The World Tour Turnabout

By DreamersWriters

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Klavier invites Apollo to join him on a world tour to celebrate Daryan's release from prison! With them is Se... More

Chapter 1: Before Departure!
Chapter 3: Time to Leave!
Chapter 4: Kon'nichiwa Japan!
Chapter 5: Crashing Concert
Chapter 6: Undercover with the International Police
Chapter 7: Saluti Italy
Chapter 8: The Wrong Deductions to the Right Conclusions
Chapter 9: Hello Again, England!
Chapter 10: The Case is Closed!
Author's Note

Chapter 2: Reunions and Reveals

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By DreamersWriters

(I know the villain is obvious, but I think it would be hilarious of the Ace Attorney and Layton cast at least went through the plot of Cars 2. I know I wrote Danganronpa with these two groups, but this is a different au. Makoto is safe for now. Enjoy!)

(Phoenix's POV)

Wright Anything Agency, Main Office

May 6th, 9:00 AM

And I believe this is where I come in. Hello, I am Phoenix Wright. I am defense attorney for the Wright Anything Agency. Right now, things have been kind of slow which is not a terrible thing either. It is nice to have a break from everything, including the stuff you love to do. At least that is what I believe. My daughter is enjoying her last few days of school before the summer, but Athena is the one handling cases and going against her brother figure, Simon Blackquill.

"Boss!" Athena shouted as she basically kicked down the door to the office and marched right up to me.

"What is it, Athena?" I asked as I gazed up from the article I was reading.

She's one of my newest attorneys at the agency. She's wearing a white collared shirt with buttons and had Widget hanging from her neck. She has a yellow jacket tied around her waist and above her yellow skirt. She has her orange hair tied up by a blue ribbon with a yellow moon themed earing hanging from her right ear. She has black tights and white high boots. She is wearing a black and blue glove on her right hand.

"Today is the day, boss!" she said excitedly, "Apollo and his brother are finally coming to visit! I am going to the airport to pick up Apollo soon!"

"Ah, that's right. I even promised to pick up Trucy early today to meet with him" I spoke with a grin, "I can't wait to see him soon, but remember to finish your paperwork for the day before your date"

"On it, boss!" she said excitedly before flashing a peace sign to me, "Oh! I cannot wait!"

She let out another yell before diving into her work. I chuckled before returning to my work. It was going to be a while until Apollo arrived anyway, so it would be better to take the day slow. That was until the door to my office was kicked down again to reveal a certain leader of the Fey clan.

"Nick!" she shouted too excitedly while waving a piece of newspaper in her hands, "You have to heat this! This is going to be amazing!"

This is Maya Fey. She was my assistant when I first started out my law career. She also tends to get herself into too much trouble as well. I don't know how she does it. Anyway, she has long, black hair with prayer beads tied in. She is wearing a purple jacket and a gray monk rob. She has a dark purple ribbon tied around her waist to hold it together. She has a prayer bead around her neck and holding a golden magatama.

She slammed the paper on my desk as I was drinking some tea. I read the headline that stated Alfendi Layton was killed.... Wait, Alfendi Layton is dead?! I spat out my tea and coughed before searching for my phone! Are the Laytons ok?! I searched for it as Athena let out a yawn and approached the desk to read the paper. She rubbed her right eye before reading the headline.

"Huh" she spoke as I finally found my phone in my desk drawer to dial Professor Layton's number, "Then who did I talk to last night over the phone?"

At this statement, Maya and I turned to Athena who tapped Widget to pull her call history. She hummed again when Alfendi's name was present! What is happening?

"Hello? Mr. Wright? Is that you good fellow?" Professor Layton spoke in his usual gentlemanly manner.

"Uh, yeah it is professor" I answered before realizing he wasn't sad at all, "Hey, so your son is alive, right?"

"Hm? Oh! You read the morning papers in your part of the world, didn't you? Yes, my son is fine, but I do wish he tried a more civil approach with his methods" the professor explained with a sigh, "I understand he enjoys working for Interpol, but he shouldn't have done this again. But I am surprised you only read the paper. I thought I told Alfendi to at least inform your other attorney about this. Did she not?"

