Castles Crumbling | S. Stilin...

由 swiftielvrrr

30.3K 988 71

Olivia McCall the outspoken, daring twin sister of the pure hearted Scott McCall. She's the bad and he's the... 更多

1| I missed you
2| Do I get a kiss?
3| Stalk much, Stilinski?
4| Big bad wolf Derek Hale needs my help?
5| Beauty takes time
6| Because you have anger issues
7| Our family has been waiting for you
8| I'm not the villain
9| I am Melissa McCall's daughter!
10| Stiles, I'm gonna kill you!
11| It was for your safety
12| This will create a war we will not win
13| Good morning, sunshine
14| I don't want to fight you
15| You'll always find your way home
17| Can I fucking help you?
18| I can't.. breath
19| The McCall twins are powerful..
20| Do you think I'll win?
21| They want a war.. I'll give them one
22| I don't know how this will end
23| We'll figure it out
24| We're in this together
25| We hunt those who hunt us
26| Stop, you're killing him!
27| At least I'm not a murderer
28| Shut up and let me save you
29| I'm gonna sit this out
30| Everything feels so real and I hate it
31| This is my life!
32| You came.. you found me
33| You're going soft
34| You know I'm not scared to kill either of you.
35| You don't deserve this power
36| I can rewrite reality.. I think I can
37| I'm not.. a Mikaelson
38| I hate being this powerful being
39| And I'm the Tribrid
40| Why does it have to be me?
41| Chaos
42| I'm a McCall
43| Why is it so hard to get privacy?

16| I never got to properly thank you

504 19 3
由 swiftielvrrr

"Do you have any idea where he might be?"

I look at Noah, having no idea why he pulled me from classes. And then he asked if I knew where Derek Hale was.

"Why would I know?"

"Some people said they saw you talking to him."

"People? Are they trustworthy eye witnesses because I have never talked to Derek Hale in my life."

"Liv, I need you to be honest with me."

I don't like lying to Noah. I hate it. But I don't really have a choice. I can't openly tell him I know Derek. And I sure as hell can't tell him how I do know him.

"I don't know him."

He sighs while shaking his head.

"You're a good kid.. a smart kid.. I don't want you getting mixed into all this." He rubs his chin. "They must've mixed you up with someone else."

"Must've." I force a smile. "I wish I could give you more information. Can I go now? I'm supposed to meet with Allison and Lizzie."

"Yeah.. go." I get up and walk towards the door. "Liv, you hear anything about Derek you call me, okay?"

I nod before walking out of the principals office. Allison and Lizzie both stand up from the chairs outside the office and we start walking to my locker. Allison goes on and on about Scott as I put my textbooks in my locker.

"Do you think I made the wrong decision?"


"Absolutely not." Lizzie adds. "I know I haven't known him for that long but you're gorg and he's.. Scott."

I try not to laugh. Lizzie and Scott have gotten off on the wrong foot and it's so funny. He said he hates it because it's like living with two of me.

We've talked about what happened at the school. In a way we dusted it under the rug. But he pissed me off after trying to blame it all on Derek.

"I think you made the right choice. He deserves it. He basically left you for dead."

"I'm surprised you're not advocating for him."

"He pissed me off so.."

"Anyways.. you're both going to the game, right?"

"Scott's playing so obviously."

We both look at Lizzie when she doesn't say anything. Her eyes and mind are somewhere else. We look at who she's looking at. Low and behold it's Isaac.

"Who is that?"

"Isaac Lahey. Tall. Beautiful blue eyes that our babies would look so pretty with.." Lizzie says. "He's like a cute little puppy."


She glares at me before walking away to talk to him.

"That was something. I'm gonna watch practice. Wanna come?"

"I've gotta get home. I'll text you."

I smile and start walking out of the school. I meet Lydia at the bleachers as she types away on her phone.

Neither of us say anything. I look at her messy hair then examine her face. Her lipgloss is smudged and she never goes anywhere with messed up lipgloss.

"Lyd, what exactly were you doing before practice?"

"Oh! Nothing."

"You're lying."

"And how do you know?"

"Your lipgloss is smeared. Your hair is a mess. The Lydia Martin I know would not strut around looking like that unless.." I trail off. "Who did you make out with?"

"How do you know it wasn't Jackson?"

I smile.

"Because Jackson and Danny have been on the field since classes ended."

"I don't kiss and tell."

I glance inside her mind. My jaw dropping.

"It was Scott!"


"Allison is going to kill you.."

"Let's just watch practice, shall we?"

Lydia and I watch practice as we normally do. Apparently Scott has become co-captain with Jackson. I can imagine Jackson isn't very happy about that by the way he is glaring at Scott.

Lydia talks about the other night after I left. Not like I don't already know. Allison pretty much told me everything. I was happy to find out they were safe after I left.

I turn my attention back to the field. Scott charges at Danny, practically throwing him to the ground. We both rush onto the field to make sure Danny is okay.

"Is he okay?"

"It looks like he just has a bloody nose."

Coach helps get Danny up as I get a better look at his nose.

"You okay, Danny boy?"


I smack his chest as we both laugh. Lydia stays to hang out with Jackson after practice while I leave.

I walk away before Stiles or Scott try talking to me. I rummage through my bag for my keys when I see someone standing by my car.

"There's phones for this exact reason. No need to randomly drop by when New Orleans is so far away."

"I never got to properly thank you."

"I really only did it because of Davina."

Kol nods his head. It's crazy that I trust Davina more than I do my actual blood family. She seems to be the only one actually being honest with me.

"You remind her of her younger self."

"I'm aware."

"There's evil coming and we're on your side."

"If I need any of you.. I will call." I say. "Until then.. you guys can keep your distance. I've got all I need here."

"Melissa's done a wonderful job raising you.. better than any of us."

He speeds away. I smile, knowing she has. I couldn't have asked for a better mother. I don't care who's womb I was originally in or who my biological father is, she's my mother.

I get into my car and drive home. I walk in and Lizzie's already in the kitchen preparing dinner. She turns around, waving the knife around.

"Josie never trusted me enough to cook."

I walk towards her. She hasn't talked about Josie much. But when she has it's never good. They honestly remind me of Scott and I before the whole werewolf thing brought us close again. They were never close though.

"I trust you."

She smiles and it's bright. She gets back to cutting the vegetables.


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