You Are Mine: You Are My Ever...

By JGranberg

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Colin Corrette has felt pain, sadness, terror, fear, happiness, excitement, lust, but never before has he fel... More

Note To Reader
Chapter 1: Emptiness
Chapter 2: Options
Chapter 3: Loyalty
Chapter 4: Surprise
Chapter 5: News
Chapter 6: Mine
Chapter 7: Happy
Chapter 8: Safeword
Chapter 9: Duty
Chapter 10: Slumber Party
Chapter 11: Privacy
Chapter 12: Possession
Chapter 13: Acquaintances
Chapter 14: Doubt
Chapter 15: Tailing
Chapter 16: Family
Chapter 17: Safety
Chapter 18: Plans
Chapter 19: Lunch
Chapter 20: Terrors
Chapter 21: Release
Chapter 23: Hope
Chapter 24: Dreams
Chapter 25: Desperation
Chapter 26: Preparations
Chapter 27: Challenge
Chapter 28: Fear
Chapter 29: Remorse
Chapter 30: Forever
Chapter 31: Marriage
Chapter 32: Beach
Sneak Peak

Chapter 22: Future

101 5 0
By JGranberg

"Emery we are not going into work," Colin mutters strictly with a deep frown.

"Colin, I have to, Ellie needs my help with this project," I reason. "What could possibly happen in that office? It has better security than the White House."

"You can use Skype or FaceTime, you don't need to go in," Colin retorts.

"Yes, I do, Ellie needs me in the office today and I am sick of sitting around this hotel like some captive. What is going to happen Colin?" I ask again, gazing at him with a pointed look.

Colin frowns gazing at me. We have been arguing since I got out of the shower at six thirty and declared that I was going into the office whether Colin liked it or not, not as it turns out. I have to go in. Ellie needs my help with the banquet, she needs my help picking out tablecloths, napkins, and raffle prizes. Honestly, I sort of feel like I am planning some expensive High School prom.

I step closer to him touching my hand to his cheek. "Reese will be there, you will be there. I will be safe. You must have things you have to take care of at the office too."

Colin breathes a heavy sigh, he kisses my towel-covered forehead and nods slowly. "Fine, but I want you to keep a low profile at work. The fewer people that know we are there the better."

I nod slowly, best not to say that I am going to meet with Ashlyn, Charleigh and Remi as well as Ellie then. I need to go to work, Ellie asked me to help with this project, and I don't want to let her down. Besides this is my chance to make a name for myself before I become Mrs Emery Corrette, perhaps if I do a good job on this people will remember I have more value than just, simply being Colin's wife.

I grin a little in triumph as I quickly get dressed, making sure I am ready rather quickly, so Colin doesn't have a chance to change his mind. When we head out of the hotel, Reese is waiting in the lobby for us and walks closely at my side as we head to the parked SUV just steps from the door.

Reese opens the door for me "Ma'am," he says in a far more formal voice than usual. Clearly, the stress of all of this is getting to him too.

"Thanks, Reese," I say, touching my hand to his arm as I slid into the car.

It's a few moments before Colin is sliding in beside me. I glance at him "you both need to relax. You are acting like there is a snipper on every rooftop and it makes me more stressed."

Colin frowns a little gazing at me "no precaution is too much Emery. We don't know what lengths Anderson is willing to go to."

"It's hard for him to force me to give him a grandson if I am dead, you said he was smart, he has to understand that," I say.

Colin's jaw tightens at my words, he turns his gaze to the window as we travel in a very indirect route to the office.

I frown, I reach across to squeeze his hand "hey, I'm sorry that was a bad joke."

"Yes it was," Colin grumbles.

"I'm sorry," I say sincerely gazing at him. "Hey, I am not going anywhere. All of this is going to sort out and you and I will go back to starting a family together."

Colin turns his gaze to me he holds my gaze for a moment before he nods, he reaches across and sets his hand against my stomach giving it a gentle rub. "How's the baby today?"

"Good," I say with a smile.

Colin leans across the seat and kisses me as Reese stops the car outside the office. Colin pulls away gazing at me "stay in this office until I come down to meet you at the end of the day. Reese will bring you lunch if you want."

I touch my hand to his cheek "don't take out all of this tension on the board."

Colin smirks a little in amusement "no promises." He glances at Reese when he pulls open my door for a moment before he gets out.

I get out of the car and glance at Reese with a small smile "thanks for keeping me safe."

