The Story Of Hell

By izzysalt

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Meet Karma who wants to be an overload and is only staying at the Hazbin Hotel to learn more about Alastor. A... More

Radio Killed The Video Star
Scrabbled Eggs
Dad Beat Dad
Welcome To Heaven
Hello Rosie
Charlie's Second Guest
A Pure Soul

The Show Must Go On

325 15 5
By izzysalt

Charlie watched all the cannibals getting ready to fight

Charlie: Oh I wish my mom were here to see this

Vaggie and Karma walked up to her

Vaggie: The cannibals seem ready to fight. Are we?

Karma: I definitely am

Then Pentious arrived wearing an army uniform

Pentious: Fear not damsels! I shall have the staff ready for victorious combat!

Vaggie: What in the hell are you supposed to be?

Pentious saluted

Pentious: General Pentious reporting for duty! I'll turn those rapscallions into soldiers in no time at all!

Karma: I gotta admit I love the attitude Pen!

Pentious blushed a little

Pentious: R-Really?

Karma: Yeah!

Nifty jumped off of Pentious

Niffty: What can I do to help?

Pentious: I'm glad you asked soldier! The base needs fortifications. Reinforce the southern wall! Create a moat around the perimeter to stop a ground assault!

Nifty just blinked at Pentious

Charlie: How about this? If you see an angel stab it!

Charlie handed nifty an angelic knife

Nifty: Oooh!

She saw Angel and ran towards him

Nifty: Stab! Stab Stab!

Angel climbed on a hotel pole to avoid nifty

Charlie: Not him!

Nifty walked away then Angel flipped off the pole and back onto the ground

Karma: show off

Vaggie walked in front of the crowd

Vaggie: Listen up sinners! We've got 24 hours before the extermination begins!

Charlie stood on a box and held a microphone

Charlie: I want to thank everyone for coming. Even people who aren't staying here yet... Cherri

Cherri was in the crowd standing next to angel

Cherri: Look I can't resist a fight okay? Especially when I get to tag team with this fuck head

She pointed at Angel

Charlie: Tomorrow the exorcists will face a Hell ready to defend itself and win!

Vaggie: Yeah! Yeah we will! Tell them baby!

Karma: we're gonna tear them apart limb from limb until there's nothing left!

Charlie: Yes! And we are going to win! But... in case we don't I want you all to know... that getting to know you has been the biggest honour of my life. Whatever redemption really means I know you all tried. I have seen the good in all of you. And it's... I-I'm just... I love you all so much and live tonight however you want because-

Nifty: We're all gonna die! Hahaha!!

Vaggie: Alright! Let's give it up for not dying! Love not dying!

Karma: how about a song?

Charlie: Oh yes! Good idea!

She made sure the microphone was still working

Charlie: time now too
fight now lets turn our
losing streak around
rise and unite lets do
what we must do and
If we're to win we can
not go back or sneak
around and once we
begin the only way is
through through that
fire through that rain
we will face whatever
the angels may bring
so tear through every
wall through the fear
through the pain and
as one we will all rise
marching tall through
it all

Karma: you think we're turning back now?

Angel: its time now to

Husk: we will save our
home and then take
it back!

Pentious: I'm at your

Alastor: so onward we
ride who knows if we
will make it back

Vaggie: we're at your

Cherri: together we'll
come through

All: through the strife
through the fray

Charlie: we can't hold
back in a time of need

Pentious: we all must
heed the call

All: through the dark
to the day so as one
we will rise marching
tall through it all and
through it all through
it all!


They all went back inside the hotel for drinks

Pentious: Here's to being alive today and not dying tomorrow!

All: Yeah!

Karma sat at the bar with Angel and Husk

Husk: Last day of afterlife and you're not off snorting a line off some hunk's abs?

Angel: Eh you fucked one cannibal pool boy you fucked them all

Husk: I guess you have changed

He looked at Karma

Husk: that goes for you to. Seems like you actually give a shit about others

Karma: hey what can I say? You guys have grown on me

Angel: hey Charlie said live tonight however we wanted so pour we get a fresh one and let's get to living!

