Young Justice: The Rubber Hero

By Board_PirateKing

7.3K 213 58

Luffy Powers Reader in the Young Justice Universe. Does this young hero have what it takes to become a great... More

The Rubber Boy Who Smiled
Straw Hat's First Fight
Straw Hat In Santa Prisca
Quick Notes
Same Friends, New Enemies, New Decisions
Does He Know?
The Bialya Mission

The Power Of Amazo

599 22 11
By Board_PirateKing

Stars City

Canary is in civilian clothes, and Y/N walks next to her, also in civilian attire, having left his straw hat at the base. The two stop outside a bank. Opening the doors, she gestures for him to enter. Y/N enters the bank, and black eyes immediately begin to glance around at the area in front of him, wondering where some food might be found.

"There is no need to be so tense. This is a rather simple formality," smiles Canary.

"Tense?" Y/N stares at the woman, amusement appearing in his eyes. He gestures for Canary to lead the way, not saying anything more. Canary realizes how silly she must have sounded. That is like telling Superman to be careful around a gun. As crazy as it may seem, the most dangerous person in the bank at the moment is the child. She heard about the mission to Santa Prisca. Y/N single-handedly took down thirty Cobra fanatic followers, Cobra, Sportsmaster, and a genetically enhanced human with incredible super strength and speed. He did this all with taking few bruises; he healed relatively fast, she noted. It was a scary thought to think that a child managed to accomplish such a feat on his own. Y/N's abilities have drawn the attention of the entire League.

"It is not just the League," thinks Canary. She walks up to the bank teller. "I am here to help my cousin open an account. His name is Y/N."

Her words make Naruto give a sideways glance. 'Cousins?' Y/N thinks to himself. Family usually always share looks and features with each other. It was a believable enough lie, he supposed.

The bank teller smiles. "I shall get the paperwork ready." Y/N barely pays attention, choosing to head over to a bowl of red-wrapped candy he notices in the corner of his eye.

Next, he would be happily enjoying the chocolate-wrapped candy, getting distracted with the task at hand.

While waiting for the paperwork, Canary returns to her original thoughts. Cobra may be a fanatic who believes himself to be a god, but the man is extremely dangerous. A day after being captured and placed in Arkham Asylum, there was a huge bounty placed on the person responsible for the capture of Cobra. Y/N's identity is unknown to Cobra, but the bounty on his head is for 3 million dollars. Batman is working overtime to make sure that Y/N's identity remains a secret. Canary is glad that Y/N has a code name, but he doesn't wear a mask, and his main form of disguise is a straw hat. Y/N carries no fear at all about his identity being revealed. She already knows that he is the type of person who will walk around in broad daylight, even with a bounty on his head.

"You have something you want to say to me?" Y/N notices Canary glancing at him in the distance.

"No, I have a lot on my mind is all."

Y/N smirks then asks Canary, "Batman told you already about my intuition, right?" Canary nods. "Then you should know that lying to me is almost pointless. Even half-truths will not work if you aren't fully committed to it." Plain black eyes stare deep into her own light blue. "I may not know why, but if you want to lie, that is fine, but make sure to just do a better job at it on the bad guys."

Y/N laughs. A small smile forms on her face. "I'll work on it," smirks Canary. Perhaps batman really was wrong about him after all.

Mount Justice

"Recognized B30, Straw Hat."

In a flash of light, Y/N appears in the cave. That was faster than he thought. Canary had helped him set up a bank account, and the League transferred seven hundred dollars into the account. $760.72 US dollars will be transferred to his bank account each month, with an extra $398.71 for every mission he completes. A bit on the small side, but it is a start. He used half the money to purchase many different varieties of foods before returning to base. There is this great store that he found a month ago. It was a store that lets you walk in, go around, and buy whatever you want; it was called a Supermarket. When he had enough money, he planned to go back and buy some more stuff, but he didn't want to waste all his money on one trip. Cut off from his thoughts, Y/N would notice a green girl flying towards him.

Megan flies towards him with a smile. 'How are you?' 'Good,' greets Y/N. 'How are things around here?' She lands on the ground. 'A bit boring. Superboy went out to help with an accident on the Metropolis Bridge. So I have been pretty much alone.' Megan shifts nervously. 'Do you want to do something?' Y/N stretches his head to the side. 'Sure, what did you have in mind?' Megan smiles brightly. Just as she is about to voice her idea, the Zeta Tube flares to life.