Reese nods with a formal smile "always, ma'am."

"Come on," Colin says touching his hand to my back.

When we step into the building, I gently push his hand away glancing at him "not at work."

Colin frowns a little gazing at me "everyone knows Emery, there is no point in hiding anymore."

"It's not about hiding it's about not flaunting it around. I don't want to just be known as the boss's girlfriend," I say as I step over to the elevator pressing the up button.

Colin sighs glancing at me "what if I want to brag and flaunt it around?" He glances at me "it took me a long time to find you, I finally found my future and I'd like to let everyone know that. I want to holler it from the rooftops."

I smile a little at his words, and I step onto the elevator "you can do that just not at work. Not yet. Let me make a bit of a name for myself first."

His nod is rather reluctant, but I know it is the best I will get. When the elevator stops on my floor, he kisses my forehead. "Do not step foot out of this building without me."

I nod with a warm smile "I won't promise."

"Have a good day," Colin says as I step out of the elevator.

I smile glancing at him "you too." I stop in my office to drop off my bag and coat before I grab my notebook and file on the project. With those in hand, I head to the lounge. Stepping off the elevator I smile when I see Ellie sitting with the others. I blink seven other interns are sitting around the table as well as Miss Duncan and Ashlyn Doyle. So much for a low profile.

"Miss Palmer," Miss Duncan says with a warm smile getting to her feet when I step in. She walks over and when I have set my book and file down, she gives me a friendly handshake. "Can we talk later?"

I blink a little, what could she want to discuss? Does she want to discuss the fact that I keep missing work? I nod "yeah, of course."

Miss Duncan smiles warmly before she returns to her seat.

She seems to be in a good mood so it can't be bad, right? Maybe it is something about the retreat in November... I glance at Ellie with a warm smile as I sit down next to her.

She turns to me, her gaze blazing with professionalism and formality. She leans closer to me "have you read over everything?"

I nod with a small, inspired smile "yeah, of course."

Ellie nods and gives me a warmer smile "good."

"Ellie, are you ready?" Duncan asks from where she sits.

Ellie turns to her and nods "yes."

"Your meeting, then," Duncan says.

A flicker of a bright smile crosses Ellie's face before she goes back to business and begins with the first order of business on the agenda, she sent me. First, she goes over an overview of the event we have been planning, really only the most basic of details have been determined already.

Eight Saturdays from now the Publishing Department will be hosting a Showcase Gala. It will be a black-tie event and showcase some of the most successful Authors that have paired with the Department. Invites will be sent to graduation classes of the closest Universities and many contacts that Miss Duncan has gathered over the years. Some of Colin's too. It will be advertised to upcoming authors or aspiring writers to come out and learn about the path of traditional publishing.

The event will allow the interns and publishers to meet new authors that we can hopefully then pair with to publish their projects. This will bring money and business into the publishing department while also gaining a bit of morel in the process.

Miss Duncan will be at the front of the event, networking and making speeches, speaking about the work she has done over her time with the company, and how it grew from a simple publishing company to a major enterprise. Ellie will be featured to as the intern who helped make the night possible. I told her I don't mind being mentioned only a few times, I did this for her. I owe her so much for what she did before I went back to Colin. Everything that she was willing to put on the line for me.

I glance at Duncan and watch her, watch Ellie with a warm fond smile. One thing is for sure, Jayne Duncan sees Ellie as a younger version of herself. I can tell by the way she is looking at her, both with inspiration and pride. It's funny to me really, Ellie said that I was guaranteed a senior publisher's position because I am with Colin, have it his way I wouldn't even have a job in seven months, I think there is only one person in this whole department that is guaranteed to succeed and it's Ellie. Duncan just has to be able to make a case to promote her and she has found it. I wonder if I could help it along. Would Colin consider my word? Is it his permission Duncan needs, or does she need Favro's? I'm sure if Colin wanted to promote Ellie he could.

I glance at Ellie as she continues, naming each of the partners and sponsors that she has been in contact with. High-end caterers, an upscale bar who hopefully will lend a few bartenders for the evening they are trained to do the cool tricks with the bottles. She's been in contact with people who might be willing to sponsor raffle ticket prizes, the major league teams are donating tickets, and a few high-end jewelry stores are donating some gift baskets.

While I have been locked up in a hotel room Ellie has been pouring her heart and soul into this banquet.