Karma: I like the way you think!

Just then Pentious tapped Karma on the shoulder

Pentious: Uh... Miss Karma?

Karma turned

Karma: yeah Pen?

Pentious blushed again

Pentious: I want to tell you that I...

Charlie was watching this happen but Vaggie helped her walk away

Pentious: I-I love... I'd love to wish you good luck in the battle ahead!

He held out his hand

Karma: Uh you to

She shook his hand

Pentious: you are... have always been very powerful whether you're an overlord or not!

Karma: Thanks pen

Pentious: Anyway I guess...

Karma leaned forward a little bit and Pentious continued to blush

Pentious: P-Please don't die tomorrow ok bye!!

He went back to Charlie and Vaggie but Karma actually looked a little disappointed. Then Angel handed her another drink

Angel: you could totally top that

Karma: I know

Angel: cause you know... I heard he has two dicks

Karma looked back at pentious

Karma: ...Huh


Later that day everyone stood outside the hotel ready to fight as the portal to heaven opened

Vaggie: Here they come! Get ready everyone! We fight together! FOR YOUR SOULS!

All: YEAH!

Adam Lute and all the angels arrived

Charlie: let's fuck them up!!

Alastor was on the roof of the hotel

Alastor: lets the slaughter begin...

He created a giant shield around the hotel while Adam and Lute were flying right outside of it

Adam: The fuck?!

Lute: They appear to have some kind of shield sir!

Adam: Oh really? I didn't see this giant fucking shield in front of me! You dumb bitch! No shit!

The team continued to fight the Angels from the inside

Angel: Come and get some!

Cherri: Eat shrapnel fuckers!

Cherri threw three bombs at angels which exploded in front of them

Pentious: All angelic weapons fire at will!

Angelic weapons fired out of cannons

Husk: yelling while fighting doesn't help!

Karma stepped on an angels head to hard she crushed it

Karma: oh come on husk! It gets your blood pumping!

Husk: Ok fine!

He continued to fight off the angels


There was an explosion behind Husk and Angel couldn't look away

Angel: Whoa...

Karma: I finally get what you see in him

Angel: I know right?

Charlie and Vaggie started fighting back to back

Charlie: Alastor's shield is working!

Vaggie: Trying to focus sweetie!

Charlie: We might actually have a chance!

Vaggie: Love the optimism!

She pulled her spear out of an angels chest

Vaggie: Still trying to focus!

Vaggie cut off an angels head but then Adam destroyed the shield

Angel: Fuck!

Karma: god damn it!

Charlie: Oh no!

Adam flew towards Alastor and they both started fighting

Karma: Oh I've been waiting a long time for this-!

She was about to fly to the roof but another angel grabbed her leg

Karma: What the fuck-!

The angel slammed karma onto the ground but when Karma got back up Lucky kicked that Angel against the wall

Lucky: Stay away from my sister!

Karma: ...Sally?

Lucky: Nicole I-!

Karma suddenly attacked Lucky but she got out of the way in time

Karma: You think you can just show up NOW of all times?!

Lucky: I'm trying to help you Nicole!

Karma: ITS KARMA BITCH! And you're trying to help after what you did to me?!

Lucky: I didn't do anything! It was an accident!


She was about to punch Lucky but she dodged and punched the hotel wall instead

Karma: Are you fucking kidding me?!

Sally and Nicole got into an argument

Karma: I was making money with everything I was doing but you had to ruin it!

Nicole ran away from the police

Karma: I thought sisters cared about each other not hurt them!

Lucky: I DO CARE! I looked for you I swear!

Sally watched a cop shoot Nicole in the chest

Lucky: ...But when I saw you... it was to late... that day was all my fault Karma...

Karma: glad you could admit it. Want a prize?

Lucky: I'm sorry Karma... I'm so sorry for what happened I'm sorry you ended up here and I know I can't make that right... I know why you hate me but your still my sister and I still love you... I don't know what else to-

Suddenly Karma stabbed an angel that was behind Lucky

Karma: TAKE THAT FUCKER! Anyway why didn't you tell me this sooner?!

