PSY (Yandere S/R&C/JD Girls x...

By Unidentified562

28.4K 569 951

You are a very friendly 4-year-old boy that loves to play, cuddle fluffy and soft things burry yourself in sa... More

The PlayStation 2
Game Controller
Messed Up World
It's Been A While
Energy Source
A Promise
Home Sweet Home
Settling In
Unwanted Guest
New Team
Bad Girls

Cracks In The World

1.4K 42 49
By Unidentified562

(Keira's POV)

Ashelin and Tess wanted me to work on this thing for so long now and when I got in trouble, I went back to the basics of all technology. It has to have a power source and that power has to be somewhere. If this is a controller then there has to be a way to trace the power. First I need to measure how strong this thing is... I hooked it up to a battery from a Zoomer and the battery blew up. I checked the controller to see if it was ok and it still functions and the power was responsive from what my equipment could find. Just then Jak and Daxter came in and I was given a worried look from Jak.

Jak-Hey... Have you been getting sleep?

Keira-Have you been getting any useful intel on how this ****ing thing works?

Daxter-Well, that answers your question, Jak.

Jak-Maybe you could get help from someone else?... Or take a few hours to sleep.

Keira-Jak! A child was taken and this thing is our clue on what happened or where he is! If I don't tell you how to shoot a gun don't tell me how to run my shop!

I took another sip of coffee while he held his hands up while I got back to work. Daxter hopped onto my work desk and looked at this piece of junk that I was stumped on.

Daxter-Analog light is on... Have you tried pressing the start button?

Keira-... Oh. My. God. You're a genius Daxter! I pressed every other button, but not the 'start' button! Should I make sure the controller is on too?!

Daxter-No need for the sarcasm, lady.

Keira-Then don't ask 'stupid' questions AND GET OFF MY DESK!!!

He ran back over to Jak and if I hear one more annoying thing, I just do not know what I am going to do. They didn't say anything before slowly backing out of my shop.

(Jak's POV)

Keira was being eaten alive by this job. She looked like she was ready to beat us over the head with a wrench or something. Still, nothing tied to this controller thing we had, so I went to Ashelin, but when we got to the capital the throne room was empty. We checked her room next and it was untouched too. Finally, we checked the training area here... It was full of destroyed punching bags, and dummies with bullet holes in them, we saw Ashelin walking in with another punching bag.

Daxter-*Coo-coo clock whistle*.

Ashelin-Did you find anything, Jak?

She hung up the back and started to punch it in front of us. When she glared at Daxter for making those sounds while spinning his finger he quickly stopped.

Jak-No, but Keira is in really bad shape. She's not sleeping.

Daxter-Or showering... Think you can force a break?

Just then, Tess came out and she was carrying a new gun almost twice her size at the firing range. She looked angry too.

Tess-She won't answer our calls and Ashelin wants this done as soon as possible. If she's not sleeping then that's her choice.

The weapon was charging up.

Daxter-Um... New toy?

Tess-For the lucky **** who took the baby boy.

We waited and saw it fire and it shook the ground and obliterated part of the wall and the dummy she shot. She had a smile that looked unsettling and I know it has to do with losing a kid to this controller, but... Daxter pulled on my head to take me out into the hallway with him before he got up in my face.

Daxter-These ladies are off their ****ing rockers! I can't be the only one of us that sees this!

Jak-They are just worried about the kid they lost. We'll find him.

Daxter-Jak, my boy! Worrying is crying on a couch with a tub of ice cream late at night and watching that front door for the kid to walk in. Tess has a weapon that turns a dummy into ash! They are out for blood!

Jak-Some bad guy kidnapped a kid. How is that any different from what we did to Krew, Kor, the last General, those dessert bandits, and so many more?

Daxter-Well... Um... 

Jak-If I found the person holding a weapon at us, it would be no different.

Daxter-You're telling me you stay up for days on end, running on coffee, breaking sandbags, and making superweapons?

It is strange, but I know the feeling of revenge and I did stay up for days without much rest. I'm sure when we find this kid, they will calm down.

(Tess's POV)

I will have a home with this little cutie and my Daxter and I will ****ing blast anyone into nothing that gets in my way. This weapon will do, but I am going to need to save ammo for it now. I put it up in a safe place before we head out the moment we get (Y/N)'s location. Ashelin took a quick break and I sat down on another bench while holding my communicator in front of me hoping Keira would call with good news, but it was silent.