"What if we did a dance auction?" Remi suggests glancing at Ellie. "We could put the money towards helping underprivileged children get school supplies or education or something."

Ellie although she seems to be trying to stay professional can't seem to contain her giggling at the idea, she nods. "I love it."

There is so much to discuss and decide that by lunch we are only two-thirds through the discussion points Ellie wrote out on her agenda. For lunch, Duncan tells us to order something and she will charge it to the company, then she and Ashlyn head off to their own offices to eat. After a long discussion of what to order the interns decide on a Greek place down the street.

After so much stress with this Anderson guy and being locked away with an incredibly stressed and tense Colin, this is the sort of day I needed. I needed a day to talk about something other than my drug dealer father, or the fact that he wants to steal me away and marry me off. I needed a day to simply be a first-year intern, talking and discussing things with people who share my interests. Today I am not even a mom-to-be, no one but Ellie knows that I am pregnant, I am just me, a simple intern.

I giggle warmly as Remi tells me all about her time with Brooks from the legal department. The two are hitting it off rather well, from what she tells me. "I haven't met him, he was only pointed out to me that night and I can't remember much of that night."

Remi smiles glancing at me "I can only remember when Mr Corrette showed up to take you home."

I blush a little glancing at the desk. How does everyone work in my relationship with Colin into a conversation? I smile a little "so are you writing or just planning on being a publisher?"

Remi blinks a little and smiles a little "you don't want to talk about him?"

I slowly shake my head "I don't want to advertise my relationship with him. I don't want people thinking I'm only here because I am —"

"Sleeping with the boss?"

I frown a little and glance over where Jolene is sitting next to Jay. I clear my throat a little and shift in my chair.

"Jolene," Jay murmurs glancing at her with a frown that I am sure is meant to be a warning.

"What?" Jolene asks glancing at him and then around the table. "Are we just going to ignore the fact that she got a Junior Publisher's office without earning it? Are we going to ignore that she has skipped more work than any of us combined? When we got hired here, we were told the competition was fierce. We were told that only a very small percentage of us would make it to being a Senior Publisher. We were told that we would have to work our asses off to ever be able to call one of those offices ours. Then this chick just waltzes in and sleeps with the boss and gets handed it. I have been working for three years to get an office on that floor and nothing. I have put in so many 18-hour days I can't count them all and nothing!"

"Jolene," Ellie says sitting up and frowning at her.

"Don't pretend like you are okay with this, Ellie. Just because she is your roommate by order of Mr Corrette doesn't mean you have to be her friend."

I frown glancing at her "Colin did not order her to let me stay at her place."

Jolene glares coldly at me "you sure about that?"

Am I sure about that? It is something Colin would do. He buys what he wants, and always has. I glance at Ellie "did he?"

Ellie glances at me with a small frown "Emery."

"He said he mentioned that I needed help to you and you offered to give me a room, was that true?" I ask. A small hurt frown growing across my face.

Ellie frowns a little before slowly shaking her head "no. He asked if you could stay and I-I didn't want you to, I said that I didn't get close to any of the interns in the Department, we are competition I thought he would understand that but he got upset and told me if I let you stay he would pay me..."

I gaze at her with shock, my heart sinking a little. My friendship with her... it was all based on some deal Colin made. She didn't want to be friends with me. I was... am competition. "So that's why are we friends?"

"No, no god no Emery, we are friends because I like you, because you are nice and sweet and he was right we get along well. You are like a younger sister to me. I just didn't see it at the time."

I slowly shake my head, I glance at Jolene "how does she know?"

Ellie glances at Jolene and then back at me "because I spoke to her about it that day. I was just... not about the paying me part, Mr Corrette... well he ugh, bought my silence."

I glare at her a little "can we talk? Outside."

Ellie nods "yeah, of course."

I get to my feet and step out of the room before turning to Ellie. "Why didn't you tell me when I ended things with him? Was he still paying you?"

"Yes, I planned on telling you, and trust me at that point I didn't want his money, I told him that too. I told him that he could stop paying me because I was happy to take care of you on my own, but he wouldn't stop. Emery, you are my friend, but... I didn't want to anger him by telling you... he's my boss. Well, my boss's, boss's boss. He can determine if I make it in this company or not, I did enough harm to my future here the other night."

I glance at the floor frowning deeply "our friendship started because he bought your friendliness."

