Robin's Song

By Magic_Dew

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Robin's Song is a dark, royal story featuring a troubled teen boy who has his hands tied with a dangerous org... More

All the Fun Stuff (intro)
I Never Liked the Back to School Season
And They Were Roommates
Uh..Could You Not?
Welcome to The Club
Fighting is Encouraged
Catching Feelings like it's the Cold
Small Talk and Salad
An Extra Treat for Breakfast
I don't want to recreate a balcony scene
Stress Stress and more Stress
I Can't Believe Ive Done This
You Should Have Seen My Face
It's Me. I am the April Fool
That's Gonna Leave a Scar
Shh! We're In A Library
Go Jump In A Lake
Shower Thoughts
I Heart Balls
Panic! At the Disco
How To Run From the Mess You Made
Go to Bed, I Said
I'll Probably Regret This
Funny to See You Here
Cry Me a Confession
Bull in a China Shop
Battles At The Bar
Monsters By My Bed
The Bell Didn't Save Us
Letters of Acceptance
If You're Gonna Do It, Do It Shoe-Less
Skipping Around Town
How To Lose Your Sanity 101
It's Too Early To Throw A Knife
Avoiding Our Problems Through Cute Horses
Don't Interrupt the Tour Guide
Family Photos Got Me In My Feels
Hide and Seek of Doom
Pick Another Bedtime Story

Dinner With The Devil

16 5 2
By Magic_Dew


Not one hair is out of place as I prepare myself for the dinner. Some could say this is the mark of the beginning of our events. Ever since my friends and I decided we were going to stop Robin's Father's dark organization and free the people he has hurt, it has all felt like a dream. That our plan would never be possible because of how risky it is. But here we are, about ready for dinner with the devil himself.

Robin had informed us that Mr. Kedron doesn't like to be kept waiting, so I got myself dressed and polished in a short amount of time. I feared that I would take too long, but instead, I had numerous minutes to sit and be anxious. Because of the anxiety, I don't feel the need to eat dinner. If I were at the school, I would skip dinner if I felt this way, but there is no way I can skip this dinner.

Robin said he wanted some alone time with his Father before he met the rest of us. Forever I will remember the look on Robin's face when he tries to act confident in his decisions. His dull eyes droop hopelessly on his reflection when he fixed his style hair in the mirror. I appreciate Robin meeting him before us. But, at the same time, it makes me nervous. There's not a doubt in my mind that Robin is on our side, I only question why he wouldn't want us with him.

It's been about half an hour before Arlo and Eden decided we should all go down to the dining room. I've had to watch the couple cuddle together in worry for the last while. I didn't want to feel cruel for the love they'd found, but I didn't like the feeling of being cold in the corner where I sat. However, this trip has been brewing up more emotions than I had expected.

─────── 𓃥 ───────

Two servants stand outside the large wooden doors. As we arrive, they silently open the doors revealing the dining room with the glass ceiling. It looks completely different at night as candles are now being used the light the space. It has a dark feeling. For some reason, I had expected to see a devil sitting at the head of the table, waiting for us. My thought had been proven wrong when I noticed that only Robin was sitting at the long table. His head which was once in his hands, lifts to greet us. His unfocused gaze doesn't leave his hands, where they viciously pick at the skin of one other.

Arlo whispers something that I cannot hear. Quietly, we approach the table and take our seats near Robin. Something had disappointed him and I believe it's because his Father isn't here. Slowly I lift a hand to his jacket-covered shoulder. He lets out a long breath before tilting his head. His lips form a line before speaking.

"He's late," Robin sneers out. My hand jerks off of his shoulder in surprise. He continues, "He is so strict about everyone else being on time, but look at him now! He's not here." Anger flows out of Robin as his dark stare meets all of ours. "I shoulder have known," His voice breaks from frustration to sadness, "My Father has never shown up for me, never."

A shocked silence fills the room. None of us know how to react to such a heartbreaking truth. My own heart stings at the fact that Robin has been deeply hurt by such a careless guy. From what I've seen, Robin has never had a parental figure. Growing up, his only friends were the workers on this estate. I can't imagine how terrible that must have been for him knowing that he doen't have someone to care for and look out for him.

