Somewhere Between Lovers and...

By klare_zhan

21.5K 1.3K 88

Somewhere Between Lovers and Friends - Yizhan πŸ’šπŸ’›β€οΈ More

Somewhere Between Lovers and Friends
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Last Chapter

Chapter Eleven

842 69 2
By klare_zhan

After that night Yibo did not visit for two weeks. Yibo left his CP with him so he could use it if there was an emergency. But even though he had Yibo's CP he did not call.

"Maybe he and Cheng Xiao are getting ready to get married," Zhan said to Nanny Yingchun when she mentioned why Yibo hadn't visited for a long time. Zhan did not meet the old woman's eyes.

"Yibo is the father of your child, Zhan, isn't he?" said the old woman after a long silence.

He suddenly looked at Nanny Yingchun and his face lost its color. "W- why did you say that?"

The old woman took a deep breath and pulled him into a hug. "I don't know what problem the two of you are facing, Zhan. But even I am struggling for you. I don't want to interfere but if you need my help, just say so."

His tears gave way. He did not answer, nor did he explain. But that confirmation is enough. And his chest was relieved, not always worrying about the old woman.


"Hello," Zhan immediately answered the CP after just one ring.

"How are you," Yibo said.

"G-good. You?" Zhan leaned his head against the headboard and closed his eyes. He missed Yibo so much.

"Busy at the office. Auditing week today. And Cheng Xiao and I are already talking about marriage," Yibo announced.

"Is that so?" the word barely made it past his throat. It was like there were spikes around his chest. "Are you really going to proceed?"

"She's just waiting for his father to arrive from Beijing. He's going to come and visit her," Yibo said without enthusiasm.

"C-congratulations, then," Zhan laughed a little but he didn't know where the liquid flowing down his cheeks came from.

"Mom is asking you. She wants you to be the best man."

"Impossible, Ge," Zhan whispered painfully. "It's up to you to make excuses. I might not be able to attend your wedding, right?"

"Alright. Get some rest, you seem to have a cold. 'When I'm free from my schedule, I'll go there."

"Ge..." he said before Yibo hung up the phone.

"Yes?" asked Yibo.

"N-nothing. It's... just that I miss you."

Yibo took a long time to answer. He almost thought Yibo hung up already. "You can't know how much I miss you too, Sweetheart." Yibo said and hung up the phone.

Zhan wiped the tears that didn't stop falling with the back of his palm. He cursed himself for crying. Absent-mindedly, he grabbed his stomach. He couldn't help but feel sorry for himself but immediately erased it from his mind.


Zhan left early that day. He wants to go to Yunmeng. It's been three weeks since they talked but Yibo didn't fulfill his promise to visit him. He was worried that Yibo might be in trouble.

Zhan mustered all the courage and tried contacting Yibo twice at his office, but he couldn't make it in time. If not, Yibo is in a meeting, said his secretary. He didn't want to call Yibo at home because Yibo's dad and mom might be the ones to answer, and he wasn't in the condition to answer their questions.

Even when he called his parent and asked his Mommy, she didn't say anything except that she doesn't see Yibo much. So even though he was afraid that someone might see him, he dared to go to Yunmeng to see Yibo.

The duty of Yibo in the bank office is until four in the afternoon. Zhan did not go to his office and waited in the parking lot, next to Yibo's car. He was pleased to see Yibo going out from the bank at around three. Zhan was about to approach him when he stepped back. Cheng Xiao is with him and they are laughing.

Anger rose in Zhan's chest. He was worried and thought Yibo had a problem, but there he was, and he looked happy. Didn't even remember to call him and say hello.

But that's not his obligation, Zhan. He proposed marriage but you refused. And why should he ignore his girlfriend just because of you? He had given so much of his time for you, telling that to himself, and a part of his mind gradually cleared the anger from his chest.

He quickly turned and walked away. He didn't want Yibo to see him there, he looked miserable. He stopped himself from crying because he was already on the bus. The pain caused by seeing Yibo with Cheng Xiao was too much.

He held his stomach. "I'm sorry baby. I love your father, perhaps I loved him from the very start. But someone already owns him. He can never be mine," he thought, blurring his vision due to rapid tears. which precedes to fall. He ignored the curious look the other passenger gave him.

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