Glitch - Boku No Afterlife. Y...

By Taylorbeanbetch

14.2K 740 206

Amanda Grayson, a 21 year old Autistic adult dies and instead of going to heaven or hell.. She's brought to a... More

Chapter 2 - Entrance Exam
Chapter 3 - The fitness gram pacer test-
Chapter 4 - USJ
Chapter 5 - πŸ₯΅Sports FestivalπŸ₯΅
Chapter 6 - The Alien Hero
Chapter 7 - Internship
Chapter 8 - πŸ”žWhere am I?πŸ‹
Chapter 9 - Great Return
Chapter 10 - Exam's
Chapter 11 - Training!
Chapter 12 - πŸ”ž Taken πŸ‹
Chapter 13 - I live to spite god
Chapter 14 - πŸ₯΅HUH?πŸ₯΅
Chapter 15 - πŸ”ž Kitten gets the cremeπŸ¦πŸ‹
Chapter 16 - Dorms
Chapter 17 - Licensed to kill
Chapter 18 - πŸ”ž Wreck'd πŸ‹
Chapter 19 - πŸ”ž Interview πŸ‹
Chapter 20 - Taken 2: the sequel
Chapter 21 - πŸ”žI'm a mom now..?πŸ‹
Chapter 22 - πŸ”žBack in black!πŸ‹
Chapter 23 - πŸ”ž Brainwashed πŸ‹
Chapter 24 - πŸ₯΅ Better Pastures πŸ₯΅
Chapter 25 -πŸ₯΅The life of a hobbitπŸ₯΅
Chapter 26 - Wittle Puppy's and Executions!
Chapter 27 - Festival!
Chapter 28 - πŸ”ž It's Hero Time! πŸ‹
Chapter 29 - πŸ”ž Explosive Dust πŸ‹
Chapter 30 - TCL Commands
Chapter 31 - πŸ”ž THIS IS THE ENNND~ πŸ‹ (END)

Chapter 1 - The whole 'Being Dead' thing.

1.2K 34 46
By Taylorbeanbetch

Authors Note: this story takes place after my other fics I've made set in my own little Feline Afterlife universe. It's the same cat deity from my Marvel Glitch story Tiny Tim. You don't have to read it, but you can if you want too!

Ps: This story isn't finished until it says complete. So it might be edited from time to time to help it overall make more sense! I will be writing at the top of the chapter the dates when I edit them and when they're first published! I write these stories with no plan in mind!



Written February 4th, 2024

Edited: April 4th, 2024


Let's get the introduction out of the way..

Hi! I'll be you're guide! I'll be your G U I D E to the other side- wait, no that's not right.. this isn't Beetlejuice on Broadway.. Shit, sorry start over. Hi! I'm Amanda Grayson, 21 year old female who is dummy thiccccc emphasis on the five C's. My pronouns are she/her/they if you're so inclined. I'm an autistic adult who spends all of her time reading manga, watching anime and playing video games. I have severe social anxiety in crowds, and in general. But if I become friendly with someone I let loose a bit.. Although I do have a really bad problem of mimicking their behaviors to mask myself, sometimes I mask into a completely different persona just to make others around me laugh. Uh.. I think that's it? Anyway let's get to the ACTUAL story...... THE WHOLE BEING DEAD THING!

- Northern New Hampshire -

Laying in my bed I stare at the ceiling above me, feeling the weight of the world on top of me. I release a loud drawn out sigh, dragging myself out of bed. Refusing to let the little depression gremlin get its way and pull me into a deep depressive rut. I rub my eyes to get the sleep out of them and to wake myself up more with a huff.

Huffing out once more I grab my little case that contains all the meds I've set out for myself. Opening the correct day I plop the pills into my hand, grabbing my little cup with a straw filled with Arizona iced tea. I take a sippy sippy before throwing the small handful of pills into my gullet. Making an 'ahh' sound to mimic the YouTuber GraveyardGirl. I grab my medicine pen and stab myself, injecting the liquid into me. The purpose of it is to help with my eating disorder.

Throwing the covers off my body I get up and out of my comfortable dream oasis. Quickly going pee before returning to my room and changing into some clean clothes so I can leave my hobbit hole of a home.

