Phai & Bank ( Love Syndrome)

By unaisaas

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#Bl # lovesyndrome #mature #bl #boyxboy #bxb #bxblove #lovesyndrome #mature #maturelanguage #maturity #mxm #r... More

CHAPTER - 12 🔞
CHAPTER - 18 🔞
CHAPTER - 20 🔞


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By unaisaas

Bank woke up almost at noon. Last night he went to sleep at Phai's house, in fact he almost never sleeps in his own house. However, he returned to see his daughter every day, as he needed to open the store.

Phai talked to Bank's parents about the possibility of Ingfah and Bank moving away, but Bank's parents preferred their granddaughter to continue coming and going for now, afraid they would be lonely without her around.

So Phai and Bank agreed to alternate nights between the two houses. If it was Friday or Saturday, Ingfah would sleep at Phai's house. Bank's parents agreed to this as it would allow both Bank and Phai to take care of business during the night as it is too late when they get home to rest. This way there will be no need to wake up early to take Ingfah to school during the week.

The relationship between Phai and Bank was going very well, no one else came to say anything harmful. As for Dol himself, he also avoids meeting Bank to avoid any friction as he was worried that Phai might interfere in his family life. However, when they met face to face, there were no more confrontations and Bank was very satisfied.

It had been almost a year since they started dating, and Bank was extremely happy, not knowing if she would be able to handle it if they had to break up.

How do they manage to stay together? The two have their disagreements, they disagree on some things, but it doesn't get to be something very intense. This is because when one of them gets upset or irritated, the other automatically calms down immediately.

Bank gently held his lover's arm around his waist, and prepared to get out of bed. He thought about going out to buy food to share

with Phai, as soon as he woke up.

- Uh... where are you going? - Phai's barely audible sleepy voice sounded when he felt that Bank was letting go of his arm.

I'm going out to buy something for -

eat. Keep sleeping. - Bank said. Phai nodded in

acceptance, still with his eyes closed, causing Bank to contain his laughter. Then Phai fell asleep immediately.

Bank went to the bathroom, washed his face, brushed his teeth and then grabbed his wallet and motorcycle keys. He headed to the market to buy breakfast.

Bank chose to go buy noodles at a wonton shop he frequented.

When he got there, he ordered for himself and Phai, before sitting on the motorcycle seat to wait for the food. Meanwhile, he took out his cell phone to check social media.

Bank noticed that someone had stopped and stood close to him, but he thought it was a customer coming to buy noodles too.

-Bank!- a female voice called loudly, making Bank raise his head before stopping for a moment.

- Phon. - Bank called the young woman in front of him. Although they haven't met directly in 6 years, Fon still maintains her modern and mature appearance, and most importantly, she is Ingfah's real mother. She was the woman he made a mistake with during his teenage years, leading to an unwanted pregnancy.

Did you come home for a visit? - Bank responded naturally.

If asked whether he was shocked or not, Bank would say that he was just surprised that the young woman came to greet him, because before they separated, Fon had reprimanded Bank in various ways, accusing him of being responsible for her uncertain future.

At that time, Bank wanted to respond in kind, saying that she agreed to it on her own. However, he chose to stay quiet and let Fon go his way, while Bank personally looked after his daughter.

- Yes, my father is not very well, so I came back to see. In fact, I have been coming back often, but I rarely have the chance to meet you. - replied Fon, looking at Bank with a perplexed look.

Bank turned to pick up the noodles he had bought. He went to the counter, paid and got the food.

I'll go then. - said Bank, but Fon grabbed his arm first.

- Hang on. Can I talk to you about something? - the woman asked. Bank was momentarily surprised.

- What do you want to talk about? - Bank asked.

- About Ingfah... - the woman replied, leaving Bank instantly silent.

Phai woke up with no one to wake him up. He took out his cell phone to look and realized that it was already 1 pm. Then he got up and went to take a shower and change his clothes.

- Bank. he called to his lover as he walked down the stairs. The house was completely silent. He went to the kitchen, but found no one. So, he went to check the front of the house and noticed that the motorcycle was not there.

