Under the full moon

By ThidneyAnn

51.9K 1K 1.5K

Star and Marco go to a horror movie on Halloween night, just as friends. But by watching it made the two fall... More

A Spooky Night
The Green Belt and the Wand
Now I wouldn't say Best Friends...
Author's Note
This is Bad, real Bad
Another Note
Fear is nothing, Right?
Tears Of Blood Final Chapter
Coming This Winter......

When You Lie

4K 104 206
By ThidneyAnn

"What No!"

"Well at least they're not taking you away."

"Well yeah, but if they find the way I've been acting, I'll go to Saint Olga's for Sure!

"How are you supposed to act?"

"Like a queen."

"Well, act like a queen right now! Maybe you can do it at home?"

"Okay. Here I go. Hello Marco. How are you doing today?" She said in an English accent, "I think Earth is a pretty great place. That is saying something, because I have been through outer space," she continued. Finally they started to go down until they came to a full stop at the ground. The new couple climbed out of the cart and walked down the steps. Finally they walked home, with a unicorn.

"Okay, that Queen thing, was absolutely perfect. I felt like I was in the presence of the Queen of Mewni herself."

"I pick up a lot of things from my mother."

When in a comfortable silence as they walked home, Marco grabbed Star's hand. When they walked down the street, Star let go of his hand and reminded him to act like friends.

"Now I know my mom has a lot of heart shapes on her body, like her hair and her dress, but do NOT get fooled. She is a big ole meany."

"Really, that is what you would call her, a meany? Pathetic."

"She can also be a dirty snob."

"That's better." 

They walked passed the blue and white carriage with strange lions. One of them roared at Marco.

Star gasped and looked at the lion, "Whiskers! This is my friend Marco. Say hi Marco."

"I am not saying hi to a weird-," the lion roared again.


"Marco now you made him mad, say your sorry."

"Again, I am not-"

"Mom! Dad!" Star yelled with excitement.

"Who's my little Monster fighter?!" King Butterfly asked.

"Wait what? A proper Princess does not fight monsters. She drinks tea. I mean sip. Drinking is the same as gulp and gulping is very ru-."

"We get it okay!" Star yelled.

"Excuse me?"

"I am so sorry," She said like a queen, "Carry on."

"As I was saying, gulping is very rude. Now, let us get too the reason we came down to this poor, dirty dimension," She said as their majesties sat on the couch, Star stood up and the Diaz family stood up beside the couch.

"Okay, I mastered this spell, and this is my favorite one," She said in a polite manner, "Narwhal Blast!"

After the phrase was said narwhals came out of the wand and Blasted the wall.

Everyone gasped. "Oh my goodness! I am so sorry Diaz family! I will try to clean this up. Returnios Cleanaries, fotarini!"

"Star that is not the right sp-," her mother yelled. The ground exploded and the house was almost completely destroyed. Star ran away with a worried face.

"Star, the spell was no fotarini, it was fotare."

"Oh my bad." 

"This is why we sent you to Earth in the first place. I see you have matured so we might take you back."

"No! Okay! I was just acting! I have not matured at all!" She held up the wand, "You see this? Yeah! Hearts, Butterfly, Star, crown! It represents my personality! You can not change the wand, that means you can not change your personality okay?"

"Yes it can! It changed for me! And I guess you will never see Mewni again if that wand never changes! Do you understand young lady?"

Star, sobbing, replied, "Yes Mother."

"We will be back in a few months. Honey let us go back. And also a queen does not were necklaces." She said as she pulled and broke her diamond Butterfly necklace.

Their majesties walked back to the carriage as King Butterfly spoke, "Menfas! Open the portal."

The portal opened and a guy shook the reigns as they let of. King Butterfly looked at Star and mouthed the words It'll be okay. I don't care if you mature or not. He looked away as a big Whoop came as they went through the portal.

Star smiled with thoughts of her father,  but whenever her mother came too her deserted mind, she whined. 

Star walked in with fury and happiness. She walked in to her room and sat on the bed. Downstairs, the Diaz's were having their own conversation.

"I feel so sorry that happened too Star," said Mrs. Diaz, "She worked so hard but her parents deserted her."

"Yeah, and her mom broke her necklace I got her."

"Wait what? You got her a diamond necklace? How much was that?"


"For a Diamond Necklace? Should be eighty! That necklace was probably a rip-off."

"But mom I love her!"

The family hesitated. "What did you say? You love her? I thought you were friends? And I thought you loved Jackie!"

"Me and her are dating. And I still like Jackie, but I love Star to infinity."

"Well? Why you down here? Your girlfriend is crying up there! Go!"

"Okay okay! Yeesh calm down." Marco walked up to Star's room. The closer he got the louder Star was. He looked into the star hole in her door. She was sitting on her bed. Holding a single chain. Marco walked in and sat down beside her.

"Look Star, I am so, so sorry that your mother treated you like th-"

"It's not my mom, well kinda, but I'm just sad that she broke my necklace. It meant so much to me. And I knew that, when I leave Earth, it'll remind me of you, and all of the fun times we had together. But now, now she tore away my greatest memories of you."

He put his arm around her and got closer, "Come on! I know to you it was priceless, but we can make you have memories you can remember."

"How? I don't really have that good of a memory."

"So! We can do anything! We even have magic."

"What do we do with that? Narwhal blast my head so I have a good memory?"

"No," he grabbed her hand, "Follow me, let's make some memories."

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