I slowly turned to Athena who only shrugged in reply before admitting, "To be honest, Simon and I thought it would be best if very little knew what happened to Alfendi. He and his brother are a chaotic being that will get what they want in the end, more or less. Though, sorry boss. I wanted to tell you, but Simon also wanted to ask the chief prosecutor if it was ok for us to"

Personally, I feel like I should've known and be one of the few individuals to know about this! Also, how is Miles the first to know before me? I met the professor first!

"Oh, dear. I knew I should've told you at least, Phoenix" Professor Layton spoke in a dismayed tone, "But my son is fine. He and his partner are currently handling a dangerous case. I wouldn't worry about it for now. If anything else were to happen, I will personally inform you and Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth about this. How does that sound, my friend?"

Leave it to the professor to be the one who can smooth anything over in the ways of a gentleman.

"Thanks professor. I do appreciate it" I confessed until Athena let out another yell, startling the professor too, "What is it, Athena?"

"Apollo just sent me a text boss" Athena explained quickly and bowing, "Also, sorry about the yell. His flight landed earlier! I have to go!"

She put her jacket on and grabbed a helmet before running out of the office. Well, that was fast. I could hear the professor laugh while Maya giggled at Athena's reaction. To think everything was so peaceful. I am kidding! I am going to be happy to see the kid again along with his brother and Ema too. I do hope nothing happens... Nothing at all.... Sigh, even I know that is a lie. Ok, universe! What could possibly happen when Apollo returns to us? What could it be?!

(Apollo's POV)

California International Airport, Baggage Claim

May 6th, 9:45 AM

I stretched and let out a yawn as I was standing in front of my bags. Well, that was a smooth and straight flight to our friends! I can't believe how quiet it was too! I could do that again!

"I am glad one of us had a nice, long nap on the plane" Ema groaned as she stretched before tripping on her heels to stumble before being caught by my adoptive brother, "Seriously, why are the engines so loud?"

Nahyuta patted her shoulder in a form of comfort as I got a sneaky expression. I cupped my hands around my mouth and took a deep breath in as Ema pointed at me with an accusing expression.

"Oh, don't you dare speak with your "Chords of Steel", Apollo Justice!" Ema snapped as she glared at him, "I barely got any sleep and if even hear your voice rise an octave, I will personally give you falsified tests for your next case! Do I make myself clear, Justice?!"

I raised my hands up, held a very nervous expression, nodded my head and replied meekly, "S-sure thing, Skye. I will not do that. I am so sorry"

Nahyuta only laughed at our exchange until we heard a loud thundering noise and footsteps to see Athena bursting through the doors with an excited expression. I raised my hands up still as she ran towards me, jumped, and tackled me to the floor!

"APOLLO!" she shouted excitedly as Prosecutor Blackquill walked in after his mentor's daughter, "I am so happy to see you! I missed you! Oh, and so did everyone else too! How's it going?!"

She sat up and off me while asking me a bunch of questions about my time with my family. I laughed at her questions and reactions before placing a head on her shoulder to bring her closer to me and then resting my forehead against hers. She stopped her questions and simply sighed in relief.

"I missed you too, Athena" I spoke softly to her with a smile, "Don't worry, I will be able to tell you everything on our date tonight. Promise"

She let out a laugh as she smiled back at me.

"Ah, am I interrupting something?" Prosecutor Blackquill spoke with a dark tone as he held a hand to his face, "Or is Justice – dono trying to court my mentor's daughter in front of me?"

Prosecutor Simon Blackquill does look intimidating, but he means well, I think. I hope. Anyway, his mentor was Athena's deceased mother, so he cares for Athena. He has black hair with some white on his right side of his face. He has tear streaks under his black eyes. He wears a black coat with some white edges and symbol on the lapels and the back of it. He also has a dark dress shirt and pants with matching, high boots. There was a feather in his mouth as I realized that his hawk, Taka, was resting on my head.

"Do you still not approve of me dating Athena?" I asked with a deadpanned tone and expression.

"No" he answered simply before whistling to have Taka fly back to his shoulder to rest on.

Nahyuta only sighed before interjecting, "Apollo has proven himself to be a worthy suitor to Miss Cykes. Even so, she's a wonderful defense attorney who has won against the both of us as well as my brother"

"As if I asked for your opinion, Prosecutor Sad Monk" Prosecutor Blackquill snapped and glared at him.

