Individuals
Vol. 4.5 Chp. 4: Volleyball Match
Vol. 5 Chp. 1: Sports Festival Info
Vol. 5 Chp. 2: Preparing
Vol. 5 Chp. 3: Rules Of Nature
Vol. 5 Chp. 4: Getting Cornered
Vol. 5 Chp. 5: Final Stretch
Vol. 5 Chp. 6: Bitter Sweet
Vol. 6 Chp. 1: Childhood Friend
Vol. 6 Chp. 2: Paper Shuffle
Vol. 6 Chp. 3: Learning More About Someone
Vol. 6 Chp. 4: X
Vol. 6 Chp. 5: Returning
Vol. 6 Chp. 6: Closer To The Exams
Vol. 6 Chp. 7: A Group Was Form
Vol. 6 Chp. 8: Exam Time
Vol. 7 Chp. 1: Pursuers
Vol. 7 Chp. 2: Family Reunion
Vol. 7 Chp. 3: Confronted
Vol. 7 Chp. 4: Fearing The Unknown
Vol. 7 Chp. 5: Ryuuen Loss
Vol. 7.5 Chp. 1: Winter Holidays
Vol. 7.5 Chp. 2: Meeting With Manabu
Vol. 7.5 Chp. 3: A Date
Vol. 8 Chp. 1: Mixed Training Camp
Vol. 8 Chp. 2: Duel
Vol. 8 Chp. 3: First Day
Vol. 8 Chp. 4: Bath Time
Vol. 8 Chp. 5: The Results
Vol. 9 Chp. 1: Rumors
Vol. 9 Chp. 2: No Changing Intentions
Vol. 9 Chp. 3: New Rumors
Vol. 9 Chp. 4: Allegations
Vol. 9 Chp. 5: Confronting The Rumors
Vol. 10 Chp. 1: Class Poll
Vol. 10 Chp. 2: Courage
Vol. 10 Chp. 3: Traitor
Vol. 10 Chp. 4: Accusing Another
Vol. 10 Chp. 5: Behind The Scenes
Vol. 10 Chp. 6: Learning The Truth
Vol. 11 Chp. 1: Event Selection Exam
Vol. 11 Chp. 2: Discussing Events
Vol. 11 Chp. 3: Moving On
Vol. 11 Chp. 4: Final Exam
Vol. 11 Chp. 5: Class A vs Class C
Vol. 11 Chp. 6: Ayanokouji vs Sakayanagi
Vol. 11.5 Chp. 1: Graduation Ceremony
Vol. 11.5 Chp. 2: A Lost And Scared Lamb
Vol. 11.5 Chp. 3: Farewell
Q & A

Vol. 11 Chp. 7: Final Battle

1.6K 67 28
By Weebooguy

Ayanokouji's POV

The match began, and we played for some time without exchanging words. As the sun started to set, the only sound was the constant clatter of the black-and-white pieces on the chessboard. 

However, it didn't last long, as the match was already in its final stages. Soon, the game was over, and Sakayanagi sighed as she stared at the board before her. She couldn't find any way to avoid checkmate.

"As expected of you, Ayanokouji-kun. It's my loss."

It was a closely contested match, with both sides evenly matched.

"You sure are honest about it."

"Do I look like some haughty lady who can't acknowledge her defeat?"

I'd be lying if I said I couldn't see it.

"What I wanted to know was where things stood between the two of us. Who stood above the other? I'd never sit here and complain about the result."

"Though I may have won, this was just a recreation. There's no guarantee that the match would've progressed like this at that time and precise moment."

I couldn't discount the possibility that it was a move I had managed to think of due to the extra time given to me.

"This match was the outcome of the advantageous situation Horikita had created during her match with Hashimoto. As far as I see it, I intervened while we still had the upper hand. I don't think it was a very fair match."

The match turned out the way it did because Horikita had given me an advantage. However, Sakayanagi's ability to overcome that disadvantage was a testament to her strength. 

If we were to play again without any advantages, I would not be guaranteed to win. Even if she proposed a rematch, I would prefer to avoid it if possible.

"Is that your way of comforting me?"

Sakayanagi chuckled, finding my response strange.

"That's not it. I was objectively stating the facts."

"I'm satisfied with this result. Isn't that enough?"

If she was satisfied, then that was certainly alright. That being said, it still didn't make me feel better.

"When this special exam was announced, you could've chosen to face me directly by further restricting the one-on-one event. If you had proposed something like that, I still would've accepted. But even so, you didn't. Why was that?"