Ellie gazes at me with a small frown "no. Our friendship started because you were nice. I decided I liked you the first day we started hanging out. Sure, I was a bit more open-minded because he had talked to me, but that's not the only reason we are friends. Look I'm sorry, I should have told you and I definitely shouldn't have spoken to Jolene about it."

I slowly nod.

"But, Emery, Jolene has a reason to be mad. What she's said it's all true. You have an office that we have been killing ourselves to get, and you just got it." Ellie says with a small frown. "Calling him by his name around here, maybe it's not a good thing to get in the habit of, he's Mr Corrette to everyone in this building, except you."

I gaze at her and sigh. I get their frustration, really, I do. It's what I was afraid of. She's right I should try and be as professional as I can towards him. I can't rub it in everyone's face. "I didn't ask for the office."

"I know," Ellie says. "Trust me I know."

I nod.

"Ignore Jolene, she is a bitch," Ellie says with a small smile. She glances at the door and then lowers her voice and turns to me "and between us, she will never even make it to Junior Publisher, not after the stuff she said to Miss Duncan in her second year."

I blink, smiling curiously "what did she say?"

"Miss Duncan was giving her some criticism on something she had been working on and Jolene got all defensive. Then she said something along the lines of just because Miss Duncan dedicates her life to the company and doesn't have a life doesn't mean the rest of us have to follow suit."

I gaze at Ellie in surprise before smiling a little. I can't help but giggle, I might not have much for experience in the world of work, but I do know that is not a good way to get promoted.

"Should we head back in?" I ask glancing at the door.

Ellie hesitates "we don't have to yet. How are things with him?"

I glance at her and smile a little "he's been wonderful. He's... he wants me to quit my job."

Ellie frowns gazing at me with surprise "does he think we are in the nineteen hundreds or something?"

I laugh and shrug "that's what I said. I don't know... I don't know what I want but I know I don't just want to be a mother. I mean I want to be able to raise my baby and be there, but I want a career."

"Women have proven over and over that there is a way to do both," Ellie says gazing at me with a smile. "Mr Rich Pants can pay for a nanny."

I shake my head "he doesn't want that. He doesn't want a nanny raising our child."

"So he can stop working," Ellie says.

I laugh warmly "yeah I'm not sure he is going to be willing to do that." I smile a little "actually I need your help picking some stuff for the wedding. Would you be willing to help?"

Ellie hesitates a moment before nodding "yeah, if you are sure about marrying this guy."

"I am, he loves me and I love him and that is what matters. Everything else we can work on," I say earnestly. "I want the wedding to be soon before I am the size of a whale."

Ellie smiles a little.

I pull my phone out and scroll to the photos from the ultrasound the other day, I pass it to her.

Ellie takes my phone and looks at the photo with a warm smile.

"It doesn't really look like a baby yet, more like a bean I think," I say with a warm smile. "But it was amazing seeing the ultrasound and listening to the heartbeat. It made it all more real."

Ellie smiles warmly as she gazes at the picture a moment longer before passing it back to me.

I glance at Ellie "he was so excited." I murmur with a bright smile. "I've never seen him smile so big."

Ellie glances at me "aren't you worried that he just wants the baby?"

I hesitate a moment before slowly shaking my head "no." I don't want to tell her about Anderson and everything that is going on, not right now, but watching Colin with all of this I know he loves me, I know he cares about me, not just the baby.

I glance up when I see Duncan and Ashlyn walking back from the elevator.

"Hello," Duncan says with a warm smile. She glances at me and then Ellie "let's wrap this up shall we? Mr Corrette has requested that we try and get wrapped up as soon as possible." She glances at me as she says the last bit.

I suppress the urge to frown a little. Why does he insist on interfering with my career? I know he is worried about Anderson but he can't get me here. Then I feel my heart sink a little he asked that I keep a low profile... I didn't. Will he be angry about it? Aren't I safer the more people who are with me? What is Anderson going to do walk into the conference room and kidnap me?

I glance at Ellie and then step back into the conference room.

It's a shame really that everyone is so willing to follow Colin's every word. The rest of the meeting is very direct and productive. There is no side conversations or off-track chatting, just business. I am a little disappointed, I needed today and I am not ready for it to be over.

When the meeting ends I pack up my bag.

"Miss Palmer stay back for a second?"

I glance up at Duncan's words and nod. "Oh right, yeah."

Duncan smiles and waits until everyone files out. "I'll make this quick promise."

