Relationships & Partners and...

By Lumna10

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Here I give my opinion on my favorite characters and their relationship with others both as friends and some... More

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Word Choice: Verbs
Dialect And Slang
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Prepositions & Prepositional Phrases
Transition Words Lesson
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Fragmente & Run-ons
Parallel Construction
Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers
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Sentence Combining
Sentence Variety
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Answer Key For Some Correct Examples
Lecture On Style of Writing
Writing A Boring Piece Lesson
Copying To Annotate An A Response
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Setting Lecture
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Lecture 18: Evoking Setting & Place In Fiction
Lecture 2: Building Fictional Worlds Through Evocation
Lecture 20: Building Scenes
Lecture 13: How To Start A Plot
Lecture 14: How To End A Plot
Lecture 12: Narrative Without A Plot
Write The First Draft-Gabriel
Lecture 21: Should I Write In Drafts?
Lecture 19: Pacing In Scences and Narratives
Lecture 9: Turning Story Into Plot
Thirty Minute Essay & Beginning Drafts-Gabriel
Free Verse Poetry & Group Poem Lesson -Gabriel
Writing A Sonnet -Gabriel
Writing A Limerick -Gabriel
Writing Song Lyrics -Gabriel
The Art of Imagery-Writing Haiku -Gabriel
Writing A Blank Verse -Gabriel
Lesson On Line Breaks -Gabriel
Writing A Sestina The Final Challenge -Gabriel
Things To Decide Before Your Writing Hobby Begins
This Book Is Closed

Stella's Romantic Moment with Brandon and Why It Works P2

10 3 0
By Lumna10

Warning 1st and 2nd video may contain some graphic details.

The first reason the Stella and Brandon Romantic Moment at the end of Season 6 episode 21 is because of truth and actual genuine communication. When writing a good romance the word love or the phrases "I love you and I love you too honeybun" in Stella and Brandon's case you should avoid writing them way too many times. Characters don't always have to literally no puns intended here tell us what they feel they can show it with their eyes, their face and hands. Brandon and Stella's best display of PDA in public during public events that symbolize their genuine love for each other are their smiling eyes or they might be touching hands but they never publicly kiss each other on the lips out in public where everybody could see it happen.

This was a comment from a youtube on the top video guy's channel in the video for top 10 bad writing advices for all writers.
He goes over other ons I will link the video after I post this video because I wanted people to see this youtube comment first because he actually replied to this one because this comment was constructive and corrected an implication that this man was actually implying.
There were other story advices I see here that he pointed out were bad.
Like only write short stories.
"Only write Short Stories before writing long ones!" is one of the worst things you can say to a writer with a passion for writing." and I see short stories flop a lot right here on Wattpad. Write a long story out as one story and if you see there is multiple stories you can split them into short stories when you've finished the long stories.
This bad advice is also through English classes especially and believe I know because right here in American Highschool it annoyed me the most through my middleschool classes of English at Chardon Middle & Chardon High schools. The English classes always required a word count. Same with South Meck expect with Creative Writing my teacher required limited number of pages, but once I got into my college English course my English teacher did not require a word count. There was only one assignment that the work only was limited to 1 paragraph and the others had to have a limited page account.
I encourage you make your first draft extremely long Wattpad writers you have 200 chapters available to you fill them up. I've filled up a bunch of my books and some of them aren't edited because one day I plan to go back and reorganize them into shorter smaller series. Writing a long draft and keeping it up will show you a physical guide where you can visually see the errors you make in one story so you can reference it and not make it again.
And it tells and shows other writers to not be afraid of writing mistakes that is why I have most of my other Winx Club fanfiction books like Forgotten Fairies and Fairy of Solaria up still even though there are definitely problems I can see with them out there. I want people to be encouraged mistakes are okay, Skylights, especially as you're a writer writing takes on the hands on approach experience just like art like painting a masterpiece or making pottery or trying to make pastries or pizza you aren't going to get it right every time unless you think of the positive impact your mistake might have in the end.

This is one of my 2013-2014 paintings in the library room of my house I used to live in where I painted this on a painting desk that someone left covered one side in salt. Yeah, that right cloud on the bottom right. Would you believe it if I told you the bump before the gray after a clear brush stroke of blue was because of salt?
Would you?
Let me tell you something else about this painting I did the left cloud on the bottom left looks choppy like some real clouds? Why? Because I chose to utilize the dry paint of the white paint bottle. Therefore it made a realistic cloud that was starting to split up. The salt was an accident but it encouraged me to see what would happen with my dry paint pieces and how it would affect my painting and honestly I'd do it again when I could if I could.
And Second worst piece of advice "You have to do all your research!" no you don't have to do all the research you already knows lots of stuff and if you struggle writing friendships or romances ask people you know who are actively in them it shows them that you care and you are sympathetic. My eldest brother went through a divorce and then found a second better love in his current wife who birthed him two wonderful blessed girls who are my nieces. I know what good romance is because there is a shining example of it in my brother and my sister in-law as well as a Faithful love my brother and his wife do their best to live in proper faith to God and each other and it shines through on a daily basis. I don't need to research this romance because it already exists and it already blessed me with a huge positive countenance. And I am also blessed to be a witness to know my brother and his wife will raise their girls right as well. I cannot say the same for my other married siblings just yet especially one in particular the other is getting slightly better, because my other brother's wife makes him own up and apologize when he does something offensive to me or my sister who still lives with me and/or my parents too. Both my sister in-laws have good heads on their shoulders and are very sensible modest people and I'm so proud they've become part of my family to the instant T.

