
By TxJbabess

2.7K 200 20

Rework of the original protect her. More



186 15 1
By TxJbabess

Excuse any mistakes:



"T bone?"

"Yea Quamaine?"

"I know you hate to be put back in this but I really need you."

"Look Maine, For her, I'll do it."

"Got a sweet spot for her T?"

"I think so, sort of like a first sight type thing."

"Go head nie. But get as much as information that you can from her. Remember you can't let them get to her, figure out a way to get her to stay with you. I can go ahead and tell you now Katherine ain't filing no lawsuit for her."

"That I already know."

"With her sick ass"

"Yoo." We started laughing, as I put on my shorts.

"Mhh Goodmorning Toni." She walked in with one of my graphic tees on.

"Damn yall must've had a nice night."

"Nah nigga. Look I'll catch you later."


"I'll be in contact with you tomorrow, stay dangerous T."


"Trap her if you have to, put that charm to use."

"I'll see what I can do."

"Ok my man."

I hung up turning my attention on Janet as I rubbed lotion on my chest.

"I didn't know you were in the phone."

"You're fine, it was just my homeboy putting me on."

"Putting you on?"

"It's an expression, basically giving me details bout something."

"Ooh ok."

"Come here, tell me how you slept?" I opened my arms up allowing her to come in for a hug.

"I slept amazing, better than i ever have in a long time."

"I'm glad, though ion know how you talked me in to sleeping next to you."

"Just a little charm. What are your plans for today?"

"Well I'm going to get an edge up and get my hair done. Then after that, If you're up for it you wanna meet my horses?"

"I'd love to."

"Alright then when I get back we can definitely do that. The house is yours, so feel free to have fun. If you need anything my other phone is right there my number is already in it, just call me."

"Ok. Be safe."

I looked at her and smiled before walking up to her kissing her forehead. "I will mama." I left driving to my barber to go get my cut, I mean it's past time for one and plus Quamaine did say work some charm.

I admit Janet's a beautiful lady; she's sincere, down to earth, very humble. She's attractive in every mental aspect known to man, and it might be contradicting to say but her mental attraction is more than her physical attraction.

But at the end of the day, I do have a job to do and that job was to protect her.

I got to the barber immediately getting a couple of stares. "Wassuh Brandon."

"Hey T, what we getting today?"

"Just a lower taper, my man."

"Gotcha." He removed my dreads cap and stood back.

"T? Where Dey at?"

"I combed them out."

"Man you got too much hair."

"Don't worry ima get a silk press."

"Nah, it's coo like this. Let's get to work."

I got comfortable while Brandon did his thing. Bout 45 minutes later we were done, I checked the cut out and paid.

Stopping to the outlet on the way back I got Janet an outfit. It's only right if she going to meet the horses she gotta get ready. I also picked her up some yellow roses, a pretty girl deserves pretty roses and I'm hoping I can get her to open up to me more about her family.

Walking to my car I see her mother walking my way. "Braxton! Yoohooo, hi."

"Uhh hey." I still proceeded to get in my truck.

"Did you file a suit yet?"

"No, did you file Janet's?"

"Not yet. Umm about our little hospital run in the elevator. You called me a different last name, how come?"

Y'all is she for real right now? "Cut the crap Katherine."

"Why did you call me that?"

"Katherine if I tell you why I called you that, you gone take me out next. Ian got time to play with you lady. Though if you know like I know, you'd leave me alone. I'll be seeing you fasho."

She looked at me as if she was angry, did I care no. I just gotta drag this here out until I get what I need.

I got to the house immediately being hit with the scent of cleaning products.

"Mamas?" No sign of her of in the kitchen.

"Ayo Janet!" I looked around my lower level finally catching her in my gym.

"Hey beautiful..." she still didn't notice I was there as she was lifting.

I got behind her putting the weight back on the rack.

"Toni, I didn't know you were back."

"I know mama, thanks for cleaning you didn't have to."

"It was nothing, cleaning brings me peace."

