Unexpected Love [Kawasumi]

By Kunai_san

3.7K 116 83

After 4 years of living together, Kawaki began to feel "something more" towards Sumire. At first, the girl sh... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

289 8 9
By Kunai_san

{Evening - around 10 p.m.}

Sumire's POV: 

I spent the rest of the day surprisingly well. I don't remember the last time I took a day off - which just shows how good this decision was. Apart from "strange and unusual" situations, of course. I was sitting with Daemon and Himawari in the living room playing cards. 

- Makao - I said, holding the last card in my hand. 

- No way! Again?! 

- Haha! Looks like Sumire-san is better in playing cards than you! 

- Shut up! - the boy said, throwing the card aggressively at the remaining pile.

- Looks like I won again - I placed the last card with the image of King Vino.

- NOOOO!!!!!!!!

Daemon, nervous, with one movement of his hand, scattered the entire fan of cards he had previously had in his hand onto the ground.

- Hahaha! - Eida laughed, looking at her obviusly pissed brother. 

- Damn it! How?! You won more than five times already!!!

- 'Couse she's smarter than you, dumbass - Kawaki said, making the boy more angry. 

I smiled to myself for a moment.

- Ohh, Kawaki-kun - don't say such things. 

- But it's true - Himawari laughed. 


- Ok ok, everyone calm down - Eida said, almost choking on laughter. 

Daemon was disconsolate that his sister didn't take him seriously either. Clearly dissatisfied, he collected the cards lying on the ground and shuffled them. Himawari and Eida could be seen in the background, laughing hard. After a moment, they both caught their breath, and wiped the tears from their eyes. Kawaki, on the other hand, was sitting on the other sofa, looking gravely dissatisfied as usual. Sometimes I wonder if he ever smiles... I sneaked a glance at him and noticed that he was looking straight at me. My blood ran cold, and I immediately looked away, pretending that everything was fine. 

- Hey, Sumire-san, are you doing to work tomorrow? 

- No, I decided to ask Amado-san for three more days off. To my surprise, he said that he was waiting for me to do it...

- That old-man - Eida said - he could siad that more "kindly". Why he's always so mean. 

- It's ok, Eida-san. Anyway, is there a reason of that question, Himawari-chan? 

- Emm, no. I was just curious - the girl said, smiling sincerely, - we're all worried about you.

- Worried? Why? - I asked, making confused face.

- Sumire, you're overworking yourself for more than three years. 

- Girl, you really need a break - Daemon agreed with Eida and Himawari. 

I felt stupid, so they noticed it? Heh, my bad habits have come to light. I smiled awkwardly, trying to hide my shame. But they were right. For the past three years, I haven't taken any days off at all, even when I was sick. I worked full time and came home late in the evenings - sometimes at night. It happened that drunk men accosted me along the way, but fortunately, each time, despite being extremely tired, I managed to escape. I was really lucky. I want to spend the saved money that I earned thanks to my exhausting work on plastic surgery. I can only do it in two years (because I'm underage), but I still have 890,100 yen ($6,000) in my pocket. Great enough for me. Nevertheless, now that I have enough money, I can afford a short "break". 

After a few minutes of really awkward silence, I suddenly heard an unexpected voice: 

- For the God's Sake - leave her the fuck alone, can't you see you're stressing her out? - Kawaki said, looking angrily at Eida. 

- Why are you always so nervous... by the way, I'm tired. Sumire, thank you for tonight, it was really wonderful. Besides, you're a great cook - Eida said, smiling gently at me. 

- No problem, I'm glad you enjoyed that. Goodnight, Eida-san - I replyed the smile. 

- Goodnight everone. You should go to bed too, Daemon. 

- Ohh sis! I'm no longer a kid! 

- Dameon. 

- Ok ok, FINE. 

They both left the living room and went up the stairs. After a while, the sound of their room doors closing was heard. I felt Kawaki's eyes on me again.

- Big brother, are you okay? - Himawari asked, looking worried at Kawaki.

I turned my head and looked straight into his charcoal eyes with a worried expression. He looked... calm. He usually has a perpetually dissatisfied expression on his face, and this time his eyebrows were raised - and his eyes... It felt like he was staring straight into my soul. I have never noticed that there was so much "life" in his eyes. I liked this feeling.

- Ehh, what? - he shook his head, and his old face came back - how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? Damn.

- But-!

- Stop it already.

