We Meet Again [18+] | BxB

By KaviXander

588 68 23

In the heart of the city's underbelly thrives Damian, a young man who dances with danger, living off the thri... More

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16 2 1
By KaviXander

Pierce arrives at his secluded cabin, surrounded by the quiet embrace of nature. The air is crisp, and the only sounds are the rustling leaves and distant calls of birds. Pierce takes a moment to appreciate the solitude.

He enters the cabin, a modest yet comfortable abode hidden away from the chaos of the city. The interior is dimly lit, creating an atmosphere of mystery. Pierce moves to the large window, gazing out at the towering trees that surround the cabin. His thoughts, however, are far from the tranquility of the woods. They are consumed by the image of Damian, and a determination settles in his eyes.

Pierce starts making preparations for tomorrow, still fixated on his plan. The dark allure of his obsession with Damian intertwines with the shadows in the cabin, setting the stage for what Pierce believes is an inevitable connection between them.

As Pierce prepared for the next day, his mind was consumed with twisted thoughts about his neighbor. He couldn't help but obsess over Damian's every move, imagining himself in Asher's place and relishing in his own fantasies. He hated that he was imagining himself in Asher's place.

As Pierce set up the cabin, he couldn't shake off his fixation with Damian.

Pierce's thoughts grew more and more sinister as the day wore on. He couldn't help but imagine Damian in his arms. He longed to feel Damian, but he knew that he wouldn't have to wait too long.

The apartment building's lobby welcomed them with a subdued hum of activity as Damian and Pierce entered almost simultaneously. The door's muted click echoed, signaling their return. They exchanged brief glances, acknowledging each other's presence with a nod.

Damian, with his characteristic nonchalance, broke the silence. "So, how was the cabin? A peaceful retreat, I presume?"

Pierce's gaze, intense and unreadable, locked onto Damian. "Peaceful, in its own way. Nature has its own charm, though it can't compare to the city's vibrancy."

Damian raised an eyebrow, intrigued by the cryptic response. "Vibrancy? More like chaos. But hey, each to their own."

Damian, always one to embrace the anticipation of the unknown, couldn't resist asking about their plans for the next day. With a genuine enthusiasm, he turned to Pierce, "So, what's on the agenda for tomorrow? Any exciting plans or just going with the flow?"

Pierce, a master of keeping his cards close to his chest, offered a subtle smile. "We'll play it by ear, Damian. Sometimes the best adventures are the ones you don't plan."

The elevator dinged, signaling their arrival on the floor. As they stepped out, the quiet hallway absorbed their footsteps, echoing with the promise of a day yet to unfold. Damian, ever curious, looked forward to the mysteries that awaited, a spark of excitement dancing in his eyes.

As Damian and Pierce stood in the hallway, they exchanged goodbyes for the night, each heading into their respective apartments.


Damian awoke to the persistent sound of his alarm ringing. Groggily, he reached for his phone to silence the blaring noise. As he checked his notifications, he noticed two missed calls from Pierce. The realization hit him, and he quickly recalled that they had plans for the day.

Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Damian dialed Pierce's number to return the call. The phone rang for a moment before Pierce's voice came through the other end.

"Hey, Damian! You're finally awake. I thought you might have forgotten our plans," Pierce teased.

Damian chuckled, "Nah, just hit the snooze button a couple of times. What time we meeting?"

Pierce suggested, "How about we start with breakfast together? I know a great place. We can fuel up and then dive into the day's adventures."

Damian agreed, and they made plans to meet at a nearby cafe for breakfast. As he got ready for the day, Damian couldn't help but wonder what surprises Pierce had in store for their outing.

As Damian stepped out of his apartment, he felt the cool breeze on his face, a refreshing start to the day. The vibrant red hoodie paired with matching cargo sweatpants not only provided comfort but also added a touch of unintentional style. Damian smirked, realizing that he had mixed up the hoodies in a drunken moment, and if he stretched his arms above his head, a glimpse of his stomach would show. The quirky mishap brought a smirk to his face, and he headed out for the day with a laid-back confidence.