- Where did you go to buy food? - Phai murmured, because when Bank said he was going to buy food, he looked at the clock on the bedroom wall and saw that it was around 11am, but now it was past 1pm. Phai picked up the phone to call her boyfriend, but coincidentally Bank arrived at that moment. He left the house to meet him at the door.

- How long have you been awake, P'Phai? - Bank asked, holding a bag of food as he entered the house.

- A while ago, what took you so long? Phai asked.

- It wasn't that long, Phi. - Bank replied with a smile, before heading directly to the kitchen.

Phai furrowed his eyebrows because he felt that Bank was not normal. The two have been together for a long time now, and not just the time they've been dating, but they've also grown up together. So they didn't need to hide their worries from each other and Phai could immediately tell that something was bothering Bank, even if he tried to hide it.

- So, what's going on, Bank?

- Phai entered the kitchen and asked his boyfriend immediately. Bank, who was about to serve the food onto the plate, paused for a moment.

- Eat first, then we'll talk, Phi. - Bank replied. He was planning to tell Phai about something that was on his mind, but he wanted Phai to eat first.

- Hmm. - Phai agreed, and they both sat down to eat together until they were satisfied.

After they cleaned up, Phai took Bank to the living room to talk.

-He speaks. said Phai immediately.

Bank chuckled softly.

- Are you curious enough to want to know everything, Phi? - Bank asked back.

- Oh, I just want to know what it does

your eyebrows frown like that all the time. - Phai said while pointing to the middle of Bank's eyebrows, without him even realizing that he was frowning.

Bank grabbed Phai's hand and intertwined his fingers with his, while looking seriously at him without breathing for a moment.

- Actually, it's no big deal. Turns out I got rained on today. - said Bank, getting straight to the point.

- It doesn't look like it's wet here. - Phai returned the joke, but knew very well that "rain" referred to someone

I mean the "rain" that is human. Fon, Ingfah's mother, is not rainwater. - shouted Bank. Phai just chuckled. Then it was he who held Bank's hand, while gently stroking the back of his hand.

So did you talk? Phai asked.

We talked... Initially, I didn't expect Fon to greet me. But she came and said she wanted to see Ingfah. - Bank confessed softly.

I don't understand, why does she want to see her now? She has never even contacted us for over 6 years to ask about the child or find out how she is doing. She didn't want to raise her, but she could have had a little consideration to ask about our daughter. I'm not expecting her to come and help with Ingfah's expenses. - Bank vented with a touch of bitterness in his voice.

- Maybe she thought about it now. Now that you have grown up, she is more mature. She must feel guilty and want to see her daughter. - Phai suggested, sharing his thoughts.

- You think? - Bank asked.

- Hmm. - Phai replied, and Bank sat in silence for a moment.

- What should I tell our daughter when I find Fon? Because I told Ingfah that her mother was in heaven at that time. I thought Fon wouldn't come back to meet her again. So, I told her that. - Bank spoke with a touch of regret in his voice.

- I think you should consult your father and mother first. See what they both think about it. - Phai suggested, thinking that they should at least discuss this with Bank's parents before making any decision.

- I'm also thinking about talking to my mother, but there's something else that worries me. - Bank said while looking at Phai.

- What is it? - Phai asked.

I'm scared, Phai. If, by any chance, Fon wants to take Ingfah back and the matter between the two of us becomes a problem. What am I going to do? - Bank said with a tense expression, before Phai raised his eyebrows and finally smiled. Then he lightly shook Bank's head back and forth.

- You are thinking too much, there is nothing to worry about. Is nothing. Even if something like this really happens, do you think I'll let it go? - Phai said in a serious tone to reassure Bank. Bank's face was slightly depressed. Then he looked at Phai's face.

- If it's like I think, Phi, you'll have to help me. I will not allow anyone to take my daughter, not even if it is Fon, Ingfah's biological mother. - said Bank, without losing confidence.

- So, what day and where does Fon want to see Ingfah? Phai asked.

- I said that first I want to talk to my parents and then I will tell you something. Then she gave me her new phone number. Or should we stay quiet? P'Phai there is no need to contact Fon. - Bank asked for Phai's opinion.

