
By GraysonClover

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During one of his last years in school, David meets a few people and find himself becoming a social butterfly... More

Chapter One: Life's Great
Chapter Two: Excuse Me, Missy
Chapter Three: Daisy, Daisy.
Chapter Five: Sober Sundays
Chapter Six: Under The Rug
Chapter Seven: Certainly Uncertain
Chapter Eight: Friend Love
Chapter Nine: Set Up
Chapter Ten: More About You

Chapter Four: Curious One

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By GraysonClover

Like the Dex picture? *giggles behind a magazine* I should've said it sooner, but there will be a good amount of mini (and maybe a large) time skips throughout the story. *ducks from flying bottles being thrown at me* I know, I know guys I'm sorryyyy...

To make up for it, this will be a long chapter, enjoy ;)

(David's POV)

The day for Missy's sleepover was finally upon us. It was Saturday, and like any other normal weekend, I didn't have much plans. I decided to send Romeo a text, and he replied back quickly. I asked him if he wanted to go to Missy's together and he agreed so we'd save a few dollars on a taxi.

We agreed to meet afternoon, so I went about my Saturday like it was any other. I brushed my teeth and threw myself on the couch with my laptop on my lap. Bored, I decided to look up pajamas to buy for the sleepover. I found a pair of blue snoopy pajama pants and a white shirt to go with it. I ordered for same day delivery, and closed my laptop.

As I stood up from the couch to go to the bathroom, I heard the door unlock and swing open. My mom walked through the door, tossing a duffle bag on the floor.

"Ah, you're here," she said, breathing heavily and locking the door behind her. "Your father went down south and I'm not sure when he'll be back."

      She kicked her shoes off and took a seat in one of the dining chairs. "Damn, I offered Ms.Gina clothes that I grew out of for her to give to her daughter and she rejected it for some fancy ass designer brand someone was giving her. Shits crazy, right?"

"Yea," I replied. She was always out and about on weekends or whenever she wasn't working for that matter. Ms.Gina was my mom's old therapist that still found it necessary to keep in touch with our family. Ms.Gina caught cancer after having her second daughter, so many people gave her gifts, most being clothes.

"Hey, uhm, mom."


"Can I stay the night at a friend's house? Please? I promise to-"

All the air in my lungs fled my body as she began hugging me while jumping in joy.

"I knew it! I knew it! I knew one day this year you'd finally talk to people! I'm so happy for you! Of you can."

"Yea, thanks mom. You're really happy, huh?"

      She finally stopped strangling me with her arms and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I believed the only other time she had given me a kiss was when I was born. With the way she was jumping around the house, you'd think she had just hit the lottery.

Now that the interruption was done, I went upstairs and finally took my shower. The water went cold somehow after twenty-five minutes, so I took that as my cue to get out. Nothing pissed me off more than the thought of washing in cold water.


Once my package arrived, that's when I began packing my bag and getting ready. By now it was well afternoon, so I gave Romeo another text, this time to tell him to come to my house so we could leave together. I threw my phone in my bag then contemplated whether to bring my computer or not. No, it'd be no use.

"Excited, aren't ya?" My mom took a peak a at me from the stairs.

"Yea. I'm leaving now. I'll text you."

"You never told me about who this friend is," she said, going down the last few steps. "At least give me a name for now."

"Missy. I have to go now mom."

"Missy? A girl? You're sleeping over at a girl's house?"

"Yes, but I'm not the only one. See you tomorrow."

She stared at me in disbelief as I walked out the door as if I just told her I was expecting a baby or something. It was funny, yet sad how excited she was that I had made friends in school. I locked the door behind me, and as I was about to dig in my bag to message Romeo, sure enough, he came rolling on the sidewalk.

      He kicked his skateboard up and walked over to me on the steps.

      "Were you drunk the day we went to Missy's?" The thought of him being under the influence that day overpowered my brain attempting to just say hi to him. "How'd you get home?"

      "I'm glad to see you too," he laughed," and I took a cab. By the way, we're calling a taxi right? My feet hurt." As if we'd walk to a house that's an hour away by car.