"Recognize B02, Aqualad." In a flash of light, Kaldur enters the cavern. "Kaldur!" beams Megan. "What are you doing here?"

Kaldur smiles at Megan. "I was hoping to hang out with my friends." He walks over to Y/N, offering his hand. "It is good to see you." Y/N stares at the offered hand before extending his own. Aqualad again would feel the calming sensation from before.

"Recognized B03, Kid Flash!" "Hey Megalicious, did you miss me?" Kid enters the room dressed in his usual hero gear. In a burst of speed, he speeds over to Megan, placing an elbow on her shoulder. "Want to spend some alone time together." Megan gives a friendly smile. "Good to see you too, Wally." Y/N laughs. He admires the girl for enduring Wally's attempts at flirting. He knew surely if he was in said position he would have punched him.

"Recognized B01, Robin." "Yo," waves Robin. "I am ready for a mission." "Tell me about it." Kid starts to munch on a chocolate bar. "I am getting bored with all this nothing." "I am sure we will get a mission soon," reassures Megan.

"Recognized B04, Superboy." Superboy enters the room. "How did everything go?" Megan's question is never answered. The clone brushes past the entire team. A new voice speaks out, stopping Superboy from leaving the room. "Time for training." The entire team turns around to see two adults walking towards them. Martian Manhunter and Black Canary walk towards the team. Y/N's eyes lock onto Canary's right shoulder. It is bandaged up. That was not there two hours ago when he last saw her.

"Uncle J'onn!" Megan runs over to her uncle, giving him a hug. "What are you doing here?" A large smile is on her face. "I was in the neighborhood and decided to drop by to see how you were doing," smiles the Martian Manhunter. Megan smiles. "I hit a few bumps but I am learning." "That is all I can ask." Superboy sends a jealous glance at Megan and Martian Manhunter. Scowling, he turns to leave. "Stick around," says Canary. "Training is in session." Canary walks to the middle of the room activating the simulation. "I want you to know that I consider it an honor to teach you." She goes to remove her jacket. "I will throw everything at you. Everything that I learned from my own mentors and as well..." she winces in pain, "and my own bruises." "What happened?" asks Megan concerned.

"The job," smirks Canary. "Combat is all about putting the battle on your terms. You should always be acting and not reacting. I need a sparring partner." "Oh me!" Kid walks forward with a cocky smirk. Taking one last bite from his banana, he tosses it into the nearby garbage bin. "Once this is over, I'll show you my moves." Canary clears her throat, drawing Kid's attention. "Are you ready?" Kid turns back around, gaining that flirtatious smile. She crouches into a fighting stance. Moving quickly, she throws a straight right punch. Kid easily blocks the punch, but she already predicted that he would and ducked down into a leg sweep that swept Kid's legs out from under him. The speedster hit the ground back first. The words FAIL appear next to him. "Hurt so good," groans Kid. Robin bursts out laughing.

Canary helps Kid up. "Good block, but did you know what you did wrong?" Robin raises his hand. "He hit on the teacher and got schooled!"

Y/N, after Robin would say "He is too overconfident when fighting someone stronger than him," Robin snickered.


"He allowed me to dictate the terms of battle," starts Canary. "Please." She turns around to face Superboy. "With my powers, the battle is always on my terms. I am a living weapon and this is a waste of my time," scowls Superboy.

Canary smirks, "Prove it." Superboy's eyes narrow. He steps forward, crouching into a fighting stance. Canary gets into her own stance. A silent signal goes off. Superboy throws a punch, only to find Canary grab his arm and toss him over her shoulders.

'Whoa,' thinks Y/N. Superboy is a powerhouse with incredible strength. Y/N is shocked seeing Canary toss someone comparable to Superman in strength. It goes to show him how much of a factor experience played.

Laughter comes from Robin. Kaldur nudges his friend. Robin throws up his hands over his mouth to muffle his laughter. Superboy charges angrily at Canary, but is once again knocked to the ground. "Good, you are angry. Channel that anger," says Canary. Growling, Superboy leaps at Canary only to have his legs swept out from under him. For the third time, he is on his back with the words FAIL next to his body.

"Enough!" Superboy stands up. "I am done."