- Do you think Fon doesn't know your house? She can get there easily. - Phai replied, making Bank think.

- Ok, I'll first talk to my parents about how to proceed. - Bank said reluctantly when he realized there was no other option.

- Bank, at least Fon is Ingfah's mother. Let them meet a little. Ingfah would also be happy to have a mother. - Phai said according to what he thought.

In fact, at first, Fon couldn't accept the idea of ​​becoming a mother as she was young at the time. However, as she grew up and experienced more things, this may have made the girl feel guilty and want to come and meet her own daughter.

- Okay, fine. I'll talk to my parents then. Do you want to go with me or would you prefer to go directly to the restaurant? - Bank asked back, but secretly in his heart, he wished Phai would go with him.

Let's go together. - said Phai, making Bank smile satisfied.

Heh heh, you're making a face like you want me to come with you. - said Phai, while gently pushing Bank's head, annoyingly.

Then the two got ready to leave the house and went to Bank's parents' house together.

- If she wants to see you, then she can come here to the house. - Bank's father spoke after Bank told Fon's story.

- Are mom and dad okay with this? - Bank asked, as perhaps the parents are still not satisfied with Fon for abandoning their daughter.

- This story is old. If she wants to meet Ingfah, why are we going to forbid it? We will commit a sin for nothing. Besides, Fon didn't do anything bad. - Bank's mother said, understanding Fon's age well at that time.

- What about Ingfah, how should I tell my daughter? Should I say Fon is your mother or someone else? What do you think? - Bank asked his parents' opinion.

Tell her it's her mother, at least then she'll know what her mother's face looks like. - Bank's father suggested.

What about what I told Ingfah about Fon, that her mother was in heaven? - Bank added because her parents knew that Bank told her daughter where mom was.

We can say that the mother came down from heaven. - Phai replied, making Bank's parents smile a little.

Hmm, let's go with what Phai said. - Bank's father replied.

Now, Bank's father has resigned himself to accepting Phai and Bank's story. There were days when Bank's father would even invite Phai to have a drink together, part of this was because he could see that they both cared and worried about each other.

There were no problems. Some people in the family accepted it, others didn't. However, no one dared to say anything because they are afraid of Phai.

So I'm going to call Fon right now. I'll tell her she can come and meet Ingfah here. I'll pick her up from school so we can talk to her first. - Bank suggested. Everyone agreed with the idea.

Let's go get Ingfah then. - Phai said. Bank smiled, happy to have him by his side.

Bank took care of calling Fon and setting up an appointment. Fon was very excited and agreed immediately. Phai and Bank split up to look around the establishments themselves for a while. Then Phai drove to pick up Bank from the pool hall so they could pick up Ingfah from school together.

- Pai Phai, Pai Bank. - Ingfah called both of them, running towards them.

- Today, Ingfah got a perfect score, ten, on my painting! - the little girl said, showing off her achievement.

- I'm looking forward to seeing it. - Bank said smiling.

- It's in my backpack. - Ingfah said as he prepared to open the backpack.

- Let's look later. We'd better go home first, there's someone who wants to see you.- Bank said before looking ahead with an indifferent expression. Ingfah just nodded.

Who is it? - Ingfah asked back.

Meanwhile, Phai and Bank had their hands intertwined with Ingfah's as they walked towards the car. Bank still hadn't responded. He helped his daughter into the car. Phai started the engine. Bank adjusted himself and looked at his daughter.

- Ingfah, would you like to meet your mother? - Bank asked, causing Ingfah to have a slightly confused expression.

- Daddy Bank said mom is

in the sky. Ingfah replied back,

while Bank smiled slightly and

I remembered Phai's words.

- It turns out that Ingfah's mother

managed to come down from heaven and wants to see you,

Ingfah. Bank decided to say this. You

Ingfah's eyes widened as

heard that.

- Ingfah wants to meet her. Ingfah wants to see her mother. the little girl expressed her desire. Bank looked at his daughter and he sighed softly.

- In fact, now mom is waiting at home. - Bank said, and Ingfah smiled even more.