This is going to cause either a petty fight or an international incident. Deciding that I wanted a calm vacation, I stepped between them with Athena standing in front of Simon with a serious expression.

"You know, I can handle myself just fine, right?" Athena snapped seriously with a hand on her hip and pointed at him, "I did work hard to save you and can stand my ground! If Apollo did try anything even though I know he won't, I could easily beat him up!"

I wasn't entirely sure how to feel about her defense, but she also wasn't wrong either. There's that, I guess.

"Ugh, please don't take this to court" Ema said with a shake of her head, "I would like a vacation. An actual vacation without someone either dying or an international incident happening. Do I make myself clear?!"

Ema was sounding hysterical with each word she spoke, btu we simply agreed with for many reasons. With that, she sighed in relief and turned her attention to Nahyuta.

"Now, I believe we have a hotel reservation which means a nice, long nap and a bunch of snackos! Let's go, Nahyuta!" Ema said excitedly before grabbing his hand and dragging him away from us.

I only waved goodbye while Prosecutor Blackquill huffed in annoyance. Athena then grabbed my hand to make me stand up. She waved our joined hands up and down before letting out an excited squeal.

"Come on!" Athena said excitedly, "Leave your bags with Simon. He's going to take it to our place. I will treat you to a nice brunch at Kurukuru Tei! Let's go!"

Without missing a beat, she turned, crushing my hand in her powerful grip, and ran towards her yellow moped. I wrapped my arms around her waist tightly as she slammed a red helmet on my head while she placed a yellow one on hers. She pressed her foot down on the pedal and took off! I let out a scream as she cheered. I grinned at her smile before joining in her on her cheers. Ema was right. We deserved a break and a nice vacation too! So, what's the worse can happen?

(Alfendi's POV)

Layton's Detective Agency, Main Lobby

May 6th, 6:01 PM

To be clear, this is Al in control. Fendi's in the backseat, as he should be.

"You are aware that I can still hear your thoughts and actions, correct?" Fendi asked in a knowing tone as I rolled our eyes in annoyance.

Whatever! Right now, I am just stuck in my little sister's detective agency. Why? Well, turns out, simple individuals will freak out at seeing someone who is supposed to be dead. Who would've thought? Don't you dare say anything, Fendi!

"Prof? You both ok in there?" Lucy asked as she held a grin with a plate of sweets.

"Yes, we are fine. Though, Fendi is being annoying" I replied before taking the plate and examining the sweets, "Really? Is this all we have?"

"Well, Katrielle is out with 'er assistant. I don't know where Flora is, so I just opened a bag of sweets we've got ta the moment!"

Of course, we do.

"Then, let me eat this" Fendi spoke before taking control!

With a change from red to purple, I blinked my eyes and gently smiled at Lucy before taking a cookie for myself.

"Thank you, dear Lucy. I appreciate it" I answered kindly before taking a bite from the cookie, "So, did Interpol return our calls about our recent discovery?"

"Yep!" Lucy answered before rushing to find the folders as I felt my brother flaring with annoyance, "Here ya go, prof!"

I finished the cookie and took the folder. Well, this was already information we knew about the client beforehand. Hm? What is this?

"He worked in California before?" Al spoke in an interested tone, "You know, we know people there. Who else is in the foolish entertainment industry do we know?"

"I believe Athena might know someone. We should send her a message about this. I am sure she knows someone who could help us" I suggested.

"No! All we need is information! Let's just ask for the info!" Al snapped before threatening to take control.

"Fine, fine, but please let me do the talking. If it was you, Athena wouldn't stop chatting about her psychology lessons and information" I spoke to my brother who agreed for once.

"Sure, but if she starts chatting, that's not my fault!" Al spoke with a laugh.

I closed the file to return to Lucy as I reached for my phone. I dialed Athena's number and waited for her to respond. I sighed when it went straight to voice mail. Unlike her since she always enjoys a nice conversation.

"What could she be doing that is so important?" I wondered internally.

"What day is it?!" Al shouted as he realized something.

"May 6th, I believe. Is there some reason for this?" I asked curiously.

"Argh! She's on her date with that stupid lawyer! She won't be able to answer us!" Al said annoyed before calming down, "Though, I do understand since I do enjoy our dates with Lucy. I will let this slide. For now, we should handle the case ourselves. Do we know when the person might strike again?"