Of course, it would've still been a random battle fought using only seven of the ten events, so there would've been no guarantee it'd get chosen. But, if the two of us had come to an agreement surrounding both of our one-on-one events, the chances of everything working out would've been relatively high.

"The reason is simple. As you must have reasoned, there was no guarantee it would be chosen. Also, if you indiscriminately competed with me in this one-on-one match, the people around you would surely be suspicious. I wanted to avoid letting either of those things happen. Though, the Acting Director took advantage of it in the end."

Sakayanagi had carefully planned the particular exam, considering my circumstances. This was probably why she got angry when Tsukishiro intervened. 

The seven events chosen today and the order in which they were selected were most likely predetermined and not random. Therefore, it was not a fair competition from the beginning.

"Besides, Hashimoto-kun was the most talented chess player in Class A, and yet he lost to Horikita-san after you taught him. That means that I lost in that respect as well."

Sakayanagi peacefully bowed her head to me.

"Ayanokouji-kun. It was a pleasure to face off against you. The answer I was looking for is clear to me now. You are certainly a genius. Your skill is by no means fake."

"You don't plan on taking revenge with chess again?"

"Do you want me to?"

"No, I don't."

"Fufu, how honest."

We could play this game privately between us due to the rare circumstances we found ourselves in. 

The particular exam had ended, and we were about to begin a long break, so we were able to locate a secluded spot with no other people around.

"As for the reason why I'm not planning on taking revenge... Honestly, I thought you and I were fairly evenly matched in chess. If we played ten games, it wouldn't be strange if we each had five wins and five losses. Would you disagree with that?"

"No, I agree."

Our true abilities were a perfect match, and if we were to face off again, it would definitely play out the way Sakayanagi predicted.

"But I feel that the winner would be you, Ayanokouji-kun. I would've lost back then, during the critical moments. Well, you have a slightly longer history with chess than me. Perhaps that made the difference."

A slightly competitive look showed on her face, emphasizing the importance of winning.

"If I were to take revenge using chess, that would take the fun out of it. Chess is a leisure activity, and I'd like to keep it that way."

As she spoke, she picked up one of the knights from the chessboard.

"Since you mentioned my history with chess, does that mean you did see me back then after all?"

"Yes. I was watching as you relentlessly overwhelmed your opponents in the White Room. I've been fond of chess ever since, believing the day would come when I'd face you myself."

The intuition I had about Class A's proposed events was correct. The inclusion of chess was not coincidental.

"Well then— let's hurry back, shall we?"

"I'll put it away. Just sit there and wait for a bit."

"Thank you very much. I'll gladly take you up on that."

I went and returned the pieces and board back to their original places.

"It's with regret that I must say this, but I will be keeping my distance from you from now on. If I were to continue fixating on you, our classmates would probably start to suspect something. Furthermore..."


"I've been dying to get to know you for so long. You're like a childhood friend I've never met, one I've always chased after. If it's easy for us to compete with one another, it would probably lose some of its value to me."

"Though knowing Acting Director Tsukishiro, this is no time for students to fight amongst each other anyway."

Under normal circumstances, this school is meant to have students competing with each other, but it seems like the school's priorities are misplaced. Although we may compete in similar ways later, there is no guarantee that he won't interfere again at some point. 

It's probably more accurate to say he would do whatever it takes to get in my way. However, I am grateful that I only need to be careful of him for now. 

If enemies on all sides surrounded me, the exhaustion that would come with it would be considerable. The two of us left the library.

"Come to think of it, this is the first time we've left the school together like this."

"Now that you mention it, you're right."

There was always somebody else together with her.

Moreover, the idea of the two of us walking side-by-side together like this wasn't the most natural one.

"I must apologize for being such a slow walker."

"You don't have to apologize for that."

Her slow walking speed was due to her handicap. Today, I felt thankful for it. I would reach the dorms too quickly if I walked at my usual pace.

"What are you thinking of doing from now on?"

"It just depends on what Tsukishiro does next. He may just be filling in for your father, but he's still the director. Ordinary methods won't work for him."

"You're right. Given the current situation, Father's reinstatement doesn't seem like it'll come easily after all."

"What are you planning on doing?"

As I asked, Sakayanagi pondered for a bit.

"For the time being, I'll enjoy myself as I always have. If Katsuragi-kun starts opposing me again, I'll act as his opponent. If Ichinose-san comes chasing after my position, I'll have fun crushing her back down as I play with her. If she gets herself expelled, I'd have the pleasure of watching as Class B falls apart as well."