"Training is mandatory," states Canary. A screen pops open. "Batman to the cave!" The team gathers around to listen. "Five hours ago, Green Arrow called in the League to help deal with an android threat. It turned out to be disastrous." Another screen pops open to show an alien-looking android fighting various members of the Justice League and winning. "The android possessed the ability to copy the powers of anyone it came in contact with. In the end, it took eight League members four hours to defeat the android."

Robin's eyes widen. "A machine with the powers of the entire Justice League. Who made it? T.O. Morrow?" "Good guess, but Red Tornado doesn't think so."

Martian Manhunter addresses the team. "It bears the signature of Professor Ivo."

"Ivo? But he is dead," says Aqualad. "So we thought and hoped," replies Canary.

Y/N's eyes narrow upon the android. A machine that possessed the powers of the League. That is a scary thought. He had no idea that technology could do that. The technology of the world is far more dangerous than he thought. Looks like he will need to be a bit more careful.

"Until this threat is permanently neutralized, we are sending two trucks carrying the parts to two separate STAR Labs in Boston and New York. You all will split up into two separate teams to safeguard the two real trucks," continues Batman.

"So now we take out your garbage?" Batman stares at Superboy, not liking the attitude. "You had something better to do?" The image disappears.

Aqualad double checks the coordinates. "Coordinates received, time to move out." The team begins to head out. A hand reaches out grabbing Superboy's arm. Superboy turns to look at Canary. "When you are ready, I will be here," says Canary.


Batman and several other League members are overseeing the loading of the android. Among them is Captain Atom, Superman, Hawkman, and Green Lantern. Y/N stares curiously at the members of the Justice League. He must admit that these League members sure do look strong. Honestly, he is curious to how he measures up to them. Y/N would think about the fights back at the base of Black Canary. If her only power is being an expert in martial arts than she won't prove much of a match for him, he thought to himself. But he was sure she had her own secret abilities. It makes him wonder the abilities of the rest of the League members.

Aqualad glances at Y/N and Superboy. Superboy is staring straight in the direction of Superman while Naruto is observing all the members of the Justice League. This is the second mission that the team was given. Teamwork is the key to success. Y/N proved on the first mission that he is able to handle his own even when the numbers are stacked against him. While the rest of the team argued and fought, Y/N single-handedly brought down Cobra and Sportsmaster. Two of the most dangerous criminals in the world were taken out by a single person. Aqualad knows that the most qualified person to lead this team is not him nor Robin, it is Y/N.

According to Robin, Batman learned that Y/N had amnesia. His skill in combat and with his powers just didn't make sense to him. Robin may have been trained by Batman, but Aqualad could only think of who in the world was capable of making Y/N strong enough to be the ideal candidate to lead a Justice League associated covert team in terms of strength. The problem is that Y/N lacks the proper knowledge of the team; he definitely noticed all the times Y/N would be caught zoning out. Megan is constantly relaying conversations to Y/N via telepathy. The second problem is that no one except Megan knows Y/N's personality since she is the one that he talks to most. Until the team learns a bit more about his personality, no one can really trust him. Using this knowledge, Aqualad has placed Y/N on his team along with Miss Martian. Robin, Kid Flash, and Superboy make up the second team.

Batman gives the signal. The team splits into two groups following the trucks. One by one the members of the Justice League leave the scene. Superman is about to take off but is stopped by Batman. "I told you that we needed to talk."

On the road, Team A is following the truck to Boston. Team A consists of Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Y/N. Each member of the team is riding on a brand new motorcycle. Y/N revs the engines shooting ahead of the others. This is the type of technology that he enjoys. 'WAHOOO! do we get to keep these?' asks Y/N.

Aqualad laughs before responding back. 'League property.'

'I see,' Y/N says. Aqualad rides next to Naruto. 'These are for mission purposes so they will be available to us during missions. I doubt Batman will let us use them for other purposes.'

'I will have to look into buying one.'

A smirk appears on Aqualad's face. Perhaps his worries were unjustified. A strange sound hits Y/N's ears. He turns his head making Miss Martian and Aqualad do the same. All three stare at green and silver monkeys that are flying through the air right towards them. 'Flying monkeys that is new.'

Aqualad opens up communication with Team B. "Robin come in, we are under attack."

"Kind of figured, it is the same over here."