"I believe the document stated at a concert in Japan coming this week" I answered, "We should schedule a flight there and handle the case!"

"For once, I can agree with you!" Al said as he shared a grin.

I nodded to my brother before turning to Lucy who shoved another cookie into her mouth to then pouring a jug of milk into her mouth. Ah, she's wonderful, isn't she? Well, regardless, it is time for us to get to work.

"Lucy, I believe we will need to chart a plane to another country. We are heading to Japan for a concert" I informed her as she nearly joked on her other cookie.

"Eh?! Prof are you for real?!" she exclaimed in awe, "I can't wait! This is gonna be amazing!"

She rushed out of the agency to reach Interpol to ask about our departing flight. Well, this should be fun.

"Speak for yourself! You're going to be the one in charge when this happens!" Al remarked roughly, "Have fun with the jetlag, the constant chattering of people, the terrible airplane food, and not to mention the flights! Do not get me even stared on the flights!"

At this point, I tuned out my brother and decided to enjoy another sweet treat and wait for Lucy to return with the proper paperwork. I am sure everything will turn out fine in the end. There is nothing to worry about, I sincerely hope.

(Klaiver's POV)

Wright Anything Agency, Outside the Office

May 6th, 1:04 PM

And now, this is going to be the best moment in the history of this office! I believe so, but I know crazier things have happened at that place! I prepared to knock on the door to announce ourselves, but Daryan placed his hand over mine.

"What is up?" I asked as I stared at his worried expression.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Daryan asked with concern before pulling his hand away to rub the back of his head, "I still can't believe you're going to forgive me along with Seb, but those guys? I can't imagine them forgiving me so easily. Especially after everything that has happened"

I placed a hand on his shoulder and held a reassuring expression to him. He turned to me with a concerned one to then a questioning one.

"Relax" I replied in a friendly manner, "They're our friends. Sure, they've arrested a lot of cruel people, but some of their friends weren't that cruel either. Once they've seen how you've reformed, I am sure they will be your friend soon enough! Don't worry! Sebastian and I will vouch for you as well!"

I wrapped an arm around his shoulders and grinned as he let out a chuckle and relaxed a little.

"Yeah, thanks, buddy" Daryan spoke warmly, "I needed that"

"Always there. Now, are you ready?!" I asked excitedly as he only nodded.

With a knock of my hand, I heard Herr Wright welcoming us in. So, we stood at the sides of the door before kicking it open!

Wright Anything Agency, Main Office

May 6th, 1:07 PM

"OH GODS! WHY?!" Herr Wright exclaimed as he clutched his chest and nearly fell out of his chair.

"Klavier?!" Trucy exclaimed as the little magician rushed to embrace me.

"Hello, little magician! How are you?!" I greeted warmly.

She has brown hair tied into a loose ponytail. She has a pair of brown eyes. She has a black dress with yellow diamonds on it. She is wearing a pair of white gloves and boots. There is a red scarf wrapped around her neck with a single yellow, diamond earring hanging from her left ear. There is a blue cape with white edges each holding a symbol of a playing card which is held by a green diamond. She always has her blue top hat on.

"I am good! Are we finally going to make an event together?!" she asked excitedly.

"Only if your father will allow it" Herr Wright spoke as he finally recovered from his almost heart attack, "What are you doing here, Klavier? I thought you were up to something?"

"Oh, but I am! For the Gavinners are going to reform for a once in a life-time grand world tour!" I announced and waited to hear those Chords of Steel I know so well.

I opened my eyes when I noticed how quiet it was along with no forehead and cheerful lady. Instead, I was met with the wide eyes of a little magician and the concerned expression of a parent.

"So, this doesn't mean you'll take my daughter with you, right?" Herr Wright spoke in a joyful tone with seriousness behind it.

"No, no" I spoke to calm him and hide my annoyance as I patted her head, "I was looking for Herr Forehead. I was going to invite him with us"

"Oh" Herr Wright said in utter relief while the little magician pouted, "Well, Athena was supposed to pick him up from the airport and go for a nice date. I gave her the rest of the day off. I think I have the name of the restaurant if you want to find them"

Before I could shake my head, Daryan wrapped his arm around my shoulder and held a grin.