Then Phai immediately drove to Bank's house. When they arrived and parked, Ingfah got out of the car. Bank immediately realized that an unknown car that was parked must belong to Fon.

Bank held his daughter's hand, but before they could enter, Bank turned to Phai again. Phai smiled and walked towards Bank, while holding his hand.

- I will always be with you. - Phai said out loud, because Phai knew what Bank wanted. Bank smiled happily, initially he wanted to ask Phai to get together, but he wasn't sure if it would be a bother.

- Thanks. - Bank replied before the three entered the house.

- They arrived. - said Bank's mother, who was talking to Fon, causing Fon to turn around immediately.

Ingfah moved to the middle of Bank and Phai, as she was still not used to Fon's face. Fon, upon seeing his daughter, his eyes filled with tears, but she was still smiling.

- Ingfah, go and greet your mother. - Bank said to his daughter before guiding her to the sofa.

Ingfah clung to Bank's legs, but secretly looked at Fon and also gave Bank a discreet glance.

Father Bank, is this the mother? - Ingfah asked. Bank turned to look at Fon before responding.

Yes, it's mother Fon, Ingfah's mother. Go see mom, she bought a lot of things for Ingfah. - Bank helps explain when he sees the gifts that the young woman brought with her.

Ah... Ingfah... mother... can you hold your hand, please? - said Fon with a trembling voice and Ingfah looked at his father again.

Go ahead, dad is sitting here. Bank said before sitting down on the other couch. As for Phai, he sits on the arm of the couch. Ingfah advanced towards Fon, holding out her hand for her to hold. Fon held his daughter's hand and forced himself not to cry.

Mother Fon? - Ingfah asked. Fon nodded immediately.

Is the sky beautiful, mom? Father Bank said mother was upstairs. asked Ingfah, just like a child her age. Fon pursed his lips and looked at Bank.

Sorry, I didn't know what to say to Ingfah. - Bank said. Fon smiled understandingly.

It's beautiful, but I miss you, Ingfah, so I had to come down. - Fon accepted what Bank told his daughter.

So will you rise again? Ingfah asked, and Fon shook his face from side to side.

I do not want anymore. The mother wants to see Ingfah more often. Can I come visit you, Ingfah? - Fon asked. Ingfah smiled and nodded immediately.

Of course, Ingfah, you want to find your mother. So I can show my friends that she's back. - Ingfah, who began to open up, spoke with an excited voice, like a child. This is because Bank and his family never.

He cultivated hatred for Ingfah's biological mother, he was only told that she was in heaven.

So let's talk a little more, Fon. Tonight, let's have dinner together. Ingfah will probably like us to eat together. - said Bank's mother. Fon immediately raised his hand in greeting. The more she saw that Bank's parents were still good to her, she felt even more guilty.

Phi, where are you going? - Bank asked Phai, who stood up.

I'll help your mother, I think it's better to stay with your daughter. - Phai replied, Bank hesitated for a moment, but Phai shook Bank's head slightly and walked away.

Now, only Bank, Fon and Ingfah were left in the living room. However, Phai didn't go very far; he could still see inside the living room.

I already know about Bank and P'Phai. - said Fon. At this time, Ingfah had gone up to sit on the girl's lap. Bank hesitated for a moment, his face still.

And? - Bank asked back.

Don't make that face. I didn't come here to say anything. I just want to congratulate you. Bank didn't think I would come and take away his daughter, did he? - asked Fon.

I admit I thought about it. - Bank replied directly and the woman smiled softly.

- I've made mistakes in the past. I don't want to make any more mistakes. I just want to see our daughter, take her for a walk. It is possible? - said Fon gently.

If that's all you want, then you can. - Bank replied. Fon smiled gratefully.

- Thank you, Bank. And I apologize for everything and what Fon said was Bank's fault. - said the woman. Bank sighed softly.

Leave it alone, that's the past. Do your best today and tomorrow. That is enough. If Fon wants to come see Ingfah, come whenever you want. I don't care, as long as you don't think about taking my daughter away from me. - Bank said directly. Fon smiled in response.