Y/N would begin to tap several buttons. The seat shifts up and the back part of the bike comes apart. He starts to ride on the front wheel. Miss Martian abandoned her bike choosing to fly. She uses her telekinetic powers to smash the monkeys into each other. The two monkeys explode in a shower of debris.

Aqualad keeps one hand on the handles while using the other to swing a whip of water that cuts through several of the robotic monkeys.

In a single leap, Y/N lands on the roof of the truck. He begins stretching his arms at rapid speeds rapidly punching monkeys. Each punch destroys a monkey. The monkey's eyes begin to glow green. Green laser beams are fired at the young heroes. Y/N would dodge the beams, crossing his fingers together into a net formation he would stretch his arms grouping the monkeys together. Before swinging his net filled with monkeys into the air and bringing them down with great force the attack would take out the several of the monkeys.

Miss Martian slams a monkey into the street with her telekinetic powers. Turning, her eyes widen in surprise. Y/N is standing on the side of the truck as if upright on one leg. He is fighting them as if standing on solid ground while his other leg is wrapped around the track stabilizing his positioning. 'How is he doing that?'

Several monkeys land on the back of the truck. Using the laser, they cut through the armored truck opening up a large hole. "There are too many!" yells Aqualad.

'Get in front of the truck!' orders Y/N. Miss Martian and Aqualad look at him curiously. Y/N could be seen inhaling air at an astounding pace.

"Miss Martian move!" Aqualad speeds in front of the truck. Miss Martian flies ahead. Y/N finishes while his stomach would be inflated a size he had not reached before.


Winds erupt outward from Y/N's body. Miss Martian is almost caught up in the fierce winds. Aqualad watches in awe as Y/N created a wind strong enough to rival Red Tornado and Mister Twister. Two dozen of the monkeys hit the street causing multiple explosions. The winds keep up until all the robotic monkeys are destroyed. "How did he do that?" wonders Miss Martian.

"My guess comes to it has all to do with the rubber nature of his body and his powers," answers Aqualad. "I have never seen anything like it."

Y/N is panting slightly exhausted. The attack took a lot to pour out of him like that; usually, he would never expand to a size of that nature but Y/N wanted to make sure to pack a punch on that attack so he took it a notch up.

"This is Robin to Aqualad. We lost our cargo and a teammate. Superboy is pretty much gone."

"Yeah, the guy went ballistic."

Aqualad radios Superboy. "Superboy give us your position so we can back you up."

"I don't need help. Don't want it!"

"Superboy! Superboy!"

"I think he ditched his transmitter."

"Great, now how do we get back the parts?"

'Well, there is one way to track the parts.'

"How is that?" asks Aqualad.

The boy points in the distance. There is a dozen more monkeys flying towards them. 'If we let them take the parts and follow them,' suggests Y/N. Miss Martian relays the plan to Robin over the radio.

"That actually isn't a bad plan," says Robin. "We could capture whoever is after the parts and that could lead us to who built the robot."

"The League would be impressed if we can capture Professor Ivo."

Aqualad gains a pensive expression. "Not much time to decide," says Miss Martian.

"Let them have the parts," says Aqualad.

Y/N stretches away from the truck landing on the back of Aqualad's bike. Aqualad is shocked to see Y/N land there without any trouble at all. The three watch as the robotic monkey's steal the Amazo parts.

Superboy slams down upon the train car. He spent the last five hours chasing those monkeys. There were several points that he almost lost them, but he managed to use his enhanced vision to find them again. It led him to this train car. He punches a hole in the roof, he jumps down into the car. Laughter fills the air. Robotic monkeys are sitting on the crates.

"Well, what do we have here?"

A small man that barely comes up to five feet tall steps out of the darkness. He wears a sweater vest over a long sleeve white shirt and black dress pants. "You are Professor Ivo?" Superboy looks down upon the man. "Consider me disturbed."

"I didn't know that the Big Blue had a brat."

"He doesn't."

Professor Ivo looks at the clone before waving dismissively. "If you say so." The professor smiles as his monkeys start to hover behind him. "How did you like my Mobile Optimal Neural Quotient Infiltrators?" Laughter comes from the robotic monkeys before attacking Superboy. A couple punches destroy the first two monkeys before he grabs the third and fourth. He smashes the two monkeys together. "Hmm, if Ivo's Magnificent MONQIs don't float you maybe my Amazing Amazo will better suit you." Superboy has no time to react when a punch slams into his face sending him flying into the crates behind him. "Or better slay you."