Lucky: when a person dies and is sent to heaven they only remember good memories... But when Charlie told Sera about you I remembered that day and I knew I had to make things right!

Karma started fighting off more angels and wiped the blood off her face

Karma: it's hard to just forgive you after over 30 years!

Lucky: then let me make up for lost time!

Lucky summoned her powers. She grew another pair of wings and her halo got bigger which she used as a weapon. Lucky also got rid of her dress and hand pants underneath

Karma: ...Whoa!

Lucky: pretty cool right?

Karma summoned her power too. she grew another pair of wings, her horns got bigger and her eyes went completely red

Then both Karma and Lucky stood next to each other ready to fight

Karma: once this is over we go our separate ways

Lucky: ...If that makes you feel better

Karma: this could get
a little sticky how too
win this battle could
be tricky but we got
the best way so fall
back let her lead so
you hold a line and
we'll bring them too
their knees

Karma picked up a sword and stabbed an angel in the knees

Lucky: a sword in the
air if you are with me
we are outnumbered
but now victory now
is ours cause I got a
strategy you take the
left so the rest of you
can follow me

Karma pointed the sword at Lucky

Karma: no! this isn't
your crew

Lucky: well I know the

Karma: this is my turf

Charlie ran up to them

Charlie: oh my gosh!
look guys we've got
bigger fish to fry put
the differences aside
since now we're on
the same side

The battle started to become even more intense

Vaggie: until the night
falls everyone we will
all stay together until
the battle is done

All: watch your back
watch your back and
watch your back and
watch your back we
can counter a attack
hit them until all the
armor cracks

Lucky kicked an angel into the ground

Lucky: until the night
falls we're aligned

Karma sliced the same angels head off and glared at Lucky

Karma: that doesn't
mean that we are on
the same side

All: watch your back
watch your back and
watch your back and
watch your back hit
them hard and then
hit them fast they're
too mad to react

Karma and Lucky were surrounded by even more angels

Lucky: this situations
getting kind of heavy
hold the weapons and
tight keep it all steady
because if we'll stick
together we can make
it out alive I'll cause a
distraction you attack
them from the side

Karma stabbed one of the angels in the chest and started fighting off the rest

Karma: all the soldiers
stand at the ready we
can cut them up like
confetti we'll hit them
from the front so you
counter from behind
don't forget the fate
of hell is on the line

Everyone actually began to win the fight

All: this is all out war
and they have us all
outnumbered so the
way swords clash is
the sound of all that

Charlie threw an angel against the wall of the hotel

Charlie: so we are not
going under and we'll
never run for cover!

All: we battle for the
victory and ride for
each other

Vaggie stabbed another angel in the head with her spear

Vaggie: until the night
falls everyone

All: we'll stay together
until the battle is done
back to back back to
back so back to back
back to back we can
counter their attack
hit them until all the
armor cracks

Lucky: until the night
falls we're aligned

Lucky flew up to Karma

Karma: that doesn't
mean that we're on
the same side

Then Karma started fighting on her own

All: back to back back
to back back to back
back to back hit them
hard and hit them fast
they're too heavy too

Pentious continued to command everyone during battle

Pentious: Right flank advance! Left flank watch your six. Ladies! There are more coming up on your right. Get ready for them Vagatha!

Vaggie: Not my name but got it!

Karma and Lucky were still fighting together

Karma: when did you learn to fight?

Lucky: I was just given these abilities when I got to heaven!

Karma stabbed an angel in the throat

Karma: that's what happened to me when I got to hell

Charlie pushed another angel onto the ground

Charlie: see?! You have so much in common!

Karma: stay out of this Charlie!

Husk started fighting with Angel

Husk: These fucking angels won't stop coming!

Angel: HA!

Husk: Okay I walked right into that one

Suddenly Adam flew up to the battle and started shooting his holy light everywhere


Another blast knocked Charlie and Vaggie onto the ground

Charlie: What? Alastor was supposed to handle him! Oh no... he must be-!

Karma: MOVE!!

Karma pulled Charlie out of the way from Adam's attack while Lucky saved Vaggie

Lucky: are you both ok?