Don't worry, I'm not afraid of you, Bank. But I'm more afraid of someone else. - said Fon, looking away, where Phai was. Bank turned to look in the same direction and laughed softly.

P'Phai would definitely not agree, that's for sure. - the woman said excitedly.

- And as for you... Fon, what do you think about me dating P'Phai? - Bank asked because he was curious.

Well, if you asked, don't blame me... Well... I'm really excited. When I see you and P'Phai together, it seems so perfect. I'm really happy to see how you two match up. - said the young woman before bowing and before answering Ingfah's question, who was looking at the things that Fon bought for her.

Lively? - Bank said laughing. At this moment, he himself began to open up to Fon, now in full role as mother to his daughter. But the dynamic between them remained that of good friends.

- A little, that's all. As soon as I learned about the relationship between Bank and Phai, how could I dare to come and see Ingfah? I've wanted to do this for some time, but I was afraid Bank wouldn't allow it. - said the woman with a playful tone.

Mom, what is this? - Ingfah asked, interrupting the conversation. Fon then explained about the gifts she brought for her daughter, while Bank joined in the conversation with Fon about what she had been doing recently.

The laughter and conversations between father, mother and daughter resounded happily, but Phai couldn't hear clearly. Phai looked directly at the scene, with a slightly discouraged expression in his face.

Deep in his heart, there was a small feeling of emptiness. He knew he shouldn't have these thoughts, but Phai resisted letting them go. Phai couldn't help but think that it really was the picture of a complete family. Ingfah, on the other hand, was happy to have found her mother.

Bank was also more receptive, smiling more than before as he talked to the young woman. Bank pushed the girl's head as if they were teasing each other. This makes Phai think that he can't look at this image for long without admitting that he loves Bank very much. Phai loves so much that he's afraid, what if Bank changes his mind and falls in love with a woman? Or go back to Ingfah's mother? He couldn't take it.

Laughter and lively conversation filled the room, but Phai's mind was racing, unable to ignore his own fears and worries.

Asa, I'm going up to the room. - said Phai, as he was initially willing to help Bank's mother prepare the food. However, Bank's mother insisted that he get some rest, so Phai decided to go up to his room.

Alright, I'll let Bank come up later then. - Bank's mother replied. Phai smiled before heading up to the second floor towards the bedroom.

Phai could actually go to work, but Bank's mother suggested they have dinner together first. Phai decided to go up to his room and started looking at his cell phone. He continued like this, until some time passed and the bedroom door was opened.

- P'Phai, when did you disappear? Mom asked me to go up and call her to eat. - Bank said, Phai looked at his face and was silent for a moment, breathing softly.

Phai feels a little disappointed in himself, even though he was the one who told Bank not to think too much, now he's thinking it himself.

- Do you have any problem?

Bank asked immediately when Phai didn't respond.

- No, what about Ingfah? - Phai asked about Ingfah.

- He stayed downstairs with Fon. Looks like I'm not a rotten dog today. - Bank said smiling. Phai looked at that smile and couldn't help but feel possessive. He doesn't want anyone but him to own Bank's smile.

A/N :- The meaning of the proverb "Rotten dog" means a person who is hated by others to the point that he cannot get along with anyone. A person no one loves or associates with.

- P'Phai. - Bank called again, as the silence seems abnormal.

Let's go down to eat together. I will need to go to the restaurant again soon. - Phai cut the conversation and left hugging Bank's neck, to avoid any suspicion that Bank might have.

Phai himself wants to adjust his state of mind to something more than that, as he feels he is starting to think too much, and when he went down to the dining room, Ingfah was sitting with Fon.

Bank's father is sitting on the other side of the table, so Bank sat at the head of the table on the other side to be closer to his daughter. While Phai sat next to Bank's mother and stood next to where Bank is sitting.

When everyone is gathered together, they begin to eat together. Ingfah ate vegetables, showing her mother. She received praise from everyone. Phai ate in silence, occasionally glancing at Bank's parents. Fon served food to his daughter. Bank took a napkin to wipe her mouth while eating. Both sides help take care of Ingfah, and she smiles more than ever. Phai finished his meal faster than the others.