"Yes, I'm calling now."

I called the cab, then we made small talk while we waited. The car came and we threw our bags in the trunk, and for whatever reason, Romeo kept his skateboard on his lap.

During the car ride, I remembered Missy asking last week if she should invite people. I couldn't remmeber whether I agreed or not, but it did make me question if it was just going to be us three. Would I get to meet more people?

     We arrived at her house, and to both of our surprise, the house was flooded with people. Music blared as I questioned if I was at the same house from last week.

      "What the fuck," Romeo said, then pointing at Missy talking to another boy.

      Missy spotted me and ran at full speed, in heels, to where we were standing.

      "Are you a linebacker," Romeo laughed," because I believe the men's football team is open to new players."

      "Are you trying to call me a man?"

      I snickered as she walked over to what looked to be a security guard in a corner. She brought him over to us and thanked him. I sent my mom a text that I was here and left my phone alone for a few minutes I really did want to enjoy myself with the two of them.

"Give him your bags. He's gonna bring it to 1C, your room you'll be sleeping in."

"I still can't believe your house has apartment numbers for each room," Romeo exclaimed. He turned his head towards the security guard. "Thanks, for both of us." Why did he say thank you for me?

We handed him our bags and followed Missy through the crowd and into the house. For there to be only a few people inside the house, the party must've been originally planned to be outside. I also noticed that most of the kids were from our school.

"You guys want a drink, or anything?"

Romeo gave Missy a death stare. "I thought drinking was just a me and you thing?"

"Why the hell would I ask David if he wants liquor? He doesn't drink. I meant soft drinks you idiot."

"I'll take a sprite," I whispered. I wasn't sure what Missy meant either but I guess I do now. We took a seat in the corner next to the hall way of rooms. It was honestly pretty funny seeing them two argue. One day I'd have to record and show them in the future.

      "You moved on I see."

      I scanned the boy standing infront of Romeo from head to toe. I assumed it was an old friend, but then the words clicked. He wasn't just an old friend, but his ex.

      "Please. Not today. Move away from me please," Romeo groaned. He seemed to have known the boy so I didn't bother asking questions. I allowed my phone to take my attention until they finished their...whatever.

      "Hey, what your name," the boy said, walking over to me. He exaggerated his walk and put a hand on my shoulder. "Your buddy here likes exploring. Not the outdoors, but the indoors."

      "Donny I'll literally punch the shit out of you if you don't move, bro."

      "Aww, think you The Rock in front of this twink? Huh? Donny you knew you was never the typ-".

      Romeo swung at Donny and knocked him clean out. Was their problem really this serious?I didn't even move from my seat, despite witnessing the whole ordeal. He was probably one of those obsessed exes that usually end up in jail for stalking their old partners.

A circle began forming around Romeo and Donny while Missy pushed passed people to get to the middle. I still just couldn't understand how fast she was in heels.

      "What happened Romeo," she said, slapping Donny awake. "Donny, go home. You know what? Everyone get the fuck out!"

      The scream she gave to the crowd of people was almost laughable. She repeated herself louder and slowly but surely everyone began getting into their cars or finding rides to go home. She snapped at a couple workers to send Donny home. All except me and Romeo.

      "That's one way to do it," Romeo laughed.

      "Where's everyone going? Aww, I was having fun," a familiar voice echoed through the hallway.  "Ahh, is that my little hornball David?"

      All three of us gave Dex a confused expression as he stopped right in front of us. A hornball? What?

      "Oh Jesus, I think it's time I go home."

      "Romeo, leave and I'll shoot you," Missy barked. "The maids will clean the mess so we don't have to worry about it. You guys want to watch a movie?"

      "Sure! I'll get the snacks, sissy."

      " Dex. You're not included."

      Missy walked, and I followed, since I had absolutely no clue where the living room was in the house. Romeo was pulled back by Dex but I continued walking with her thinking that they may have been just talking.