Vaggie: yes but we aren't going to last long unless we do something about him!

Pentious looked at Adam from the balcony

Pentious: of course! Karma!!

Karma looked at pentious and flew up to him

Karma: Pentious we're in the middle of a battle what are you doing?!

Pentious: Thisss!

He kissed her as an explosion went off behind them. He then broke the kiss

Pentious: Karma your quest for power is what made me fall in love with you! never losssse that passsion! Remember me!

Pentious went inside his ship and it took off

Karma: Wait... PENTIOUS!!!

Karma flew towards his ship but it prepared a gigantic cannon which locked on Adam

Charlie: Pentious?

Angel: That crazy motherfucker...

Pentious looked at the piece of fabric from Karma's skirt he tore off that she let him keep

Pentious: ...Fire!

The cannon fired and actually hit Adam but instead of vaporizing him it just burned his wings and mask


He blasted back disintegrating the ship

All: NOOO!!!

Karma: Pen...

Karma didn't realize she was crying until she wiped her face

Adam: Aww crying over that sad snake? You're even more pathetic then he was!

Karma: ... he's not pathetic!!

Then Karma and Charlie both summoned there powers. Karma got bigger, grew another pair of wings, her horns got larger and her eyes went completely red

Charlie: Razzle! Dazzle!

Razzle and Dazzle became giant dragons which Charlie and Vaggie rode on

Charlie: let's ride!!

Adam: Oh look who thinks they're badass now!

Lute: The traitor came to die!

Lute attacked Vaggie and they both landed inside the hotel

Charlie and Karma: Vaggie-!

Just then Adam flew in front of them

Adam: Surprise bitches!!

He smacked both Charlie and Karma onto the roof of the hotel

Adam: Risking your immortal life for sinners? That's some crazy shit even for Lucifer's brat and some wannabe overlord

Charlie: These sinners are my family!

Adam: 'These sinners are my famwy'! Do you even hear yourself?! You should've stayed in your place girlie-

Suddenly Charlie stabbed Adam in the shoulder and Karma cut off his arm with her wing

Adam: AHHHH!!! FUCK!!!

Charlie: That's Princess of Hell to you pig!

Karma: also my name is KARMA asshole!


Karma: and would do the same to your other arm which I CAN!

Adam looked at Karma and Charlie who were ready to fight then stood up

Adam: Hahaha! Ok!

He quickly slapped Karma against the wall and grabbed Charlie by the neck

Karma: You mother fucker-!

Karma and was about to stand and Vaggie flew up to the roof but Lute tackled both of them

Vaggie: Charlie!

Charlie: Let... me... go!

Adam: This fight was cute and but it's t-t-t-time to die with the rest of them!

At that moment Adam was suddenly punched in the face by Lucifer and he caught Charlie

Charlie: Dad?

Lucifer: Sorry I wasn't here sooner sweetie

Adam stood up from the ground and his mask was completely gone

Adam: Okay seriously? How many of you freaks do I have to fight?!

Lucifer walked up to Adam

Lucifer: Oh I'm the only one that matters. You see you messed with my daughter and now I am going to FUCK you!

Everyone stared at him blankly

Karma: ...Huh

Charlie got closer to her dad

Charlie: It's fuck you up Dad

Lucifer: wait what did I say-

Adam attacked Lucifer and they both started fighting in the air

Lucifer: So this is what you been up to since Eden? Gotta say you've really let yourself go buddy! Also what happened to your arm?

Adam: None of your fucking business! And you can't judge me when you're the most hated being an old creation!

Adam tried to shoot his angelic light at Lucifer but Lucifer dodges

Lucifer: Well your first wife didn't seem to hate what I had to offer... or the second!

Karma: Ooooh! Drama!

Adam: Stat out of this you nosy bitch!!

Adam shot holy light at Karma and she got out of the way but the blast completely destroyed the hotel.

Karma started flying so she wouldn't fall and Lucifer caught Charlie in time

Lucifer: I got you

Karma saw Adam flying towards them

Karma: LOOK OUT!

