Part 26

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Bold is Radio Calls

Francesca Lewis grinned happily when she climbed out of the car after the final free practice session.

Everything once again seemed to be in her favour that weekend. And the first person to greet her after she got out of the car was none other than little Heidi Scott.

Heidi's random presence at the race weekend had sparked attention. She was known all over Australia for not only her lifeguarding and presence on Bondi rescue, her professional surfing and Worlds championship but also for being one of the biggest names in big wave surfing to date.

The question of how she knew many of the grid however, was still unanswered.

After giving Francesca a hug and congratulating her on scoring P1, she rushed back off to McLaren because Lando was shouting her name from down the pit lane.

"Good job, Fran." Lucy smiles, hugging her best mate.

"Thanks, Luce." Francesca smiles. "Now get me out of this suit."

The two woman exited the garage and headed for the motorhome so Francesca could change.

When they walked back out into the paddock, Charles and Lando were walking past with Heidi sandwiched between them.

"Don't kill the poor girl!" Francesca calls out. "She should be saving lives, not saving her own!"

Heidi Scott's laughter echoed down the paddock as she was pulled away by Lando. Shaking her head, Francesca linked her arm with Lucy's.

The blonde and brunette wandered around with no actual destination in mind, Francesca stopped every now and then to sign things and take photographs with fans until she decided to head into the communal motorhome.

Many of the drivers and their loved ones were inside. The ones who were currently single immediately a pit of jealous form in their stomach as they watched the loving interactions between couples such as Lily Muni and Alex Albon.

"Lily!" Francesca smiles, approaching the woman.

"Oh my god, Fran!" Lily smiles.

The two women hugged each other tightly.

"I'm stealing your girlfriend, Alex!" Francesca calls out. "She's mine now."

"Yeah sorry, Alex." Lily smiles. "I have a girlfriend now."

"What is it with you and forming fake relationships with everyone?" Pierre asks with a laugh.

"Its not my fault that your boring." Francesca shrugs.

"I'm not boring!" Pierre smirks.

"But you are French." Heidi's voice echoes.

Everyone's attention turned to the blonde whom Oscar was holding on his arm. How on earth she had managed to escape Lando, Francesca didn't know. But she did hold a small smirk as she watched the way Oscar looked at the blonde and when Heidi looked back up at Oscar, he quickly cleared his throat and looked away.

The Aussie was so in love with her it make Francesca's heart leap.

"Yeah, take it from the most interesting person here." Charles says from his position on the sofa with his girlfriend, Alexandra Saint Mleux.

"I'm most definitely not the most interesting person here." Heidi states.

"Don't let Lando hear you say that." Oscar smirks. "I've had enough of watching him try to 'shake some sense into you' as he says."

Heidi shrugs, pulling Oscar by the hand to the empty sofa in the room and sitting down.

"My Brother's Keeper?" Lance Stroll questions.

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