Keyword that is obvious here "Misinterpretation" I have always been visual learner irl but when I write I never forget the places where telling is more required where transition verbs come in to quickly switch scenes and topics. Writing is a hobby that juggles the show and telling aspects. Writing much like romance requires compromise between the two, Skylights.
Movies have made it tricky to remember you have to tell because movies capitalize on the show aspect way too much. This is why I like slow moving movies compared to action films like Star Wars A New Hope that movie went at a very slow pace or the Amish film I just mentioned it also carried on at steady slow pace, I also love the Winx Club Secrets of The Lost Kingdom, The Magical Adventure and The Mystery of the abyss the movies remain a steady slow pace. It is why Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets movie is one of my favorite movies and right behind it is Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince both those movies were designed to follow the book plot that was also supposed to move at a slow pace.
I get such a headache when watching Marvel movies when they are in constant action battles I'd rather read a battle scene than watch it honestly. It's why I adore Lord of the Rings film trilogy and The Hobbit Trilogy they do both show and tell. And one of the ways you can use tell is by using a main character to challenge other main characters like Boromir with Aragorn, Legolas and Gimili. Frodo and Sam, Pippin and Gandalf. Bilbo and Thorin do this throughout The Hobbit Trilogy and Thorin exposed more of Bilbo's weaknesses by constantly challenging him. This is something we never get from the: "The Lord of the Rings films" ever.

The best thing about writing hobby is you don't need approval to write and I can 100% guarantee some of the most famous authors in the world today were looked down upon when they were seen writing one such person is Beatrix Potter who wrote the tales of Tales of Peter Rabbit and Benjamin Bunny and so on. There is a movie of how she is pressured by her mother to pursue romance over writing.
She ignores it and continues writing her stories putting off romance and when she finally finds someone she is interested in he actual passes away before they could tie the knot and she still continues to write because in her mind her stories were his passions and that kept his presence alive in the world for her. She even moves to the summer home where they met each other.
you know where to go I urge you watch this story especially if your character isn't just a writer but also an artist. This is one way to utilize those hobbies well both in a book and a film, Skylights.

So Bad Writing Advice Tip Number 1: You Need an MFA if you're serious about writing novel. This is one I have never heard since I started writing at 10 years old.
And First of all what the heck does MFA even stand for? Here's your answer.

Surprise, surprise! Where I currently live Creative Writing Classes are offered on a yearly basis to high schoolers and the college I went to had no true course college offer for this Master's degree period.
So North Carolina doesn't care about this requirement in majority of its schools. I will not say the same for University of Charlotte because I've never been in there. But majority of middle schools and high schools don't even teach reading classes either.

2. Write What You Know-Mark Twain's advice is also bad advice.
It is a very limited point of view, and suggests that you should stay inside your comfort zones when it comes to writing especially things you know you're an expert one and are completely comfortable with.
That is why I agreed to take on Kittycatlover23's unended series because I like to challenge myself when I challenge myself it helps me challenge my characters in certain places because I just got through this I challenged myself in my Moana crossover to not put too much favoritism of mine on Tessa, Aisha and Moana. In this way Aisha and I are the same we have a strong urge of Refusal to Quit we have a strong high spirit that does dwindle but then it sparks up again fast into an enlightening blaze.
The commenter I mentioned earlier easily corrected what he actually wasn't trying to imply.

3rd Bad Writing Advice Do All Your Research Before You Write

The bolded and italized and underline parts of the advice are excessively extremist words. You don't need have all the research ready to go for your story to work.
I fall into this one sometimes which is part of the reason I challenged myself to write three reference books something I never thought I'd ever be comfortable doing and now I've published three of them and speeding through my third. So there is research and examples of good verses bad writing which I heavily point out in my second reference book that focuses on some of the famous fairytales we've learnt to fall in love with, Skylights visit this book lst to see them so you don't have to keep procrastinating your stories.

The one reference book that is circled is my first fairytale reference book that must be read first before my Brothers' Grimm reference book they go together they follow after 1 another.
I didn't do much research on all of this because I could see what the issues were from a mile away.
Writers don't know everything as they write and that's okay. You're not suppose to know everything. I've seen J. K. Rowling get a lot of flak for this which is stupid on her fans' part. An author's mind is constantly switching from idea to idea and it is to be expected and welcomed too. When I said writing is a hands on experience it means learning as you continue to write. Ignoring things that are currently irrelevant to your story and acknowledge that maybe someday you'll come back to weave them in on a later date.