      "Missy," I said, looking straight forward," is Dex your like personal assistant or something,"

      "No, he's my brother." Everything made sense now. No wonder he was curious if I liked Missy or whatever.

      "Oh, okay."

      I took a seat on a part of the long couch and Missy dug through a closet for a blanket. The closet also carried a good amount of snacks that she threw on the couch along with blankets.

"I know you and Romeo will destroy those," she said, sitting at the complete opposite end of the couch. "Greedy boys."

"What movie did you pick?" I asked.

"The Great Gatsby. Ain't that ironic? I know Romeo's ass thinks all the characters were always condescending, so he'll probably go to sleep."

"Fine by me," I smiled. Missy pointed me to a closet I can change in where I also found me and Romeo's bags. I swapped into my pajamas, but seeing Romeo's bag there made me curious of what was inside of it. I tried to fight the urge, but eventually I caved and opened it. At the very top, I found his school ID card. I stared at it for a minute, seeing his birthday which was in about two weeks from now. He also looked really handsome in the picture. Like really really handsome. Is it weird to say that about a friend?

I threw the card back in his bag and zipped it up once I heard him come into the living room and speak to Missy. I placed his bag back in the corner and returned back to the couch.

"Jeez, finally. Don't start it without me."

Once I plopped down onto the couch, I realized that there were only to blankets, Missy's and the one next to me, meaning me and Romeo would have to share. Cliché.

"We can start it now if you want."

I was going to suggest we wait for him, but before I could even get the words out of my mouth, she already had fiddled with the remote and began the movie. I sat back, throwing only have the blanket over me to be considerate, but once Romeo came back he damn near snatched the entire thing and left me with only a piece.

"Move in and you'll get warmer."

Once I had moved in, I was uncomfortably close to Romeo to the point I could practically smell the cologne he sprayed yesterday. The movie went on with us like this practically the entire time before he passed out next to me and rested his head on my lap.

      Truthfully, I was half amused and half confused on the fact that Romeo fell asleep on me. I was confused on how comfortable he felt with me after not knowing me for that long, but I was also amused that someone was now a close friend of mine to where they'd do things like this. It made me feel special. Happy.

      I let my wrist rest on his neck and continued watching the movie. Missy was still up, but she was scrolling through her phone for most of it. I chuckled to my own thoughts out of nowhere and Missy turned to me in confusion. Maybe Romeo was right saying that Missy seemed just like Daisy. Sassy, rich, man magnet, but just a bit more serious though.

      I turned my head back to the movie and she turned her attention back to her phone. We finished the movie, and Missy had a plan I wasn't aware of. She took a yardstick from under the couch and slapped Romeo on his back with it.

      "Ow, what the fuck was that for Missy," he yelled. Honestly, I wouldn't have thought of a better way to wake him up. "The movie's over?"

      "Yes. I'm going to sleep now though. You two can go to your rooms or something it doesn't really matter."

      "Goodnight Missy."

      "Yea, goodnight grinch."

      "Romeo I'll slap you," she said, throwing her blanket back into the closet. We both gave her a hug and went to the room we'd be sleeping in.

      Once I saw that there was only one bed, I immediately caught onto Missy's plan. Was she trying to do something? I mean come on, the one blanket, sharing the same room, one bed, it was starting to get suspicious.

Without many words, we both laid down and Romeo fell asleep almost immediately. It took me about an hour to knock out.


My dream abruptly ended, and I rose from the bed. It was around three in the morning, the room being lit by a lamp in the corner. I looked to my left at Romeo and he was sound asleep in just a tank top and boxers. I wasn't sure how he could sleep like that with another man in the same bed, but I didn't really care anyways. This also was when I realized that he was pretty built with good muscle but I just never saw it thanks to all the hoodies and oversized clothes he wear.

I got up from the bed, making sure I didn't wake him up, and slipped on a pair of house slippers provided by the housekeepers. It was cold in the house, but I chalked it up to it being a big house.

