Partners In Crime (lietpol/Po...

By justanothercringe

58.6K 4.6K 6.6K

When Toris meets Feliks, he is overjoyed; Toris doesn't have many friends to start with. However, when Feliks... More

7 years later...
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Bonus chapter
Bonus chapter 2
Bonus chapter 3

Chapter 14

1.7K 134 176
By justanothercringe

It was the first time Toris had ever kissed anyone, the second time he'd ever been kissed.

And he had to admit, it certainly lived up to his expectations.

It was as if their lips had melted into one. It felt like treachery, but also, triumph. Sweet victory over his own confusion.

Toris hadn't been previously aware of how much emotion a kiss could carry. Feliks was a slow, deep kisser and through his touch, Toris felt as if he were inside Felik's head.

Feliks was astonished, overjoyed, and overall, on top of the world. Toris felt the same. Their kiss was perfect, a true expression of love and gratitude.

When the two finally broke apart, they stayed almost an inch from each other's faces for a few seconds. Toris and Feliks breathed out through their mouths, feeling their warm breaths combine and blend on their tingly lips.

Feliks was the first one to speak. "That one totally didn't count."

Toris widened his eyes. "What?" What was wrong? Was he a bad kisser?

Feliks smirked. "That one was payback. For when you said you were straight. You just broke even but you still like, owe me one more smooch."

Toris chuckled. "You just want to kiss me again, don't you?"

Feliks shrugged but didn't deny it. He leaned close, and the two interlocked once again.

Toris was sad when the appointment ended. He texted his parents to come pick him up, and set up another visit the following day.

*Time skip brought to you by Gilbird.**

The next visit was much like the first. But this time, there were less tears, and more quality time.

"Toris do you like, have your phone?"

The Lithuanian nodded. "Uh, yeah. Why?"

"Ugh thank God. I'm totally not allowed to have one. I want to show you something."

Toris chuckled. "Okay."

"You have a Netflix app, right?"


Feliks nodded in approval. "Okay good. But before I continue down this dark passage with you, I need to be totally positive. You're definitely not straight, right?"

"Yeah I'm pretty sure," Toris laughed.

Feliks leaned close and whispered into Toris's ear, "Okay. I'm going to show you something very sacred. Once you start you can like, never go back. Gimme your phone."

Toris obliged and handed it over. Feliks opened Netflix and scrolled through, stopping on what he was looking for.

Toris's eyebrows scrunched in confusion. "Glee?"

Feliks nodded, placing a finger over his lips. "Shh. Just shut up and enjoy it. It's like, the international show for homosexuals. Well, you can still watch if you're like, a straight guy but that's rare."

Toris grinned and shook his head at the absurdity of his short friend. "Alright," he said, amusement dancing along his smile.

They spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch, watching Glee on Toris's phone.


Toris was so happy, but there was still something nagging him. Beside Feliks and the Bad Touch Trio, no one knew about his affair. He would have to tell everyone eventually. But he wasn't sure how exactly he should go about doing that.

Toris had regularly been seeing Feliks for about a month when he saw Feliks look miserable again.

Feliks's eyes were swollen as if he were holding back tears.

Toris ran over to him. "Feliks, what happened?"

Feliks's shoulders shook. His lower lip wobbled dangerously. "Liet, I'm like not going to be able to see you again I didn't want to leave and then my dad was like 'you totally have to leave' I was all like 'no' but then was like 'why not' and I didn't want to tell him about you even though I'm totally not ashamed of you I just didn't know if you were like ready to go public with us and like I just don't know and I want everything to be okay and normal but I don't know if it will be anymore-"

Toris cut Feliks off. "Woah. Slow down. What happened?"

The Pole wiped his eyes. "My dad left my mom today."

Toris shut his eyes. This was awful. Feliks had already been through so much. This was the last thing he needed.

"I'm sure it has nothing to do with you," Toris assured.

"No. It has everything to do with me. My dad is leaving because my mom doesn't want me anymore."


Feliks nodded. "And, and when I get out of this Facility, I'm moving away. Back to Poland, with my dad."

Toris was crestfallen. Feliks was going to be moving? He couldn't imagine living without Feliks anymore.

Every day Toris would come home from school and think about the Pole and imagine scenarios in his head of what he would say when he saw Feliks next. Toris knew he could never forget about Feliks. Even if they, Godforbid, broke up, Feliks would always have a special place reserved in Toris's heart and memory. He was the Lithuanian's first kiss and first love.

Toris internally slapped himself. No. Of course he wasn't giving up Feliks because of some stupid distance between them.

Toris took Felik's hand and squeezed it tightly. "It'll be okay," Toris promised. Feliks nodded. Toris continued, "I don't can't how far away you are. I love you."

"I love you too."

Feliks smiled and hugged Toris. "Hey Liet," he said. "I was just wondering, but when did you first realize that you loved me?"

Toris looked up at the ceiling, thinking. "I think it was when you we were filming the first fail video, and you told me you didn't want me to get hurt. I realized that I didn't want to see you get hurt either. Of course, I didn't realize I was in love until later."

Feliks nodded. "I fell in love when we were like, talking in the nurse's office, and I told you to tell me something crazy, and you totally did." A blissful look crossed Felik's face as he recalled the memory. "I first noticed you because I saw you in Ivan's yard, and I was thinking, 'Woah. That guy is totally beautiful. Feliks, what are you going to do?' So I watched you and then you totally jumped from that branch and then I was all 'that was totally badass' and then I confronted you. When I was just like, casually talking to you after that you were all shy and awkward, but when you told me that story about you and the fountain, it was like seeing the real you. That's when my feelings like, stopped being a crush and started being love."

Toris smiled. Love.

His phone dinged with a text notification. Gilbert.

Hey homo, I rigged tomorrow's school-wide morning news so that the picture shows up on camera. Hit 1,000,000 views last night. ~Gilbert

Toris's mouth gaped open. Had the Bad Touch Trio not seen Felik's video? Had they chosen to ignore it?

Feliks leaned over Toris's shoulder and read the message.


"Yeah," Toris responded blankly in a monotone voice.

"Did my video hit a million views?"

"It did indeed."

"Those bastards."


Wait... Bastard.

Who was the anchor for the morning announcements? Wait, that's right.


A/N: Thank you so much to all my readers for sticking through this story with me! It's honestly taking over my life and I can't stop thinking about it and I just NEED to write it sometimes. Hahaha, but thank you all for your kind comments.

Sorry the useless fluff chapter, I needed kind of an insulator to set up to the next chapter. ;)

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