"Sure thing, lawyer!" he said as he grinned, "It would be nice to see him again after so long. He also managed to score a date while I was gone? I gotta meet the lucky lady!"

Well, that wouldn't be bad, but I also know that it wasn't just me who was looking forward to seeing Herr Forehead either. This doesn't feel right to me.

"Sure, I'll write down the address" Herr Wright said as he took another breathe of relief before returning to his desk to grab a piece of paper and pen.

I turned to Daryan with a curious expression as little magician's excitement died away suddenly. Was something wrong?

"Why do you want to see Apollo now?" I asked Daryan in a whisper, "I thought you were nervous"

"Yeah, but thanks to our pep talk, I am ready to see him!" he said with a grin as I noticed little magician was eyeing him closely.

Perhaps I should talk him out of this, "But it has been a while since Apollo has been on a date with his lady. I don't want to interrupt it"

"It'll be quick! We will be in and out before they eat dinner!" Daryan spoke with a grin as he gave me a side hug, "Promise! Plus, we can get something to eat too! It is a win win if you ask me!"

He wasn't wrong, but there is something odd about this. I glanced to little magician who was still holding a serious expression. I better keep my guard up I suppose! This should be fun! I hope. To be honest, this is going to a wonderful mess!

"Well, we will go! Thank you, little magician and Herr Wright!" I announced before taking Daryan's hand to leave and using the other one to wave to them.

(Apollo's POV)

Kurukuru Tei, Main Restaurant

May 6th, 1:36 PM

Athena and I stuffed our faces with so much and drank some alcoholic beverages, but Simon quickly took the bottle away from us. He mumbled about not wanting to repeat this case again. I wonder what happened. Currently, she and I were exchanging stories about our cases and lives in two different places.

"Wow sounds like you've been busy" Athena said in awe, "Everything's been normal here. Normal being subjective with our boss"

"Don't I know it" I answered her before leaning back in my chair, "But there's something going on with Nahyuta and Ema, but I don't think it is marriage. At least, from what I've seen. Nahyuta wants to talk with her big sister. Do you know why?"

Athena took a drink from her water before answering, "Well, Khura'in is not exactly like our home, but knowing your brother, he's trying to be respective and understanding to his partner. He is more traditional than others. I think he just wants to reassure Ema's big sister that he's being a good partner to her little sister. I wouldn't worry!"

In a way, that did put some relief on my face until I glanced around to see her older brother figure.

She waved her hand before answering, "No, Simon will not make you do anything like that. Also, I don't expect you to do that either. Where Nahyuta is traditional, I am for the future! You're doing fine! You don't need Simon's approval for anything! Promise!"

I sighed in relief at that before holding her hand and giving her a grin. She giggled until we heard a loud shout coming from the entrance of the restaurant. We turned to see the commotion, and I have never felt my heart drop so low.

"Hey, isn't that Prosecutor Klavier Gavin? Who is the other person with him?" Athena asked as she laughed at my reaction.

Wait, another person? Who could that be? Wait, wait, WAIT! Why is he here?! He was arrested! I was the defense attorney for that trial! Why is he here?! Klavier Gavin appearing out of nowhere is something I can understand, but why in the Mother's name is Daryran Cross out of prison and approaching me?!

"Hello Herr Forehead!" Klavier greeted as he waved to him and taking a bow to Athena, "And nice to see you again, Herr Cykes!"

Athena happily greeted them, "Nice to see you again, Klavier, but who is this guy with you?'

In a swift motion, Daryran moved pass Klavier, waved his giant pompadour back, before throwing her a charming smile and expression.

"Daryran Cross, little lady! Who are you?" he asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder while I got a flashback.

With her hands on his wrist, she grabbed his arm and flipped him over her shoulder to throw him on the floor! She then twisted his arm before pinning it right between his shoulder blades! Wow, what a lady! Not the point, but cool!

"Athena! What happened?!" Simon asked seriously as he approached us before glaring at Daryran on the floor, "And who is this rapscallion who dared lay a foolish finger on you?!"

"That would be my friend, Daryran Cross" Klavier said as he struggled to hold in his laughter at the sight, "He's a police officer and was in my former band. He's not a threat, Herr Cykes!"

She let out a panicked yell before releasing his arm and then helping him stand up.

