Captivated, Cursed: Alpha Lin...

By MyrandaRae

457K 14K 689

When the Moon Goddess casts a spell on Alpha King Lincoln and his entire pack, turning him into an icy ruler... More

Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 12
Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17
Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20
Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23
Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26
Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29
Episode 30
Episode 31
Episode 32
Episode 33
Episode 34
Episode 35
Episode 36
Episode 37
Episode 38
Episode 39
Episode 40
Episode 41
Episode 42
Episode 43
Episode 44
Episode 45
Episode 46
Episode 47

Episode 11

10.4K 314 23
By MyrandaRae


Maggie's voice on the other side of my door wakes me while the sun is still rising in the sky outside. After the obstacle course, I spent the afternoon bundled up by my fireplace reading, letting my aching muscles rest. I sat up at the window for most of the night, until he ran past, at some point, I must have fallen asleep.

"Yes?" My voice is groggy and tired.

She comes into the room quietly, moving to sit on the end of my bed. I'm expecting to go down to the kitchen to bake or something. The look on her face is like being doused in cold water, I'm suddenly awake and very nervous.

"There are vampires here to see you. They need to see you about the investigation."

"Oh," I jump out of bed, "I'll be right down!"

Scrambling around my room I search for anything to throw on that looks moderately put together. I've been waiting for weeks to speak to someone. I've been hoping Victor would reach out at some point, something about him is calming.

Cameron has inquired a few times, looking for any updates on progress but we never hear anything.

As I jog down the stairs I can see everyone gathered in the parlor room I explored last night. The King is seated next to Cameron, who I wasn't expecting to return yet. When I try to look at him his expression is tense and serious. I wonder if he's mad at me about the other night too. I avoid making eye contact with the King, feeling embarrassed over the encounters we've had.

"Jo," Victor says, jumping to his feet, his blue hair looks more blonde now, "this is Reese, the lead investigating vampire..."

Reese stands and takes my hand in his, "It's a pleasure, please, sit."

As I move to sit I notice that Cameron won't make eye contact with me. Nerves begin to flutter in my stomach and a cold chill runs down my spine. Does this have to do with my rule-breaking or is it something worse? Am I going to be punished?

Whatever they are going to tell me, it must not be good news.

"Josephine," Reese starts, "we have arrested one sorceress that was involved in the experiments taking place on the Northern border. After intense interrogation, she admitted to some things that were quite... unsettling."

I search the room, trying to steady my breathing before he tells me whatever horrible thing everyone else apparently already knows.

The King is staring at me, his eyes boring into me, watching me closely.

"The sorceress we captured said that you were the second wolf they held captive. They had an issue with the first that they took measures to ensure didn't happen with you."

He pauses again and my stomach rolls.

"Please, just tell me what she told you," I beg, bile rising in my throat.

"The other wolf had a mate that almost foiled their entire operation. He got so close to finding them that they created a potion to protect them from that in the future. When they got you, they injected you with the potion..." he sighs heavily," they injected you with a potion that severed your mate bond, permanently."

"W-What?" I choke out in an almost inaudible whisper, "but I haven't found my mate yet."

"From what we understand, if your mate walked into the room right now, neither of you would feel the bond. It's been broken."

"Oh, I see," my lip quivers as I try to remain calm in front of them. I can feel the King's eyes on me still. My mind is racing and I feel sweat gathering on my neck. I clench my hands together to stop them from trembling so noticeably. It's like feeling everything and nothing. Part of me wants to weep or scream but I can also feel a hysterical, rage forming, bubbling in my throat like a laugh.

When I look up, our eyes meet. I can't read him. There is sadness but there's something else, understanding maybe. The harshness that I felt under his gaze before is gone.

"I know you need time to process this but I want you to know that we are doing everything we can to find everyone involved. When we blew up their makeshift hospital and laboratory we wiped out all of their research. We believe there are at least three more people we need to catch, so we need you to remain here, safe."

"Do you need me to send more trackers?" The King asks.

"I...yes," Reese looks surprised, "that would be very helpful."

They continue to speak for a moment but I can't hear them. I feel Maggie pull my hand into hers, squeezing gently. I feel a pressure over my entire body like I'm submerged under deep water. Pulling myself up I stagger out of the room. I can hear people behind me, I can sense someone's hand on my back, but I'm on autopilot.

I stumble up the stairs, my heartbeat pounding in my ears.

I fumble with my doorknob, my hand too shaky to open it. A hand moves from behind me, pushing the door open for me. I walk into the room in a trance, falling into my bed. I'm not sure how much time passes, I vaguely register the changes in the sky. Light, then darkness, then light again.

People knock on the door, Maggie came, Cam came. Even Luke came to tell me I have been added to the bio-security system and can shift, within the authorized areas only, of course. I can't bring myself to speak, I just lay under my blankets, hoping time will swallow me up.

I pull myself out of my bed and float, like a ghost to my piano. I am not sure exactly how to process my new reality. Wolves are told our entire lives that the greatest moment we will ever experience is the moment we meet our mate. The happiness of our entire being is wrapped up in finding them and then subsequently spending the rest of our lives with them.

I'm not sure how to reconcile that with this new knowledge that I won't ever find my mate, that I won't ever have that feeling. The instant bond and connection with someone who will cherish me above all else has been stolen from me.

After everything I've been through in my life finding my mate was something, I was eager for. I've never had anyone to love me or family to call my own. The prospect of meeting someone who was made for me, someone who would complete me was a dream. Now it seems it will only ever be a dream.

I let my fingers roll over the keys, Gymnopédie number one pouring from my fingertips. The melancholy in my soul swirling around the room in the notes.

A loud knock on my door startles me from my thoughts. I assume it's Cameron.

"Come in," my voice croaking and hoarse, I can't avoid them forever. It's been at least a few days since I've talked to anyone.

The door opens slightly but then there's hesitation on the other side. When it opens fully revealing the King my brows furrow. Even his presence can't pull me out of my slumped-over posture.

"Join me in the greenhouse for dinner," he clears his throat awkwardly. I note that he isn't asking, but telling.

I want to decline, not really feeling up to the task of being someone's dinner guest but I nod instead.

He nods curtly and leaves the room. Hanging my head, I restart the song, playing it over and over again, letting everything I feel out in the only way I know-how.

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