She smiled like a little girl who was innocently playing with her dolls.

"I didn't foresee Ryuuen-kun's move, but... If he's come back to the battlefield, I'd also like to face off against him. It seems like it may not be such a boring school life after all."

"That's good to hear."

"The most important..." A solemn smile formed on Sakayangi's face, "I want to confront Norogumi about the truth."

I was surprised to hear this.

"He's been ignoring me..."

My concern is that it was right to tell Kagurazaka the truth. I don't know if he could handle it.

We arrived at the dorm, and Kagurazaka was waiting there. The air around him felt different. Sakayanagi must have noticed because she refused to look at him.

'You. Me. Special Annex Building'

I nodded.

Special Annex Building

Sakayanagi followed as we trailed behind Kagurazaka, who led us somewhere. Suddenly, he stopped and turned his back to us. There were no cameras in sight as he pulled out his phone and glanced at us.

"I hope you're ready."

I figured this would be coming, but I could feel it. The black abyss was ready to swallow me whole. It was my turn to be at Death's door.

Sliding his phone in his pocket, Kagurazaka didn't waste any time as he tried to get my head. I managed to block, but he pushed off his other foot and tried to strike my body with another kick.

I barely had enough time to block it as he created some distance.

He took the offensive and started hitting him with strikes, and I wasn't surprised he was blocking and dodging each one.

He started to throw punches, and I was blocking and dodging each one.

He seemed to have overextended one of his punches, so I took the advantage and struck him in the solar plexus.

He gasped for air, but I was surprised when he grabbed my arm and threw me over his back.

My back hit the ground as I ignored the pain and returned to my feet.

He had already composed himself and rushed at me. He was aiming for my liver.

It was a split-second decision when he changed the trajectory where he was aiming and clipped my jaw.

He aimed an overhand punch at my face. At the last moment, he tucked his fist, bringing his elbow down.

I blocked it, but I wasn't expecting it to cause a lot of pain.

Ignoring the pain, I struck in the face, causing him to stumble. I wouldn't let the opportunity go, so I hit him a few more times and tackled him to the ground.

I grabbed him by his collar and started hitting him in the face. I got a few good shots in before he began to block.

I aimed a punch into his side, breaking his guard.

Looking into the darkness, he stared at my eyes, but I felt it...

A black abyss stared right back at me. It felt like he was seeing right through me and into my soul. Warning alarms went off inside my head.

I didn't know what came over me, but I started striking even more.

He was taking every punch to the face but striking me back.

I was caught by surprise when he grabbed my collar and slammed his forehead against my head.

I winced in pain as he pushed me off of him, scrambling to his feet.

I got a good look at him. His bottom lip was busted and bleeding, and he had a few bruises on his face.

Blood was trickling down my nose, and I hoped it was broken.

He rushed at me as I reached out and grabbed his collar, but he pulled himself back when I heard something snap. His eyes widened as I noticed something was in my hand. I glanced to see that I was holding his necklace.

I made a grave mistake, looking him in the life. His eyes were cold and lifeless...

He rushed at me, and he seemed faster. I started blocking his strikes, but his hits were getting more vital and more challenging to counter.

He starts hitting me in the face and the body.

He was already behind me, lifting me into the air. I thought he was going to body slam me, but he hooked an arm around mine as I was coming.

He had me in a flying armbar, and I began to struggle to break out of it.

I could break free from it, but I was being too hopeful. His foot struck me in the side of the head.

I felt slightly dizzy, but it was my biggest mistake as I didn't push through dizziness.

He secured the flying armbar, and I didn't have any chance of breaking free.

I thought my shoulder was going to rip if I continued to struggle. There was no breaking free from it...












I tapped out.

He released my arm as I lay on the ground, staring at the ceiling.

The masterpiece of the White Room has lost...

I felt relieved.

That man wouldn't be happy. He would deem me a failure, but I was okay with it.

Kagurazaka held out his hand to me. I grabbed as he pulled me up. We stared at each other, but no words were exchanged.

He took the necklace from me and patted my shoulder before walking away.

I fought against the Grim Reaper and lost...

It looks like there's a lot more that I need to learn.

"You seem calm for someone who had lost," Sakayanagi said.

I forgot that she was still here.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"Fine," I answered.

"Fufufu. I feel ecstatic witnessing your defeat," she smugly smiles.

A solemn smile appeared on her face, "I think he deserves the truth."

I agreed with her.

Even though Kagurazaka and I didn't talk to each other much, I still consider him a friend.

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