I'll apologize first, I need to take a look at the restaurant. - Phai said. Bank turned to look at him immediately.

- Phai, he only ate a little. - Bank said.

I am satisfied. - Phai replied.

Bank looked at Phai with an uncomfortable expression. However, Phai raised his hand to gently stroke Bank's head, making him feel as if his heart was beating uncontrollably. Phai raised his hand to greet Bank's parents and then turned to smile at Fon.

- Where is Father Phai going? - asked Ingfah.

To the restaurant. - Phai replied before leaving Bank's house. Bank got up immediately and followed him.

P'Phai, what's wrong with you? Bank quickly grabbed Phai's hand, who didn't look at Bank's face. He sighed softly and then turned to smile.

Is nothing. I have some documents to sort out. Today, we will have new products arriving at the restaurant. I don't want to be late. - Phai said. Bank looked into his loved one's eyes, with a heart full of hesitation, as he felt there was something more.

Well... So, I'll go look for you. - Bank said, and Phai nodded before getting in the car and driving away.

Bank felt increasing anxiety upon seeing Phai's expression, as he realized there was more to it than he was letting on, but he had to return home to share the meal with his daughter.

When Phai arrived at the restaurant, he called his subordinates to discuss work for a while. Afterwards he sat alone in the office, his head resting on the chair, and thought about Bank and Ingfah.

I look like a child. Why get upset about something like that? - Phai said out loud, as he knew well that there was a hidden resentment. Seeing that Ingfah seemed happy when she was with Fon, he began to think further: "What if Ingfah wanted her parents to be together?"

- Oh, that's crazy, you bastard. - he muttered to himself before raising an eyebrow when he heard the knock on the door.

The office door opened and there was Bank, once again.

- Is Fon back yet? - asked Phai to normalize his expression.

- Yes. - Bank replied and approached Phai. Bank stood next to the chair where Phai was sitting, but Phai raised his eyebrows.

- Do you have something to tell me? - Bank asked. Phai made a slightly confused expression.

- Say what? - Phai asked back. Bank then moved to sit on the edge of the worktable, turning to Phai.

- I know you're thinking about something. I want you to express this. said Bank in a serious tone. Phai looked into Bank's eyes and just smiled softly when he realized that if he noticed when it was Bank, then Bank would also notice when it was with him, because they had known each other for a long time.

I'm just thinking about something unimportant. - Phai replied directly, but Bank was still looking at him without looking away. Phai smiled slightly before taking Bank's hand and holding it.

I... I'm just thinking that if you and Fon become a family again, Ingfah will be happy. - Phai didn't say clearly, making Bank's face tense immediately upon hearing this.

When you were all sitting together, the three of you, I couldn't help but think how suitable you would be for Fon. - Phai said, before being interrupted by Bank who removed the hand he was holding, making Phai look at Bank immediately.

Are you going crazy? Do you want me to go back and stay with Fon or something? - Bank questioned in an irritated voice. Phai tried to hold Bank's hand again, but Bank refused with a gesture to prevent him from touching him and made to move away. Then, Phai hurried to hug Bank's waist, tilting his head to sink into his loved one's stomach.

Listen to me first. - Phai said in a low voice. Bank sat silently.

I'm just thinking that if it's really like this, Ingfah will be happy. But if you ask me, I don't want to. Bank, I don't want you to date anyone again. - Phai said again. Bank took a deep breath, exhaled heavily and looked to the side.

Please don't think for me and

for my daughter. Most of the time I talked to Fon was mainly about you. Fon knows we're together and she's happy for both of us. If you saw that I was playing with Fon, it's because she also couldn't stop teasing me. That's why I teased her back. Fon is not looking to rebuild a family with me, because she chose her own path. All Fon asks is to spend time with his daughter. That's all she wants. There's nothing left, P'Phai. - explained Bank.

- So, when you say it like that, it seems like you want to push me to be with someone else, without even asking what I really want. - Bank complained.

I'm just thinking neutrally, I didn't decide to act that way. Phai apologized.