"Well whatever makes you happy enjoy it."

She smiled at me as she wiped the sweat from her face. I took the chance to look at her body.

She was remarkable.. a work of art almost, the sweat that dripped off I almost could've licked it. She's gorgeous...

"Toni? Hello?" She snapped in my face bringing me out of it.

"I—I.. I'm s-sorry for for st—staring."

FUCK! get it together Toni, ain't no way I'm stimming and stuttering at the same time.


"Hey hey, it's ok. It's ok."

"I hate having autis-tism."

"It's ok Toni, really."

"I hate stim-stimming. It makes me feel stupid-stupid." I hit my head against the wall out of frustration.

"I'm s-so embarrassed."

"Don't be." She kissed my cheek holding my hand...


Is this bitch really slow?


What, she the one over here banging her head into a wall and stuttering.

That doesn't matter strawberry. I think it's cute, she's cute.

"Here, I stopped to get you some flowers. A beautiful lady deserves beautiful flowers."

Oh and now all of a sudden she speaks normal English.

Strawberry I swear I hate you right now.

Beat me, stab me, break me down why don't you.

You are unbelievable

Well get to believing it baby

"The flowers are so beautiful. Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"Toni I just noticed your dreads are gone, god you have so much hair."

To tell the truth she looked hot.

Gosh I could pull on her hair while she eat my pussy, push me to the wall and dick me with her feelings in it. Got me cumming down her shaft and Ian running.

Strawberry shut up, shut up. With that whack ass remix.

Hpmh, you're jealous. You know my bars were fire.

Jealous, yea goodnight sweets cause you tripping.

"And I got you an outfit for the horses, so come on get dressed and let's head outside."

"Ok give me a couple of minutes."

"Ok beautiful."

After getting dressed she came down with her attire. No shirt, denim washed boot cut jeans, and brown gator skinned boots, with her cowboy hat.

Never noticed her back tattoo. It glistened in the sunlight as we walked out to the next yard.

"Toni if I could ask, how many tattoos do you have?"

"Bout 5, I'm getting a chest tattoo next. Would you like to sit with me on it?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

"I wouldn't, your company means a lot to me."

"And yours means a lot to me, thank you for taking care of me."

"It's nothing, id do it for you anytime. Did you take your medicine this morning?"

"Yes I did."

"Did you place the wrap back on?"



"I know I need it but it just feels bulky and I don't like it."

"It's not about what you like, go put it on."

"I'll be fine just for today."

"Just know, Ian holding you tonight."

"Oh you will..." I looked at her then smirked.

"Mhm." She introduced me to her horses and handed me the one name brandy.

"Hi brandy."

"I think she likes you."

"I like her too."

"Ready to hop on?"

"Yea." She came round and help me on as she went and got on her other horse named diamond.


"I'm ready."

"Heeyah!" And we were off, running and riding freely on her open range.

"My dog Thor would love this."

"You have a dog mama?"

"Yea, a Tibetan Mastiff husky mixed."

"I'd love to meet him."

"He's at my house actually."

"Oh my god, you shouldn't told me sooner."

"It's fine, we can get him tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. I have all his food set out, he knows what days to eat them."

"Man he's intelligent then."

"Absolutely, you should hear him talk sometime."

"Oh oh my."

This was so relaxing and I couldn't help but stare as the sun glistened against her caramel skin as we rode through with the sun setting midway as it was now peaking 3 o clock.

She rode the horse so smooth and yet so fast, it looked like she was born to do it.

I could tell that this here was her thing, her comfort zone and I dare wouldn't want to take this moment from her...

After coming in from riding horses we were now eating a snack and watching First Sunday.


"Yea mamas?"

"How come you're so nice when you don't even know me for real."

"It ain't bout knowing you mamas. I just know Ian finna let anyone get hurt on my watch, I refuse to. I'm a giver, I'll give you the shirt off my back if you need it."