- Are you ok?

- What the hell? Why you're asking?

- You looked... unusual.

- Really? - Kawaki said, using sarcazm.

- Nevermind...

- Kawaki-kun, why you must be so mean to Himawari-chan? - I asked, feeling sad for young girl.

He was surprised by my comment. I saw that I had obviously made him feel guilty, and he looked away from us, lowering his eyes. Sometimes when I look at him, at his body language, I know he's not a bad person. True, he has a tough character, he is quick-tempered and stubborn - but he is not cruel at all. Even if he is, he tries not to be. It was as if someone had once forced him to be someone he didn't want to be. I feel sorry for him. Even after everything he's done, unlike Sarada-chan, I think he still has some humanity left in him.

Kawaki isn't evil, he's just wronged.

- Himawari-chan, Kawaki-kun - would you like some tea?

- Oh, sure. Thank you, Sumire-san!

- Do you want help? - Kawaki said, calmly.

- Heh? If you want to - I said, smiling at him.

He looked away, again. I got up from the chair and walked up the short steps to the kitchen. Kawaki followed me, hands in his pockets.


After a short while of waiting, the kettle finally whistled, announcing that the water inside was boiling. I took it off the stove and took the box of tea out of the drawer. Meanwhile, Kawaki placed three mugs and a sugar bowl on the counter. 

- Thank you so much - I said kindly, pouring water over the tea bag. 

He did not answer. I couldn't see what he was doing, but I heard that he was getting closer to me. For a moment, I shuddered. However, I didn't show any emotion, pretending I didn't notice anything. He stood behind me so close that I could feel his presence without sound, and he bent his head down, looking over my shoulder. I got a little nervous because it was quite uncomfortable... I turned my face slightly towards him, and he looked straight at me. We made eye contact almost immediately. I don't know why, but something tempted me to take my eyes off his for a moment and look at the rest of his face for a long time - his lips, for example. Then I renewed eye contact, this time without breaking it, and asked: 

- Is there something wrong? 

He panicked slightly, but quickly regained his composure. I saw it in him. I don't know if he was speechless or just that tired, but he didn't say a word. I didn't care when, after a brief moment, he wanted to speak - I couldn't control myself. I carefully raised my hand on the side he was leaning on and gently ruffled his messy, thick hair. It made me incredibly happy, for some unknown reason.

I chuckled to myself, smiling sincerely. But why? Why does this amuse me?

Kawaki looked confused at first, but it didn't take long to see his next reaction - an unexpected reaction for me. He gently placed his hand on my cheek, which almost immediately froze me. He kept staring into my eyes as if they were something extraordinary to him. I panicked. My hands slowly started shaking and my heart was beating like crazy - I felt weak. Suddenly, out of nowhere, he said something that stayed in my memory for a very long time:

- Your eyes... are more gorgeous up close.

I was speechless. Did he just... describe my eyes as beautiful? So that's why he keeps staring at them... It's a nice compliment, especially from him. I felt devalued. This is the first time any boy has ever found a part of me pretty. I used to want it to be Boruto-kun, but Kawaki...

- Heh? Y-You think so? Well, thank you... - I said, smiling to myself and trying to hide it from him.

- What's do funny in this?

- Nothing, you're just the first person who admires my eyes, Kawaki-kun - I answered, in kind calm voice.

He was suprised, I don't know why.


The tea was ready. I poured 2 teaspoons of sugar into my cup and left the remaining two cups with black tea. Kawaki took a tray from the kitchen cabinet on which we placed the cups and cookies - and then returned to the living room. We saw Himawari, who looked very interested in ur journey to kitchen. Of course, I couldn't say anything.

For the rest of the evening, we were talking about random stuff. I was sitting next to Kawaki on the sofa, and Himawari in the front of us. She looked better, happier than before. I'm glad she's getting well after... yeah... the accident. I'm proud of her. Kawaki doesn't touch on this topic at all, which doesn't surprise me. I have to hand it to him - he's involved in all of this. Despite this, he still manages to maintain an alibi...

Suddenly I felt him place his strong, cold hand on mine, squeezing it lightly. He has specific hands, they are muscular but at the same time bony with a lot of veins. I turned my hand around so I could hold his hand. I smiled kindky, even though I shouldn't have. This man is coldhearted, or maybe...

I just used to think he is? I don't know. But I know one thing - I love holding his hand tightly.


(1702 words)

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