"I am so sorry!" she apologized, "I thought you were flirt, but I guess you're just one of Klavier's extravagant friends!"

To be honest, I am fine that she did throw him over her shoulder and hit the wooden floor. Regardless of how he got out for good behavior, which is the only reason I am assuming he is here; he still committed a murder, had a smuggling ring, and was going to frame Miss Lamiroir for the crime. Bottom line, murder is murder.

"Nah, it's good lady! Though, you can definitely throw a good throw!" Daryran said impressed, "Nice to see if you ask me, but it should be our job to keep the peace, even if it hasn't gone that well in a while"

This is weird. I don't like this. Am I the only one who doesn't like this?! I spared a glance at Simon who didn't really have an emotional response to this, so what do I know?! Sigh, if you can't beat them, join them reluctantly even if you have an obvious bad feeling about this situation!

"So, what brings you here?" I asked as politely as I could to them, "I thought you would be busy throwing a party or celebrating with a night on the town"

Klavier laughed, "Well, it is true that we would've thrown a party, but there is another reason for the three of us being present!"

"There's two of you" Athena pointed out with a deadpanned expression as she now gave me a glance.

Klavier lost his composure before turning around and to not see their third person. Well, this suddenly got entertaining. I wonder who this third person is. Klavier grabbed his phone and sent a quick text before waiting. It didn't take long for their mysterious third person to arrive, because the doors burst open, and someone ran to their side.

"I am so sorry! I thought we were doing this at the agency!" he shouted in a meek manner.

Who the heck is this person? He has brown hair with a weird curl on the top of his head. He's got a long, red coat with those sleeves at the sides. He's wearing a blue, fancy suit that almost reminds me of Mr. Wright's suit, now that I think about it. He's also wearing a cravat that is basically screaming Mr. Edgeworth's. There was also a pair of the cleanest and nicest white gloves I have ever seen. He's wearing fancy black shoes and has nervous, brown eyes.

"No, no! It is ok, Sebastian!" Klavier said with a grin, "We are grateful you are even here! Now, is everyone ready?!"

Oh, dear Mother, what are they going to do? They mumbled to themselves about something before nodding. With a swift turn on their feet, they turned to face us with their hands out! I leaned back on my seat while Athena clapped her hands. At this point, Simon had left us, so that happened.

"Wouldn't you like to see the world?" Sebastian sang with a high, gentle voice.

Daryan sang in a loud manner, "See the sights and explore the town!"

Both took a spin before standing back-to-back which makes me believe they rehearsed this, "Together, we can see the world, up and down!"

Klavier then pushed himself in between them with his hands out and a grin on his face, "All you need to do is take my hand and agree with me!"

Then, all three lined up with their right hands extended to me while singing together, "Now, come with us! To see the world! In this once in a lifetime grand tour!"

Once they finished their number, everyone burst into applauses, including my girlfriend. I held a deadpanned expression before turning to them. I let their lyrics finally register and blinked.

With my head tilted to the side, I asked in a dumbfounded tone, "You want me to go with you around the world? Why?"

Klavier wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me close before speaking in an extravagant manner, "But of course! To honor Daryran's release from prison for his good behavior, we are going to reform the Gavinners for a grand one time only tour! And since you've been gone in your home country, I thought this would be the perfect trip for us gentleman to take!"

Again, I blinked, because this just sounds ludicrous. What is even happening?! Oh, right. My former prosecutor is asking me to see the world with his friends! Wait, a second.

"Before I agree to anything, when will this be and how long is this?" I asked as I looked at Athena, "Because I already made a few promises here that I would like to keep before agreeing to anything"

"This Sunday we shall depart!" Klavier answered in a delight as Apollo sighed.

I just wasn't sure about this, and Athena could see my obvious nervousness present.

"How about this?" she offered, "Let us enjoy our date, and he will think about it and give you an answer later tonight? If you do not leave, then you'll have to deal with me. I am sure you don't want that, right? Sure, in court, I can hold myself back, but here is a different story"

I gulped nervously at her threat, but I was also thankful for her input. Klavier could take the hint and took a graceful bow with Drayan raising a brow and Sebastian sighing in relief.