"I can tell, I really do thank you honestly. No ones ever stood up for me or even lifted a finger to help me. Folks took more from me then giveth to me. I've lost more in helping people than gaining from them."

"That's how it be mama, just know I'm not going do you like those folks. I'm different and you're under my roof. I got you, understand me?" Her finger lifted my chin so we could be eye level.

"I understand Toni."

"Good, now come on let's take your medicine for this evening."

"Do I have toooooo."

"Yes mamas you have tooooo. Come on before I carry you."

I stretched clean out refusing to move. "You make it so hard don't you." She picked me up carrying me to the counter sitting me on it.

"Really Toni?"

"Yes really."

I watched her as grabbed my medicine out the cabinet. " I feel your eyes piercing me."

"I'm sorry Toni, staring isn't right, but you're just really really fine."

"You're extremely gorgeous mamas, now take a shot for me." She handed me the pills and a glass of water. I looked at her as she looked back at me as if she was making sure I took the medicine.


I should swallow you and whole at that.

"There it's gone."

"Good girl."

God she says everything so seductive and double standard like.

As we're standing I noticed something in her pants, I just know Ian tripping this time.

"Uhh Toni?"

"Yea mamas?"

"I really don't mean to be offensive and if I am let me know, ok?"


"I've been staring at you in a way I shouldn't and within my glances there's uh something I've noticed in your pants and uhh.."

"Oh that." She looked down pacing her hand over it.


"Yea I was born with the other part. That's why I sorta went and top surgery."

"Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to—."

"You didn't offend me. I've been noticing you staring, it's cute in a way. You'd take glances and look off. I'm not ashamed of it honestly and I don't mind telling you if you have any questions as well."

"Does it function like, you can have kids?"

"Yes ma'am I can."

Maybe she could give us one.

"Were you bullied bout it?"

"Oh absolutely, but that's another story for another time, join me in the hot tub."

I walked with her to the room as she closed the door. "Want the tv on?"

"No, I just wanna listen to you."

"Alright, before we go any further; how your ribs feeling?"

"The medicine working, ion feel much pain."

"That's good mamas, if you could turn around for me."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes mamas, I'll do the same for you." She turned around and so did I as we stripped out of pure clothes. She left her boxer on going in the water as I left my panties and bra on as well.

I glanced down seeing her manhood lay firmly on her leg as she got in the water. The print of it showed clear as day, she was definitely hung like a horse.

That's the real horse we need to ride.

Strawberry please don't start today. I let you slide earlier.

She held her hand out for me to grab as I took it she guided me into the water holding me close to her so I wouldn't fall.

"I got you." Is what she said to me as we sat quiet letting the bubbles and the steam take us in.

"Janet, if I can ask about your brother?"

"Sure, my brother he was the best brother. He was famous but fake wasn't of him. He didn't like being in the public eye, he craved a private life but my mother wouldn't let him have it. No offense to my mom but she's a conniving backstabbing bitch. She's a money hungry Heffa, she'll take her own kids out for the fortune. I don't care what no one says, my mama killed Michael and that's just that."

"Killed him, you think she killed him?"

"I think she has something to do with it yes."

"What bout you? You aren't safe."

"I know I'm not. But there's no fear in dying, it's fear of what her afterlife would be."

"Look, you're not going back home."

"Toni I'll be fine."


"You're so protective, just like Michael. I miss him so much." Tears started forming in my eyes, I couldn't stop them from rolling.

I felt her lips press against my forehead as she held me tightly in her arms, repeating those same three words. "I got you."

Moving me through the water it was as if we were floating. It felt so surreal, I never had this type of caring before; so intimate. I never had someone actually wanna be there for me.

Nothing but silence filled the room as I glanced at us in her ceiling mirror. Her towering over me with her hands wrapped ever so tightly around my neck as for mines around her waist, just looked so good... she looked good.

Her phone started to ring and I watched her get out.

Damn she's hot...

But my staring was short lived as my own phone started ringing.

Looking at the screen a name popped up that I didn't want to see.


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