I smile leaning against the table a little "don't worry he'll wait."

Duncan blinks a little before she smiles a little "Mr Corrette gave me the form you both signed, I just wanted to make sure you were okay... I know you came from a sensitive position and I know how easy it might have been for someone to offer help and... perhaps begin to take advantage..."

I frown a little gazing at her "he's not taking advantage of me. Everything that is happening between him and I, I want."

Miss Duncan nods slowly "ma'am, I am just trying to reach out as a person you can trust and come to if that changes. This all seems to be going rather fast, marriage and a baby..."

I gaze at her in surprise "you know? He told you?"

Miss Duncan nods "he mentioned it. Congratulations, Miss Palmer."

I slowly shake my head, "I don't need your help with my relationship with him. You wouldn't understand it, very few people could. Now if you'll excuse me I should go." With that, I pull my bag over my shoulder and head out to the elevator. Why does everyone think I am so naïve? Because I am dating Colin? Because he is twelve years older than me? Because he is so... complicated? That's the problem everyone sees a different Colin than I do. They can't understand that I see a man of great passion and courage, of great strength and compassion. They see a dark, distant and cold man. A man who is strict and... a little terrifying.

I sigh heavily as I lean back against the wall of the elevator. I pull my phone from my pocket to find a text from Colin.

Text me when you are ready to head back to the hotel.

-Love Colin

I smile a little gazing at the text before replying that I am ready. Stepping off the elevator I frown a little when I notice Jolene standing in the lobby. She glances up at me with a cold bitter frown and rolls her eyes a little.

I debate just ignoring her but I can't. It makes me upset that she is so quick to hate me over a relationship she doesn't understand.

"I didn't want that office," I say as I walk past her, stepping closer to the door. "If I could give it back I would."

"You still got it," Jolene says, her tone bitter. She gazes at me with a glare. "And when you are promoted to Junior Publisher it will be on his order not your own merits. You are trotting all over the women who have fought just so we could have job security."

"My dating the CEO damages feminism?" I ask with a frown of disbelief.

"Well, if the shoe fits."

I glare at her a little. I step closer to her "you know I am not the kind of girl who tattles to her boss, but he's my boyfriend, it might just slip that I had a rough day because some bitch came at me... I really don't care you can say whatever you want about me, but he will. After Jay barely flirted with me he was ready to fire him, I wonder what he will do to my schoolyard bully?"

I can't help but smirk a little at Jolene's frown of hesitancy. Maybe dating a man who everyone fears has a few perks. He's a good secret weapon. Just the idea of making him angry scares people. With a smirk plastered across my face I step out the doors and onto the sidewalk, sort of feeling on top of the world.

"Emery! Emery Palmer!"

I pause and turn my gaze feeling my heart sink a little. I take a step back as I take in the man standing a few feet from the door. He has longer dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. Guess that is where I get my hair colour from, I always wondered, my mother was a brunette.

"Colin is on his way down, if you do anything he will hurt you..." I say as I take a step back. I am curious about him but also nervous, what bad things has he done? What terrible lines has he crossed?

Anderson raises his hands a little and keeps his distance from me "Emery, I am your father I don't want to hurt you. I just want to talk, get to know my daughter. Your boyfriend prevented that the other day."

I frown a little before swallowing.

"I'm sorry about your mother, it really tore me up when I found out that she passed so young," Anderson says.

"Why did you leave her?" I ask.

Anderson sighs a little and glances down at the ground "I wish I hadn't, but I didn't have a choice. I had to leave to protect you both. I was in Chicago on business when I met your mother, we hit off and she was a spectacular woman. I was only seventeen at the time as you can imagine I fell head over heels for her. Your mother was the first and only woman I loved, but I had to leave, it crushed me but my Brothers need me."

"Did you know about me?"

Anderson hesitates a moment before nodding "your mother sent me a letter when she found out. I never replied. I couldn't. I needed you to be a secret it was safer that way. Keeping you hidden until you could fend for yourself. My world is lawless and dangerous for children. Especially women, women heirs."

I gaze at him with a frown "I'm not going with you. I won't. I have a life here. I have Colin and a job and friends."

"Yes, I'm sure the rapist's son is great company."

I frown deeply, my gaze darkens. "How do you know about that?"

"I have my sources," Anderson says simply. "I know this is a lot, and I know he has been filling your head trying to make you see that I am some villain, but I'm not. I'm your father, your family and if you come back with me I will make sure you are happy."