Pierce sat at the cafe, a vision of style in his sage green turtleneck that tastefully tucked into his well-fitted black dress pants, accentuated by a designer belt that added a touch of luxury. His brown hair, carefully tousled, framed his features in a way that effortlessly exuded an air of casual sophistication. As he waited, Pierce absentmindedly ruffled his hair, a habit that ceased abruptly when he caught Damian's approaching figure. The subtle display of fashion spoke volumes about Pierce's attention to detail and personal style.

Damian offered a casual wave as he approached, the vibrant red hoodie and matching cargo sweatpants giving off an easygoing vibe. Pierce couldn't help but take in Damian's attire, appreciating the laid-back yet stylish combination that suited Damian's relaxed demeanor.

As they waited for their breakfast to arrive, Damian and Pierce engaged in casual conversation. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air as they discussed various topics, from everyday life to future plans. The ambiance of the cafe provided a comfortable backdrop for their discussion, punctuated by the anticipation of a delicious meal to come.

The waiter soon brought over steaming plates of French toast, golden and dusted with a light sprinkle of powdered sugar. The rich aroma of the warm, syrup-drenched delicacy filled the air, enhancing the cozy atmosphere. Damian and Pierce dug into their breakfast, savoring the delightful combination of crispy edges and soft, flavorful interiors.

Between bites and sips of coffee, they continued to share anecdotes and thoughts, the clinking of cutlery and occasional laughter blending seamlessly with the cafe's background chatter. The morning unfolded with the promise of good food, good company, and the potential for an enjoyable day ahead.


In his dimly lit office, Asher sat behind a sleek desk, engrossed in a phone call that echoed with a sense of urgency.

"I want you to shadow him discreetly," Asher spoke with a steely determination in his voice. "Keep a close eye on him. I don't want any surprises. Make sure he's safe, no matter what it takes."

The person on the other end of the line seemed to acknowledge Asher's instructions, providing occasional affirmations and updates. Asher, leaning back in his chair, continued to discuss the details of the mission, his mind focused on the task at hand.

After concluding the call, Asher leaned back in his chair, seamlessly transitioning back into the mundane tasks of his office work. His mind, however, remained alert and focused, the echoes of the conversation lingering in the background. The ordinary facade of his daily routine masked the hidden layers of responsibility and vigilance that Asher carried, a guardian unseen in the shadows of a seemingly normal existence.


After finishing breakfast, Pierce and Damian decide to take a stroll through a nearby park. The crisp morning air invigorates them as they engage in easy conversation, discussing everything from their favorite books to childhood memories. The park's serene atmosphere provides a pleasant backdrop for their growing camaraderie. As they walk along the winding paths, the topic shifts to their plans for the day. Pierce suggests exploring a local art gallery, and Damian enthusiastically agrees, curious about his taste in art. 

As they explore the art gallery, Damian becomes increasingly aware of an unsettling feeling—a sense of being observed. The atmosphere around him becomes tinged with an eerie discomfort. Despite his attempt to brush it off, the sensation persists, casting a shadow over what should be a delightful visit to the gallery.

Pierce, on the other hand, seems engrossed in the art, discussing the pieces with enthusiasm. Damian decides to discreetly scan the surroundings, trying to identify the source of his unease.

Damian, with a sudden and deliberate movement, snaps his head in the direction of the person he suspects has been watching him. His eyes lock onto the figure, and for a moment, he lets a dangerous glint play in his gaze. It's a calculated move, an attempt to unnerve the observer.

The supposed watcher, caught off guard by Damian's unexpected response, quickly averts their gaze, pretending to be engrossed in the artwork. Damian smirks slightly, satisfied with the small victory, and continues to explore the gallery with Pierce.

The mysterious man, feeling exposed, discreetly steps away and pulls out his phone. He quickly dials a number, connecting to Asher.

"I think he knows something's up. He spotted me," the man informs Asher, his voice hushed and cautious.

