𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫. 𝐀𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐬. 𝐀�...

By 2negr0swriters

5.7K 198 20

Amor meaning Love. Amorous meaning Sexual Desire. Homegirl, meaning my best friend. Who would've thought? I... More



533 19 2
By 2negr0swriters


When I woke up immediately Naija was on my mind. It was a little nerve wracking to be thinking about a girl in a new way.

Yara woke up to her phone dinging a few times. "what in the world..", she groaned, "aw shit i already forgot about this". she tossed me her phone to read the messages.


"I hope you ain't forget bout
our lil date tmrw

dress formal and be ready by

i'll see you<33"

"Oh shitttt" I said as my memory came back from the other day. "Hopefully you'll have fun at the very least" I hand her phone back to her. "yeah hopefully. Imma see if Z can come over today. We got too much shit to tell him", I nod in agreement.


"You mean to tell me Essy got a date...? and you got a date...? yall irritate me" he rolls his eyes. Me and Yara look at each other trying not to laugh at his annoyance. "Well what's wrong with that damn" as soon as I say that he looks at me like i'm dumb.

"Yall really gon make me state the obvious?" he leans forward into the sunlight. We out on Yara's balcony.

"Oh please don't start this" Yara's hands slid down her face as she laughed her sentence out.
Z cleared his throat before saying "Yall two supposed to be dating each other but okay!" he threw his hands in the air.

"Nigga" is all Yara said. "Look man I'm just saying. Yall some tier one best friends, yall would be a top of the tower couple. just saying. Yall know that already though, I have no doubt" he shrugged.

Yara was about to speak but I cut her off. "okay okay okay wait. Can we just chill like...? It's not even that serious. And if somehow in some way, if me and Yara posed to be together, it'll happen." 

"Im aware, I'm just not understanding why yall are choosing to make the journey more difficult than it needs to be when it's clear yall are meant to be" he was staring at Yara when he said that.

"Nigga you thought you ate, you wanna be a poet so bad" I laughed. And at that moment my phone dinged. It was Naija.

I read the text; "hey essy baby what you up to?". Can't even lie, my face went hot. I must've been cheesing publicly. Z said, "that's miss Naija? she got you all giddy that quick?" he laughed.

"Yes it's her. And I don't knowww this is just exciting. I'm actually real excited to go out with her" I say as i start my response; "heyy i'm not doing nothing but hanging out w my people, hbu? you okay today?" i hit send.

"watch them end up married" yara jokes. "chill we ain't been on a date yet and"- Z cut me off, "AND it's not fate, that's yalls fate" he explains with his mouth and his hands.

"Ezekiel. I need you to calm down. Tell us bout the girl you was with!" I was actually curious to hear about this.

"Oh yeah yeah. Her name Deja, we been hooking up for a minute. I'll tell you what though, I'm starting to like her a little bit. That after sex make out session be tempting me to fall in love man" you can tell he starts daydreaming as he says that.

"Neeeeeed" yara leans back in her chair.

My phone dings again and I fade out of the conversation; "I'm okay! i'm just getting back home after my jog. I been thinking bout what kinda questions I can ask you when we go out.." Naija texted.

"not gonna lie i've been thinking bout the date heavy too, i'm excited. a little nervous. did you have a good jog though?" i text back.

She texts back instantly: "I did! I ran a new route today. there was this bakery and it smelled so good i had to stop and get something. I ended trying a palmier and it was perfect. I'll have to take you sometime💕 and don't be nervous!" she sounds so sweet. Remembering where I met her is sprinkling some doubts in my head though.

"Yara you excited for your date tomorrow?" i look over at her. "Hmm i don't know yet. I just hope shit go smoothly." she shrugged.

next day.

Odessa was helping me get ready, Liz said dress formal. I ended up wearing a black pantsuit. Essy curled my hair into a ponytail.

By the time I was all ready Liz was outside waiting for me. "Have funnnn" essy said as she shut the door behind me.

I walked to Liz's car and once I got in she handed me the prettiest bouquet of stargazer lily's. "These are gorgeous girl what the hell" I couldn't take my eyes off of em.

"I'm glad you like them, they reminded me of you, i had to get em. You look gorgeous too though" She started the car back up. "You look really pretty too" I hadn't got a good look till now.

she had on a pink silk dress and her hair was straightened. she looked real pretty.

"Where we going though? I'm curious" I ask as I lean back, "Since you asked, I'm taking you to this museum, it's exclusive entry and the tickets were $230 each. And if you wanna make it more fun, open the glove box, that part is up to you".

I opened the glove box and there sat a pack of edibles, 750 mg's each. "You was onto something with this.." I laughed.


After Yara left me and Naija got back to texting back n forth. She was showing me a picture she drew.

I felt bold and decided to facetime her. She answered quickly. She had her phone set up on her desk, it looked like she was still coloring.

Naija: "Hey prettyyy" she looked at the camera.

Essy: "I like the picture you drew" i was headed to Yara's bedroom.

Naija: "What else should i draw? and question, what color is your favorite song?"

I had to pause for a moment.
Essy: "Huh?"

Naija: "When you listen to your favorite song, what color do you see? what color do you feel?"

"I ain't never been asked no shit like this" i think to myself.

Essy: "Yellow, it reminds me of nature, sunsets, and sunny days" i laid down and got comfortable on the bed.

Naija: "what song?"
Essy: "Morning Blue by Gaidaa. Heard that song once and never left it alone."

She looked like she had another question but was holding back, "what is it?" i was curious.

Naija: "maybe this is invasive but are you sure about your sexuality? you was hesitant about me at first and i just wanna know what i'm getting into..or maybe im being cocky & you weren't interested at first" she laughed, she didn't make eye contact.

Essy: "I've been meaning to talk about that. I haven't talked to a girl this way before or went out with one. And please don't think you're an experiment or something like that, this is new to me but I genuinely feel myself growing to like you the more we talk, I understand though if thats not for you" I clarified. I was a little nervous.

She looked like she was thinking but once she looked up at the camera she had a gentle smile, a face of understanding.

Naija: "I'm okay with that. You're a sweet girl so I don't mind taking this chance with you...especially since I feel myself growing to like you too. we can always be friends in the end too" she made eye contact that time.

I didn't even realize I was smiling a lil bit after she said that. Maybe this might work out... maybe.

Naija: "I see you smiling. I'm too fuckin excited to see you i can't even lie, it's all i been thinking about, i just wanna learn more about you" she went back to drawing.

Essy: "And you will, where we gonna go?"

Naija: "I wanted to keep it a surprise but i gotta tell you. I'm taking you to a botanical slash flower garden, i've only ever been there once and it was beautiful. So I thought why not make a pretty memory there with a pretty girl? We'll get to be around nature, and walk around & pick flowers to make bouquets, i'll make one for you and vice versa" she was so excited just talking about it.

Essy: "I've never had anyone even think to put that much effort in on a first date oh my? i'm excited for it all. You know we're gonna have to take pictures together too right?"

I started imagining different poses and pictures we could take. We look real cute together in my mind.

Naija: "For sure. I am gonna go now though"-she starts putting her art things away-"I have to help my brother bring his things in, he's visiting from the army. Imma text you later love"

Essy: "I look forward to it, have funnn." I hung up.

Immediately after I jumped out of Yara's bed and went to start picking out an outfit for the date. I was so excited.

I couldn't find nothing that excited me so the plan was to go shopping in the morning for something cute.

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