Once I'm sufficiently dressed I slide on my sneakers that are pre-tied, grabbing my overly large purse from the hanger. Taking a deep calming breath, I begin to mask myself into a confident persona and head out into the world. Needing to go to the grocery store and Tractor Supply to get myself some things and some stuff for the stray animals I help.. they for some reason like to converge around my house, and I can't let an domesticated animal just starve. Having become rather close with them after a while.

Even earning a grouchy old feral tomcats trust over the years, I've lovingly named him Aizawa. Which I found fitting since Aizawa just sleeps a lot and scowls at me. They all come to my small home's backyard and graciously accept my offerings.. I'm tempted to build a little shelter for them that they can use in the winter. They've all sort of become my free roaming babies.

Exiting my home I wince at the bright light, I shake my head and adjust my glasses before quickly walking down the road quite a ways until I finally make it into town. I stride along the crosswalk and make my way to a crossing. Standing at the light I check my phone, hoping to see a notification about my favorite fanfictions update... Nothing. Damn.. why must you go on such a long hiatus author-sama? Looking back up I see that the light has turned green, I step out onto the cross walk and begin to move to the other side, adjusting the strap on my pur-

Darkness. Darkness is all that surrounds me, a cold chill that seeps into my very bones surrounds me. Filling me with its icy hold, refusing to let me go. Huh? Wrapping my arms around my body I shiver, rubbing my upper arms to get some form of warmth I squint in confusion. "W-where am I..? What..?" I look around the dark void with fear, my heart racing in my chest. I turn and turn, trying to find something in the endless darkness.. "Okay.. backtrack.. what was I doing.... I was walking to the store.. last thing I remember was at the crossing...? Did... Did I get hit by truck-kun? Or am I still dreaming-" Everything rushes into being, startling me as if I'm being pulled in by a fishing line. I'm suddenly forced into a chair, I grip onto it for dear life. My heart beating out of my chest while my body processes the sudden change.

"Hewwo!" A tiny kitten wearing an oversized galaxy print suit says with a big smile, his eyes made of what looks like newborn stars that glitter. Sitting across from me behind a fancy mahogany desk, a Lil Tikes computer sitting in front of him. What.. what's going on? Am I dreaming? This has to be a dream right? Jesus Christ what did I eat last night? Was it the mozzarella sticks?

"H-Hi..." I say to the small kitten, looking around the room curiously. Looks like an antique office.. like some rich boomer CEO would have.

"You have died'd! M' in charge of takin you's to another world!" The kitten says while standing up on his seat. "Dis is my first job!" He jumps up and down with excitement. "My names Tiny Tim! You can call me Tim!" A sinister gleam in his eyes immediately disappears when I blink.

"H-Hello Tim.. it's nice to meet you!" I smile to the cute little kitten, he smiles right back at me. So.. what happened was real after all... Fucking hell.. I was killed by goddamn Truck-Kun... I should have learned after all the manga I've read and anime I've watched.. I deflate in my seat with a sigh of sadness, accepting my fate.. there's nothing I can do to change it, not like I had much going for me anyways. I was only staying alive so I could play video games and watch my favorite series.. The cats will be perfectly fine by themselves, they've lasted years without me.. I was kind of hoping my afterlife would be like Hazbin Hotel.. I'm a 21 year old virgin so I would most likely get sent to heaven-

"So!" The cats voice snaps me back into the conversation. "You's can pick whatever world you's wanna go to! To live in! You even get one request! And a special power you can pick! Big brother said dat I'm supposed to write da story and choose da world.. but since you's is my first, you choose!" My nostrils flare with excitement. The first choice of power is important for the isekai protagonist! A wrong pick and you're fucked!

"You're already better then most Isekai gods Tim." I chuckle at the cat with a friendly smile. Remembering that one anime where the protagonist was ugly so the goddess yeeted him into the middle of nowhere in monster territory. "I.. I guess I choose My Hero Academia.." I would knife someone just to see Aizawa, he reeks daddy energy. "as for my request.." I hum in thought, staring into nothingness while my brain races. "I just want all my favorite characters to like me.. for my power, I want the Omnitrix from Ben10!" I blurt it the last bit with a manic grin, having been thinking about Isekai powers for years. Ben's watch has access to Alien X which is on par to a god.