Charlie saw Adam and made her hand bigger and red then grabbed Adam's fist

Adam: Wait what the fuck?!

Both Lucifer and Charlie threw Adam onto the ground as hard as they could


Lucifer flew up to Adam and punched him in the face over and over again but Charlie stopped him from going any further

Charlie: Whoa whoa dad! He's had enough

Lucifer looked back at Adam and stood up

Lucifer: How's mercy taste you little bitch?

Everyone else regrouped with Charlie and Lucifer but then Adam stood up

Adam: No... you don't get to end this! I'm fucking Adam!

Karma: Don't care

Adam: I'm the fucking man and you're just some fucking clown or something!

Karma: we're not

Adam: I started everything on Earth! All of mankind came from these fucking nuts!

Karma: so?

Adam: You all should be worshipping me!

Karma: we don't

Adam: you ungrateful, disgusting, fucking losers-!

At that moment someone stabbed him in the back

Adam: AHH!!

Vaggie: whoa!

Lucifer: Hey you got something sticking outta your... your thing there

Lucky: do you want someone to... pull it out?

Adam fell on the floor revealing nifty to be the one who stabbed him

Charlie: Nifty?!

Nifty continued to stab Adam multiple times

Nifty: Stab! Stab! Stab! Hahaha!

Karma: ...should've seen that coming

Lute stood up from the ground and saw Adam

Lute: No!!! Sir!

She moved his head to face her

Lute: Stay with me sir!

Adam smiled at Lute then finally died

Lute: ADAM!

Lucky was the only one who felt bad for lute

Charlie: it's over

Lucifer: Take your little friends and GO HOME! Please

Karma: do us all a favor and never come back you fucking bitch

Lute grabbed Adam's halo and flew back to heaven with the other angels

Lucifer: so... who's up for pancakes?

Nifty raised her hand then Karma saw Lucky and then ran up to her


Lucky: you were but this time I stayed with you

She hugged Karma but immediately let go

Lucky: sorry did I get
to close did I almost
see what is really on
the inside all of your
insecurities all of the
dirty movies it never
made me blink one

Karma walked away from lucky

Lucky: unconditional
unconditionally I love
you unconditionally
there is no fear now
let go to just be free
I still love you Karma
unconditionally and
come just you are to
me and I'm so sorry
know you are worthy
I'll take the bad days
with your good walk
through the storm I
would all because I
love you I love you

Lucky held Karma's hand but she still didn't look at her

Lucky: unconditional
unconditionally I love
you unconditionally
there is no fear now
let go to just be free
I still love you karma
even if you hate me

Karma tried not to cry

Lucky: open up your
heart and just let it
begin open up your
heart and just let it
begin open up your
heart and just let it
begin open up your
heart acceptance is
the key too be to be
truly free will you do
the same for me?

Karma hugged her sister and they both flew into the air

Karma: unconditional
unconditionally I love
you unconditionally
and there is no fear
now let go and just
be free

Lucky: because I love
you unconditionally!

Karma and Lucky landed on the ground

Both: and I love you
unconditionally I sill
love you you're my
family I will love you

Karma looked at all of her friends

Karma: Guys meet my sister Lucky. Your already met Charlie and Vaggie

Lucky: Hi

Cherri: nice to meet you bitch!

Lucky: Uh... it's nice to meet you too

She saw Husk and gasped

Lucky: Kitty!

Husk: wait what-

Lucky started to cuddle him

Lucky: oh my gosh you're so cute and fluffy!

Husk: ...Karma what the fuck?!

Karma: she's a cat person just go with it!

Husk: Really?

Angel separated Lucky from Husk

Angel: You done?

Lucky: Yeah sorry!

Charlie looked at the destroyed hotel. She picked up keekee and fat nuggets ran into angels arms

Then Charlie saw Pentious banner on the floor

Charlie: he did this for
us ultimate sacrifice
he gave me all of his
trust so look how we
pay the price all this
blood shed could've
all been avoided If I
convinced heaven to
work together I took
the hotel I destroyed
it I know could have
done better

Charlie fell on her knees

Charlie: better instead
of letting you down

Lucifer walked next to Charlie

Lucifer: come on little
lady why the frown In
the last ten thousand
years you're the first
too change the town
you can do this now I
know it! for your story
has just begun so you
can't quit now so hell
you owe it there's still
some damage to be

Karma and Lucky walked up to Charlie

Karma: and so you've
changed my mind and
you've all touched my
heart I saw my sister
after so long apart

Lucky: this may look
bad but don't be sad
because Charlie! the
show it must go on!