Superboy looks up to see a six-and-a-half-foot-tall android. It is the same android that was in the footage of fighting against the Justice League. "Accessing Superman," says Amazo. Narrowing his eyes, Superboy lunges at Amazo. Amazo catches the punch and slams a knee into Superboy's gut. An uppercut launches Superboy through the roof and high into the air. The clone is sent flying over half a mile before crashing through the roof of a school building. He crashes straight through several floors landing in a large basketball gym. Superboy goes to stand, but a force from above smashes him back into the floor creating a small crater. The clone is lifted up before a punch sends him flying. Blood sprays from Superboy's mouth.

A whip of water heads at Amazo's back. "Accessing Martian Manhunter." Amazo becomes intangible. The whip of water passes through Amazo harmlessly.

Amazo turns around to face its new opponents. "Accessing Captain Atom." Aqualad dives out of the way to avoid nuclear energy. Superboy goes to attack Amazo, but the android turns around firing a second blast of energy that strikes the clone in the chest. Pain fills the clone. The android never gets a chance to finish Superboy. Amazo is picked up into the air by an invisible hand and tossed into the bleachers.

"Now that was interesting."

Professor Ivo is carried into the gym by his robotic monkeys. He takes a seat on the bleachers. His eyes land upon the green-skinned girl hovering in the air. "I didn't know there was another Martian. Guess the Big Blue wasn't the only one hiding a kid," smirks Ivo.

"Analyzing...information downloaded." Amazo stands up. A wave of the hand sends Miss Martian flying into the wall. "Accessing Miss Martian."

A chuckle comes from the professor. "It looks like you are not as weak as the others," smirks Ivo.

Aqualad forms a pair of whips with his water bearers. "We need to disassemble the android before it absorbs more powers."

"Good luck with that," Ivo leans back on the bleachers. "Amazo kill them, priority alpha."

"Accessing Flash."

In a burst of speed too fast to follow, Amazo dodges the water whips and appears in front of Aqualad. Fifteen punches strike Aqualad all over his body. A right hook sends Aqualad flying into the far wall. "Accessing Martian Manhunter." Amazo becomes intangible, letting a kick pass through him harmlessly. Y/N lands on the ground spinning around to face his opponent. "Accessing Superman." Amazo's eyes begin to glow red. The boy catapults himself, dodging the pair of heat beams on his trail.

Amazo pauses to analyze Y/N. "Analyzing...analyzing... ...information downloaded."

Ivo smirks. "This should be intriguing." The professor's eyes narrow upon Y/N. "Allow me to see the true capabilities of your abilities in the right hands." Y/N doesn't respond as his attention is fully on the android. Amazo in a quick speed would stretch his arm attacking Y/N at unreal speeds. Y/N ducks under a high-speed punch before sliding backwards to avoid a follow-up punch.

"Accessing Miss Martian."

A telekinetic blast sends Y/N flying. Miss Martian uses her powers to catch Y/N. "Are you..."

'Pay Attention!'

Miss Martian has no time to react when Amazo is flying in the air next to her. "Accessing Superman," Amazo slams a fist into Miss Martian's gut. Her eyes roll up into her head. She falls towards the ground face first.

"Miss Martian!" yells Superboy. His eyes fill with rage. Superboy leaps into the air. Amazo spins around, catching the fist and twirls Superboy around before tossing him straight down into the floor.

"Accessing Captain Atom."

A stream of nuclear energy plows into Superboy. Superboy screams in pain. His shirt is burned away, and the skin on his chest begins to melt. "Leave him alone!"

Amazo becomes intangible to avoid a mace made of water. "Accessing Martian Manhunter." Amazo turns to face Aqualad. "Accessing Superman." Flying straight at Aqualad, Amazo pounds Aqualad into the ground. An explosion fills the gym.

Ivo clicks his tongue. "Oh well, looks like the show is over."

The dust clears to reveal Amazo standing in a crater with Aqualad knocked out cold. Amazo turns his head to look up in the bleachers across from Professor Ivo. Y/N is standing on the bleachers with a serious expression. "Oh right, that one. Amazo, capture him priority alpha. I want to dissect him," smirks Ivo.