"Very well! We will wait to hear your answer, Herr Forehead! Do not keep us waiting!" Klavier said with a wave of his hand, "And now, we will depart! For we will have a world tour concert to celebrate our reunion!"

The people cheered in agreement with some people were taking photos and shouting their love to them. With that, the trio left with some fans screaming with their departure. I only groaned with Athena only waving and laughing at them.

"Thank you" I murmured in relief at her, "I needed that"

"And why is that?" Athena asked warmly, "You know, it is only for three days right?"

She tapped Widget to have a screen appear displaying the concert tour's details. I stared at it while she was the only speed reading it.

"I think it sounds fun! Plus, you're one of Klavier's friends! I think you should go!" Athena encouraged excitedly as she sensed Apollo's heartbeat slowing down at such an idea, "What's up?"

I groaned before admitting, "Ok, but do not treat this as a therapy session. I honestly wanted a quiet and non-exciting break from everything. I wanted to spend some time with Trucy and Mr. Wright. I still need to visit a few places and Clay"

Athena listened as she raised a finger to close the screens. She could sense the emotions behind my visits and spending time with those I cared about.

"It isn't like I am not a friend of his either" Apollo confessed as he leaned back in his chair, "But I don't want to change everything for a tour. Heck, I can't even play an instrument! I am just not sure if I want to do this"

She nodded her head, genuinely listening to me. Once she was sure I was finished speaking, she leaned back before sitting straight.

"Ok, so why not just ask your mother for a longer break?" she offered with a grin, "And before you get upset with my suggestion, I can assure you that Mr. Wright and I will not be going anywhere. Also, there will be time for you to visit and do stuff to us"

"I feel like there is a threat coming after this" I commented as I glanced to her with a worried expression.

"Because there is" Athena answered simply, "Klavier needs a break too and has been planning this for months as well. I think you need to get out of your home and our home here! Go and see the world! I know I did!"

I still groaned with a grin present before nodding my head.

"Alright, alright" I spoke as an idea formed in my mind, "I'll go with him, but I am taking a longer break then. I still have things to do here, and one of them is definitely thanking my awesome girlfriend for being amazing and helping me realize this"

I leaned next to her to give her right cheek a kiss with her giggling and holding herself high.

"Ah, what a bold physical declaration to do in my presence, Justice-dono!" Blackquill spoke with a threatening voice, "I do hope you are willing to prove this against me, both in court and now!"

Well, I still have the night here. Might as well try and survive before texting Klavier that I would be joining him and his band. Now, I should probably stop my girlfriend and her older brother figure from literally duking it out in a restaurant. As I thought this, I do wonder how my brother is doing. I imagine a normal date for him. He would rarely do anything out of the ordinary nor mess up anything with Ema.

(Nahyuta's POV)

Eldoon's Noodles, Main entrance

May 6th, 1:40 PM

As my brother was off on his date, my date and I were currently sitting in the most famous noodle house known to both prosecutors and defense attorneys alike with a few detectives and cops as well. Yes, the famous Eldoon's Noodles. Ema had mentioned wanting to visit the restaurant, so I booked us a reservation and ensured her older sister would attend this place with us. What I failed to account for was the surprise of both sisters seeing each other. I assumed both would be pleased to see each other, but the opposite had occurred.

"You left to live in another country and barely had time to inform me of the move! Why on earth would you think I would be ok with this?!" her sister's voice loudly declared in the restaurant.

Ema's older sister is Lana Skye. She used to be the chief prosecutor until a case came up. At the moment, she works in the records hall of the prosecutor's office. Anyway, she has the same brown colors in both hair and eyes. She's wearing a formal suit and high heels.

"In case you haven't noticed, I am an adult! I can make my own decisions!" Ema stated in a defensive manner as she slammed her chopsticks on the table, "I can handle myself and don't need you to constantly watch over me!"

Perhaps I should've arranged separate meetings and even discussed if either of them wished to meet with each other regarding this topic. I understand that families have their differences, but I was hoping to have this smooth over at least.

"And then you come home with him? Don't expect me to give you my blessing!" Lana scolded as she pointed at me.

I understand where the anger is coming from now.

"If I may" I spoke and stood between them, "I believe this is my fault"

The sisters stared at me with surprised expressions as I took a bow.

