Swerve | ๐‘ท.๐‘ฎ.

By sebastianvettelscar

98.2K 2.5K 571

Two people, separate souls, equal affiliations Destined to be together eventually... Pierre Gasly, Alpine Dri... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43

Part 29

1.7K 49 9
By sebastianvettelscar

Italics is French

"Oh, Daniel Ricciardo!"

"It's not Daniel it's Fernando!"

"Excuse me! That song has always been mine!"

"Yeah, the people on the London Underground agree!"

Francesca shook her head as she watched Daniel claim Heidi by putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh my god!" Lando gasps. "We need to go to London together one day!"

"I've never been." Heidi admits quietly.



Francesca and Lando both found themselves shouting, eyes as wide as saucers as they stared at the blonde girl stood at Daniel's side.

"What do you mean?!" Lando asks.

"I never renewed my passport!" Heidi laughs.

"You competed in Worlds, how does that work?" Daniel looks down at her in confusion.

"The passport I had expired a month after I got back from Worlds." She shrugs.

"Please tell me you've renewed it now." Francesca mutters, rubbing her eyes.

"She gave herself a migraine by staring at her laptop screen for four hours trying to figure it out." Oscar's voice enters the air now. "Too stubborn to ask her brother or Koby for help."

"Hey!" Heidi gasps. "I did it in the end!"

"After four hours." Oscar repeats.

Francesca let out a laugh, one that was accompanied by a chuckle from Pierre who was walking at her side.

"Welcome to my humble abode!" Daniel grins.

He dragged Heidi through the front door, the blonde staggering at his side as everyone else followed with Charles kicking the door shut behind them. Francesca looked around with a smile before feeling a pair of eyes on her and turning towards Pierre who was leant against the wall, tucking her hair behind her ears as she removed her shoes before walking further inside.

The Frenchman fell into step next to her, throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. They wandered through to the kitchen, hearing the sudden hum of music.

"Alcohol!" Lando gasps, popping up out of nowhere.

"So you are literally a child." Lucy shakes her head.

Pierre reached over the counter and grabbed a bottle of beer before cracking it open and returning his arm around Francesca's shoulders. The brunette woman looked over at her two female companions - one of which was battling with Oscar over her phone and the other who was stood with Lando, giving each other the biggest heart eyes in the room.

"Thoughts on them two?" Francesca asks, turning to look up at Pierre.

"Adorable." Pierre replies with a laugh.

"I've been telling him to make the move for months." Charles adds.

"I've been telling her the same thing." Francesca says, taking a seat at the counter. "Do you know how frustrating it is hearing them both go on and on about each other?"

"I have a slight idea." Charles laughs.

Francesca's eyebrows furrowed at the look he was giving to Pierre but she just shook her head and grabbed her own bottle of beer from the counter. Pierre leant next to her, the smell of his signature cologne filling her nostrils and making it hard to concentrate on what was happening around her.

"What about the other two?" Pierre asks, nudging Francesca with his elbow.

"Our little Aussie lovers?" She grins, glancing to Heidi and Oscar.

"He's so helplessly in love with her, it physically hurts me to watch." Pierre laughs.

"Reminds me of someone." Francesca whispers.


"No one in particular."

Sending him an innocent grin, poor Pierre was left dabbling in his confusion as Francesca turned her body away from him to talk to Daniel.

The Frenchman watched the interaction, a feeling of jealously bubbling up in his gut as Daniel threw his arm around Francesca's shoulders whilst they laughed at something Max had said. Neither Australian nor Dutchman noticed the look on Pierre's face that he was struggling very much to hide but it was Francesca who glanced over at him and subtly grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze.

"Kiss already." Charles' voice cuts through the air. "Your both killing me with your lovey eyes."

"Now you know how we feel around you and Alex." Heidi laughs.

"Albon? I thought you were determined to get me with him?" Charles gestures towards Max.

"You two will happen one day." Pierre smirks.

"Not Albon, your girlfriend you idiot. Why would you and Alex Albon be giving each other heart eyes all the time?" Francesca shakes her head.

"We know your talking about us, Frenchies!" Daniel jumps in.

"We're not talking about you." Francesca sighs.