I slightly opened and closed the room door and peeked down the hallway. It wasn't too long, but it was bigger than your average hallway. There were many paintings on the wall of the family, but I never seen Missy's parents in person before.

      I did an a 180 and was in front of the room right next to mine. 1D. Curious, I slowly twisted the knob and lightly pushed the door open. I almost screamed when I saw Dex naked and laying facing up.

      "Oh shit," I whispered to myself. His junk was out in the open with no covers or anything to hide it, just so that anyone snooping around like me could get an eyeful of his anaconda. That probably was one of the most traumatic things I ever had to see with my own two eyes.

      Instead of just going back to my room, i decided to look around the hallways a little more. Strictly just the hallways. While looking at a cabinet in the hallway of different mini sculptures, I heard a pair of footsteps come extremely close to me. I tried speed walking back to the room, but I felt a finger tap me on my shoulder.

      I turned my neck and saw Pete standing before me, ever so tall.

      "David, is it?" He asked.


      "Why are you up at this hour? Is there anything you need."

      "No I'm fine, I was just looking at the paintings. That's all."

      "Yea, these were made not too long ago."

      I turned my head from Pete and back to the painting. "Are those Missy and Dex's parents?"


      "How come they're never around?"

      He sighed and dismissed my question.

      "You should get back to sleep now if you don't need anything, David."

      "I do need something though."


      "Answers." I absolutely did not know why I said that, but I did.

      He sighed once again, and pointed to a small little couch. I took a seat and he sat down next to me. I read a sad and gloomy look on Pete's face.

      "I shouldn't tell you this, but I know you won't say anything. Back in 2010, I was hired on my 30th birthday. Their parents decided to take a trip to a friend by car. They were driving and a semi slammed into them from the side."

      I sat up, shocked at what he was saying. "They..."

      "They never came back," he said, visibly wiping a tear from his face. "I had went to high school with them, and Missy's father was one of my best friends. It still hurts me today thinking that they never made it back."

       He took a breath. "By the time I even got word of their deaths, it was two days after the accident. They had crashed once they began driving from the house on my birthday. I always faulted myself for suggesting they should take a trip and enjoy their wealth."

      I patted him on the back "I' sorry that this happened to you Pete. I would've never asked if I knew."

      "It's fine, I should've been gotten over it, but things like that leave fresh wounds for decades. Before they had passed, they told me I was a great worker for the family."

      "Did Missy and Dex handle it well?"

      "Missy doesn't know. She never knew. There's an explanation for that though."

      My face grew from sad to shocked. How could he not tell her? I gave him the benefit of the doubt before giving a reply.

      "By the time the crash happened, Dex was at the conscious age to know about what had happened. I told him, but he didn't cry. He was more worried about his sister."

      Pete stood up and inched to the painting and deeply stared at it.

      "Even though he was young, he suggested not telling Missy. I was still broken from the situation, so by the time I couldn't escape her asking about her parents anymore, I told her they  had abandoned the two of them just so she wouldn't have to know that her parents were dead. Since that day, I swore on my life I'd protect the both of them."

      "Wow...are you and Dex the only ones that know about their passing?"

      "No actually. Your drunk friend knows too. I scolded Dex one night for drinking with Romeo to the point where he spilled every secret he knew into Romeo's ears. Them two were close at one point though. Almost like brothers."

      I couldn't even give a reaction. Missy parents were dead, she doesn't know, and Romeo did? It was almost unbelievable. I would've lied to myself and said it was a dream, but seeing Pete now would always remind me of it. The secret.

      "I'm just going to go to bed. Goodnight Pete, and thank you for sharing that with me."


      I walked back to my room and fell onto the bed. Now I'd have to figure out how to sleep with a secret like that of a friend I didn't even know for that long.

"Mmph," Romeo groaned, rolling onto his stomach and wrapping his right arm around my neck. He locked me in this position and after trying to free myself until I just accepted it.

Before sleeping, I asked myself, should I let Romeo know about this secret? About me knowing it? Both questions that I'd have to answer tomorrow due to me falling asleep, surprisingly in his arms.

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