"Accessing Flash."

In a burst of speed, Amazo would appear behind Y/N. Amazo wraps his arms around Y/N. "Accessing Superman." Y/N grits his teeth as Amazo begins to squeeze him. Y/N 's Eyes would begin to fade. Professor Ivo smirks in glee. A smile starts to form on Y/N's face. "I thought you analyzed me..." , "you should know I'm a rubber man."


Professor Ivo's eyes widen as Y/N's body expanded. The bleachers crumble under the sudden burst. Out of the crumble emerges Amazo with relatively small damage to its chest.

Sparks begin to fly off the ground from the android as it digs its feet in, readying to move. Amazo uses its x-ray vision to locate Y/N, arms stretched, dangling from a point on the ceiling. Y/N drops down, barely able to avoid an extended punch coming at him. 'This is bad, I have to deal with this before things get too far out of hand,' Y/N thinks to himself. He extends both his arms, beginning to punch in front of himself rapidly in a Gatling-like barrage at the android. Amazo, in turn, mimics this, extending its own arms in the same formation, clashing with Y/N's punches. This goes on for a few seconds before Y/N is seen losing the clash, being hit and pushed back while still punching.

Amazo stops punching Y/N and dashes backwards. While deflecting and dodging Y/N's attacks coming towards it, Amazo stretches out a large punch that sends Y/N flying.

Y/N barely has time to recover; the punch he got hit with was a ferocious attack, mimicking his Giant Pistol perfectly. He knows that it is only the fact that the android was ordered to capture him that the punch's strength wasn't enough to kill him. Y/N closes his eyes, trying to let his next course of action flow into him, but his thoughts are quickly disturbed.

"Accessing Flash."

Amazo quickly runs towards Y/N, activating an ability it hadn't used before.

Y/N slams his foot on the ground. The gym floor under Amazo becomes a rubber-like surface, making it lose balance.

"Accessing Martian Manhunter."

Y/N grins, whispering, "Gotcha." Amazo becomes intangible, floating up to avoid the rubbery ground.

"Accessing Captain Atom..."

The moment Amazo switches to Captain Atom's abilities, Y/N quickly pounces, eyes with an expression unseen before, anger consuming his face. Y/N's right arm begins stretching backwards, reddish lightning wrapping around his fist along with flames at profound speeds. Y/N launches forwards, reappearing in front of Amazo.

"RED HAWK!"  Y/N screamed.

An explosion fills the air. Flipping out of the smoke, Y/N bounces, landing on the ground and falls to his back, smiling. Burns and blood cover his entire body with cuts and bruises. Amazo falls to the ground in multiple pieces.

'I'm too exhausted...' Y/N falls forward as the world of darkness consumes him.

Mount Justice

Black eyes snap awake. Y/N stares at an unfamiliar ceiling. Sitting up, he winces in pain. He looks down to see his chest heavily bandaged. Memories of the battle with the android come back to him. That android almost killed them all. It had the amazing ability to copy the powers of any meta-human that it laid eyes upon. Fortunately, Amazo was unable to copy all of his powers it seemed.

Y/N didn't have much time to himself as he looks to his right towards the door.

The doors to the room slide open. He turns his head to see Canary enter the room. A smile is on the woman's face. "Good to see you awake." Canary takes a seat next to him. "You have been out for the past two days. We are not sure what happened."

"Exhaustion." Canary remains silent. Y/N knows that she is waiting for a more in-depth explanation. "Look, I'm a rubber man, alright? If I fight the way I did and don't eat any food for a while, I'll pass out."

Canary gains a hard look. She truly had a hard time trying to understand the boy's unique anatomy. "You fought like a true hero. Ready to sacrifice your life to take down an enemy. I am proud of you," praises Canary.

Y/N raises an eyebrow. "Proud of me?"

"You almost died."

"No, I passed out for a couple of days. And there's no reason to be proud of me. Who else is there to save heroes other than other heroes!" Y/N smiles with the statement.

The woman rolls her eyes. And he is supposed to be a threat to the league. Canary stands up with a smirk. She reaches over and ruffles his hair. She reaches into her bag before smiling, returning the boy's straw hat left in a base room. Y/N smiles, putting on the hat. Laughing, she leaves the room, happy seeing that Y/N is acting his age for once. There is still hope for him.

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