Ashelin-... He was alone for not even 10 minutes and that was all it took to lose him.

She wiped the sweat off her head with a fresh rag and her sadness turned into rage.

Tess-When I find them-.

Just then the communicator was going off and it was Keira, so I quickly answered and heard something in the background!

Kierra-It's the controller! It's doing something! GET OVER HERE!!!

(Carmelita's POV)

Carmelita-WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!?!

I let her tamper with this controller since (Y/N) wanted to try and get home. I didn't think she would actually do anything here! Electricity was coming off of it and it even shocked her, so she backed up (Y/N) was getting scared and turned into me. I had enough of this thing, so I tried to smash it to pieces before it could do anything else. I had to put (Y/N) down first. When I tried to bring my foot down on it already used to electricity, it had some kind of field around that sent me flying back.


Penelope-Watch out! 

I saw Penelope tackle (Y/N) to dodge me before I fell on the ground. I saw him holding on to him and to think what I could have done if I have crashed into him.

I brought my attention back to the ball of electricity that made the air shake... and the ground... EVERYTHING WAS SHAKING!!! (Y/N) was crying in Penelope's arms, but I acted quickly when rubble started to fall and got us under a table.

(Rivet's POV)

We kept on pushing through with this machine after we found 2 other sources of this power that Kit thinks are keys to something else. Alarms were going off and the whole universe was said to be shaking. Sasha wanted to push through, but still felt everything shaking and this light was blinding.


Angela-KEEP GOING!!!

A portal was opening, but it looked different and unstable... It's just not done, yet. We had to keep on going... 98... 99... 100! For a moment, a smile came onto my face, but then I saw that nothing was changing... WHAT WERE WE MISSING?!?!?! The machine we used was falling apart and we saw cracks forming in the air.


(No POV)

Meanwhile, in a living room... The Playstations were all turning on my themselves and even had a bit of static coming out. It's just that nobody was home... The electricity was getting stronger.

(Keira's POV)

I could feel the energy coming off this thing and making me feel wide awake and then I saw Tess and Ashelin rush into my workshop by opening the garage door.

Ashelin-What happened?!

Keira-I-I don't know! I got mad and I yelled at it!

Just then a bolt of lightning shot out and cracks were forming in the air.

Tess-I think you made it angry!




(Penelope's POV)

I had no idea what was going on, but cracks of white light were in the air and that's when more of the ceiling came down from everything shaking. (Y/N) was crying and begging for us to do something, but Camelita pulled him close into her. I saw the cracks getting wider until...


(No POV)

The Playstations were getting worse and worse until they all shot bolts of lightning that clashed with each other in the living room to form a ball of light. Beings were manifesting one at a time and dropping to the floor. They were passed out and when all of it was done, everyone was passed out on the floor.

(Timeskip 1 Hour)

((Y/N)'s POV)

I felt a little tingly when I was starting to wake up and saw all of my friends sleeping in the living room with me... Wait... The living room?! I'M HOME!!! I screamed out of joy and it was even better because my friends were here with me and they could meet everyone soon. I just ran to my room and jumped into my bed full of stuffed animals. I forgot how soft they were, but I remember Rivet and Carmelita's tails were the fluffiest ever while Tess's was fluffy and smooth. I looked out into my neighborhood to see it was still cloudy outside, but it just felt so good to be home! I ran back to the living room to try and wake up the girls, but some of them looked really tired, so I got blankets and pillows for everyone. I tried spreading them apart a little more, but I could only move, Rivet, Kit, and Tess a little.

(Y/N)-*Squeals* I can't wait for you to meet Mommy and Daddy! ~

None of them woke up still, but I didn't care. I gave all of them hugs and kisses for getting me home just like they promised, even if it was scary. I picked one of the girls to cuddle with and I thought Keira looked the most tired with her eyes looking a little purple underneath and her hair was messy. I got under the blanket with her and lied on top of her to snuggle. When we wake up, I can try to make everyone something to welcome them to my home. Mommy and Daddy can even help me too!

(No POV)

When (Y/N) snuggled with Kiera he failed to notice that the PS2 turned on and off again by itself before it released a tiny and nearly silent spark. He just didn't hear it thanks to Keira's heartbeat.

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