All four of us sit with our heads low. Not a word is said between us besides asking what we do now. Not even that question was answered. The kitchen staff looked as disappointed as we were but continued to bring out dinner. The food is magnificent and I think I would have enjoyed it better if I were in any other mood.

In the middle of our first-course meal, the doors open again. My head swiftly looks to see who has come in, and even though I have never seen the man before, I know exactly who it is.

"Hello there" A solid voice calls from the man like he hadn't expected to see us here. He's draped in a large enter cloak with white fur decorating the hood. The sharp black boots on his feet click across the floor as he reaches his chair at the head of the table. While he sits down, I straighten my posture. My face fixes itself so it doesn't look like I'm terrified. Which I am.

"Son," He nods at his son closest to his left, both Robin and his Father share a stare before it breaks. I could already feel it, the tension was strong. "And friends," He finishes. His cold gaze studies each one of us. A shiver runs down my spine as I lock eyes with him for a few seconds. Frantically, I think I should say something, but right as I say my sentence, Arlo also speaks.

"Thank you for having us, Mr. Kedron," I thank.

"It's so nice to meet you," Arlo chirps at the same time.

We exchanged a worried glance at each other. Embarrassment swirls in my chest, but we both flash Mr. Kedron an apologetic smile. Thankfully, he looks rather amused than offended. His attention is diverted as a servant sweeps in to place the man's food in front of him. My dry throat aches for my glass of water, but I deny it as I'm afraid I might accidentally spill water on myself. Or worse, I accidentally spill water on his nice table decorations.

"Father," Robin speaks for the first time. "This is Fox," He introduces me as he gestures to where I sit next to him. Next, he introduces Arlo and Eden. Poor Eden looks like she's going to cry under the pressure of this dinner. I pray that this won't be too harsh for her.

"It's very nice to meet you all, I appreciate the fact you wanted to spend your holiday with my son and me. I apologize for being late, I had some..." Mr. Kedron hesitates for a split second, "Work business to deal with," Mr. Kedron finishes quickly before looking down to cut his steak. I steal a glance at Robin and the look on his face tells me 'work business' means nothing good.

─────── 𓃥 ───────

"That was horrible! I've never wanted to leave a room so much in my life," Eden sobs into our bed pillow. Her small back rises and falls unevenly as her cries thicken.

We had just gotten back from our dinner with Mr. Kedron. Nothing dangerous happened, but knowing someone dangerous is sharing a meal with you is not the best feeling. After Mr. Kedron had excused himself to go get ready for bed. Eden was almost at a cracking point. Right as he left, she didn't try to hide the tears that were welling behind her eyes.

"Eden," I sit next to her on the bed. Every time she sobs, it's a knife to my heart. I rub her back softly as I try to speak some words of reassurance. There have only been a few times in my life where I've seen Eden feel unprotected. She breaks down for days until she's out of her difficult situation. She doesn't fight to help herself, so she accepts defeat immediately. Sadly, I think this is one of those situations.

"I'm not you, Fox." Eden lifts her tear-stained face from the pillow. My mouth gaps open at her sentence. Not like me? Another tear rolls down her eyes. "I'm not brave, I'm not strong, and I can't go through with this plan like you can."

My body tense up as I stare at my poor sister falling apart. Her doubts are what's pulling her apart. The feelings inside of me start to burn. Why does she feel like she has to be like me? Doesn't she know I also struggle with all those things she described me as?

"Nobody is asking those things from you, Eden. I don't think you know yourself," I gently say to her. Trying to be careful to not say anything that might upset her. "I understand this plan is scary, but you shouldn't feel like you can't also fight. The Eden I know would do anything for the people she loves." Her hands work to wipe away her tears as she listens to me.

"This is so hard," her voice breaks as she tries to calm herself. Eden's head is tilted to the ceiling to keep her tears back. Her hands tremble in her lap.

"This is hard," I agree with her, "But don't doubt that we can't do it. Just think of how many people we would be saving." I try to smile at her. I didn't expect one back, but Eden gave me a small nod.

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