"Wows! That's a powerful power!" Tim says with a smile. "Okay's! I can do's that!" Tim proceeds to tap at the keys with a grin, hiding his face behind the monitor. "Okay's.. I wills have to make it so you's power grows over time!" Damn.. I don't start out Over Powered? Lame. I nod my head to the feline with a slight scowl, understanding what he means. "Alright's! Have fun and good luck!" Tim smiles at me before pressing a bright red button on his desk.

- Third Person POV -

Tim smirks as he watches another snow globe form on his desk. The words 'Boku No Hero' etched onto the base, it sits right next to one that says 'Marvel' that has collected quite a bit of dust. Tim smiles in excitement as he looks down into the globe. Both globes house entire universes inside of them, although the Boku no hero's globe is significantly smaller.

"Oh dear Amanda.. I do hope you provide some good entertainment for me like young Lexi did.. You should have specified how much they 'like' you.." Tim chuckles deeply his voice losing the baby tone that he uses to lure his prey into a false sense of security, so they make more mistakes with their wishes. "If you fail at survival I'm sure you shall make a delicious snack.. You neurodivergents always do." Tim licks his lips as he stares down at the globe.

"Are you playing with your charges again young one?" Over a hundred voices speak in unison, various tones and genders among them.

"Oh! Hello Mama Mat!" Tim smiles as he turns in his chair to the large door that opens to show several hundreds of eyes that glow within the dark abyss. "Nah, I'm just seasoning the meat."

- Amanda POV -

Opening my eyes I look up to the bright blue sky overhead and I smile with excitement, sitting up I take a look around me. Lush green trees and benches- I must be in a park of some kind.. I take a further look around and see various people that look slightly un-human. Whoa.. I am in My hero Academia.. I smile wide with giddiness and look down to my left wrist, spotting Ben's original Omnitrix. I squeal with utter delight, shaking my right hand at my side as I stare at it.

Quickly getting up off the ground I rush over to a bench and sit down. Smiling I press the buttons and the cylindrical dial flicks up, the inner display showing off an alien. IT WORKS JUST LIKE THE TOY I HAD!!! My eyes practically sparkle with growing excitement. this.. is the best day of my life- er death..? Okay, better not use it now. I remember that quirks are illegal to use in public unless you're a hero.. Even though technically this isn't a quirk, I'll be safe about using it. Best not reveal my ace in the hole. Standing up from the bench, the Omnitrix returns to its dormant state. The cylinder disappearing back into its housing, the glowing green light dimming into nothing.

Alright... Well shit. I'm in another world with no identification, money or well.. anything! I need to find someone to help.. and I need to get in contact with UA to get the ball rolling.. I refuse to sit on my ass and watch my favorite characters get themselves hurt. Maybe Nezu can help me..? I feel like him and Grey Matter would get along like house on fire. A logical thinking being like Nezu would understand that me being here is a blessing... So naturally he may be inclined to help- "Hey? You okay there miss?" A voice calls out to me pulling me out of my train of thought, I look towards it and blush instantly nearly choking on my own spit. Hawks stands in front of me with a charming Playboy smile. Oh no.. he's so hot..

"O-Oh I'm f-fine Mr. Hawks sir.." I look down to the ground, not liking any form of extended eye contact with strangers. Even looking at him is making me flustered!.. wait.. maybe he knows where UA is? "A-actually.. Mr. Hawks sir.. do you know where UA is..?" I look up to him through my hair, he smirks at me and nods his head.

"Sure do. You need an escort little bird?" He offers me and I nod meekly, blushing even more at the nickname. He probably calls every girl he meets that.. He reeks fuck boy energy.. "Follow me then... From your accent it sounds like you aren't from around here.. America?" Hawks begins to walk me towards what I hope is UA.

"Y-Yeah.. I'm from the northern east coast.. Towards Canada.." I play with the bottom of my shirt, looking at everything but him. Taking in the surroundings, memorizing the route we are taking via imprinting specific random landmarks in my head.