Movie writing does show don't tell at all to an extreme especially in action movies in the Marvel Cinematic universe is overwhelmed with the showing only with no telling Narrative contexts and it bores my head to death. But they do that because the crowd hates overextended wordy lengthy narratives, but a goal of a novel writer or any real writer writing an assignment is to take a risk cross the line out of their comfort zone, attack and challenge their readers to the point of making them uncomfortable this is the very whole point of school essays school essays contain way more tell than show you might have one or two aspects showing the cons of your school topics in at least two paragraphs but the rest of the essay is all telling your reader everything else speedily.

If you've ever written a really good high school essay then hallelujah and praise the Lord writing is already a talent of yours that he gifted you and you can definitely write fantasy stories because you already know the basics of the hobby of writing from your essay assignments.

5. Don't use prologues

I quite enjoy prologues in books and in movies and while they are considerable mostly at the beginning some side characters might have their only prologue introduction way into the mid section of the story, Skylights. In this way they can be entertaining instead of long and boring with too many narrative devices of world building and etc.

6th bad piece of writing is You should Master Short Stories before You Attempt Novels reasons why are at the top of the page.

7th piece of bad writing advice "Don't Read Any Writing Guides."—Stephen King who has become quite a stereotypical author. The guy in the video has a recommend Writing guide called Save The Cat where he walks you through some of that writing guide's immediate misconceptions, but still says it is one of the better writing guides out there and I have a writing guide of my own too that I will soon share with you too.

8. Make Your Characters Likeable

For instance Musa from Winx Club from Season 2 to Season 6 is a main character I dislike even more now.
But I really like Riven now he is way more mature than her.

Bloom and Stella aren't well liked in Season 1 or Season 4 by many fans in general. But Bloom's and Stella's backstories are more interesting than the others only told within a few words, Skylights. There are many different forms that interesting applies to, people.
Aisha's likeable because she's competent, Stella in Season 3 she's driven to rescue her kingdom this makes her interesting, Flora and Tecna are driven when it comes to learning and studying, Bloom is driven by sympathetic and empathetic causes for her friends as she keeps saying on Andros when the whole team when they go to try and close the portal she tells us and her friends over and over again. "I won't let another planet get destroyed. I couldn't do anything about Domino, but I can sure try to do something for Andros. And she doesn't reject Aisha's help when Aisha rejects her lone offer. "No, Bloom, Andros is my world and my responsible."
"All right then." Bloom responds. "Then we'll do it together."
Sympathy and empathy are constantly on Bloom's mind every day of her fairy life when the Trix threatened Magix in the finale arc of Season 1 and it shows strong throughout Season 3 in Bloom to the point of where she is willing to take up a difficult dilemma action and nearly scare her friends to death and risk losing her life too. Like Stella never listens to Bloom; Bloom never ends up listening to Stella's advice in Season 3 Wizard's Anger.
"Bloom, I never want to have to worry about you like that again." states Tecna so solemnly it shows how much Bloom and Tecna grew as friends and companions.
"Yeah, Bloom don't ever scare us like that again!" exclaimed Stella slapping her in the back. Yet what does Bloom do in Season 5 when it comes to earning the Gem of Courage the exact opposite of what Stella asks and she is payed forward for it, Skylights.

Bad advice Writing Number 9. Finish Everything You Write—Robert Heinlein.

SilverOpaline7 you meed to see this at least.
There are stories we are going to think we are writing that we think we're passionate about but actually encounter in the process or hey wait I'm so not passionate about it. It's okay to leave those unfinished for a while, guys. Focus on your passionate projects you'll be more likely to succeed and actually move the story along through its writing journey, my besties.

10th Piece of Bad Writing Advice- There's Only One Way To Do. . . when someone says this they aren't advising you about your choices they are saying how they like to do things in their own particular way and this advice must always be taken with a grain of salt, Skylights!

Never in any of my public English classes have my English teachers ever shared this advice with any one of their students ranging from high school to middle school age because writing is one of many arts and art doesn't have many boundaries period. 

There was an essay assignment that my European History teacher in College had assigned my class to writing something mind boggling about a famous person and I chose Alexander the Great and as I wrote and researched mind boggling stuff enlightened my mind about him and his life. And I'll share that but the most mindboggling mindblowing thing I must leave you with is Alexander the Great was not poisoned. What was believe long ago that made up the hilarious long trope of never drinking from a cup of an untrustworthy suspicious character is now declared a myth even by official scientist experts and doctors because Alexander the Great died in a desert block by mountains too treacherous for enemies to climb and a high flowing river too treacherous to cross in another direction. The only people who could have killed him were his men but history tells us his men were far too loyal to do such a thing.
Our scientists and Doctors believe it was malaria by mosquitoes which caused his death, but I'm not so certain about that I believe it could be that his wounds were poorly healed as he had been in many battles during his life and the task and job of medicine was severely undermined during his own life and with that being the case that might have also attracted mosquitoes as well.

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