Part 29

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Italics is French

"Oh, Daniel Ricciardo!"

"It's not Daniel it's Fernando!"

"Excuse me! That song has always been mine!"

"Yeah, the people on the London Underground agree!"

Francesca shook her head as she watched Daniel claim Heidi by putting his arm around her shoulders.

"Oh my god!" Lando gasps. "We need to go to London together one day!"

"I've never been." Heidi admits quietly.



Francesca and Lando both found themselves shouting, eyes as wide as saucers as they stared at the blonde girl stood at Daniel's side.

"What do you mean?!" Lando asks.

"I never renewed my passport!" Heidi laughs.

"You competed in Worlds, how does that work?" Daniel looks down at her in confusion.

"The passport I had expired a month after I got back from Worlds." She shrugs.

"Please tell me you've renewed it now." Francesca mutters, rubbing her eyes.

"She gave herself a migraine by staring at her laptop screen for four hours trying to figure it out." Oscar's voice enters the air now. "Too stubborn to ask her brother or Koby for help."

"Hey!" Heidi gasps. "I did it in the end!"

"After four hours." Oscar repeats.

Francesca let out a laugh, one that was accompanied by a chuckle from Pierre who was walking at her side.

"Welcome to my humble abode!" Daniel grins.

He dragged Heidi through the front door, the blonde staggering at his side as everyone else followed with Charles kicking the door shut behind them. Francesca looked around with a smile before feeling a pair of eyes on her and turning towards Pierre who was leant against the wall, tucking her hair behind her ears as she removed her shoes before walking further inside.

The Frenchman fell into step next to her, throwing his arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. They wandered through to the kitchen, hearing the sudden hum of music.

"Alcohol!" Lando gasps, popping up out of nowhere.

"So you are literally a child." Lucy shakes her head.

Pierre reached over the counter and grabbed a bottle of beer before cracking it open and returning his arm around Francesca's shoulders. The brunette woman looked over at her two female companions - one of which was battling with Oscar over her phone and the other who was stood with Lando, giving each other the biggest heart eyes in the room.

"Thoughts on them two?" Francesca asks, turning to look up at Pierre.

"Adorable." Pierre replies with a laugh.

"I've been telling him to make the move for months." Charles adds.

"I've been telling her the same thing." Francesca says, taking a seat at the counter. "Do you know how frustrating it is hearing them both go on and on about each other?"

"I have a slight idea." Charles laughs.

Francesca's eyebrows furrowed at the look he was giving to Pierre but she just shook her head and grabbed her own bottle of beer from the counter. Pierre leant next to her, the smell of his signature cologne filling her nostrils and making it hard to concentrate on what was happening around her.

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