"I've always wanted to go to America.. I really wanna try the fried chicken and waffles they make down south." Hawks says with a wistful sigh, resting his arms on top of his head. Fuck.. that pose is so hot..

"It's really good! Home made fried chicken is the best when made right." I smile to him, making him smile in return he then freezes for a moment with a squint.

"Oop- we're just about here! Just down this road and take a right! I'm so sorry but I gotta go, I can hear someone calling for help! What's your name little bird?" He asks with a raised brow, becoming intrigued by me.

"Amanda Grayson." I say to him meekly. Why would he want to know my name? Also thank fuck the kitten didn't plop me in a baby body, or erase all my memory's.. I would be so fucked. Hawks nods with a smile before giving me a two finger salute and a wink, bursting into the air he flies off like a rocket.

I sigh loudly with relief, letting myself melt slightly. Sweet relief! My social anxiety can only take so much! He's too fucking hot, If he stayed any longer I would make an idiot of myself! I have no personal experience with relationships or sex. I never had the urge to seek someone out before.. People in my world didn't seem attractive to me, characters in books and media do.. shit, I just realized I died a virgin.. I huff and begin my trek towards the school, hoping to the kitten above that it's school season.. If not than I have no idea where to get in contact with Nezu.


"Holy shit it's so much bigger in real life.. the anime clips I've seen does NOT do it justice..." I stare at the humongous campus with awe. It's early school season where the teachers meet and prep for the schools curriculum. I surmised by the amount of people walking inside the fenced area.. From the corner of my eye. I spot someone walking into the school and I jog forward-

"H-Hey! Uh- excuse me!" I wave my arms at him making the man stop with a look of confusion towards me. He kinda looks like the civilian clothes Present Mic fanart I've seen.

"How can I help ya listener?" The man turns to me with a smile, adjusting his glasses. Looking me up and down with an appraising gaze. Holy shit it IS present Mic!

"This is gonna sound like a weird request... But can you get the principal for me? It's very urgent and the information I have is sensitive.. I would do it myself but I don't have an access card or anything to get past the fence." I gesture to the large metal gate in front of me.

"Uh... Sure thing, I can do that.. No problem. What's your name?" He asks me with a brow raised.

"Amanda Grayson, pleasure to meet you..?"

"Yamada Hizashi, it's nice to meet you listener. I'll be right back with the principal." He bows his head to me before walking towards the school. Oh shit. Right they do last name first here.. The culture shock is gonna take some getting used too.. the whole last name being first was so hard to get used to when reading fanfics.. i thought Aizawa's first name was Aizawa for the longest time... at least they speak English to me, another small mercy, I would hate having to mime what I want to say.. I only know certain Japanese words.. and maybe the lyrics to Overlord's opening songs.


A few minutes later I hear the stomping of shoes, I turn to see Principle Nezu perched in Professor Aizawa's scarf. I try my absolute hardest not to squeal out and choke because of how cute the principal is and how DADDY Aizawa is. HE'S SO CUTE IN PERSON! SO FLUFFY!!! IM GOING TO DIE!!! "My colleague said that you inquired to speak to me miss Grayson?" The small mouse bear says to me with a chipper voice and smile, Aizawa huffs out with disinterest. Keeping his vision locked onto me. Oh he must be here to protect the principal in case I'm a villain..

"O-Oh! Yes! Thank God." I smile wide and hold my hands to my chest, playing with my fingers and the fabric. My heart pounding with nerves, wanting to make a good first impression. "C-Can we go somewhere more private sir? What I'm about to say.. shouldn't be said in a public space... if the wrong people gained the knowledge I have.. it could lead to devastation and possible genocide." If All for One got me.. or hell the plague doctor germaphobe kidnapper douche bag. The planet would be utterly fucked, so many people would die. I sure as shit don't want this world to turn into a shitty 'Villains Won' AU.

"And what information would that be?" He squints his eyes at me with clear suspicion, but his face remaining chipper. Noo! God, please I'm not a villain Nezu! Don't hate me already!