"And I'm not French!" Charles says loudly.

"Mhm." Lando hums, once again appearing from nowhere.

"Oh fuck right off lover boy." Pierre laughs.

"Do not get him started on how he's Monegasque not French." Max pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Oh Charles, do you know that Arthur claims to be French?" Francesca grins.

"HE WHAT?!" Charles shouts.

Laughter echoed between the group, catching the attention of the others in the kitchen before it died down and everyone returned to their little conversations. Daniel watched with a fake annoyed look on his face as Francesca said something to Pierre in French under her breath which had the Frenchmen laughing and Charles' attention being caught once again.

"Should we just keep talking in French to piss them off?" Charles asks.

"I think if we keep doing this much longer Daniel will throw us all into the sea the minute he has the chance to." Francesca mutters.

Pierre went to open his mouth to reply to his two friends, but was cut off by a cap hitting him directly in the face. Francesca and Charles, who had both unfortunately just taken a swig from their drinks, were left holding their hands over their mouths as they laughed but it was Charles who ended up with beer spilling from between his fingers.

"What was that for!?" Pierre laughs. "81? Oscar!"

"Wasn't me!" Oscar throws his hands up in defence.

"Just shut it with the French, your making Lando self-conscious!" Heidi laughs.

"Heidi!" Pierre gasps.

"His idea!" The blonde points to Oscar. "He was to scared to do it himself."

"I will kill you." Pierre says jokingly.

"Kill me first." Francesca smirks. "You want her dead, you kill me too."

"Then you deal with the rest of her gang coming after you." Lando adds.


"It is a gang, Heids." Oscar sighs.

"OH MY GOD! YOU GAVE HER A NICKNAME!?" Francesca squeals.

Before she could turn into Lando and fangirl over Heidi and Oscar's growing relationship. Pierre had placed down his drink, dragged her into a headlock and put his hand over her mouth.

"We have enough of this with Lando, you are not starting either." He laughs.

"I'm in a relationship and you two are making me feel lonely." Charles sighs.

"Hang on," Having broken out of Pierre's headlock, Francesca spoke. "Where is your girlfriend?"

"Fucking hell, Charles." Pierre laughs.


"Please do not tell me you've left her somewhere." Francesca pinches the bridge of her nose.

"No!" Charles says quickly.

"He has." Pierre whispers.

"He totally has." Francesca laughs. "I deal with this enough in Monaco."


"I need a run down on all of the relationships on the grid."

The sun had finally settled below the horizon and nightfall had taken over in its absence. But the spout of Australian heat that had formed after the downfalls of rain that had been taking their course throughout Australia was still high in the air and showing no signs of leaving.

The group had moved outside - well, half of them were outside and the others were filtering between the patio and the kitchen. Empty bottles of beer and other drinks were scattered around but thankfully, they all knew how to handle their alcohol and they had managed to limit Lando's intake so he was only on the verge of tipsy instead of absolutely wasted like usual.

Francesca lay on the grass below the steps up to the patio with Heidi at her side. Charles was sat with them, only metres away with a bottle of beer and dopey grin on his face as he watched Lando and Lucy dance in the kitchen to the music coming through Daniel's speaker.

"A full run down or just the briefs?" Francesca asks.

"Oh I'm not talking about the WAG's here, I'm talking about Charles and Max and such." Heidi says with a smirk.

"For the last time, I am not dating Max." Charles deadpans, turning to face her.

"Yeah well, the videos that Oscar and Daniel have been showing me say otherwise, mate."

An evil grin coating her lips, Francesca pushes herself up to sitting and Heidi follows her actions. Ignoring the death glare she was receiving from the Monegasque, the brunette rubs her hands together whilst smirking.

"Francesca don't you dare." Charles points at her.

"Don't Francesca me." Francesca replies back.

"Is there gossip?" Heidi gasps. "Give it to me."

With Charles still glaring at her, Francesca bursts into chatter about the whole Lestappen past and present. Heidi became so invested at one point that she was shuffled closer and the two women were struggling not to laugh as they both held Charles off in whatever way they could. The Leclerc man was not happy as he was continuously kicked and shoved away, eventually giving into his fate and falling onto the floor when Francesca gave him a rather harsh shove.