"I didn't explain myself properly when I wanted to meet with you, Miss Skye" I explained in a respectful manner, "Where I am from, it is tradition for the man to ask the family of the lady he wishes to court for their approval. With everything that had transpired, it was rather difficult to ask for her permission. I believe visiting one of Ema's favorite restaurants and finally asking for your permission"

There was a moment of silence until Lana seemed to visible relax and sighed in relief.

"Well, I am relieved at least" she spoke as she held a soft expression, "As well as a man who respects my little sister too. We should start over. I am Lana Skye. Who are you?"

"Nahyuta Sahdmadhi" I introduced with a bow, "Now, please let me pay for the meal as well as answer any questions you have of me. I wished to earn your approval to properly court Ema"

As for Ema, I could see her stunned expression ever present on her beautiful features. I chuckled before sitting down and gesturing to her bowl before her.

"I do suggest that you eat before it gets too cold" I whispered to her, "After all, you did tell me that food is often enjoyed with wonderful company and warm"

She only smiled at me before pressing a kiss to my cheeks and whispering, "Thanks for that. I appreciate that. Now, let's enjoy the meal and in good company"

We finished our meal with me earning Lana's approval. We bid her farewell and departed from the restaurant to walk back to our hotel, arm-in-arm.

"Well, that actually turned out better than I thought" Ema confessed in utter relief, "I am sorry about earlier though. You were almost caught up in a huge sister fight. I am sure you wouldn't want that. Thanks though. It does mean a lot that you went through all this for me and yourself. Oh, I shudder at the thought of my sister meeting your little one and mother. Does Apollo have to attend?"

I laughed in reply, "Most likely. He is my brother. Did you mean to forget my uncle as well? He would be hurt"

She rolled her eyes, "I didn't forget him, but I already know he's going to be there. He'll crash through the doors and shout how amazing you are and how I should be with you"

Although that was a funny image, he would be a little more respectful than that. I would like to believe so at least.

Gatewater Imperial Hotel, Main Lobby

May 6th, 7:03 PM

"I still can't believe you got us hotel rooms here" Ema commented as we approached the golden elevators.

"Apollo commented with the same statement. Why is that?" I asked her curiously.

She replied enthusiastically, "Mr. Wright and Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth both had a case involving this place! It is really interesting!"

"Really? I suppose I shall look into myself" I answered as we step out of the elevator and departed to our respective rooms, "Sleep, my princess detective"

She rolled her eyes at my nickname and gave me a kiss goodnight and left for her room as I entered the room Apollo and I would be sharing. Though, I was greeted with an unusual sight.

Gatewater Imperial Hotel, Room

May 6th, 7:10 PM

Apollo was shirtless and wearing his shorts as he paced around the room. He was unaware that I had entered apparently. With that, I decided it would be best for me to start preparing for a night of rest by taking care myself in the bathroom. Once I finished, Apollo was still pacing. I was quiet and decided to sit on my bed and wait until he was finished. Seeing as he was still pacing, I decided to break the silence.

"Apollo, what is troubling you?" I asked with a worried expression.

This made him jump from his thoughts before turning to me to give his full attention to.

"Nahyuta! When did you get here? Actually, never mind that. Yeah, something is on my mind. Are you fine if I talked with you about it?" he asked as he sat on his bed.

I simply nodded my head and let him express his worries. As I listened, I failed to see how this was worry when I found it to be enjoyable and exciting. A trip to listen to music, try different foods, and explore new places? This is quite exciting!

"So, when will depart?" I asked him a little too eagerly.

"Oh, that would be tomorrow late at night" Apollo answered simply until he realized my wording, "Hang on, "we"? Yuta, do you want come?!"

"This would be a perfect opportunity for us to bond as proper brothers as well as gain some insight into the world" I explained as I tried to hide my excitement as best as I could, "Not to mention, we would be trying new kinds of foods and hanging out with friends. I see no reason why I shouldn't come"

Apollo sighed as I took out my phone to inform mother of our new plans.

"Wait, what about Ema? I know for a fact that she would not be ok with this!" Apollo snapped with worry before I shook my head.

"In a way, this will work out. Ema would love to spend some quality time with her older sister and explain her new living situation along with work. She would feel comfortable if I wasn't present for this. Now, I shall inform mother. Oh, Apollo, this is going to be the best trip we will ever have!" 

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