Charlie's friends also supported her

All: we can do this we
can build it

Lucky: best hotel that
you've ever seen!

Karma: twice the bed
rooms we can fill it!

Lucifer: more sinners
than you can dream!

All: It starts with you
you know it's true to
fulfill your destiny!

Vaggie held out her hand and Charlie held onto it then stood up

Charlie: so long as I've
got all of you with me!

Everyone started to build the hotel together

Nifty: to build a hotel
I think we need some
brick and lumber

Lucifer: good thing we
are in Hell check out
and this little magic

Keekee created more wood out of thin air

Angel: we start with

Lucifer: and with more
remedial creation for

Karma helped push a pillar straight up

Karma: It's as easy as
can be!

Charlie: so no time for
crying we've got a lot
of work to do and we
have to try and make
the best of what's in

Charlie handed Vaggie a paint brush

Vaggie: new coat of

Husk flew higher to set up lights

Husk: and new lights
across the marquee

Lucky: add just a little

Charlie and Lucky lit up all the lights


Meanwhile Vox kicked open his door and joined Valentino and velvette

Vox: after the battle
masterless cattle!

Velvette zoomed in on the video and saw Lucky

Velvette: now there's a

Vox: so the overlords
hanging by a thread
with a bit of bravado
maybe tomorrow we
will be atop the heap!

Valentino: while the
rest of hell's pissing!

Velvette: and nobody

Vox: Alastor's missing!
fled with tail between
his legs nature abhors
a power vacuum that
leaves room for you
and me!

Velvette: the future of
hell belongs to the Vs!


Back with Alastor he made it back to his radio station

Alastor: and this place
reeks of death theres
a chill in the air and I
barely escaped being
killed by the hair great
Alastor altruist he died
for his friends so sorry
too disappoint that is
not where this will end
I want all this freedom
like never before now
the constraints of this
deal it surely have the
backdoor once I know
how too unclip these
wings guess who will
be pulling the strings?!


The whole group finally finished the new hazbin hotel

All: we can do this!

Charlie: we can do this!

Karma set up pentious portrait

Karma: we'll be better!

Charlie: we'll be better!

Everyone saluted at the portrait

All: though redemption
may take a while!

Karma hugged Lucky

Karma: though it may
take a while!

Lucky hugged back and everyone joined in

Lucky: I'll help make
heaven be a better

All: wayward sinners
clear their ledger!

Then Alastor appeared out of nowhere

Alastor: and we are
doing it with a smile!

They all hugged him to

All: Al!

Lucifer: Oh this guy...

Everyone looked at the finished hotel

Charlie: we've made
a difference wait and

Keekee became the hotel key and Charlie held it

All: we're going to do
this you and me and
then tomorrow it'll be
a fucking happy day
in Heeeeeell!

The new Hazbin Hotel lights lit up. Then Karma looked at Lucky

Karma: so I'm guessing you'll be heading back to heaven?

Lucky: yeah but I'll be back I promise

She held Karma's hand

Lucky: I won't let anything separate us again

Karma hugged Lucky one more time and she went back to heaven through a portal


Back in heaven sir pentious arrived in an office as a redeemed angel

Pentious: what? Where... where am I?!

He saw Sera Emily and Lucky sitting at a table in front of him

Pentious: oh... hello!

Sera looked shocked while Emily and Lucky were super happy


Meanwhile on a beach also in heaven Lute dropped Adam's halo in front of someone

Lute: Adam is dead. Your deal is done and I'm in charge now. Your brat is threatening the very foundation of Heaven and if you want to stay here you're going down there and stopping that bitch. You understand me... Lilith?

Lilith just glared at Lute

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