I shake my head slowly "no you won't. You want me to give you a grandson, I won't matter. I can't have a baby and raise them to believe that morels are not important, that crime is a business."

"It's more complicated than that, trust me, it's a world you can't understand until you live in it," Anderson says. "Emery, please. You are my daughter. Aren't you curious about me at all?"

I hesitate a moment before nodding slowly "I am but only because I am curious about what I got from you and what I got from her."

"Well you are a fighter, I like to think you got that from me," Anderson says with a warm smile.

I shake my head "no, that's from her. She was the bravest woman I knew, she fought for everything she gave me."

Anderson gazes at me with a small slow nod "that is true. You are loyal."

I nod "I like to think so."

Anderson smiles a little "do you like cilantro?"

I consider the question before shaking my head "not really."

"Me neither," Anderson says with a warm laugh. "It tastes like soap."

I can't help but smile a little and nod.

"Chocolate or vanilla?"


Anderson smiles again "me too."

"Mom hated chocolate."

"I know, I brought her ice cream once and she was so disappointed that it was chocolate."

I smile a little "how did you meet?"

"I was at a restaurant doing business, she was the waitress. Since I was seventeen, she was rather... I think concerned that I was at such a nice restaurant alone with some strange, tattooed man. She was looking out for me I think, little did she know I was the danger."

I gaze at him "so you lied to her?"

Anderson considers me for a moment "I misled her, yes. I didn't disclose what I was or that I was the son of a drug lord, but I didn't lie about caring for her. I pissed my father off by staying in town longer to get to know her. She was deceived by me like you are being deceived by this Corrette boy."

I frown "no. Colin never lied to me, he told me who his father was, and the difference he didn't follow his father and his crimes. He became his own man and is good."

Anderson frowns "I don't want my daughter around a man like that."

"You don't get to decide, you are my father, not my dad," I say glaring at him a little. "You gave up being able to tell me what to do when you chose crime over me and my mother."

"Miss Palmer."

I glance over and watch Reese speed up to the curb quickly getting out, he steps over to me glaring coldly at Anderson. "Miss Palmer, are you alright?"

I nod glancing at Anderson.

Anderson frowns glancing at Reese "we are just chatting."

"Not anymore you aren't."

I glance at the door as Colin steps out, his gaze dark and angry as he walks over to me. He grasps my hip so tight it is almost painful and guides me behind him.

"She's my daughter."

"No, no she's not," Colin responds bitterly. "You lost the privilege of calling this amazing woman your daughter when you bailed on her and her mother. Now leave us the hell alone. Go back to your precious Brotherhood and leave her and me alone."

Anderson glares at Colin "you aren't my boss."

Colin's jaw tightens he glances at me "get in the car."

"But —"

"Now Emery," Colin orders sternly.

I hesitate a heartbeat before I step over to the car. Reese quickly opens the back door for me, and I slid in.

"If you talk to her again you will regret it," Colin threatens as he walks around.

"You can't keep her from me forever, eventually she will want to come with me," Anderson says.

Colin glares bitterly at him as he gets in the car.

I glance at Colin with a small frown. "Colin."

"I told you to stay in the building," Colin nearly snaps.

I frown a little "he did nothing."

Colin forces a hard breath through his clenched teeth. "Reese drive by the gym drop me off there and then take Emery back to the hotel, escort her up to the room." He glances at me before he continues "and make sure she stays in the room." It's as if the words are a challenge.

"Yes sir," Reese says.

I sigh and turn my gaze to the window "I wanted air. He didn't try to do anything we just talked. I had questions. He's my father I wanted to know why he left and..."

Colin slowly shakes his head "you promised you would stay in the building until I got there. What if he was waiting to force you into some van or something? Emery..." he sighs heavily "he's dangerous, don't underestimate him, please."

I glance at him.

Colin turns his gaze to me "trust me I have more experience dealing with assholes like him."

"He's not your father, Colin," I say.

Colin's gaze darkens a little "I know, my father wouldn't have just talked with you, he would have taken you." He glances up when Reese parks outside the gym. He glances at me "so help me Emery if you leave that hotel room..." He hesitates a moment before turning to me "you want to help me be less stressed, stay in that room." He steps out of the car and slams the car door harder than usual.

I sigh softly and lean back against my seat, gazing after him with a frown. 

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