"We leave you alone for five minutes and you've killed Charles!" Daniel laughs.

"I'm not dead mate." Charles replies from the floor.

"He's just suffering with very intense embarrassment." Francesca adds.

"Oh! Are we embarrassing Charles. Let me join!" Daniel gasps.

Rubbing his face with his hands, Charles groans loudly.

"I was informing Heidi of the Lestappen relationship." Francesca says.

"You mean the relationship that they claim is fake and will never happen but is definitely a real thing that everyone knows about?" Daniel smirks, having spoken extra loud to catch the attention of Max who was talking with Pierre in the kitchen.

"Thank you for that Daniel, give me strength." Charles grumbles.

"You know what else I want to know about." Heidi says suddenly.

"What?" Francesca questions.

"Lancy and Franierre."

"No!" Francesca shouts.

Daniel and Charles burst into laughter as Francesca shouted. The brunette pounded onto a laughing Heidi, pinning her down on the grass and shaking her head whilst covering the blondes mouth with her hand. Heidi being Heidi, managed to fight the British woman off before shuffling closer to Charles and Daniel for protection.

"Franierre is a couple that everyone has been waiting to happen since 2019." Daniel laughs.

"That's an exaggeration." Francesca points at him.

"No its not, people expected it the second you were announced to drive for Red Bull!" Charles smirks. "And don't even deny it!"

"I'm going to deny everything with my entire heart." Francesca grumbles.

If Heidi had been invested in the Lestappen relationship, then she was even more invested in the past and present of Franierre. Charles was smirking in Francesca's direction as she fell silent, embarrassment roaring through her body as Daniel explained absolutely everything about her relationship with Pierre to Heidi - who seemed to have become a queen of gossip out of nowhere.

"This is comedy gold." Heidi laughs.

"Just wait until you get to watch them interact in person." Daniel smirks.

"You do not want to third wheel them." Charles adds.

"Speaking from experience there huh, Charlie?" Heidi teases.

"1: Don't call me that." Charles points at her. "And 2: I am forced to be a third wheel all the time."

"You are not forced to third wheel, Charles." Francesca mutters.

"Yes I am!" Charles laughs, turning to the brunette.

"Don't lie, you choose to tag along all the time. You always put yourself in the same position." Francesca replies, giving him a pointed look.

"Yes, but its not hard to die down on the lovey eyes when I'm around." Charles says.

"Yeah okay, talk to me about that once you and Max take your own advice." Francesca smirks.

Daniel and Heidi continued to look at each other in confusion as the French words filled the air around them. Francesca couldn't help but snort at the look on Charles' face once he processed her words and kicked his foot out towards her, in classic Francesca fashion, she dramatically fell backwards onto the grass and lay like a starfish whilst giggling to herself.

"I really don't understand the dynamic between you two." Heidi mutters.

"I'm paid to be his friend and subsequently have to deal with his little brother when he does something to piss this one off." Francesca says, gesturing to Charles.

"You don't deal with Arthur, you just let the chaos reign in your apartment." Charles replies.

"And then people wonder why I don't spend much time in Monaco." Francesca smirks.

"I don't think I want to come to the Monaco GP anymore." Heidi mutters.

"YOUR COMING TO MONACO!?" Daniel screams.

Heidi's eyes grow wide and she glances to the Australian at her side before slapping her hand over her mouth and snapping her head towards the house. Charles' eyebrows furrowed in confusion whilst Francesca followed Heidi's gaze into the house.

"That was a secret." Heidi whispers.


"HEIDI YOU ABSOLUTE IMBECILE!" Lando's voice shouts back.


"COME HERE YOU LITTLE RAT!" Lando shrieks.

Laughter echoed through the air as the brunette Brit bounded out of the house and towards the blonde who had squealed and tried to run in the opposite direction. Francesca smirked as she saw Oscar stood against the doorframe holding his bottle to his lips and Lucy stood a few feet away with her arms folded across her chest and annoyed look on her face.

"Their jealous." Charles sings, having followed Francesca's gaze as well.

"And they cannot hide it to save their lives." The third French accent of the group echoes.

"Bit like you then mate." Francesca grins.

"Your not funny." Pierre grumbles.

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