And why are you thinking like that? - Bank spoke with a tone of discontent, and Phai began to become quiet when he noticed that Bank began to express his dissatisfaction.

I was just thinking too much. said Phai in a soft voice. Bank frowned and let out a soft sigh, before reaching up to rub Phai's back and stroke the hair at the back of his neck. Phai's attitude now was like that of a child who has done something wrong and is begging for forgiveness.

P'Phai, it was you who told me, that even if we have misunderstandings or any obstacles that come our way, we should think about the things we went through, about how difficult it was to get to where we are now. Do you really think I'll leave you so easily? - Bank said, and Phai realized he was being sincere.

Phai, don't you trust me? I love you so much and you still think I want to create a family with someone else? As for what Ingfah thinks, I also have something for you to see. - Bank said before moving a little, then picked up a paper that he had folded himself, taking it out from behind his pants.

Phai tilted his head to get a better look, Bank lifted the sheet, revealing a hand-drawn drawing that was clearly Ingfah's, as there was a written score indicating 10 out of 10, as Ingfah had been praised for drawing well that day.

- Ingfah drew this, right? - Phai asked to be sure, and Bank nodded confidently.

Ingfah asked for you, said he would give you the drawing to see. What do you see here? - Bank asked back, Phai looked directly at the image.

It was an image of two men holding the hands of a girl in a dress, standing in front of a house. In another corner, there was a woman holding a pot-like utensil, and next to her, a man holding a vase of flowers.

- Ingfah said they are my parents, because my mother cooks very well, and my father also likes to plant flowers. - Bank pointed to the couple next to him.

As for the girl in front, I don't need to tell you, you should already know that it is Ingfah. - Bank explained again. Phai just raised his head to accept the information.

And these two... - Bank pointed to the two men who were holding the girl's hands.

You and I? - Phai asked in a low voice.

Yes, Ingfah said she has to have you and she wants you to be with us. The teacher asked to draw a family, which means Ingfah sees you as part of our family. Bank expressed his love once again.

Phai felt like his heart was overflowing. The feeling of despondency he felt previously now felt lighter, largely dissipating.

So, I joked with Ingfah and asked if she wanted mother Fon to be in the drawing. Ingfah said that she would draw in another house, because this one is already full with just us. - Bank pointed to the bright image of the house.

I teased her by asking her if she had to choose between her mother Fon and her father Phai, who would Ingfah choose. My daughter chose you. If you don't believe it, you can ask her. Ingfah loves you very much. The truth is that Fon is the biological mother, but Ingfah's bonds of love are as strong with you as they are with me. So you can stop worrying so much and stop acting like a squeamish old man. - Bank spoke sincerely.

This made Phai feel relieved to hear Ingfah's words come out of Bank's mouth. He was thinking too much.

Phai took a deep breath, he leaned forward towards Bank's stomach once again. Bank raised his hand to lightly stroke his loved one's hair.

I'm thinking too much, really. - Phai admitted directly.

Yes, suppose Fon really wanted to come back, would you be willing to back down? - Bank asked, with a face full of curiosity, while Phai shook his head from side to side.

If you don't think about retreating, then stop thinking. You can stop freaking out now. - Bank spoke with a sense of relief, knowing that Phai could already understand.

I stopped thinking and I won't think like that anymore. Sorry for making you feel bad. - Phai spoke with a real feeling of regret for having thought too much.

Bank smiled, accepting, while Phai looked up. Bank wrapped her arms around her lover's neck before lowering her face to place a soft kiss on Phai's lips, as if expressing tenderness.

I love you, P'Phai. Love much. I left my mistakes behind and we started again, together. Our love will be good, there will be no more mistakes between the two of us. - Bank spoke seriously, Phai smiled, accepting. He adjusted Bank's posture so that he was sitting comfortably on his lap.

I love you too, Bank. Very. - Phai replied without softening his voice.

Yes, changing the word 'think' to 'love' is much better. - Bank said smiling and Phai returned the smile, before leaning in to kiss Bank. This time, they both kissed with confidence, building a mutual certainty that they would love each other like this forever.

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