Miguel O Hara - AU Scientist...

By skylarmoon71

1.6K 73 9

Disclaimer: I don't own pics music or show. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8 - Final

Chapter 5

152 7 0
By skylarmoon71

Miguel would forever be a sweetheart. You could stare at him all day. 


That's what you were doing.

Just staring at him.

He always wears this cute expression on his face when he's deep in his work.

However, the question at the back of your head kept nagging you.


If Miguel is so perfect, why did you continue to hide your secret?



You couldn't really say what it was.

"Are you alright?"

You finally lift your head and he's right there in front of you. That little worried crease deep in his brow.

"I'm fine, just a little tired I guess."

He nods, leaving a light kiss on your cheek.

"We have been working non stop. I can't say for sure if this technology will actually work. The science is flawless, but it seems a bit unrealistic to jump through alternate realities. Even for Mr. Jamieson this is a leap."

You'd like to say you agree with him. Jumping through spaces in time and reality is a far-fetched dream, but you know otherwise.

If you were being quite honest you hoped that it would take them another century or so to even propose the idea.

Reality truly is harsh.

"There's not much more we can do at the moment. The batteries need at least a week to fully charge to accommodate the energy charge that we'll need. We should turn in for the night."

"Count me in."

You move out of the chair, stretching your limbs.

Miguel watches you with interest, and when you catch the stare, you blush.


"It's nothing. You're just cute."

What you've learned about Miguel is that he's very honest. He says what's on his mind. It's always had a way of throwing you off. His compliments are too much for your heart.

"T-Thank you.."

Boy, he had you wrapped around his finger.

"Would you like to stay over tonight?"

You nod very eagerly.

"I'd like that."

He smiles, holding out his hand for you to take. It's a simple gesture, yet you've never taken it for granted. But this isn't just a slight touch. It's an invitation into his life. The familiar pang of guilt hits you, and you hesitate just for a moment.

Then you will yourself to press forward.

The air is a bit heavy.

For the majority of the night you manage to school your features in what seems like a convincing smile. Laying in bed, your eyes are directed at the ceiling. Your gaze moves to Miguel's sleeping form. He looks so cute, even in sleep. Smiling to yourself, you rise, heading for the kitchen.

It's hard pretending everything is alright, but what else can you do?

With a sigh, you intend to reach into the fridge and grab a drink, but there is a shift in the air. You flinch, eyes widening at the very visible multicolored portal that has opened right behind you. Your fist clench defensively, watching the suited figure walk through casually. You let out one uneven breath, ready for anything.

This is what you'd been afraid of.

"The fact that you haven't run off yet must mean that I have the right person."

That voice...

His mask depixelated right in front of your eyes. That darkened gaze is not what you expect. His stature, that hair, you know it all too well.


He looks a bit put off by your expression. His head tilts to the left.

"I'm not who you might know on this earth. My name is Miguel O' Hara. I'm Spiderman from Earth 2099.

It looks like it has all finally caught up to you.

"I'm here to-"

"I'm not interested." Your immediate response isn't what he expects.

"This is a serious matter."

"I know all about your anomalies and little justice society."

He's shocked.

"You really think you're the first. There's so much that you don't understand. You think that this is some noble cause but you're wrong. We're heroes, not gods. I'm not interested in your war. So leave."

"You realize that humanity depends on us keeping all the realities safe. If you don't help, are you ready to live with the consequences of your actions?"

"That's rich coming from you."

The statement has caught him by surprise. Miguel takes a step back, and when he sees the gold light flicker around your irises, he briefly contemplates his choice in coming here.

"Who..are you?"

He's never been this unprepared. He knew just about every spider-person. That's why when Lyla told him of the new variant, he was skeptical. He couldn't find any information of a hero on this earth, yet he detected patterns that were basically textbook for anyone with spider enhanced abilities.


There's nothing but malice in your voice.

Miguel wants to know more, to understand how you know so much yet refuse to assist.

"I'll be back, you can count on it."

He doesn't say anything else, just clicks his watch, his mask materializing once more as he steps back into the portal. It finally dissipates right before your eyes and you bite down on your lip.


The voice startles you, and you turn. Miguel is standing right there and from the look on his face, he'd been there for a while.

At that very moment, your heart sinks.

"I screwed up.."

There's nowhere to run now. 

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