"I-It's revolving me knowing the future of the school and it's students sir... And my knowledge about this world all together.. I even have proof to back up my claims. I know things about some heros that nobody should know." Nezu squints at me for a moment before he nods, intrigued by my statement.

"Follow me.." Aizawa sighs loudly and turns to walks towards the school, the gate allowing me entry. I quickly scurry up next to them, giving them an arms length distance so they don't feel pressured. I don't want them to think I'm dangerous, I'm just awkward as all hell.

- Nezu's Office -

Sitting down at the desk he offers me a cup of tea which I take, not wanting to be rude. Aizawa outside of the office waiting to burst in if need be. "First of all sir, I'm sorry if I act nervous... it's just.. I'm a BIG fan and I have social anxiety.." I smile slightly as I sip the tea, humming happily at its delicious taste. Good.. but I prefer Arizona. "But let's cut to the chase.. I'm not from this world." Nezu chokes on his tea in surprise, shooting the liquid through his nose. "Where I'm from, this entire planet is a manga turned into an anime series.. based off of one quirkless boy getting a passed down quirk from his idol... All Might." Nezu doesn't make any outward shows of emotion but I know he's freaking out.

"I know everything sir... I know who is hurt, who dies. Who's the traitor leaking information to the enemy.. I know that you are an animal with a quirk who escaped from a lab-" Nezu holds up his paw, I stop talking. Biting my lip with nerves.

"One moment Miss Grayson.. I need to make a call.." Nezu jumps down from his seat and grabs his phone, quickly dialing the number.


After about forty minutes, the office door opens and none other than Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa stands in the doorway. Ah.. I get it now, he has a lie detector quirk doesn't he? He strides in after closing the door behind himself. Sitting down beside me he raises a brow to Nezu who nods his head. "Alright. If you would please make the previous statements you've made." Tsukauchi says with a grunt.

"My name is Am- er.. I guess you would say it last name first here.. Grayson Amanda, I'm not from this plane of existence or reality." I shrug my shoulders while playing with my fingers.

"T-true.." Tsukauchi says to Nezu who looks baffled at this information, thinking that I was most likely lying.

"Where I'm from, this entire world is a popular world wide manga and anime." I stare down at my lap, not wanting to see their reactions.

"True.." Tsukauchi rubs his hand down his face with a look of horror, starting to have an existential crisis.

"I... I was hit by a car while walking down the street, heading to get some groceries to feed some stray animals.. and I.. I died."

"True." He frowns at me with pity in his eyes.

"I know that All Might, or Yagi Toshinori was originally quirkless, I know that his quirk One for All is an inheritable quirk. It stock piles power after each user, he's the eighth generation?"

"True.. Oh my god.." Tsukauchi's eyes widen in shock.

"Why did you come to me? You could have gone straight to the police with this information.." Nezu asks with a brow raised as he sips his tea elegantly, a tiny furry pinkie raised.

"You're my favorite character.. like I said.." I smile as I rub the back of my neck. "And I know that you only have what's best for your students at heart. You're the only person I could come to who I knew would listen to me." Nezu smiles softly and nods his head, understanding my point of view.

"Well.. I don't believe you should tell me about the entire future all at once.. Even though I would love to know so I could crush my unknowing enemies.." He make a maniacal grin , cackling evily into his tea cup. He then sighs softly. "But doing so could change it for the worse... I believe we should keep you close to keep you safe. Who is this stories 'protagonist'...?" He says raising a brow to me.

"Midoriya Izuku." Nezu hums softly and nods his head, having seen his name in the application roster.

"I see.. Do you have a quirk?" He asks me while taking another sip of his tea. Naomasa freaking out in the corner of the room.

"Yes!- well... It's not really a quirk per say.. mostly alien technology, I asked the thing that brought me here for it.." I look down to the floor. Nezu squints at me with intrigue, wanting nothing more to rip into the tech and learn how it works. "But I haven't tried it yet.." I hum to myself in thought, biting my lip.

"Try it now." He says with enthusiasm, wanting to see it in action.