Asher, on the other end of the line, spoke loud and clearly, "That's alright. Keep an eye on him, but don't make it too obvious. We don't want him catching on completely."


A/N: Just going to take this moment to kind of show how each character dresses. Chapter continues after the pictures... :)




No hair pic for Pierce. I literally couldn't find any 'neat brown wavy hair' anywhere. I mean there were but they had faces of the people in the picture, too, which is why I didn't add any.


As Pierce and Damian leave the art gallery, the mysterious man watches from a distance, careful not to attract attention. Damian can't shake the feeling of being observed, but he keeps it to himself for now.

Pierce, feeling a surge of confidence, decides to make his move on Damian as they walk towards Damian's workplace, the bakery. The air is filled with tension, both from the mysterious man's watchful eyes and Pierce's subtle advances. Pierce gently places a hand on Damian's lower back, a move designed to be both comforting and possessive. Damian, caught off guard, glances at Pierce, uncertainty flickering in his eyes.

The mysterious man swiftly types a message to his boss, his fingers dancing across the phone's screen with practiced precision:

"The man you said to be wary of is making a move on him."

He hits send, the message flying through the digital space to reach Asher's phone. The man keeps a vigilant eye on Damian and Pierce, prepared to intervene if things escalate further.

Asher's response reflects a subtle undertone of jealousy, he types:

"Keep an eye on them. I don't want him getting too close."

The mysterious man quickly types back to Asher, "Got it. If he crosses the line, I'll handle it."

As Pierce and Damian head to Damian's bakery, the mysterious man discreetly follows from a distance, keeping a vigilant eye on the situation.

Damian takes Pierce behind the scenes of the bakery, revealing the inner workings and the artistry involved in creating the delectable treats. He introduces Pierce to his coworkers, playfully disturbing their work routines. The atmosphere is filled with laughter and the sweet aroma of freshly baked goods.

The mysterious man remains outside the bakery, discreetly keeping an eye on Damian and Pierce from a distance. He occasionally glances through the windows, ensuring that everything is how his boss wants it.

The mysterious man, standing outside the bakery, sends another text to Asher, assuring him that Damian is safe and that Pierce hasn't made any more suspicious moves so far.

Damian and Pierce engage in a conversation about applying buttercream on cupcakes. Damian chuckles, "It's all about the right technique. Hold the piping bag like this, and apply even pressure. You'll get the hang of it."

Pierce, looking at the piping bag in confusion, replies, "Honestly, I have no idea how you bakers do all this. It seems like rocket science to me."

Damian laughs, "It's an art, my friend. Just watch and learn." He demonstrates the process, guiding Pierce through the steps. Pierce tries his best, and they end up with a few messy cupcakes, but Damian assures him it's all part of the learning process.

Damian and Pierce continued their culinary adventure, crafting cupcakes and brewing coffee. As they finished, Damian, having completed preparing his coffee first, decided to take care of the bill for their delicious treats.

"Alright, I'll go pay for these goodies and the coffee. Be right back," Damian declared, flashing a playful smile.

As Damian headed to the counter to settle the bill, Pierce's expression transformed into a psychopathic and sadistic smile. From his pocket, he took out a small packet. With malicious intent, Pierce cunningly mixed it into Damian's coffee.

The mysterious man's wasn't able to see what Pierce was doing behind the counter. He decided on watching Damian instead, making sure he was safe.

Pierce earlier suggested that they make the coffee's for each other. A sinister satisfaction lingered in Pierce's eyes as he handed the coffee to Damian, concealing his malicious intentions behind a deceptive smile.

Damian hesitated as he was about to take a drink from Pierce's coffee. Seeing Pierce drink his handmade coffee, he decided to go for it, not caring if the coffee tasted bad.

And surprisingly, it didn't. 


A/N: Wow. This is the longest chapter so far. Let me know if this was long enough, too short, or too long :)

Who's your favorite character so far? 

I hate Pierce so much, you'll understand soon...😭

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