"O-Okay..." Getting up from the chair I step back a bit, pressing the buttons on the Omnitrix. I quickly slide through and decide GreyMatter would work best. I press the dial down gently and a flash of light fills the room. All my senses dull out and within a blink and flash of light I'm smaller.

Nezu and Tsukauchi gasp in surprise. "Oh! How intriguing! It seems the Omnitrix has a built in function to assist with the transformations, dulling any form of pain or discomfort! As to not damage the hosts mental health from constant use of the device!" A nasaly voice comes from my throat as I inspect my shorter amphibian like body.

Nezu leans over his desk and looks down to me with wide eyes. "How peculiar.. are you a shape shifter?"

"Negative sir. I am a Galvan in this form, an alien species from a television series I rather enjoyed as a child. The show Ben10 follows the plot of a ten year old boy going on a road trip with his biological grandfather and cousin." I leap up into the chair and sit down. "A device was ejected from a space ship and landed on earth, intending to be delivered to Maxwell Tennison, the grandfather.. Ben Tennison went into the woods and discovered the object and was a fool, approaching it with childlike curiosity. The device recognized the DNA signature of Maxwell due to family genetics, so it launched onto Ben's arm.. the device that I now wear, is known as the Omnitrix. It allows the user to transform into ten different alien species for ten minutes. Further upgrades are possible after a period of time."

"Fascinating! Is the device able to be forcibly removed from your person?" He asks with a small squint.

"Negative. It is fused to my skin when in human form, if someone chopped my arm off they still wouldn't be able to remove it. It's fused to my DNA and recognizes only me as it's user. Only I can remove it and the creator of the device who doesn't exist in this reality." I say with a smirk.

"What can this Galvan creature do?" Nezu strokes his face as he looks to me, Tsukauchi looking at me with intrigue.

"I prefer to call this form Grey Matter, but I have enhanced intelligence. Once I reach my human biological maturity, my forms also reach theirs as well. I should reach the IQ of the devices creator, the DNA he sampled of his race was of himself after all, his IQ was 1e+30 or one nonillion." Nezu's eyes widen in startled alarm, Tsukauchi gasps in surprise. The Omnitrix begins to beep, the light turning red. Nezu and Tsukauchi look at me in alarm. With a flash of light im in my human form again, I shake my head and and look back up to them with a smile. Whoa, having a Neurotypical brain was nice! So organized!

Nezu claps his paws with a smile. "Wonderous! You will make an extraordinary addition to the student body!"

"I.. what?" I look at the rodent with wide terrified eyes. Not expecting this after all, since I'm well older than the age of a typical high school.. at least ill finally get my high school education! I dropped out at 16 and lived happily until my death.

"The best way to keep you safe is for you to stay close, and to join the student body young Grayson! Of course you will have to take the entrance exam tomorrow." He smiles over his cup of tea.

"I.. I.."

"Hm.. Do you have any identification?" He asks me while raising a brow.

"N-No sir.. I have only what's on my body currently.." I frown, looking down at my hands.

"That's quite troublesome.. No matter! I can have some documents written up lickidy split!" Nezu sets down his tea cup and begins to type on his computer.

"T-Thank you Principal Nezu!" Smiling gratefully to the rodent he simply smiles back, bowing my head to him.

"Its nothing dear, you may call me Nezu when we're alone." His little paws moving quickly against the keys.


"If it's alright with you, you may stay with me tonight until we can find you some more long term accomodations." His eyes locked onto the computer screen, little paws moving across the keyboard like lightning.

"That's fine Nezu.. Thank you so much." I'll have to repay him somehow.

"Think nothing of it my dear.. and done!" Nezu smiles and presses a final button, the printer nearby coming to life. "I hacked into the government's database and created an identity for you! I have everything needed to print out all you need.. I put you down as having lost both of your parents in an accident since you have no biological family here."

"That's perfectly fine! Thank you Nezu!" The bear hops down from his seat and walks around his desk.

"Why don't we go get some dinner before we head to my home?" He smiles up to me holding the keys to his office in paw. I stand up from my seat and nod to the man eagerly, he ushers me out of his office and locks the door behind him. Tsukauchi merely follows along with a drawn out sigh.

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